How To Use Paraprofessional In A Sentence
Education for the family and other caregivers including professional and paraprofessional health care providers, and school and emergency personnel, is a critical component of the discharge process.
Academic tutoring, designed to promote reading skills, was also provided by the paraprofessional tutors.
There's this one paraprofessional who's got this chest like a shelf, right?
If a teacher is out sick there are only two paraprofessionals to handle the students.
As a collaborative partner, each district nominates potential candidates from its existing paraprofessional workforce.
Beginning special education teachers need well-developed interpersonal skills that can be effectively employed with parents, professionals, and paraprofessionals.
Because of her background experiences, Martha also had the perspective to question the effectiveness of the traditional paraprofessional role.
Nearly 28% reported 41 or more hours per week of paraprofessional assistance, combining the hours of multiple paraprofessionals.
Paraprofessional aides are much less technically expert than are professionals, but they often more than make up for their lower degree of technical expertise through their greater social expertness.
Diffusion of Innovations
A third concern about the practices employed regarding paraprofessionals is that the majority of respondents reported that no one planned for the paraprofessional.
This may have some effect on the use of paraprofessional volunteers to provide service.
Much of the work done by doctors should be transferred to paraprofessionals and to self-diagnosis and self-treatment.
In all countries that we studied paraprofessionals constitute the bulk of the social welfare work-force.
The Pathways program serves as a useful model for recruiting paraprofessionals and selecting teacher candidates.
In all countries that we studied paraprofessionals constitute the bulk of the social welfare work-force.
The community college's medical training programs would result in a lot of people who are now only marginally employed moving into paraprofessional positions that pay more.
The rationale was that patients could readily identify with paraprofessional case managers and be receptive to their influence.
Psychiatric patient education can be implemented by a variety of professionals and properly trained paraprofessionals.
Teachers with master's degrees were doing the work of paraprofessionals.
Rural psychologists must learn to appreciate the different educational and training backgrounds of other mental health professionals and paraprofessionals.
Several visionary university and school district partnerships across the country have initiated and maintained a ‘grow-your-own’ plan to assist their paraprofessional staff to become bilingual teachers.
They acquire skills in the areas of welfare and counseling, as well as the usual range of paraprofessional duties.
Retired teachers, in particular, can make fine paraprofessionals in the classroom.
Nearly 65% of respondents reported 1 to 10 years of experience supervising paraprofessionals, and 29% reported more than 11 years of paraprofessional supervision.
Another 2,300 workers, including paraprofessional workers in the city's schools, are scheduled to lose their jobs over the next five weeks.
Third, our teacher felt that she could have benefited from instruction related to managing and coordinating paraprofessionals.
One example of stereotyping bias is the textbook portrayal of people of color only in paraprofessional roles (ie, as aides who assist professionals).
Active drug users were identified and screened for eligibility by indigenous paraprofessional outreach workers in the community.
This study also identified some concerns about the practices employed by teachers and districts regarding paraprofessionals.
The instrument did not ask about the assignment of paraprofessional time to the IEP of students or the educational level or training of paraprofessionals.
The students, most of whom were educational paraprofessionals, had difficulty balancing their professional and academic careers and could not risk losing the income their jobs provided.
About half of the teachers assumed primary responsibility for the year-end evaluation of paraprofessionals.
Martha's experiences as both a normalista and a paraprofessional enhanced her development as an incipient teacher.
In my reserve incarnation, I was an Aeromedical Services Technician (non-flying), whose primary peacetime purpose was to perform the paraprofessional portion of the physical exam to flying personnel.
Both identified themselves as in 12-step recovery for many years, did not hold degrees in a human service field, and had several years of paraprofessional experience.
Teachers or paraprofessionals need not speak the language of the students, and the language of instruction is overwhelmingly in English.
Indigenous paraprofessional health educators (outreach workers) identified and screened active drug injectors using street outreach and drug user social networks.
Each team consists of ten professionals or paraprofessionals, including a psychiatrist, linked to a hospital or community mental health center.
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Rational Review
A related limitation is the fact that 14% of the participants had teacher ratings more than 7 days after the conclusion of the paraprofessional classroom aide, and two-third of these were more than 14 days later.
This category includes 188,603 ‘technicals and paraprofessionals,’ many of whom engage in pertinent academic professional activities.
However, paraprofessionals assumed primary responsibility for the personal care of students and for playground supervision.
Prior to the beginning of the new school year in September, they eliminated teaching positions, laid off teachers and paraprofessionals, cut benefits and drove more experienced teachers into early retirement.
A large, well-trained area extension staff, supplemented with part-time paraprofessionals, assisted him.
The paraprofessional model has worked well in Oklahoma in maintaining an infrastructure of preparedness with the flexibility to respond in times of greater need without the large fixed cost associated with full-time personnel.
Districts vary nationwide in where and under what conditions paraprofessionals are hired for general education classrooms.
He and his counseling center staff of six serve the mental health needs of these communities with the assistance of 21 village-based paraprofessionals.
In all countries that we studied paraprofessionals constitute the bulk of the social welfare work-force.