
[ US /ˈpɛɹəˌkit/ ]
[ UK /pˈæɹəkˌiːt/ ]
  1. any of numerous small slender long-tailed parrots
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How To Use parakeet In A Sentence

  • According to Jeffery sightings of brightly coloured and noisy birds roosting are the UK's only naturalised parrot the ring-necked parakeet.
  • Once his parakeet was held for a ransom of five hero sandwiches.
  • Monk parakeets, which have established colonies in the home counties, are to be culled because they are alleged to pose a danger to crops, the electricity grid and native species.
  • The park is home to 105 species of birds ranging from condors and austral parakeets to rheas - the South American ostriches.
  • The bird life was so rich and varied there seemed no end to new kinds, and they lived not in ones and twos but in thousands upon thousands: tiny green-and-yellow parakeets Fee used to call lovebirds, but which the locals called budgerigars; scarlet-and-blue smallish parrots called rosellas; big pale-grey parrots with brilliant purplish-pink breasts, underwings and heads, called galahs; and the great pure white birds with cheeky yellow combs called sulphur-crested cockatoos. The Thorn Birds
  • Then you have a species such as the ring-necked parakeet. Invasive non-native species: attack of the aliens
  • Al Sharpton said Kirsten Gillibrand should flip Harold Ford's criticism about her being a "parakeet" for Chuck Schumer and Senate leadership. 'Is Mr. Ford Saying He Would Not Be Voting With President Obama?'
  • Peter and Vicky have about 30 birds; quail, Eastern Rosella, Cockatoos, parakeets (called budgerigar) here) red browed finches and the brightest-colored canary I've ever seen. TravelStream™ — Recent Entries at
  • Forebrain nuclei similar in structure and location have also been found in the budgerigar (an Australian parakeet).
  • Izzy is described as a green parakeet with an orangey-red ring around his neck, a big, red beak with a black moustache and 28-inch tail feathers.
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