How To Use Paradox In A Sentence

  • After a time, however, they began to think that he was what they called too “viewy,” too much inclined to paradox, too wild. The Adventure of Living
  • It may seem a paradox that the same colour should be at once so durable and so fugitive, but we may briefly explain it by saying _when vitreous pigments are reduced to that extreme state of division which the palette requires, they lose the properties they possess in a less finely divided state_. Field's Chromatography or Treatise on Colours and Pigments as Used by Artists
  • This paradox arises either through the blocking of memory, or under oppressive regimes through torture and fear of the consequences of testifying.
  • The freaks of nature displayed here appealed to peoples’ prejudice, their unquenchable curiosity for the outlandish and the unknown, and the paradoxical human attraction and repulsion for the diseased and deformed.
  • The entire novel must be read in the light of the comic paradox whereby Zeno thinks he is analysing himself while at the same time being certain that psychoanalysis lacks the means to analyse him.
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  • The clinician must be well-attuned to the patient when the patient may be in the process of reconstructing schemas, thinking dialectically, recognizing paradox and generating a revised life narrative.
  • It's a paradox of modern politics: to "act" is to be phony, but because of the demands and limitations of big-room oratory, if you don't act the text you'll look wooden and-phony. Behind Enemy Lines
  • But that’s people who haven’t read about paradoxicality and the fact that this is a multilevel, post-quantum universe that we live in. Interview with Stephen Larsen, author, THE FUNDAMENTALIST MIND
  • For in opening their lives to the entire expanse of Greco-Arabic and Hebrew learning, the dictionally pure Jewish poets of Cordoba, Granada, and Saragossa carried out an act of profound, if paradoxical, cultural redemption. The Lost Jewish Culture
  • Where policy is radically dissociated from the reality of death, the paradoxical result is a society dominated by the logic of death.
  • A paradox of much of the fashion business is that it asserts the right to set trends while refusing to take risks. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some find themselves utterly transformed by their longing for each other, and they dwell in a sort of blissful paradox, imprisoned, yet unmoored from the structure of their outside lives, so that their mutual captivity becomes a new kind of freedom. Best of 2009
  • The Puritan paradox, to name it such, was that a rigorous defense of the absoluteness of Scripture as an objective, prescriptive code, could not be made without a critical analysis of the contents of Scripture itself.
  • Beyond this pathos concerning the relation of political and theological liberalism, we encounter another paradox. The Times Literary Supplement
  • We may observe here the singular paradox, which we believe that the philosophy of the mind and the experience of the scholar equally establish, that what are usually called the heaviest or severest subjects of thought are the least exhausting to the thinker. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 20, No. 121, November, 1867
  • And so, having such words, such poisonous concepts, they are forced into paradox to detoxify and break down these concepts. THE BROKEN GOD
  • But here we encounter another paradox that suggests we are indeed at a critical inflection point for policy and for markets.
  • Paradox seems to arise when conditional statements have subcontrary statements as antecedent and consequent.
  • His actorly slam-dunk is equalled, however, by half-lidded ingenue Scarlett Johansson, whose sheer unlikelihood as a romantic foil paradoxically renders her perfect.
  • Thus the rigorous intellectualism of serialism and the freedom of aleatoric processes are not paradoxical, but stem from the same mindset.
  • No other examples survive, although it is conceivable that the paradoxes of motion originally took the form of antinomies.
  • And herein lies the paradox, and possibly the geishas' demise.
  • Paradoxically, the political situation is so desperate, so apparently hopeless, that everyone understands the responsibility of casting their vote.
  • Selon Turmes, le Parlement bloquera le plan de relance de Barroso Paradox: In plina criza financiara, cresc investitiile straine directe
  • The Transportation Problem exists"more-for-less"paradox, which because the loose-constrained model has broadened the restriction, enlarged the feasible area, and bring new optimal solution.
  • Aristotle's wheel paradox: Rolling joined concentrical wheels seem to trace the same difference with their circumferences, even though the circumferences are different. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • So he may appreciate the paradox of his lightning ascent in his second calling – not to mention the mutterings of those press-box colleagues who have toiled diligently for years without recognition from their trade's association and remember the days when they called him Captain Grumpy, a soubriquet he did his best to live up to. US hard courts will reveal if Andy Murray's lapses are part of a cycle | Kevin Mitchell
  • (_ictides_), the coati (_nasua_), the paradoxure (_paradoxurus_), and even the curious little teledu of Java (_mydaus_). Bruin The Grand Bear Hunt
  • Here, too, he delineates his subject through a series of paradoxes: do English charivari and Skimmington rides represent punishment or celebration?
  • The paradox of trust is that by intelligently relinquishing power, one gains it back many times over. INSIDE THE TORNADO: MARKETING STRATEGIES FROM SILICON VALLEY'S CUTTING EDGE
  • The paradox is all the stranger because the power shortage has had predictably grave consequences for economic growth.
  • The resulting paradox - a transgressive aesthetic supporting a conservative social and political status quo - would endure until the end of the Old Regime.
  • There is a paradox at the heart of their rugby. Times, Sunday Times
  • The paradoxical tragedy of knowing this, condemns him to being given to the terrorists by his stepfather, assuring his silence this way.
  • This is the paradox; no one will trade there until people are trading there. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was one of the many paradoxes of his life. Times, Sunday Times
  • There's another instructive paradox in skeleton bob and bobsleigh. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was also realised that globalisation is not a homogeneous process, but contains a striking paradox in that it brings about both convergence and divergence.
  • This book attempts to capture the paradoxes of marriage and to enhance premarital and remarital counseling.
  • A paradox involving alkahest is that, if it dissolves everything, then it cannot be placed into a container, because it would dissolve the container.
  • As you know, psephology is the formal study of elections, apparently trivial but dripping with deep, dark paradoxes.
  • In a paradoxical way, I think the opposite has occurred. Times, Sunday Times
  • There's another instructive paradox in skeleton bob and bobsleigh. Times, Sunday Times
  • In a sense, however, the existence of such a paradox is not exactly earth-shattering. Archive 2009-03-01
  • Both species (Solenodon paradoxus and Solenodon cubanus) of the solenodon of the West Indies also are poisonous.
  • He's a paradox in some ways. There is an air of indifference, but he really does care.
  • This is because taking it for too long can have the paradoxical effect of making bones more brittle. Times, Sunday Times
  • The result is a beguiling and wistful study of displaced people that conveys the paradoxical loneliness and richness of cosmopolitan life. Times, Sunday Times
  • There are dilemmas, ironies and paradoxes within this context.
  • The more convincing the painting, the greater the paradox that it was but a reflection or shadow, and the more the painter looked like a prestidigitator.
  • August 28, 2008 at 7: 26 am every few years, i actually do delate my blog and start all over. i both love and hate myself for doing so. talk about paradoxBack in 10 minutes
  • But here in the shock doc's genesis lies the paradox. Times, Sunday Times
  • The entire novel must be read in the light of the comic paradox whereby Zeno thinks he is analysing himself while at the same time being certain that psychoanalysis lacks the means to analyse him.
  • He could even write a piece that resembles, paradoxically, an instrumental canzona alla francese transcribed for voices Si pour moy avez du souci. Archive 2009-06-01
  • Moreover in the double demise of an earlier capitalism and colonialism, the rise of transnational globalism had made this cultural space even more paradoxical.
  • It is a curious paradox that our very progress in multiplied capacity for production has made us individually less independent and more inter-dependent. The Open Shop: Why Is It; Why Should It Prevail?
  • Paradoxically, much figurative art uses excessive detail to cover up, to make things more dense and to deny space. Improve Your Landscape Painting
  • The paradox is poignant and the lives of the two drivers remain intertwined. Times, Sunday Times
  • The paradox about time is that it seems to go faster as we become older and less active.
  • It is strange and paradoxical how our main problem has ended up being how to answer so many correspondences.
  • Yet the apparent paradox of associating touch with something that is intangible and impalpable is not as odd as it might seem.
  • In his more lucid moments he attempts to hide behind a paradox declaring that after all he doesn't believe his beliefs.
  • This is not the same Curry paradox under discussion; it is a well-known paradox, due to Paul Curry, having to do with so-called geometrical dissection. Curry's Paradox
  • Because he has talked to many performers, he is able to characterize the intense paradoxes of the situation. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Scientific truth is always paradox, if judged by everyday experience, which catches only the delusive nature of things.
  • We see the dichotomies, the wealth of paradox and the inherent contradictions but fail to see what it is that unifies them all into a coherent whole in their minds.
  • The paradox is this: Cultural conservatives revel in condemning the loose moral values and louche lifestyles of “San Francisco liberals.” The Volokh Conspiracy » “Do ‘Family Values’ Weaken Families?”
  • They do so by lexical wrinkles like the paradoxical "silence-speaking" itself of this same junctural ligature. Phonemanography: Romantic to Victorian
  • It calls up the seeming paradox of writing a history, an account of pastness, of things that are of the relative present.
  • Often the young people go home in tears, or in a tearless rage, when they have seen the child and faced this terrible paradox. Jesse Kornbluth: Happiness In 'Omelas' Depends on the Suffering of a Single Child. Could You Live With That?
  • Of all the mysteries of unipolar depression, a condition marked by sleep problems to begin with, the most clinically useful may be the paradoxical observation that keeping people awake may actually help them get better.
  • There is an obvious explanation of this apparent paradox. The Bullet Catchers
  • As a result, the urn pushes beyond the logic of consumer desire: where the consumer can at least hope for an imagined consummation from a given commodity, the urn makes that satisfaction impossible and emphasizes the paradoxical bliss one takes in an anticipation that is never fulfilled. Ode on a Grecian Urn
  • The event is just dreadful and yet the way it's recorded is great art and it leads us into a kind of paradox.
  • Paradoxically, the first lie they tend to tell interviewers is that their works are not autobiographical. Times, Sunday Times
  • It, however, is paradoxical that "enjoying the rural life" has never been an indigenous idea having developed independently and self-consciously, but a bounce-back of urban cultural expansion.
  • This faith in the indubitable certainty of mathematical proofs was sadly shaken around 1900 by the discovery of the antinomies or paradoxes of set theory.
  • As regards studies of the abnormalities of the sexual impulse, under the name of _paradoxical sexual impulse_ cases have been published in which that impulse manifested itself at an age of life in which it is normally non-existent -- old age and childhood. The Sexual Life of the Child
  • She, as a woman, cannot be trusted with the technology, and therein lies the paradox.
  • `I always lie' is a paradox because if it is true it must be false
  • It is the western condition of globalisation, and its paradox of intimacy and intolerance suggests that the western reaction to the remorseless rise of the non-west will be far from benign.
  • American history is filled with manifestos of cultural independence paradoxically coupled with exercises in bardolatry and Anglophilia.
  • Davie qualifies bold assertions and subordinate escape-clauses, paradoxical epithets and sentences opening with an adversative link.
  • Chesterton, mystique, mousquetaire de la plume, miroir redresseur de nos travers déformants, humoriste paradoxal et décapant, reste à redécouvrir. Pour le réenchantement du monde - Une introduction à Chesterton
  • Director Bob Baker seems to have an innate understanding of the Coward paradox, that wistful vitriol.
  • Paradoxically, as prostitutes the children often fall victim to the very legal system that should be protecting them.
  • We seem here to have further evidence of the apparent paradox about creativity and psychosis to which we have referred several times.
  • Both appear to have a paradoxical effect of either increasing or decreasing the stress response.
  • Worldwide, however, the paradox of his life and works persists as even the most stringent apostles of musical progress champion his music for its harmonic invention.
  • Paradoxically, its humour and compassion make it a thoroughly watchable, even enjoyable.
  • Italy was being born and, paradoxically, 'our' people had a much broader conception of oenological boundaries than we seem to have today. For Italians, Summer Starts at the Beach
  • Yet paradoxically he wielded huge power: the power that comes from touching the souls of millions. Times, Sunday Times
  • Then again, the absence of a preferred chemosynthesis pathway that formic acid photosynthesis impress, means that the old "chicken-and-egg" paradox of "what came first, enzymes or metabolism" that it promise to resolve remains. New Results from Stardust Mission Paint Chaotic Picture of Early Solar System | Universe Today
  • One such description occurs in the opening lines of the poem as Milton joins two rhetorical devices, chiasmus and paradox, to declare his subject.
  • Accordingly, they sometimes put down their thoughts in bits, in short, equivocal, and paradoxical sentences which appear to mean much more than they say (a splendid example of this kind of writing is furnished by Schelling’s treatises on Essays of Schopenhauer
  • It may seem like a paradox to lighten a dish with crème fraîche, but a final swirl gives a tangy freshness to the navarin and draws together the disparate flavors in exquisite harmony. Stew's Spring Awakening
  • Hence, although emotion is the overriding topic, paradoxically it is not immediacy but diffuseness in diction, syntax, and argument that has manifested itself as the overriding style. “The Cure of Poetry in an Age of Prose” : Ange Mlinko : Harriet the Blog : The Poetry Foundation
  • Paradoxically her legacy was to remove any parental role in the provision of contraception for young people.
  • Paradoxically, being a warm, empathic, kind person may not help at all. Times, Sunday Times
  • Regular readers of this blog will have noted previous entries on the “paradoxical” reverse epidemiology of obesity and cardiovascular mortality, where risk is apparently higher in underweight compared to normal weight, overweight or even mildly obese individuals (for e.g. of previous blog entries on this click here, here or here). Dr. Sharma’s Obesity Notes » Blog Archive » Obesity Paradox also Holds in Denmark
  • Paradoxically a more extreme idea than that of Charron, viz., to mathematize ethics leaving aside the idea of end, seemed to insinuate itself even in Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • The first question tacitly assumes that a paradoxical reality is a reasonable (in your favorite sense, i.e., coherent) counterproposition, or not a metaphysical proposition, or that reality does not exist. Bukiet on Brooklyn Books
  • It often happens, however, that, though they see the amphiboly, people hesitate to draw such distinctions, because of the dense crowd of persons who propose questions of the kind, in order that they may not be thought to be obstructionists at every turn: then, though they would never have supposed that that was the point on which the argument turned, they often find themselves faced by a paradox. On Sophistical Refutations
  • A paradox pervades the Sicilian citrus groves and gardens. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The apparent paradox tells you all you need to know about investing in small oil explorers. Times, Sunday Times
  • No, this was a silent mutiny, a mutiny of the heart, and paradoxically, though it was never intended - but, perhaps, a kind of Karma - an avouchment of support for him.
  • Actually these are a pretty good test of your understanding of validity because when you see those two arguments, the paradoxes of entailment, must be valid.
  • The question of infinity relates to paradoxes - an infinite regress or a circular argument indicate something is wrong with the argument.
  • Paradoxically, the very men who had opened up the landscape to the people still dreamed of getting far from the madding crowd. Map of a Nation: A Biography of the Ordnance Survey by Rachel Hewitt - review
  • Cannabinoids have been found to have an antiemetic effect...but paradoxically chronic cannabis use results in hyperemesis.
  • He describes pretty well the loneliness that goes with (so far as I can see) making any kind of art, and which he says adheres with a particular paradoxicalness (paradoxality?) to theatre: Theatre notes
  • Paradoxically, the exhibition as a whole is enriched by its internal contradictions.
  • The paradox is that on the only point of principle which I think one can divine from my judgment, you were successful.
  • These are also paradoxically anti-modernist moments, when a belief in literature's power of ethical persuasion asserts itself over market-based utility values.
  • Wilde, who could never resist an aphorism, frequently undermines the seriousness of his beliefs by his brilliant and paradoxical style.
  • The paradox of Aquin as author is that out of impotence and disease he made masterpieces of flashing, lapidary prose, that as a failure he was able to write macabre, lewd, violent, hilarious and arrogant novels.
  • As the plural of the book's title suggests, it enjoys the multiplicity of these paradoxes and antitheses. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Prodi is too much politician, provincial and elitist to be taken seriously and Bhagwati is -- paradoxically -- evangelical and boring as he defends globalization. David E.
  • The paradox of trust is that by intelligently relinquishing power, one gains it back many times over. INSIDE THE TORNADO: MARKETING STRATEGIES FROM SILICON VALLEY'S CUTTING EDGE
  • Charney has been criticised for paradoxically censuring the exploitation of the worker, while pushing the instrumental use of sexuality and women.
  • And yet this reliance on the East had a paradoxical effect. SPICE: The History of a Temptation
  • An entire chapter is devoted to cleavages, and another to infinity, beginning with Zeno's paradoxes and leading up to Cantor's transfinite cardinals.
  • Like the gardens and bowers from which it borrows its imagery, it is a place of ‘arrest,’ cut off from the world but paradoxically containing all the world in its ‘essentials,’ purified by the imagination.
  • Paradoxically, this immemorial and ubiquitous trauma is perpetuating the dream of an eternal and perfectly just, that is, paradisical life.
  • There is something paradoxically comforting to liberals about such an explanation. Times, Sunday Times
  • There is now a central paradox at the heart of political life.
  • Paradoxically, where are the benefits that we were meant to reap from the former grammar schools? Ironic Ducks
  • Freud's study of the antithetical sense of “primal words” as well as his contributions to the theory of word-play have given new dimensions to paradoxy, important in literature as well as in psychological method. LITERARY PARADOX
  • The dog paradoxically calls our attention to the hat floating above its head.
  • Paradoxically, however, critical discussions of these same films and their powerful physical effects also often suggest that they are the quintessence of cinema.
  • Almost paradoxically, it was full of non-human life. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is the paradox; no one will trade there until people are trading there. Times, Sunday Times
  • While these are stimulants, they have a paradoxically calming and focusing effect by boosting dopamine and serotonin. Times, Sunday Times
  • The result is a beguiling and wistful study of displaced people that conveys the paradoxical loneliness and richness of cosmopolitan life. Times, Sunday Times
  • Paradoxically, he then offers a contrariwise view of what differentiates American and Continental strategy on achieving a worthy and just international order.
  • He's got a high, reedy voice, that paradoxically creates a special strength in its vulnerability.
  • A historical paradox seems to be at work. Times, Sunday Times
  • Addressing this paradox, Robert Caserio employs the concept of ‘tychism’ (from the Greek tyche, meaning law of chance) to shed light on the novel and on major intellectual movements in England in the first half of the twentieth century.
  • Two years later, Max Black (1956) presented an argument against backward causation, which became known as the bilking argument, and later attempts to meet the argument seemed to generate all kinds of paradoxes. Backward Causation
  • For fear of repeating the mistakes of 1848, Marx paradoxically would have the working class draw its ‘poetry’ only from the future, from the promise of a classless society.
  • Many patients end up being prescribed benzos in order to contain them and it can be like a time bomb ready to go off as there is a condition called paradoxical aggression caused by ovr use of medication such as diazepam and lorazepam. The Guardian World News
  • I thought the writers were staying with mind transport only (into your future/past body), so that a paradox is avoided. The Tail Section » Episode 4.9 “The Shape of Things to Come” Afterthoughts
  • She plays him from the inside out, revealing his interior struggles while making fully incarnate his exterior -- the irony, sarcasm, ecstatic beauty, paradox, and the leonine raging against an incipient silence. Music review: Yuliya Gorenman plays Beethoven sonatas at the Katzen Center
  • I find this upsetting because most economists are victims of, as François Guillaumat would put it, the “Friedman Paradox”: they preach scientistic pseudo-experimentalism as the only methodology and epistemology but they act as if their beliefs, including their philosophical ones, were apodictically certain. The Austrian Economists:
  • Paradoxically, it is often self-knowledge that destroys a Miller character.
  • Firstly we think 'pragmatically', deploy flat ontological analyses as a mere technological appendage to serve pre-existing political vectors, but this seems to be somewhat paradoxical for it entails a hidden claim that the ontological has no baring upon the political-but this indicates the technological potentials of the philosophy are null and void. Larval Subjects .
  • This particular hymn 28 celebrates the paradox of the incarnation, alluding to the feasts of Easter and the Ascension.
  • It is a curious paradox that professional comedians often have unhappy personal lives.
  • As I will argue here, the representation of fetishism in her writing exists in a paradoxical relationship with the fetishism of her theory of representation.
  • One explanation for such paradoxical behaviours is that they are motivated by visceral factors relating to physical and emotional drives.
  • The paradoxical truth is that nothing is more unpopular with the public than the pursuit of the public interest.
  • Zeno's paradoxes and the self - referential paradoxes, “the Liar” in particular, raise the problem of “matching” verbal utterance to perceived reality and to conceptions, a topic also explored, with due attention to verbal and logical paradoxy, in the LITERARY PARADOX
  • It does not overcome the paradoxes between asserting on one hand the functional analyses of law and affirming the integral conception of culture and unilinear evolutionism on the other hand.
  • Thus, regeneration of sperm production in this sterile recipient provides an advanced pre-clinical model for optimizing the efficacy of stem cell therapies to cure a paradoxically increasing number of azoospermic men. Elites TV
  • By a curious paradox, however, it often happens that the headache due to eye-strain is caused not by the grosser defects, such as interfere with vision so seriously as absolutely to demand the wearing of glasses to see decently, but from slighter and more irregular degrees and kinds of misshapenness in the eye, most of which fall under the well-known heading of astigmatism. Preventable Diseases
  • Subsequently, we will discuss the profound consequences that these paradoxes have on a number of different areas: theories of truth, set theory, epistemology, foundations of mathematics, computability. Self-Reference
  • And we can add that once again Oe inverts his material in a new novel in which the symbiosis between a father and his spiritually clouded son is focused on anew - a book that paradoxically ends with the word Nobel Prize in Literature 1994 - Presentation Speech
  • Paradoxically, the tax subsidy cushions the borrower from the full effects of a restrictive monetary policy.
  • The paradox of narrative politics is that it is the very improbability of the campaign that gives it plausibility.
  • Bottled water is another of the modern paradoxes of health - a product born out of our success at reducing waterborne disease.
  • Paradoxically, the physical body from which the putrescence comes scarcely seems to touch the earth with its weight.
  • The paradox is that tilapia islets produce insulin in a very glucose sensitive manner but simultaneously appear to be peripherally insensitive to insulin.
  • It is a curious paradox that professional comedians often have unhappy personal lives.
  • It's a paradox that in such a rich country there can be so much poverty.
  • The argument for free trade is paradoxical and much misunderstood. Times, Sunday Times
  • Travel is a paradoxical business - supposedly outgoing, in fact self-obsessed.
  • Since it does not succeed in expressing a proposition, the liar sentence is neither true nor false and the paradox is avoided.
  • This antinomy, perceived by reason and resolved by faith, is the standard paradox of Renaissance humanism, and we have met it in many shapes.
  • Paradoxically, the librarian comes alive in his animated form.
  • It's a paradox that in such a rich country there can be so much poverty.
  • The difference, however, between a paradox of terms and an aporia of terms lies in difference itself.
  • It sounds like a paradox - Paris has almost three times as much rain as London but London is much rainier than Paris.
  • A paradox of much of the fashion business is that it asserts the right to set trends while refusing to take risks. Times, Sunday Times
  • The process of reconciliation of the high-tech vs. low-tech paradox was spectacularly demonstrated by a New York Times report.
  • The section on markers discusses rhyme and alliteration, oppositions, word repetition, paradox, metaphor, pithiness and aspects of the syntax of proverbs.
  • All the fundamental paradoxes are true for one simple reason: they are truths.
  • Therefore, in order to counter concerns raised by the discovery of the logical and set-theoretic paradoxes, a new approach was needed to justify modern mathematical methods.
  • He uses puns, paradoxes, antitheses, parallels, and various rhetorical and literary devices to construct expressions that have meanings beyond the obvious.
  • Given the dialogic nature of language, the paradox of intertextuality is that repetition can involve semantic renewal and difference.
  • To the innocent, who had never seen it before, it seemed discorded and inconsequent, bizarre and paradoxical like the frantic darting of the weightless bugs which run on the surface of stagnant pools. Caps gameday special: Best hockey stories ever
  • That was, if you like, an ironic and paradoxical appreciation of the transgressive.
  • The paradox needs explaining, and resolving. Times, Sunday Times
  • (or relevant logic) is the idea of capturing a notion of entailment that doesn't fall foul of the so-called fallacies of relevance, or paradoxes of (material and strict) implication. Impossible Worlds
  • It will be interesting to see how the government 's statisticians cope with the amorphous, paradoxical and fleeting phenomenon that goes under the name of happiness. Times, Sunday Times
  • Paradoxically, she both benefited from and was threatened by these collections.
  • This paradox has prompted research on the potential contribution of varying infant care practices to the prevention of deaths from this syndrome.
  • But there is a dreadful paradox in all the horse sports, and jump racing in particular. Times, Sunday Times
  • The paradox is that his heavy-handed tactics risk provoking one. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is not entirely paradoxical, since Orwell saw socialism as all about preserving traditional decencies.
  • The second and central panel is an abstract passage; here, the tension between flat surface and represented curvature is broken by the mottled dark colouring, to yield a paradoxical depth.
  • Paradoxically it is this smell that contributes to the therapeutic effect of garlic on the body.
  • At this point it must seem paradoxical that atomic nuclei containing several closely packed protons exist at all.
  • The ongoing malaise, paradoxically, is only boosting the opportunities for investors in multiunit rental properties. A Bull Market in Rental Housing
  • The sky becomes a flat cut-out shape which paradoxically appears to dissolve the more solid forms of skyscrapers on either side.
  • By the sheer multitude of paradoxical formulations in his Gargantua et Pantagruel, particularly clustered in the Tiers livre, Rabelais offers a wonderful anthol - ogy of Renaissance paradoxy. LITERARY PARADOX
  • Short of sneakers and flip-flops, the pickings are paradoxically slim.
  • This explains the seeming paradox of why we have a lower acceptance of combat casualties with a volunteer military than we had with a draft Army.
  • In the way that he apposes the images and varies the pauses, he draws us into the evening's movement and its paradoxically calming effect.
  • Nowhere is this paradox more apparent than in the attempts of philosophers to theorize about the self.
  • Further down the bureaucratic hierarchy, the classic rational image of the bureaucrat seems to prevail, but in the boundary layer something paradoxical can happen. Politics, Planning and the State

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