
How To Use Parapet In A Sentence

  • Upon these, and along the walls, which in most castles were topped by a parapet and a kind of embrasure called crennels, the defenders of the castle were stationed during a siege, and from thence discharged arrows, darts, stones, and every kind of annoyance they could procure, upon their enemies. Traditions of Lancashire, Volume 2 (of 2)
  • Hastening across the parapet from the opposite direction was a bowman as young as the man he'd shot. HERE BE DRAGONS
  • You were not able to check whether there were any splits or tears in the lead in the parapet gutter?
  • He would not have stuck his head above the parapet without some form of political cover, never mind without a possible financial backer behind the scenes.
  • One day she sat musing by a forest fountain, dressed in a robe of yellow silk, wantonly plucking the flowers which grew on the mossy parapet of the spring and binding them into a bouquet for the Clerk of Mezlean.
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  • They sat at one of the better tables up beside the parapet overlooking the courtyard.
  • Species are diagnosed on the basis of carinal height and the nature (height, symmetry, completeness) and number (zero, one, or two) of flanking rows or parapets.
  • My first sight of a trench was of two greasy clay walls with a parapet on the top and duckboards on the bottom.
  • The gun is placed under a vault whose generatrices are at right angles to the line of fire (Fig. 8), and which contains a niche that traverses the parapet. Scientific American Supplement, No. 531, March 6, 1886
  • Admirably willing to raise his head above the parapet and defend his corner, the barrel-chested midfielder might even be said to epitomise Martin O'Neill's side.
  • The new Pavilion boasted great stucco arches and curvilinear parapets on each of its four facades and three-story towers at the corners.
  • The mountain theme is incorporated throughout the facility - from its curved parapets and sculptured stone fountain to the grassy park with tree-covered walking trails.
  • The prized gothic building, with its intricate stonework and archways, is getting a new roof, new gutters and good-as-new parapets for £1.2 million as part of a huge restoration project.
  • It happened when the lorry hit a bridge parapet on the north bound carriageway, near Charnock Richard services.
  • Others were recklessly digging great holes in the footpath between the poplars, and ramming the earth into bags, or nailing together great pieces of driftwood, fished from the river, to form a screen behind the sandbags on the parapet and hold them against the pressure of the current, while carts kept rumbling in and unloading piles of stone and rubble against the wall and screen. The Paris Flood of 1910 | Edwardian Promenade
  • Wheeler and the other senior men were grouped inside the parapet, while the old wife, fanning herself with a leaf and sipping at a chatti, was sitting just outside with her escort squatting round her. Fiancée
  • Guns were run up close to the parapet, and double charges of canister played their part in the bloody work.
  • The corporal turned down his page of 'Harmsworth's Magazine,' laid it on the parapet, and dived under the tarpaulin. From Capetown to Ladysmith An Unfinished Record of the South African War
  • Mitty did so, hanging over the parapet at the northeastern corner of Gaddi House. A PLAGUE OF ANGELS
  • Then, with a beating of drums, forty or fifty well-built villagers filed out of the temple and took up their stations along the side of the tank parapet.
  • The product is flexible and easily formed by hand at the job site and is used for weep holes, horizontal and vertical masonry surfaces, parapets, or copings.
  • The berme usually left between the bottom of the parapet slope and the ditch was cut away so as to leave no level standing-place at the top of the scarp. Military Reminiscences of the Civil War, Volume 2 November 1863-June 1865
  • Repairs included re-lining the nave parapet gutters with lead, re-covering the north aisle roof with steel, and re-pointing stonework.
  • For instance, we are instructed to build a parapet / fence around any flat roof, to prevent anyone from falling.
  • They crossed the street to the rectory, an old-fashioned house nestling among the trees, the parapet and pillars of its broad veranda almost hidden by a heavy growth of ampelopsis. Charred Wood
  • Mr. Johnston confirmed that the blow-up is not very detailed and that the parapet is open to the extent that the wood is not attached to the wall and it's open to the air at the leading edge of the flashing.
  • On all three walls the shafts in this storey stand on a kind of kerb or parapet, which is interrupted in the middle of each bay, and the stilt of the round arch is treated almost like a classical entablature, and has a moulding or cornice above it, while the uppermost part of the wall is thickened, thereby necessitating over each bay a comprising arch, which on the north wall is round, but on the other walls follows the shape of the three sub-arches, and forms a kind of upper order to them. Bell's Cathedrals: The Cathedral Church of Ripon A Short History of the Church and a Description of Its Fabric
  • After successive _heaves_, the gunner halted the piece with the wheels touching the hurter -- the timber laid at the foot of the parapet to stop the wheels. Artillery Through the Ages A Short Illustrated History of Cannon, Emphasizing Types Used in America
  • While this inquiry was carried on, our hero and his companion concealed themselves among some weeds, that grew on the edge of the parapet, a few yards from the spot where he had agreed to meet the mousquetaire; and scarce had the morning rendered objects distinguishable when they perceived their men advancing boldly to the place. The Adventures of Peregrine Pickle
  • On the parapet surrounding the high bridge, unmoving and yet more visible than any other living shape on the ship, the rukh could see its father. Unnatural Selection
  • In his view the problem was caused by the cant not being placed so as to abut the vertical inside wall of the parapet, thus allowing a space between the vertical surface of the cant and the vertical inside surface of the parapet.
  • Notable features are the parapet above the third-floor cornice and the segmental window frames.
  • The wind funnelled along it, gusting through the gaps in the concrete parapet with a low, intermittent howl. A NASTY DOSE OF DEATH
  • You should be sure to form a parapet around the edges of the flat roof in order to contain your new upside-down roof from wind uplift.
  • A heavy cornice with dentils and modillions and a boxlike parapet with a decorative panel at the center crown the facade.
  • Guns usually stood on a flat terreplein, shooting over a wide earth parapet which was intended to absorb incoming fire, although they might also fire through splayed embrasures, or be housed in vaulted casemates on a lower storey.
  • A great length of the brattice is in splinters, we nearly lost a mangonel over the edge when the parapet went, but we managed to haul it in over the embrasure. A River So Long
  • Erected within the existing parapet walls, externally it is a simple box of fibre cement sheet with black-painted cover battens and projecting hardwood window frames.
  • The parapet of open work which runs round the summit of the apse is another beautiful feature of the exterior of the eastern part of the church. Bell's Cathedrals: The Abbey Church of Tewkesbury with some Account of the Priory Church of Deerhurst Gloucestershire
  • Three young men had a lucky escape after their car left the road, ploughed through a bridge parapet and ended up on its roof in a river.
  • Standing on a parapet of fictive marble, dressed in the brown habit of his order, St Francis gazes intently at a wooden crucifix held between his crossed hands.
  • The building of boardwalks at each side, the reinstallation of gas lanterns, the removal of the parapet and the sanding of the bridge were all elements of the project and it must be pursued fully.
  • The attacks started when Surrey County Council's contractors began work on the bridge to replace the parapets.
  • The big naval guns, brought from the empty ships in the basin, were mounted en barbette, meaning there were not enough embrasures to protect them so the weapons were firing directly over the wall's parapet and British gunner officers hungrily watched those pieces through their telescopes. Sharpe's Prey
  • Each of these frontons is again distinguished by bordering ornamental turrets on its either flanks, which are carried beyond the parapets.
  • F G the berme, or place left to prevent the parapet from washing down into the ditch. The Continental Monthly, Vol. 6, No 2, August, 1864 Devoted to Literature and National Policy
  • And framing the curving arches and flowing ramparts and parapets was the incredibly rich wood of the giant trees.
  • Mr Baggs expected his decision to stand in the election would provoke controversy, but said he is prepared to put his head above the parapet for what he believes in.
  • They call it ‘digging’ whether we do it with a spade in the dirt or when we mount stones with our hands to fix the parados and the parapet.
  • From June work begins on repairing parapets on the Millbrook flyover.
  • The Germans had "gassed" them twice, but the wind was too high and it blew the deadly fumes over the parapets. "The Red Watch" With the First Canadian Division in Flanders
  • Thank goodness someone in the county has the courage to stick their head above the parapet and challenge the validity of this quite outrageous system.
  • An internal spiral staircase connected the two, while around the top would have been a parapet providing a wide field of view.
  • The projecting porch with its embattled parapet is rendered with local marl and is a late sixteenth-century addition.
  • There will also be a new dry-stone parapet wall topped with a metal handrail in the form of a twisted rope, an echo of the days when barges were pulled along by ropes and horses.
  • Mitty did so, hanging over the parapet at the northeastern corner of Gaddi House. A PLAGUE OF ANGELS
  • Elsewhere, late afternoon sun seems to signal the coming end, as it washes over a group of revelers on a parapet celebrating the suicide of the poet Petronius.
  • Set within five acres of orchard and boasting battlements, parapet walkway, Great Hall and thick stone walls, the tower is perched above Crossford in the beautiful Clyde Valley.
  • The force of their wind, the downwash, almost blew Juma over the parapet. KARA KUSH
  • The parapet is a steel-plated wedge with no need for handrails, and the boardwalk is gently inclined for wheelchair users.
  • The edge of berm is protected by erecting parapet wall of dry stone masonry in Gabion structure.
  • When he looked again the water was as high as the peak of the parapet on the bridge, which is about 10 feet above the road.
  • De'Unnero barked at the nearest appar - ently healthy brother, a crossbowman on the parapet beside the gate tower. Mortalis
  • It raises its head up above the parapet now and then and when it finds me it bites me hard and makes me cry.
  • The structure reminded Manda of a creepy haunted mansion she'd often seen in movies, the grouped chimneys and pinnacles, the sloping roof, the parapets and the oriel and quatrefoil windows.
  • The nebule, chiefly used for the fascia under a parapet. The Principles of Gothic Ecclesiastical Architecture, Elucidated by Question and Answer, 4th ed.
  • The house is two storeys high, excluding a deep basement and an attic storey tucked behind the parapet which hides the hipped roof.
  • Scottish corruption of "bratticing" or "brattishing," from O.Fr. _bretesche_, and meaning a battlemented parapet; apparently first used by Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 3 "Banks" to "Bassoon"
  • There were many people abroad, going to and fro, unhurrying, but not aimless, and I watched them so attentively that were you to ask me for the most elementary details of the buildings and terraces that lay back on either bank, or of the pinnacles and towers and parapets that laced the sky, I could not tell you them. A Modern Utopia
  • The carefully wrought and fully detailed weather vane, set high above the machicolated parapets of the building, at once attracts attention.
  • The look-out openings on the parapet and even the gun-holes that honeycomb the scarp, serve as ventilators.
  • As the waiting travellers watched in frozen horror, it slewed crazily to one side as it carried on towards them, wrecking the parapets and heading broadside for the station.
  • This machine resembled a large "shanghai" fixed to timber, one end of which rested on the parapet whilst the other -- in the trench -- was packed in a manner to give the required elevation. The 28th: A Record of War Service in the Australian Imperial Force, 1915-19, Vol. I Egypt, Gallipoli, Lemnos Island, Sinai Peninsula
  • At test opening number four, at the parapet level on the east wall, Mr. Roney observed brick and concrete block infill in the flange of the beam.
  • The real treasures of the parapet are the huge single beasts, a set of six designs, three living and three extinct, which are highly dramatic in their pencil work.
  • This is running off the parapet above and is caused from defective rainwater disposal at second storey level to the external balcony.
  • a diluted upas-antiar of Macassar, tainting, albeit with no deadly essence, the muggy air that rocks its slumbering branches and rolls away thence along the parapets and in at the windows of the sleepers. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 05, No. 29, March, 1860
  • The house I grew up in had a sort of an attached garage with a flat roof and a little parapet.
  • The walls of the pool enclosure are running bond brick with a three-brick corbel at the top of the parapet wall.
  • The parapets were built with scuppers to remove the water from the roof, but when the scuppers become plugged, as they inevitably do, a dam is created that traps water on the roof.
  • The roof slating came down to the head of the brick wall and, rather than oversailing it and having an eaves gutter or not oversailing it and having a gutter inside a parapet, there were simply timber fascia boards on the outside of the gutter.
  • The tower has a hatchway to the roof and the crenellated parapet has panoramic coastal views. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was like climbing the wrong way up a helter-skelter; we got to the top and stood on the parapet waiting to jump. On the Chain Gang « Write Anything
  • As the waiting travellers watched in frozen horror, it slewed crazily to one side as it carried on towards them, wrecking the parapets and heading broadside for the station.
  • The barbette mounted the gun on a pivot so that it could fire over a parapet.
  • The work in the choir included new stalls and seats, pulpit, and throne; an altar screen of clunch, filling up the lower part of the apse; and an organ screen, also of clunch, with an open parapet, and enriched with much diaper-work and many canopies, and adorned on the west face with large shields of arms, [17] very brightly coloured, charged with the heraldic bearings of the principal subscribers. The Cathedral Church of Peterborough A Description Of Its Fabric And A Brief History Of The Episcopal See
  • The barbette mounted the gun on a pivot so that it could fire over a parapet.
  • The garrison of the fort is 650 men, and fully that number were in and about the work, their tents being pitched inside the Redan or on the terreplein of the parapets. The Civil War in America
  • The site previously consisted of a number of unimaginative prison buildings, overlooked by the parapets of the Fort on the top of the hill, a forbidding looking building itself.
  • Without wanting this to turn into some sort of awards ceremony, I'm just raising my head above the parapet here to say a big thanks to Tom for the past week's writing.
  • Eilish had, he said, the courage to put her head above the parapet and undertake the enormous task of logging the memories of the area.
  • There is little sign of satisfaction among the crowd of suppliants, relegated after the audience to the external space beyond the parapet on the right.
  • The lengths of lead in the parapet gutters were too long by modern standards, and in consequence thermal movement was liable to cause overstress in the lead.
  • In consequence we are becoming a tight-lipped silent majority afraid to rise above the parapet.
  • The parapets of the flat roofs have red tile trim, decorated cornices and dentils or arched corbeling. Fading Ad Blog by Frank H. Jump
  • The architecture is Tudor style, complete with turreted parapets, fortified towers, arches and battlements.
  • Repairs included re-lining the nave parapet gutters with lead, re-covering the north aisle roof with steel, and re-pointing stonework.
  • Elsewhere, late afternoon sun seems to signal the coming end, as it washes over a group of revelers on a parapet celebrating the suicide of the poet Petronius.
  • Most of the parapet coping stones had no lead under them to stop water from entering the solid walls at high level, some copings were cracked, and pointing between stones was missing.
  • Not that Alliance Trust, the venerable investment trust company, minds keeping its head below the parapet.
  • A band of treble billet moulding runs under the lower windows; a double hatched moulding under the second tier; and immediately below the parapet is the ornament called the corbel table; these with the billet moulding round the clerestory windows, are in excellent preservation. Ely Cathedral
  • A lake of azure crystal mirrors a thick fringe of the great fronds, and on every parapet of the ruddy cliffs the living emerald of the lanceolated foliage glows in vivid contrast with the splintered crags. Through the Malay Archipelago
  • Speaking through an interpreter Mr Candia described a wall moving after they pulled out timber purlins supporting a parapet wall.
  • The German soldiers even had a line of little Christmas trees along the parapets of their trenches.
  • Suddenly she turned and vanished from the parapet; and all the time the sentry upon the wall blew out the long note from his brass horn.
  • A pair of figures knelt behind the parapet of the balcony overlooking the ballroom.
  • Around the inside of the ditch is a small level space called the "berm", from the inner edge of which rises the parapet, formed by the earth thrown up from the ditch.
  • But a wee warning for those who dare stick their heads above the parapet: look out, you'll need to be very thick-skinned!
  • The project will involve constructing a new timber roof deck above clock faces, dismantling and rebuilding parapets and pinnacles, recovering the lead roof, repointing buttresses and repairing knave roof timbers and rainwater goods.
  • Can be used to flush the hard shoulder, parapet of road and sidewalk; can also be used to flush, water trees, or sprinkle pesticide.
  • Guns usually stood on a flat terreplein, shooting over a wide earth parapet which was intended to absorb incoming fire, although they might also fire through splayed embrasures, or be housed in vaulted casemates on a lower storey.
  • While takeover speculation has been on and off the agenda for the best part of a decade now, as yet nobody has even popped their head above the parapet.
  • The posthouse was in ruins, and the stone walls on either side between the gates and the parapet of the fortifications had been crumbled into rubbish; the glacis from the Point du Jour to Auteuil had been ploughed up in such a manner that not a yard of it was to be seen without a shell hole. The Insurrection in Paris
  • The road has been hedged by a parapet to prevent accidents, which enabled me to contemplate the whole descent, and gain vertigoes at pleasure; for a great part of my amusement in these steep rocks, is, they cause a giddiness and swimming in my head, which I am particularly fond of, provided The Confessions of Jean-Jacques Rousseau
  • His pace was brisk and he did not seem to appreciate the music of the sea waves breaking against the parapet.
  • The steel-faced external wall extends into the house to mark the entrance, form a parapet and frame the fireplace.
  • The parapets of the tower lined with ancient ballista, pots of boiling oil, and Vulcan AA cannon.
  • Marian leaned over the parapet; the rain, which still streamed down, was forgotten as she watched him rapidly disappear.
  • There has been some speculation that Charles was assassinated, but from forensic examination of his skull it is fairly certain that an enemy sentinel caught sight of his head peering over the parapet and managed a lucky hit.
  • The period chosen for my illustration is the moment when the last shell fired from the fleet bursts over the battery; and the troops, illumined by the glare, are seen rushing to the parapet to repel the assault. Illustrations of the War in America
  • St Peter's, which dates back to the 12th Century, will stage the concert to build up its reserves after having to spend 60,000 replacing the tower pinnacles and parapet.
  • He left them at the edge of its northeast corner behind a parapet wall.
  • We stood about on parapets, and walked all over the place, stopping motionless now and again as a star shell went up, and moving on again just in time to hear a bullet or two whizz past behind and go "smack" into a tree in the hedge behind, or "plop" into the mud parados. Bullets & Billets
  • They are close to the edge, the lava-rock wall, crenellated like a medieval parapet. THE SAVAGE GIRL
  • The building, rich with turrets, parapets, statues, and heavy baldachins, is greater than the sum of its parts.
  • Some sparrows invaded that privacy, crossing from parapet rail to chair to flower tub.
  • And it is true that the young have always been in love with edges, walking the parapet of a bridge when the pavement is right beside it.
  • Caen stone was brought for the stone dressings to windows and doors, parapets and groins, but masses of septaria found on the shore and in the neighbouring marshes were utilized with such good effect that the walls have stood the attacks of besiegers and weathered the storms of the east coast for more than seven centuries. Vanishing England
  • Faces massed at windows and parapets all around the courtyard as the small convoy drew to a halt.
  • Typical of its period is the way the upper parts of the walls step back above the buttresses before reaching a straight parapet.
  • The wind wound its blustery course around the towers and parapets of Castle Clifgard.
  • The undead we encountered were a nice exercise in alertness, because some of them were invisible, and as we fought our way through them up to the parapet where the questgiver waited for us, I admired our solid teamwork. Crossfire in Dire Maul: in over our heads
  • The desktop itself was lost beneath teetering stacks of leather-bound volumes and slim folios that formed a parapet around the edges of the desk.
  • Several quarters have expressed concern towards preserving these Havelis which have large latticed windows, carved woodwork and large ventilators and parapets.
  • The imposing sandstone facade, steep pitched roof, decorated parapets and grand full length bay windows overlook well-kept gardens.
  • With the enemy dead at his feet, Grieve climbed onto the parapet of the enemy gun position, stood upright and signalled - all clear!
  • The parapet of the intrenchment was too high for my horse to jump, so, riding a short distance to the left, I entered through a low place in the line. She Makes Her Mouth Small & Round & Other Stories
  • The cold was harsh and some found the food inedible and spat it out over the parapet.
  • A passing motorist found the car, which had hit the bridge parapet and rolled into a ditch near the river.
  • Sometimes he might have been found shaping the mullions of a country mansion, sometimes setting the parapet of a town-hall, sometimes ashlaring an hotel at Sandbourne, sometimes a museum at Casterbridge, sometimes as far down as Exonbury, sometimes at Stoke-Barehills. Jude the Obscure
  • The widths of both the east and westbound dual carriageways across the flyover were narrowed to allow workmen access to repair the flyover's parapets.
  • Kentish ragstone, in the Perpendicular style, with quatrefoil parapet, ornamental pinnacles and spire. Mayfair, Belgravia, and Bayswater The Fascination of London
  • My first sight of a trench was of two greasy clay walls with a parapet on the top and duckboards on the bottom with men in it not looking very happy because it had been raining a lot.
  • Sadiq dropped over the parapet and into the trench beside him.
  • Mowbray hurried along the parapet. In the dark he would not see the obstacle.
  • The parapet above, including its cyma and corona, is one half the height of the parapet below. The Ten Books on Architecture
  • Guns usually stood on a flat terreplein, shooting over a wide earth parapet which was intended to absorb incoming fire, although they might also fire through splayed embrasures, or be housed in vaulted casemates on a lower storey.
  • The intrenchment was a formidable one, being provided with parapets armed with chevaux de frise, and flanked by strong exterior works, while several batteries had been placed to sweep the ground across which an enemy must advance. A Jacobite Exile Being the Adventures of a Young Englishman in the Service of Charles the Twelfth of Sweden
  • BALUSTER (through the Fr. from the Ital. _balaustro_, so-called from a supposed likeness to the flower of the [Greek: balaustion], or wild pomegranate; the word has been corrupted in English into "banister"), a small moulded shaft, square or circular, in stone or wood and sometimes in metal, supporting the coping of a parapet or the rail of a staircase, an assemblage of them being known as a balustrade. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 2 "Baconthorpe" to "Bankruptcy"
  • More than 300 meters in diameter, Qala-i Jangi was of the style known as Vaubanian - built with moats, ramparts, scarps and counterscarps and parapets.
  • A young woman sat in an embrasure on one of the highest parapets overlooking the moat of the castle.
  • The tub-shaped space within the parapet, formerly open to the air and sun, was now arched over by a light dome of lath-work covered with felt.
  • It looks as though the terrorists have put their heads above the parapets - and that plays into Scotland Yard's hands.
  • The prized gothic building, with its intricate stonework and archways, is getting a new roof, new gutters and good-as-new parapets for £1.2 million as part of a huge restoration project.
  • But the prime minister may well be more willing to stick his head above the parapet after E - day, providing Britons have had the chance to see the euro at work.
  • Glittering on the seventh parapet, on a plinth of gold and diamantine, sat the vessel itself, a perfect sphere of shiny silvery metal. Do Comets Dream?
  • Its walls were surmounted by a battlemented parapet; but the gray lead roofs were quite visible behind it, with their gutters, laps, rolls, and skylights, together with incised letterings and shoe-patterns cut by idlers thereon. The Woodlanders
  • Its parapets, grand staircases and sheltered side gardens are used to great effect.
  • It is of vast extent, has five round towers with ramparts of cut stone, and is surrounded by walls with machicolated parapets. Brittany & Its Byways
  • Going under bridges and flyovers is the worst: they traverse the parapets with a gaunt expectation and I begin to see everything in hyper-real detail.
  • The researchers systematically investigated various overhanging and chamfered parapets at a vertical wall over a horizontal sea bottom with a small berm and three different water levels.
  • If she shoves her head above the parapets to stand in the next general election, just wait for it and watch her get it in the neck.
  • Harry heard the scream of an incoming shell, as he went to dive for cover, the round burst on the parapet, directly above him.
  • We were putting our head above the parapet and challenging everything.
  • Along the top of the roof there appears to liave been a sort of decorated parapet or fret-work; and in the middle rose the "femerell," or louvre, unfortunately destroyed about a century and a half ago.
  • The architecture is Tudor style, complete with turreted parapets, fortified towers, arches and battlements.
  • Parapet applies to any low fortification, typically a wall atop a rampart.
  • You can keep your distance, you can keep your head beneath the parapet - but surely it's disingenuous to insinuate that bloggers don't do it, at least in part, for adulation, audience or exhibitionism.
  • The Saxons started to put up small conifers on the parapets of their trenches - akin to our Christmas trees.
  • It takes a good amount of bottle for a politician to raise his or her head above the parapet and attempt a public debate on issues that touch the very core of New Zealand society.
  • The 52nd were not beat back, but swerved from the redoubt into a ravine, for they could not carry it. 39 While lying under my horse, I saw one of the enemy jump on the parapet of the works in an undaunted manner and in defiance of our attack, when suddenly he started straight up into the air, really a considerable height, and fell headlong into the ditch. The Autobiography of Liuetenant-General Sir Harry Smith, Baronet of Aliwal on the Sutlej, G. C. B.
  • His recovery was not in this instance due to the calling on himself for the rescue of an ancient and glorious country; nor altogether to the spectacle of the shipping, over the parapet, to his right: the hundreds of masts rising out of the merchant river; London's unrivalled mezzotint and the City 'rhetorician's inexhaustible argument: he gained it rather from the imperious demand of an animated and thirsty frame for novel impressions. One of Our Conquerors — Complete
  • Another stairway reached from the terraces to the roof, the edge of which, all around the square, was defined by a sculptured cornice, and a parapet of burned-clay tiling, sexangular and bright-red. Ben-Hur, a tale of the Christ
  • Extended parapets give the building muscular, cube-like, proportions.
  • Contrary, to normal practice, the decoration was added after the panel was painted; the incisions cut into the paint layer where they overlap the parapet to the right of the saint.
  • At its top end, the trench opened out into a shallow circular pit that had been built up with a parapet of scree stone and mud from the valley bottom.
  • De Maria quoted the Doge's Palace from the top down, starting with what Sir Banister Fletcher described as a "lace-like parapet of oriental cresting" ... the ziggy-zaggy crenulation on the top of the facade. The House With Three Eyes
  • Was the evidence that the applicant ran across the road diagonally at the bridge parapet and went over?
  • After the World Cup debacle, a few brave men put their heads above the parapet to question whether the coach should be retained.
  • During Diwali, for instance, it was difficult to tell if the diyas were lit on the parapet of our house or on that of our Hindu neighbours.
  • To kiss this fabled rock first you must lie, arched backwards, leaning out from the castle's parapet with a 27-metre drop below.
  • The mountain theme is incorporated throughout the facility - from its curved parapets and sculptured stone fountain to the grassy park with tree-covered walking trails.
  • Just below the machicolated parapet there are traces of the older crenellations.
  • Use the same type of masonry units in both exposed wythes of the parapet.
  • Wagner's music, there float, a massive diadem, the towers and parapets and banners of Nuremberg the imperial free city, monument of a victorious burgherdom, of civic virtue that on the ruins of feudalism constructed its own world, and demonstrated to all times its dignity and sobriety and industry, its solid worth. Musical Portraits Interpretations of Twenty Modern Composers
  • Look at the gables, look at the pinnacles, look at the crockets, look at the parapets!
  • It also required raising the limestone crenellated parapet that runs along the roof battlement.
  • But a wee warning for those who dare stick their heads above the parapet: look out, you'll need to be very thick-skinned!
  • The height of the parapet wall is usually kept as above the berm level.
  • In consequence we are becoming a tight-lipped silent majority afraid to rise above the parapet.
  • They sat at one of the better tables up beside the parapet overlooking the courtyard.
  • Leaning on a stone parapet overlooking the Seine, a young man loses himself in a book held open in front of him.
  • Parapet walls are normally associated with lead-lined parapet gutters which are prone to overspill when blocked, wetting the brickwork below and which will leak if the lead splits or if the steps are too shallow.
  • They are found on the exterior of gothic buildings often in combination with other grotesque and marginal sculpture on corbels and parapets, which are sometimes also mistakenly called gargoyles.
  • It was like climbing the wrong way up a helter-skelter; we got to the top and stood on the parapet waiting to jump. On the Chain Gang « Write Anything
  • The castellum is a rectangle, four hundred and sixty-five by seven hundred and four feet, and is surrounded by two deep ditches and by high parapets. Lippincott's Magazine, October 1885
  • He left them at the edge of its northeast corner behind a parapet wall.
  • Even as the camera recorded this blatant act of arson, on the parapet sat a group of women, one of them nonchalantly dangling her legs, watching the tamasha.
  • Although a parapet from inside, outside this spoil creates the stub of a wall or 'mastaba' the sitting bench as it has become known in Arab Egypt.
  • From a sitting posture he sprang to his feet at one bound, darted through the doorway of the hut, cleared the low parapet like a deer, and went down the zigzag path in a succession of leaps that might have shamed a kangaroo. The Prairie Chief

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