How To Use Paramour In A Sentence

  • This wrought he so that anon not even she might be unconversant with a mortal bed, and might not some day with sweet laughter make her boast among all the Gods, the smiling Aphrodite, that she had given the Gods to mortal paramours, and they for deathless Gods bare deathly sons, and that she mingled Goddesses in love with mortal men. The Homeric Hymns A New Prose Translation; and Essays, Literary and Mythological
  • She sings about her roguish paramours with a strange mixture of melancholy, bitterness and nostalgia, leading one to question whether these kinds of men really exist today.
  • She filed a petition for divorce and maintenance which are still pending, while her husband lives in the matrimonial home with his paramour.
  • One Indian story told of a hero who so loved his paramour that when she had to pick him out from a hall of indistinguishable heroes, lookalikes in gold armour, he cut off his little finger so she would know and choose him.
  • The son of Nelson's secretary, who inherited the snuffbox, thought Nelson had given it to his secretary to show off in front of his new or soon-to-be paramour. The Tchotchkes of Nelson and Churchill
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  • For as Plutarch saith, [5529] They will be witnesses and trumpeters of their paramours 'good parts, bedecking them with verses and commendatory songs, as we do statues with gold, that they may be remembered and admired of all. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • The beggar-woman immediately peeled and devoured her paramour's gift.
  • Adulterers who might once have called their paramours concubines (qie) for lack of a lowlier term can now aspire to precision; an ernai is a kept woman of less-official standing. The Foreign Devil's Dictionary
  • They bade both the merchant and his paramour adieu.
  • The pen, or female swan, was visible on the nest, but there was no sign of her paramour.
  • ALLAHABAD: A 30-year-man succumbed to his injuries after his paramour bobbitized him at Colonelganj in Allahabad on The Times of India
  • Ought a convicted adulteress and her paramour husband be placed in the highest offices of this free and Christian land?" one handbill asked. Gingrich and the History of Negative Campaigns
  • Together with false jewelry and trinkets of the sort such men give their paramours, it carried a certain amount of women's clothing; and though my money had been much depleted by the dinner we had never returned to the Inn of Lost Loves to enjoy, I was able to buy Dorcas a simar. The Shadow of the Torturer
  • For as Plutarch saith, [5529] They will be witnesses and trumpeters of their paramours 'good parts, bedecking them with verses and commendatory songs, as we do statues with gold, that they may be remembered and admired of all. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Not that any filthynesse in deede, is committed within the compasse of that grounde, as was doone in Rome but that euery wanton and his Paramour, euery man and his Mistresse, euery John and his Joan, euery knaue and his queane, are there first acquainted and cheapen the Merchandise in that place, which they pay for elsewhere as they can agree. The More Things Change II
  • And one set of civil servants was able to keep tabs on their boss only by asking his official driver which of his paramours ' flats he had been parked outside that day.
  • The riot, "the British fans a harsh slap", so that people England's paramour.
  • He informed her that her paramour was already married and as per the Shariah rules he can have another wife only if he can do justice to his first wife.
  • Both, for obscure hedonistic purposes, assume the false name Ernest only to find that their respective paramours, Cecily and Gwendolen, will spurn any man who does not go by that name.
  • Does he have a querida or paramour?
  • Despite this golden record of movie achievement, Spencer Tracy has increasingly become somewhat of an appendage to the name of Katharine Hepburn, his co-star in nine movies and real-life paramour. Hollywood's Favorite Actor
  • One Indian story told of a hero who so loved his paramour that when she had to pick him out from a hall of indistinguishable heroes, lookalikes in gold armour, he cut off his little finger so she would know and choose him.
  • But its office must not be confounded with that attributed to the sinister-looking scaur of Leucadia; here the erring wives of the Kings of Boma and their paramours found a Bosphorus. Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo
  • He is in trouble again for sharing his largesse with two young paramours that he claimed to have ditched in favor of his wife and four kids.
  • Alas, when the desired moment of assignation arrives, his beloved paramour is not to be found, and another girl offers to fill her place.
  • Three years ago, he conceived another child with his longtime paramour, Laurel Kenner.
  • Curiatij that were slaine, who meeting her brother in the triumphe, at one of the gates called Capena, and knowing the coate armure of her paramour, borne vpon her brothers shoulders, which she had wrought and made with her owne handes: She tore and rent the heare of her heade, and most piteouslye bewayled the death of her beloued. The Palace of Pleasure, Volume 1
  • Is it too much to have these characters actually act like fathers and daughters, and not just like rich, sleazy sugar daddies with their young, illicit paramours tagging along for the ride?
  • A vacationing Livingston resident reported no less than seeing Ken and his Castilian paramour dining beachside.
  • The media are agog over the latest accusation that Republican presidential candidate and unabashed and shameless co-opter of all that is 9/11 Rudy Giuliani may have hidden costs for security details guarding him whilst "trysting the night away" with his then putative paramour and now wife, Judy Nathan, at her Hamptons love shack. Lionel: What Rudy/Judy Really Did That Was Wrong
  • It is only afterwards that, surviving many minor gods of war, he becomes a leader of hosts, a sort of divine knight and patron of knighthood; and, through the old intricate connexion of love and war, and that amorousness which is the universally conceded privilege of the soldier's life, he comes to be very near Aphrodite, -- the paramour of the goddess of physical beauty. Greek Studies: a Series of Essays
  • Or buy your paramour God of War , which Todd calls "ballsy," the first game Sony developed and published that has nudity. You're the Present, You Sexy Geek
  • This sentiment is all but jettisoned, alas, by the time Snyder recasts the pathetic victories of sexually-reawakened schlub Night Owl (Patrick Wilson) and paramour Silk Spectre (a severely overmatched Malin Akerman) as triumphant victories. Saturday Night’s All Right for Blogging « Gerry Canavan
  • But yet in fine (turning earnest to a iest) he pardoned all the parties, and aduanced the wench to high honor, farre aboue those that had rule of hir afore, so that she ruled them (willed they nilled they:) for he vsed hir as his paramour, till he maried the foresaid Alfred. Chronicles (1 of 6): The Historie of England (6 of 8) The Sixt Booke of the Historie of England
  • His anger against her found vent in coarse railing at her paramour, whose name and voice and features offended his baffled pride: a priested peasant, with a brother a policeman in A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
  • But the hot-blooded lover would rather spend the evening with one of his numerous paramours.
  • According to one overseas tabloid report, his alleged paramour gave a tell-all interview to an unidentified American broadcast network.

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