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How To Use Paranoia In A Sentence

  • The narcissistic presumption of centrality that underpins paranoia here gives birth to semiotic solipsism.
  • The most common symptom of paranoia is the belief that someone or something is persecuting you.
  • Unfortunately, the anger was short-lived and a teensy bit of paranoia set in.
  • Changes in sexual behavior, though uncommon, have been seen in patients with epilepsy, including hypersexuality, pansexuality, erotomania, sexual paranoia, exhibitionism, and fetishism.
  • James had none of Elizabeth's fearful paranoia about Catholics and Puritans.
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  • Review: Light-hearted (skillfully borderline silly) and inventive story with strong characters and good back story about Kaz's bleb paranoia since the death of his parents at the "hands" of a bleb (a set of steak knives attached to a coat rack). REVIEW: The Year's Best Science Fiction #21 edited by Gardner Dozois
  • It is precisely the libs paranoia and hate that distinguishes them from him & makes certain distasteful possibilities eligible for consideration. Jim Treacher has the Jean Schmidt voicemail. | RedState
  • Excessive doses can cause panic, confusion, inability to sleep, hallucinations and paranoia.
  • He is dominated by the forces of anxiety, paranoia, and anger, which manifest in a roughness and impatience toward his beautiful neighbor.
  • After debate the team concluded that they had to grin and bear it rather than descend into paranoia.
  • In fact, it has become the hallmark of Arab/Islamic decivilization, dysfunction and deterioration; and which is psychologically inevitable when a group resorts to paranoia and psychological projection to defend against reality. Archive 2009-01-01
  • A lot of us don't get a lot out of narrow-minded, self-righteous, paranoia coupled with obviously disingenuous yatter about being the party of small government and fiscal conservatism – eight years of George Bush made those lies too obvious to miss. 'Regular guy' Thune is hot commodity in GOP circles
  • She felt paranoia and panic rising up to claim her, but she wouldn't let that happen.
  • The term delusional disorder was suggested by Winokur 1072 to avoid the confusion resulting from the diverse concepts of paranoia and the ambiguity of that term, which has been used to denote insanity, suspiciousness, persecutory or grandiose delusions, schizophrenia, and a specific disease entity distinct from other psychoses. The Neuropsychiatric Guide to Modern Everyday Psychiatry
  • Towards the end of his reign he showed an increasing propensity for paranoia.
  • After the assassination of President Garfield by the "paranoiac The World's Best Orations, Vol. 1 (of 10)
  • To me, this paints a picture of a deeply insecure woman who had long since waved goodbye to the verge of paranoia and blundered into the chasm of abject delusion.
  • Russian intelligence will take a long time to quieten the paranoia of the West.
  • When I've suffered from paranoia, it has lasted a long time, not just "transiently" and "under-stress". | Pole to Polar: The Secret Life of a Manic Depressive
  • The mood is one of paranoia and expectation of war.
  • The refresh interval is set to three hours, a reasonable compromise between bandwidth conservation and paranoia.
  • He spent some time in America and there he began to show signs of paranoia and other aspects of mental disturbance.
  • “British forces believe that, in many respects, their Afghan allies pose more of a challenge to their mission than the Taliban … It is the Afghan government that is now proving more of an obstacle to stability in an area where a mixture of official corruption, ineptitude and paranoia are stymying British efforts.” Cons Accept Manley Report, Now Up To Libs – Update « Unambiguously Ambidextrous
  • Functional psychoses include conditions such as schizophrenia, paranoia, psychopathic personality traits and manic depression.
  • Political instability and insecurity fuelled social paranoia and anti - Jewish sentiment.
  • The paranoia of a parent who's lost their child is easy to empathise with and makes gripping drama.
  • I felt their vibs, or my paranoia, filling the space. Biglatte4me Diary Entry
  • Nanotechnology may cure chemically-based paranoia and depression forever, but it will not confer social graces on the awkward - or compassion on the intolerant.
  • He gradually weakens in his struggle and gets deeper into a state of paranoia and disorientation.
  • Will the erstwhile crimson-lipped peroxide devil-doll, the very anti-Madonna, be raging with paranoia and brutal honesty on her next record?
  • The Southern Poverty Law Center, an American non-profit civil rights organization dedicated to combating bigotry, wrote in a recent report that " ... certain Americans, who have been prodded into paranoia by clever activists, opportunistic politicians and guileful media players, seem downright eager to deny Muslims the guarantees of religious freedom and the presumption of innocence. Parvez Ahmed: Muslims In America At The 10th Anniversary Of 9/11
  • There's a lot of paranoia about crime at the moment.
  • As a card-carrying Shakespearean, I have called attention to the tiny detail of the temple-haunting martlet, but specialized knowledge is hardly required: in Goold's Macbeth we quickly sense the atmosphere of Stalinist Russia, with its pervasive paranoia, its inner circles of nervous, vulpine flatterers, its interrogation chambers and extorted confessions, its public rituals of adulation braided together with opportunism, fear, and hatred. In the Night Kitchen
  • Her case is misdiagnosed, and she finds herself swept into vertiginous cycles of self-loathing and ecstasy, paranoia and visionary exaltation.
  • I am a notoriously bad timekeeper, yet, through sheer paranoia, I have turned up at my daughter's school half-an-hour early.
  • Maybe this time he took the exploration of this nether landscape of fear and paranoia too far, and explored the ultimate wasteland, the underbelly of the internet, where peoples darkest imaginings are a reality.
  • But those who rated highest on personality traits such as negativism and paranoia before deployment also tended to show more signs of PTSD later.
  • At the same time, it is NOT to say that they are not capable of Socialism ... although the "S" word equate with Joe McCarthy reds-under-the-bed paranoia in many North American minds forgetful of the fact that their anglophonic soul mates across "The Pond" in Olde England have embraced the "S" word without throwing themselves in sheer desperation into the River Thames because of it. Like the American Revolution, Venezuela's in the name of Liberator Simon Bolivar is NOT going to be a walk-over!
  • In many cases, these suspicions may be so unreasonable as to border on paranoia.
  • Kingsley plays Ford in a near-hysterical key throughout, his jealousy tinged with full-blown paranoia.
  • Spatial paranoia made us thankful for our isolation from the rest of the world.
  • The paranoia reading was low for someone with the prisoner's apparent intelligence, nor had he scored high in psychopathic deviation, schizophrenia, hypomania, depression, hysteria, masculinity/femininity, psychasthenia, or social introversion. The Girls He Adored
  • Were an alleged lunatic standing as a defendant in a criminal suit to use one-tenth of the amount of ingenuity and conscious direction of his symptoms that the average paranoiac uses, he would furnish the champions of the idea of malingering of mental disease with enough material to convict a dozen lunatics. Studies in Forensic Psychiatry
  • He said people suffering from paranoia are known to have a capacity to be very dangerous.
  • If the British tabloid press shows the nation's unconscious mind at work - a bubbling pit of prurience and anxiety - then the Hollywood block-buster reveals the deepest fantasies and paranoia of the American psyche.
  • The allegory is so interchangeable over the decades and speaks to that inner paranoia of whatever society is watching it. Fave Five: Sci-Fi Horror Movies
  • The multitude of camera shots and angles make for a disjointed and fragmented composition that enhances the sense of fear and paranoia of not knowing where the next shot is coming from.
  • MTV back in the 1980s has exploded into the easy access of Youtube. 1980s amoralism and early 21st century paranoia induce the same political apathy and numbness. Archive 2010-01-01
  • Her passion for cleanliness borders on paranoia.
  • What it was, instead, was a farrago of paranoia and pretence, hysteria and lies.
  • Their paranoia is discrediting them, burning bridges, and hurting us.
  • It is a game whose rules are betrayal and paranoia; whose tools are spies and observation drones and cruise missiles.
  • The China lobby contributed to the paranoia that fostered the Cold War abroad and McCarthyism at home.
  • Paranoia and overheated rhetoric came from all sides.
  • More likely, it's another smokescreen designed to increase the public's general paranoia and portray the Department of Homeland Security as anything but incompetent.
  • You have to find another bad guy, create some more paranoia to further disorientate the rabble. Global Voices in English » Georgia: Concerns emerge over opposition protests
  • On the space station that orbits Solaris, paranoia has evolved into a degree of mistrust, bordering on terror.
  • Republican Administrations have been elected to enact the dramas of ego, vanity, paranoia, bravado, resentment, and one more grand rummage through historical baggage when the material and managerial condition of the country was good enough to survive the sustained period of incompetence, ineffectuality, abuse, raging, and waste that entails. Matthew Yglesias » What Bush Got Right
  • Well it was too late now and my jealousy and paranoia grew on one fateful Friday afternoon.
  • After a while I found myself hit by a wave of fatigue, paranoia and depression, but an hour's kip and a wander round the shops worked wonders.
  • It is a movie that wants to show the venality, shallowness, bitterness, paranoia, mean-spiritedness and general desperation that most of us know lurks beneath the surface of Hollywood life.
  • At times it sounds like the ranting and raving of a somewhat unhinged mind, but then it takes a certain amount of guts to let people into your mind, into what seems to be a morass of obsessive paranoia.
  • Americans are sometimes "paranoiac" and believe all the world hates them, which is of course wrong. Palestine Blogs aggregator
  • This time capsule of escalating Cold War paranoia is rendered in the once-voguish "semidocumentary" style, providing terrific glimpses of 1948 San Francisco. Twitch
  • You can act, sure, but those eyes are cray cray with paranoia.
  • What you write is as important as the way you read it which increases the risk of execution for scribes who are not careful enough about homophony, homography, and literary connotations ; one emperor's tendency to paranoïa critique is often deadly. SHIH SHIH.
  • Sure their lawyers-are-coming-after-us paranoia gets a little tiresome after awhile, but that's just a symptom of our country's political climate, in which the only way to make sure you're heard above the din is to act slightly hysterical. Blog Reviews
  • Delvaux's major influences include De Chirico, Dalí and fellow Belgian René Magritte, though his work has none of the shock value of Magritte and none of Dalí's famous 'paranoiac' method. Archive 2007-08-01
  • This is almost universally regarded as a shameful blot on America's history, a cautionary tale of racism, paranoia, and wartime hysteria.
  • With THE SOCORRO BLAST, I thought people would object to the idea that our current national paranoia squirts out, in unbecoming ways, even in small towns. Objectionable content
  • These are neurotically emotional outbursts and chemically induced sensations of grandeur and paranoia.
  • Paranoia crawls along on its belly in this forest.
  • Is it because of a growing cynicism against anything the government tries to push through without proper consultation, or is it unjustifiable paranoia on my part?
  • I tried my best not to radiate my unfamiliar paranoia too far outside of my presumed business posture, all brown suit, yellow shirt and silk tie, expensive tasseled shoes only a buffoon would wear, but I could tell it wasn't working on this particular scene for some unknown reason. Spy vs. Park
  • What is the difference between your deep paranoia that the Arabs are going to get us and the deep paranoia of a German fraulein in 1939 believing Hitler when he said that the Jews are going to get her and her children? OpEdNews - Diary: US Congressmen Express Shock at Gaza Devastation
  • Stanley Cavell sees (hears) Poe's prose as "a parody's of philosophy's" (111) in just this respect, its iterative paranoia and "impish" wordplay as the mad antithesis of any overcome skepticism about the credited and signified world. Notes on 'Phonemanography: Romantic to Victorian'
  • Certain forms of schizophrenia, particularly hebephrenia and catatonia, result in a fair percentage of complete recoveries, which is not true in certain other forms, particularly paranoia.
  • She was also talking so quickly that all of her words slurred together into this large mass of exclamatory and paranoiac volumes, which took me a while to reconfigure into the actual English language.
  • These, and other gems of paranoia and self-delusion will no doubt surface over the next month.
  • When two young men are driving along the highway one evening, they are flagged down by a cop and anxiety soon turns to paranoia.
  • Ooh, yes -- mustn't forget how "scary" this administration is -- keep that paranoia perkin '! Propeller Most Popular Stories
  • In our time — in this terror-haunted interlude (we hope) of background-hum dread and well-founded paranoia — no literary divinator gets it righter than the sci-fi pulp master Philip K. Dick, author of Clans of the Alphane Moon and dozens of other books, and inspirer of some of Hollywood's spookiest dystopias, including Blade Runner, Total Recall, and Minority Report. 03.04
  • The most common symptom of paranoia is the belief that someone or something is persecuting you.
  • The rantings and cryings I could do unembarrassed in front of them ranting about God and the world inequality and my self-induced craziness, paranoia. Jaeaxe Diary Entry
  • Face it, our information is safer when we have a healthy dose of paranoia regarding it.
  • I think paranoia is only useful if you're in combat and need to be constantly ready to kill.
  • An insomniac who hasn't slept for over a year, he finds himself drawn into a crazy world of delusion and paranoia, where conspiracy theories start taking over his life.
  • A regime that pivoted on paranoia slowly consumed itself.
  • The evidence — from the proposal, the obviously! expectedly low support for eugenism in the US, and foreign experience — overwhelmingly suggest you are terribly wrong calling the paranoia “not nearly as irrational”. The Volokh Conspiracy » “Paranoid Conservatives”:
  • You were a true professional, whose paranoia equalled only my own.
  • The film succeeds because we are made to feel a little bit of the confusion, paranoia and madness of war.
  • To establish a sound investment ideas, not paranoia boom.
  • It probably assuages some people suffering from extreme paranoia but we must not lose sight of the fact that prevention is always a far better and more effective course of action than control. Global Voices in English » Southeast Asia: Reactions to the H1N1 virus
  • This is a city prone to paranoia at the best of times, as personified by that quintessential New Yorker, Woody Allen.
  • Such talk has fuelled Indian paranoia, though Western analysts dismiss it.
  • In our fantasy life we court paranoia, lapping up 8 crime thrillers and spy novels.
  • The palace in the end became a miasma of schemes, intrigues, paranoia and backstabbing.
  • Excessive doses produce hyperactivity, paranoia and other psychotic symptoms.
  • Most unsettling of all is a portrait by a colleague in which Muybridge hunches, scowling with paranoia, at the base of a patriarchal sequoia, apparently ready to wriggle into a cavity between its roots. Eadweard Muybridge: pioneer photographer
  • Leipzig, 1896) have explained "paranoiac" conditions by a laming of the association-organ. The Varieties of Religious Experience
  • He thought he saw a shadow move beneath the privet, but put it down to his paranoia and drew in a sharp breath.
  • Quote of the day: I am a kind of paranoiac in reverse. Speedlinking 7/24/07
  • Today Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck spent a whole hour on his Faux TV show comparing their mutual paranoias, mutual stupidities and mutual insanities. Think Progress » Shep Smith hits Robertson’s ‘devil’ comments: The people of Haiti ‘don’t need that’ at a time like this.
  • I experienced a little of his innate paranoia one snowy afternoon last year.
  • Graduate school is a bottomless pit of paranoia and defensiveness.
  • This kept alive the paranoia about popish plots that had been so damaging in the 1640s.
  • He was always possessed by the idea that they would get at him if they could, you know, they would poison the fillings in his teeth, so paranoia stemmed out very easily from him.
  • It is this embattled romanticism that surfaces in Orwell's text in the form of paranoia.
  • And finally, this one, which nicely encapsulates a certain type of far-left paranoia.
  • It leads to a climate of resentment, division, distrust, suspicion, and even paranoia.
  • The other problem with paranoia is that it tends to become exhausting being so cynical and suspicious and any entropic system needs a continuous input of energy to continue working rather than excessive expenditures.
  • To make a long story short, Lowtax and Fragmaster manage to survive the night, after a few frights caused by a stray cat and a hilarious concoction of paranoia and tequila.
  • For every Record Collector, LP paranoia eventually sets in and the beloved becomes a monster, desperate to scratch and scuff the poor helpless vinyl.
  • The spread of fear, paranoia and panic is way deadlier than any pathogenic virus. Global Voices in English » Philippines: A(H1N1) panic continues to grow
  • But they are attempting to create misimpression and paranoia among their followers on the left that anyone who dare suggest that the government ought to be smaller, spend less, tax less, and intrude on our lives less, is some kind of “antigovernment” wacko that might try to kill them tomorrow. The Volokh Conspiracy » The Clinton Terror Bill
  • Sliding into druggy paranoia, Beverly sees mutant women wherever he looks.
  • He has captured Macbeth's essential weakness of character in his slow descent into paranoia and depression.
  • Although the word ‘conspiracy’ simply refers to the act of joining together in secret agreement to do a wrongful act, tacking it on as an adjective somehow evokes images of unfounded fears and even paranoia.
  • Who expects to find an aging Spanish nanny at the center of a tale of religious hysteria, paranoia, murder and revenge?
  • I agree with Mr. Jenkins, I think you can work yourself into a state of real paranoia here if you're not careful.
  • Back home he is racked by paranoia, loneliness and inextinguishable desire for Simone.
  • Though the film is undoubtedly a product of widespread Cold War paranoia, the film distances itself enough to objectify its horrors.
  • Or if she does, she'll glance quickly away again, paranoia in her eyes, afraid that she'll be caught cruising the straight girl.
  • But the faculty of judgment normally prevents us from falling into mere free - association mode: the latter is the stuff of paranoia and conspiracy theories. Archive 2009-08-01
  • The least mature—or psychotic defenses include: denial, distortion, and delusional projection paranoia; the immature defenses are: fantasy, projection, hypochondriasis, passive-aggression and acting out. SYMPTOM VS ADAPTATION, OR, WHO'S REALLY PROJECTING ?
  • It was the least of his transgressions in a career notable for its paranoia, deceptions, moral vacuum and megalomania.
  • I am a marketer's dream, with my lazy, paranoia-based brand loyalty.
  • These leaders have spent all their adult lives in the cocoon of isolation and paranoia that clandestinity generates.
  • Studies reliably show that they have a distinctive cognitive make-up—a hostile attributional bias, a kind of paranoia. Bullying
  • UDF leaders have had to cope with a transition to operating in conditions of clandestinity, which have often enough in history been so stressful and short-lived that individuals bring their own exposure either by paranoia or by an over-optimistic carelessness. Children of Resistence
  • Live in a state of perpetual paranoia and always know what your competitors are doing.
  • Metabolic arthritis, hyperglycaemia with type 2 diabetes, septal rage syndrome, paranoia and renal atrophy. “Ruralshire Constabulary to get TASER on the front line” « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • There's a lot of paranoia about crime at the moment.
  • It contained an excellent one-liner, “Sovietology, like paranoia, is a dangerous disease” — Western policy-making towards Russia is indeed severely infected by both — but also a reference to something whose importance even the Russian president himself may perhaps under-estimate. 18 « October « 2008 « Niqnaq
  • Jim Jones, whose image of himself as a leader/savior seemed rooted, as appears the case with Limbaugh, in an axiological sense of paranoia and insecurity. BOOTLEG REPUBLICANISM
  • I think there's paranoia in the national press and that contaminates the foreign press.
  • The bad-tempered Cooper, says Mr. Richardson, had "paranoia: paranoia made for Anglophobia, the only form of patriotism that he permitted himself. A Shortsighted View of Picasso
  • According to Ziehen, most of these nephritic psychoses run the course of what he calls hallucinatory paranoia (it may be remembered that Ziehen counts among paranoias a number of acute diseases and even so-called Meynert's amentia). The Journal of Abnormal Psychology
  • This is natural, of course; the tendency to romanticize relationships, the fear of being alone trumping truthful remembrances of paranoia and neuroticism, is one of the cuter things humans do.
  • O'Reilly's Christmas paranoia: They want to 'revoke' Christmas! Think Progress
  • The anal paranoia that struck many parents and school administrators has diminished, and schools remain lax about security.
  • In the process he drove himself to exhaustion, and began a tragic descent into paranoia and self-destruction.
  • The Paranoia Hotline was set up specifically for such crackpot allegations you know.
  • This leads to hallucinations, suspiciousness, neglect of personal hygiene, acute paranoia or depression.
  • So the column's author mocks the apparent paranoia of gun owners who (rightfully) don't want the government to classify gun ownership as an (assumably) taxable "unhealthy" lifestyle. Guns = "Unhealthy" Lifestyle?
  • We ask you to try to understand why we appear so 'paranoiac', as you call us. Northlight
  • In doing so, Hoberman finds parallels between the paranoia films of the period and the Bay of Pigs, for example; and between foreign policy analogues like The Magnificent Seven and the US involvement in South Asia.
  • In any organism, person, organisation, or even country stress leads to paranoia.
  • Excessive doses can cause panic, confusion, inability to sleep, hallucinations and paranoia.
  • Indeed, my friends - a constant source of paranoia at the best of times - have been excelling themselves with this announcement of departure.
  • Yet such is the prevailing paranoia that the publishing house was legitimately concerned that suddenly the little sisters of St. Francis of Assisi would metamorphose into a gaggle of money-hungry, lawyer-blandishing harpies. Author! Author! » Blog Archive » Book marketing 101: the evolution of the pitch — and the industry
  • You can go back to snowed-in stir-crazy cabin-fever paranoia in a couple of months. Palin hits back at 'malicious' photo
  • The publicity around kompromat contributes to an environment of paranoia.
  • The feeling of paranoia is strong throughout while the scenes relating to the request for political asylum are chilling in the current, particularly given the current political climate of intolerance.
  • Hallucinations occur in up to 20 percent of patients with Parkinson's disease; delusions, paranoia, and subcortical dementia also may occur.
  • The patient's mental status was marked by confusion, hostility, paranoia, agitation, and depersonalization.
  • The methodological centrality of suspicion to current critical practice has involved a concomitant privileging of the concept of paranoia.
  • It is an unalloyed good, and it is sad to see our politicians responding with such chicken-hearted paranoia.
  • Let it never be said that the Left doesn't have its fair share of paranoia and persecution complexes.
  • I hated it when her paranoia turned to perspicacity—in other words, when she was right. The Dark Side of Innocence
  • Es asimismo, los datos que se dan oficialmente hace rato ya dejaron de ser reales, toda la gente conocida comenta que tiene por lo menos un familiar (en el mejor de los casos uno) que esta enfermo, asi todos estamos con una paranoia total, aunque aun asi hay gente inconsciente todavia. Global Voices in English » Paraguay: As the H1N1 Virus Spreads
  • His presence through the walls fuels the easily aroused paranoia of the chancellor's court - and not without reason.
  • This is natural, of course; the tendency to romanticize relationships, the fear of being alone trumping truthful remembrances of paranoia and neuroticism, is one of the cuter things humans do.
  • As I gaze at this slender sylph in front of me, the absurdity of her paranoia gets me thinking that women so often suffer from a distorted view of themselves.
  • Today began with another thoroughly reprehensible example of my almost excessive insecurity, sieved through a fine mesh of my permanently resident paranoia.
  • The atmosphere of universal suspicion and vigilance of the Terror years was not irrational paranoia.
  • Recreating the region of solicitation and paranoia exclusive the Teutonic status is a aggroup that includes Singer's regular collaborators physicist saint Sigel (SUPERMAN RETURNS, X2, X-MEN) as administrator of picturing and editor / composer Evangelist Ottman (SUPERMAN RETURNS, X2); as substantially as creation designers Lilly Kilvert (two-time Oscar-nominee for THE LAST SAMURAI and LEGENDS OF THE FALL) and Apostle Lumb (THE OMEN) and accumulation specializer Joanna general (MUNICH, SAVING PRIVATE RYAN). Planet Malaysia
  • The paper has opened a nationwide debate on whether he should be allowed to continue in power now that he is revealing signs of megalomania and paranoia.
  • I've no desire to harbour unabating paranoia about my neighbours.
  • Holly Hunter plays the evil work colleague who encourages Murphy's paranoia.
  • The investigators contend that after Halcion hit the U.S. market in 1983, Upjohn misled the FDA about the significance of patients 'adverse reactions, which ranged from amnesia to paranoia. Halcion: A Damaging Report
  • My personal favorite is "Paranoia" (2007), a relatively demure piece (compared to the museum scale of his usual works) also dowsed with lemon greens. Joshua Elias: Neo Rauch: The Work and the Worked
  • It does not require conspiracy-theorist paranoia to wonder if this is in fact a vanguard action to assess how a ban might work in England and Wales.
  • According to Ziehen, most of these nephritic psychoses run the course of what he calls hallucinatory paranoia (it may be remembered that Ziehen counts among paranoias a number of acute diseases and even so-called Meynert's amentia). The Journal of Abnormal Psychology
  • Twenty years of turmoil followed; five breakdowns including episodes of paranoia and delusions.
  • The play shows political paranoia colliding with greed and ambition.
  • Un humain mis en abîme par la technologie, projeté dans des temps et des réalités multiples, entrainé dans une chute vertigineuse qui accompagne son délire paranoïaque où il ne distingue plus le vrai du faux, le réel du virtuel et où le temps est une matière maléable. Like Philip K. Dick Movies? Try Jack Womack Books
  • However, not all patients with autoscopy report their experiences as malign, and it may be that the effect of the anaesthetics (known to induce paranoia in some), epilepsy (also linked to risk for psychosis) or the stress of the operation, may have given an unpleasant or malign twist to the experience which might not be directly linked to the disruption of the proposed brain mechanism itself. Mind Hacks: Inducing the shadow-self by stimulating the brain
  • After he started shuttle diplomacy, he was invited back to Harvard to be a guest lecturer and he started off by saying, "When I was here I was alleged to be paranoidal but since I started shuttle diplomacy my paranoia has been completely cured because I now have real enemies everywhere. Canada-U.S. Relations in the New Era; A Diplomat's View
  • At the same time, it is NOT to say that they are not capable of Socialism ... although the "S" word equate with Joe McCarthy reds-under-the-bed paranoia in many North American minds forgetful of the fact that their anglophonic soul mates across "The Pond" in Olde England have embraced the "S" word without throwing themselves in sheer desperation into the River Thames because of it. Like the American Revolution, Venezuela's in the name of Liberator Simon Bolivar is NOT going to be a walk-over!
  • The next counter argument is linked to deep paranoia about the authorities' competence and good intentions.
  • Paranoia, persecutory delusions and attributional biases,” Delusion
  • After debate the team concluded that they had to grin and bear it rather than descend into paranoia.
  • But her paranoia still clung to her like suckerfish would do to a shark.
  • Mr Crosland said Day's use of amphetamines had caused delusions and paranoia.
  • In the same vein, Sean Hannity on his website ran a poll that played into the same kind of paranoiac posture exemplified by Keyes. Republican Party Sinking into Deep Abyss
  • These sites, valuable rather than holy, help us to recover perspective, reorder our ambitions, quell our paranoias and remind us of the interest and obliging unexpectedness of life. Have Modern Travelers Lost Their Way?
  • An economic climate based on nothing but calculations of self-interest, sometimes fed by an amazingly distorted version of Darwinism, doesn't build a habitat for human beings; at best it builds a sort of fortified boxroom for paranoiacs (with full electronic services, of course). Human Well-Being and Economic Decision-Making
  • A great flick to take the wee ones to, especially when current paranoia practically begs both parents and kids to have their nightmares defanged.
  • Kerry Fox and Mark Rylance star as a couple whose wordless, adulterous affair descends into paranoia and self-destruction.
  • But the third, the biggie, is that the psychopathology that leads to murder is that the killer often feels what we call persecutory distress obsessional paranoia, which is the belief that the victim is threatening their well-being in some way and that the only way they can restore their psychic equilibrium is to wipe out the victim. CNN Transcript Sep 18, 2009
  • America's predominant mental state was one of anticommunist paranoia.
  • There are treatments, even cures, for depression, paranoia and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Gary W. Small, M.D.: The Coming Epidemic of Alzheimer's Disease
  • I found myself in roughly equal measure deeply impressed by his insights into the interconnections between key figures and events across the region, and frustrated by his paranoia about continental western Europe (the "Euroids") and the British intelligence services (though if even a quarter of what he alleges is true, there are some very serious questions to answer, for instance about the Macedonian arms plot of 1993). Extracts from Doctor Who and the Dæmons: what the Master thinks of the Doctor
  • Setting aside suspicion and paranoia, surely highways officials must have a plan for the future of this area.
  • … So-called paranoiac constitution … Hypertrophy of the Ego … Maigret has Scruples
  • Excessive doses can cause panic, confusion, inability to sleep, hallucinations and paranoia.
  • According to Hendo, Kerry O'Brien's age is some sort of a 'state secret' - a term guaranteed to bring to mind a cold-war-like like paranoia about dead communist leaders propped up like its Weekend at Bernie's. Larvatus Prodeo
  • Linking them all together is a demonic rollerblading boy with a bent aluminum baseball bat ready to strike: he is "Lil' Slugger" (shonen bat), the mysterious agent of paranoia.
  • Artists, of course, are thrust unwillingly into the front line of today's cultural battle, prime targets for the kind of philistine paranoia that characterized the shameful McCarthy era. Peter Clothier: Censorship: Coast to Coast

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