How To Use Parasitic plant In A Sentence
Parasitic plants may affect host fitness by absorbing resources that are essential for host growth and reproduction.
And for further simplification, the system in this study also does not include carnivorous and parasitic plants.
Nevertheless, growing these parasitic plants in vitro is difficult, because of their dependence on a connection to hosts for normal development, and because of their specific germination requirements.
A sure sign that water is contaminated is "the parasitic plant known as the lemna gibba or green water lentil" -- it's a kind of duckweed -- "which grows in aquatic environments into which urban runoff is continually discharged.
Anneli Rufus: Lake Titicaca Is Full of Sh*t
TORONTO, ON - Each year, thousands of acres of crops are planted throughout Africa, Asia and Australia only to be laid to waste by a parasitic plant called Striga, also known as witchweed.
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Noted plant geek and recently appointed Director of Horticulture, Scott Vergara will lead you through slides and a garden tour into their world, and you'll discover great garden-hardy ‘scroph’ specimens: weird snapdragons, beautiful beardtongues, parasitic plants, the rare, the fleeting, and the much-to-be-desired.
In vitro infection of host roots by differentiated calli of the parasitic plant Orobanche was also achieved in O. ramosa.
This observer claimed to have discovered in the cankerous secretions the existence of a vegetable parasite (namely, a cryptogam, as in favus), which he termed the keraphyton, or parasitic plant of the horn.
Diseases of the Horse's Foot
Some facultative parasitic plants such as Rhinanthus minor appear to have functional photosynthetic apparatus and can grow without a host providing reduced carbon.
They say that the parasitic plant which grows on nettles is nationally scarce and grows on only 100 sites across the country.
While Epifagus and Orobanche totally lack chlorophyll and therefore photosynthetic ability, there are some genera of parasitic plants that appear to be in the process of losing the ability to photosynthesize.
Oaks covered with dodder, that is, with parasitic plants, and therefore dead or dying.
Palamon and Arcite
Parasitic plants can form haustoria within various host tissues, and this has led to convenient, yet unsatisfactory distinctions being made between a ‘shoot parasite’ and a ‘root parasite’.
The parasitic plants germinate on white fir branches and force their roots into the phloem of the host branch.
White fir
This approach needs to be refined and extended to other associations between parasitic plants and their hosts.
I never knew that mistletoe was a parasitic plant that grew off a host tree.