How To Use Parasitic jaeger In A Sentence
Some common shorebirds and seabirds in the Southern Arctic are the semi-palmated plover, northern phalarope, lapland longspur, parasitic jaeger, and semi-palmated plover.
Watchers at Monomoy this past week discovered hundreds of Wilson's petrels, a few sooty shearwaters, eiders and parasitic jaegers.
Representative species include snow, Brant and Canada goose; yellow-billed, Arctic, and red-throated loons; whistling swans; oldsquaw ducks; gyrfalcons; willow and rock ptarmigan; red-necked phalarope; parasitic jaeger; snowy owls; hoary redpoll and snow bunting.
Tundra ecoregion (CEC)
Representative species include snow, Brant and Canada goose; yellow-billed, Arctic, and red-throated loons; whistling swans; oldsquaw ducks; gyrfalcons; willow and rock ptarmigan; red-necked phalarope; parasitic jaeger; snowy owls; hoary redpoll and snow bunting.
Tundra ecoregion (CEC)
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