How To Use Paramagnetism In A Sentence
Examples of the latter case is the transition between liquid and gas at the critical point, and from ferromagnetism to paramagnetism in metals such as iron, nickel and cobalt.
Press Release: The 1982 Nobel Prize in Physics
Néel has made many other contributions, such as investigations in the theory of magnetic domains and the discovery of the effect found in small particles, called super-paramagnetism.
Nobel Prize in Physics 1970 - Presentation Speech
The Curie point is the temperature above which a terromagnetic substance exhibits paramagnetism.
Most samples have susceptibility above 0.5 mSI, indicating that ferromagnetism is dominant with respect to diaand paramagnetism.
Pierre also discovered the effect of temperature on paramagnetism, which is now known as Curie's law.
Curie, Pierre
Examples are the transition between liquid and gas and the transition between ferromagnetism and paramagnetism.
Press Release: The 1982 Nobel Prize in Physics
Assertion: The paramagnetism of Cu + ion is zero. magnetons where S is the total spin. both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A
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In RBCs, we hypothesized, different amounts of intracellular metHb would result in different degrees of cell paramagnetism, relative to that of water, and would affect the observed MM.
Compared with ideal Fermi gas, the interaction of particles strengthen Pauli paramagnetism.
Examples of the latter case is the transition between liquid and gas at the critical point, and from ferromagnetism to paramagnetism in metals such as iron, nickel and cobalt.
Press Release: The 1982 Nobel Prize in Physics
It was with similar methods that the paramagnetism of crystals deriving from the electronic spin was investigated by Gorter in
Nobel Prize in Physics 1952 - Presentation Speech
Examples are the transition between liquid and gas and the transition between ferromagnetism and paramagnetism.
Press Release: The 1982 Nobel Prize in Physics
In his well known theory of magnetism P. Langevin, in 1905, took into account the Curie law and arrived again, theoretically, at the difference between the origins of diamagnetism and paramagnetism.
Pierre Curie
Compared with ideal Fermi gas, the interaction of particles strengthen Pauli paramagnetism.