How To Use Paradigm In A Sentence
Either Mrs David has had an enormous impact on her countrymen or a major paradigm shift has occurred.
Almost all non-functional programmers are unaware that tail calls facilitate a programming paradigm that they have never seen. what's new online!
One usually thinks of the paradigmatic soldier is the front line rifleman, or maybe a guy buttoned up in a tank.
A lot of mistakes I see are a lack of cover letter, and an objective statement on the resume that is all wrong for the job opening, " says Lindsay Olson, partner and recruiter at Paradigm Staffing.
Schreker's opera not as a work from a turn of the century long ago, but as a paradigm with very contemporary relevance.

In one sense, Schaller correctly assesses the New Paradigm refuseniks as mourners for the lost order.
These paradigms will be of as much interest to philologists and ethnolinguists as they may be to ornithologists.
So far the trend is that the self-assembly paradigm gets more convoluted and improbable as the search continues, and the design paradigm gets more and more plausible.
A Good Saturday Evening Flick
The City, in short, was placed on the same platform as Wall Street, thus creating the paradigm known as Anglo-Saxon Capitalism.
Robert Teitelman: Big Bang, Now and Then
The old paradigm said it was my ministry they were loyal to.
Christianity Today
This paragraph is a paradigm of legal Machiavellianism – and is pretty weak legal reasoning for an academic.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Is the tax power infinite?
Maverick groups which imitate and model the dominant paradigm may be more likely to survive than those that do not.
Klassen discusses how the choice of the home simultaneously sacralizes the home as a space in which a deeply spiritual event can occur and challenges the hegemony of the medical paradigm which sees the home as a source of pathogens.
After the 1962 publication of Structure, however, the word paradigm came to mean something bigger and more complicated than a mere example.
Economic Principals
Scientists even begin to express openly their discontent with and unease over the reigning paradigm.
IMO, a careful planning alternative is needed; inductive, goal-oriented spending, consistent with the broader economy, which will necessarily, continually re-envigorate the economy, would surpass any fundamental, paradigm shift!?
Think Progress » On House GOP Website, Republican Leadership Takes Credit For Successful Stimulus Project
What such a history would particularly need to convey in relation to higher education is the paradigm shift brought about since 1992 by the increasing influence of the spivs in suits (aka managers).
Kant also assumes that although our pleasure in beauty should be a response to the form of an object alone, fine art is paradigmatically mimetic, that is, has representational or semantic content (CPJ, §48, 5: 311).
18th Century German Aesthetics
The technological paradigm stresses the role of technology and, more widely, of innovation within the current changes taking place in the economic system.
When behaviourism became the dominant paradigm, there were still psychoanalysts probing the depths of the psyche.
But my experience is that the dominant paradigm in “old media” is to provide the blandest, most innocuous content with an eye toward attracting advertisers, rather than providing interesting content with an eye toward attracting readers.
Matthew Yglesias » Newspapers Without Profits
Why do some conservationists still not embrace the sustainable use paradigm?
These two aspects together dictate the specific characteristics of a given model, or paradigm.
The prosody of the language is very euphonic, and for the first week of classes (an hour every day), we recited what we thought was a prayer but turned out to be the paradigm of the verb “to go”.
F is for First Lessons « An A-Z of ELT
Yet each year the new paradigm lurks closer and closer.
The following is a position paper challenging the paradigm that ‘carcinogen = mutagen’, and that the current rodent bioassay to predict risks to human cancers is relevant and useful.
In handling the crisis, then, a justifiable prudential strategy was, by March, overtaken and overwhelmed by this paradigm, underpinned by a commitment that became increasingly messianic.
I had not previously met anyone who'd been ensorcelled, so I was fascinated -- never mind that I was spending my days deep within the scientific paradigm, in which such things were not allowed.
Michael Gruber explains the inspiration behind his 2007 intellectual thriller, The Book of Air and Shadows
Massive bottom-up infrastructure sprouted all over the world in bits and pieces, proliferated, and a new paradigm was created.
Shrinking electronic or mechanical systems further, he says, will inevitably require new paradigms involving quantum theory.
But more than this, the whole efficiency paradigm has brought with it, or at the very least reflects, the ideology of instancy: rapid, continuous, updatable access with its commensurate faith in staying connected and contemporary.
That show laid out the paradigmatic, innovative modernist journey from representation to abstraction.
It is paradigmatic of new situations.
This workshop will explore gender theory, grounded in a social constructivism paradigm, as a means of challenging heteronormative culture in the workplace.
The ancestors of modern professors, humanists tried to reconcile (intellectual) labor with the cultivation of idleness based on classical paradigms.
To force the paradigm, Geoff Cohen was talking about a computer language where names and labels were outlawed.
The concord represents a paradigm shift, and will accelerate regional integration and identity-building.
Following a two-week placebo or vitamin capsule lead-in period, a randomized crossover treatment paradigm was utilized.
To explicate this paradigm, the study, in addition to the tenets of border theory, draws on the insights of historicism and postcolonial theory.
It wouldn’t surprise me if 25 years from now server-based alphanumeric e-mail and text messaging/paging are viewed as little more than historical curiosities, and the holding in Quon will have to be interpreted by analogy — probably bad analogy — like that old “HDD is just like a file cabinet” paradigm judges used to be so fondof.
The Volokh Conspiracy » The Fourth Amendment, New Technologies, and the Case for Caution
To learn about postmodernism is to immerse oneself in a new paradigm, one that emphasizes pluralism and local narratives, skepticism and re-examination, deconstructionism and hermeneutics.
And in this paradigm, he argues that the ontology is one of nominalism, programs do not exist in the abstract but only in the concrete.
Three Paradigms of Research in Computer Science « Beki's Blog (there's an original name)
Clearly, this new interface, dubbed the MenuTab by Zoho, was inspired by Microsoft's Ribbon interface, which is slowly becoming the standard interface paradigm for Microsoft applications.
A failure to solve a puzzle is seen as a failure of the scientist rather than as an inadequacy of the paradigm.
Fortunately, therapeutic paradigms are shifting, and clinicians have many new agents in their armamentarium for combating fungal infection.
Kumarila's abhihitanvaya and Prabhakara's anvitabhidhana are opposing paradigms of the poetics of sequence: aggregative and holonic.
Archive 2005-12-01
Conventional economic theory follows a mathematical paradigm pioneered by classical physics, embodying smooth, differentiable functions, and dominant equilibria.
You probably noticed that the term functional programming has appeared in many areas recently - the C# 3.0 and LINQ have been largely influenced by this paradigm and many of the libraries that enable and simplify writing parallel code rely on functional ideas.
The Code Project Latest Articles
A further model that we briefly outline falls into the set theoretical semantics paradigm of nonclassical logic and it is due to Dunn and Meyer.
Combinatory Logic
Ideas can add to knowledge in an accretionary manner, or in a revolutionary, paradigm-shifting way, depending on their influence.
uncorrelated" long ago ceased to be relevant to the current blog paradigm.
The article continues with discussions on Language Engineering Paradigms and Language Engineering Challenges and in particular "Model Migration".
Consider now the rise of the associationist paradigm.
That indeterminacy is itself masked in ghostly reflections of a former paradigm.
Paley, "Apocalypse Without Millenium" Part 2
Philip becomes aware of the process through which we invent our own identities based on the fictional paradigms at our disposal.
The hermeneutic paradigm the Kantian narrative was designed to protect can best be put in terms of transcendentalism.
Anyway, paradigm's definition is so complicated and self-congratulatory that its usage is generally limited to the kind of people who use words like "ersatz" and "natch" - out loud anyway.
WFMU's Beware of the Blog:
To be sure, nobody currently enjoying success with their old paradigm really wants to change.
Lest I be misunderstood, I am not valorizing one form of cultural production over the other; rather I am noting a paradigmatic shift from resistance to contestation.
Similar to antonymous paradigmatic relation , differentiated paradigmatic relation is created from peoples psychological association.
She also focuses on the ways in which the use of the adversary method as a paradigm of philosophy limits and distorts the work of philosophers.
In contrast to the ideal of the renunciant so central to Jain and Buddhist traditions, Manu provides a paradigm for a human life lived in deep engagement with the world.
'Birkin' Yoga
While some doubt whether late capitalism can ever be sufficiently "greened" to forestall climate change and other global calamities, many embrace the notion that a more widely held environmental ethic can be an important component of moving the current paradigm toward something more just and sustainable.
Randall Amster: Peace is the New War
The prospects for experimental tests of the dynamical transition paradigm seem particularly promising in the case of focal epilepsy.
Has there been a big enough paradigm shift in our culture to create a change in gaming?
If so, a paradigm shift to the holistic approach might be managed.
Using the Political Economy Paradigm, this paper provides an integrated framework for analyzing channel governance.
The neoclassical view starts from a paradigm of competitive equilibrium and considers shocks to the system and perturbations of cost and demand.
Rationalism and the neocapitalist paradigm of context, the predominant concept is the concept of patriarchial culture and there are a number of narratives concerning the bridge between consciousness and class may be discovered.
Dr-rndmprsn Diary Entry
This first modern paradigm is an abstract rationalist universalism that conflates universality with Eurocentrism and developmental modernism.
Lindsey also finds that citation counts favour the scientist doing work in the mainstream or dominant paradigm.
Christian and Latin Christian theological paradigms in Late Antiquity are related closely with Plotinus' Neo- Platonism, their theologies are based on Plotinus' philosophy.
Newtonian mechanics, wave optics and classical electromagnetism all constituted and perhaps constitute paradigms and qualify as sciences.
Priming paradigms are heavily used in many areas of cognitive psychology.
He presents progressivism as the dominant paradigm at the beginning of the twentieth century.
The paradigmatic narrative of leaving suburbia while on the brink of adulthood can be mapped across generational difference.
The trans-Atlantic paradigms of the 20th century became inadequate, but an understandable desire to cling to them persisted in Germany.
For it is part of the paradigm natural law view that the basic principles of the natural law are known by all, and the sort of arguments that would need to be made in order to produce derivationist knowledge of the human good are certainly not had
The Natural Law Tradition in Ethics
Practice without a tradition means performing acts and relating to phenomena through a filter, lens, paradigm, or etc. that is not tied to any specific or decidable group of people.
They saw in it a narrative paradigm which offered the possibility of meaning in their individual experience to all men.
They formed a rather loose paradigm that influences the social theory of religion to this day.
Sociology and Religion: A Collection of Readings
By the 1930s, it had become the dominant paradigm in American experimental psychology.
Combine that with talk of building “a new paradigm … a new wave” and I’m going to write you off as immature and more interested in mimicking the successes of others who come before you than in showing me what makes * you* unique.
PR: What Not to Do: Reading Like a Time Capsule » Comics Worth Reading
His reason for calling it transcendental semiotics is because he thinks that the notion of semiosis, the sign-relation, provides a useful way of explaining the three paradigms.
We shall now explore three alternatives to the rational model: logical incrementalism, the interpretative paradigm and action rationality.
This impeccably chosen set of ballads and booty-shakers - finally getting an official release after McGraw's legal dispute with his label kept it under wraps for nearly two years - shows McGraw's range while it honors contemporary country's paradigms.
Now, the term paradigm shift is used to suggest the groundbreaking importance of statements such as this:
The big 5: A teacher's translation guide for policymakers
Significantly all of these doctors speak of the urgency for a paradigm shift in New Zealand mental health, and are part of a growing number of mental health professionals who are seeking to rehumanise what psychiatry has dehumanized through current brain disabling "treatments" of drugging and electroshock.
For some weeks I have been working on the concept of a new vexillological paradigm for the Internet.
Such a perception was to lead to a new kind of paradigm or conceptual map.
The problem of demarcation also plagues the paradigm case of supererogatory behavior, the so-called saintly and heroic acts.
How to Kill a Missionary
Over the course of a year, Milgram carried out 19 different experiments, each one a different variation of the basic paradigm.
In essence, this student was required to defend the choice of a qualitative paradigm.
paradigmatic word associations
While some white men express anger in violence against women too, Joan’s experience suggests the kind of paradigm shift that can provide black women with a new way of examining potential partners— a shift away from the kind of man who can outyell us or do even worse.
Don’t Bring Home a White Boy
Part Two: Significance, limitation and issue field of humanism research paradigm.
Within this paradigm, the two main criticisms levelled at mainstream Hollywood films are tokenism and homophobia.
Here is a brief quote from a much larger section of the book concerned with novelty and different paradigms of information-presentation.
On the contrary, they were selected as paradigm cases.
Critical Social Research
Clearly Paul uses this as a connecting platform, without accepting a panentheistic/polytheistic/pluralist paradigm, as one can clearly glean by the immediate and larger context of Acts.
Sunday School: Genesis 1:1-2:3
Paradigm Media Contact Samhita Shah Tel: +1 713.393.4109 samhita.
Aren't you really suggesting that if life was not generated according to a non-telic paradigm then theism is true?
Assessing Causality
For the uninitiated, statistical analysis can be an eye-opener concerning the analysis of the efficacy of every paradigm.
Should Empirics Determine the Curriculum?, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
When I spoke to one of the people behind this project, I was struck by its simplicity and by the visionary future paradigm that it is based on.
Consequently, the logical and rational response to a new paradigm by most people is rejection.
I may be perceptually blind, but not all scientists will be, and out of this fact arises the possibility of new percepts and paradigms.
The carrying capacity of a tourist destination should be given prime importance and small is beautiful should be the paradigm for eco-tourism projects.
He had become the paradigm of the successful man.
What does this tell us about his paradigm and his basic understanding of law and life?
Christianity Today
I feel much of the conflict is that of old structures fighting to keep hold their dominance against the ascendancy of the new paradigm.
The trial was named the ENHANCE trial, and possibly this trial was initiated because Zocor is generic now, and not a priority from a profit paradigm of its creator.
According to the neoclassical paradigm of economic theory, production conditions are basically the same everywhere.
Paradigmatic artifacts are remarkably stable structures; they will last for millennia if nobody or no natural accident breaks them.
This work, reinforced by geological and comparative anatomy studies, forced a paradigm shift on biology and was seen as overturning firmly held religious beliefs about the origins of life on Earth.
They are unsentimental and category-averse, a mind-set that means much of business is now working on an old paradigm.
Social Contract" lias long been a classical paradigm in the field of political philosophy in the west, bul it contains an inherent contradiction.
One only needs direct access to the Gospels unmediated by historical traditions and unencumbered by church doctrines to find there the paradigmatic model of a successful millenarian cult.
Their great academic success was paraded as paradigmatic.
Intraplate orogenic belts are the most obvious exception to the plate tectonic paradigm, which assumes that plate interiors are rigid and undeformable, and that orogen-scale deformation occurs exclusively at plate margins.
EurekAlert! - Breaking News
On the one hand, nationality and internationality in cinematic art are contradictory, as films are full of ideology, and the national psychological paradigm of aesthetics is exclusive.
Yet heroin is still perceived as the paradigmatic voodoo drug, ineluctably turning its users into zombies who must obey its commands.
These melodies were harmonized accordingly and subsequently subjected to extensive thematic development in the paradigm of Western-European nineteenth-century compositional procedures.
The picture could be a physiognomical paradigm of a conspirator, a machinator, a schemer, a Machiavel.
Do you not agree that the dominant paradigm in climate science is of an ensemble of climate models sampled from a distribution centered on the truth?
Climate Science is an Experimental Science | Serendipity
The symbolic-interactionist paradigm rests on the assumption that in every situation in which individuals interact, social order is created anew.
One ordinary day, with Hangover Helper
Isn't it technology, for example, which makes new ways of thinking, new ideas and paradigms, possible?
By combining, synthesizing, and reinterpreting research from many different disciplines and paradigms, he has supplied a rich source of variation.
Indian psychology doesn't require verification in the modern Western research methodology paradigms.
(called desmodromic) that makes their motorbike engines paradigm.
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A familiar aura of sweetness and loss reminiscent of Salinger is palpable from the first pages of the book, when we meet Jane's older brother Henry, who, by introducing his "mature" girlfriend to the family has indelibly altered the paradigm of familial relationships with which young Jane is accustomed.
The Girl's Guide To Hunting & Fishing by Melissa Bank: Questions
Murder is an infraction of every known ethical paradigm.
Our field will advance through research dynamism and not through a Procrustean application of inappropriate research paradigms.
Just as the cosmogony is the archetype of all creation, cosmic time, which the cosmogony brings forth, is the paradigmatic model for all other times -- that is, for the times specifically belonging to the various categories of existing things.
Meditation: In illo tempore
Kuhn showed that what counts as a fact to a scientist depends on the current paradigm.
We must now confront the rather more daunting problems of differentiating lexical units paradigmatically.
We have investigated this a number of times by having students learn lists of rare French-English pairs of words using a paired associates learning paradigm.
The premise of the precapitalist paradigm of expression holds that consciousness is part of the rubicon of art.
Matthew Yglesias » Fight Club
The term "paradigm shift" is bandied around with promiscuous ease.
The Economist: Daily news and views
Respondents' ratings were viewed as a reflection of the degree to which their colleges of agriculture had shifted from a teaching paradigm to a learning paradigm.
Another key issue is the choosing of appropriate neural network architecture and paradigms to match applications.
There are many who insist that the paradigms of greed, arrogance and usurpation are the true reference points for our sextants.
De Pinna M (1991) Concepts and tests of homology in the cladistic Kluge AG, Farris JS (1969) Quantitative phyletics and the evolution paradigm.
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Isn't it also about - or I should say, how do you avoid it being about mind over matter, you know, that old Western paradigm of the rational mind controlling or taming the body?
At universities and funding agencies ... tenure and grant committees take decisions based on narrow criteria (focusing on publication lists, citations and impact factors) or on specific plans for near-term results, all of which inherently favour those working in established fields with well-accepted paradigms.
Archive 2009-04-01
The relativist paradigm of the twentieth century has determined the form of our avant-garde literature.
Finally, once we begin to think of human groups of all sorts as like species interacting with each other in an ecosystem -- what I call the ecological/evolutionary paradigm -- we can begin to think more constructively about how to manage between-group interactions, religious and otherwise.
David Sloan Wilson: Atheism as a Stealth Religion IV: The Transformation of the Obvious
This week reaffirms that America's public discourse remains shrouded under a right-wing paradigm, for which many of us remain codependent enablers.
Byron Williams: Right-wing still controls the paradigm of public discourse
Religions need to be rescued from their present framework of conflictual relationship and relocated in a paradigm of mutual cooperation.
Another key issue is the choosing of appropriate neural network architecture and paradigms to match applications.
On what basis do we distinguish the paradigm shift required to redefine FTL, time travel or alternative realities as possibilities rather than impossibilities from a similar paradigm shift that would redefine, for example, ESP, jaunting or intersecting realities as possibilities rather than impossibilities?
Archive 2007-12-01
These later variables can also be viewed within a developmental psychopathology paradigm.
Such music fests do not exist outside of a parasitic capitalist and Mafia-styled exploitive capitalist paradigm that is financed by the American government with American tax payer money.
Cappadocian Fathers review the theological debates between Nicene Fathers and Arianism since 325, and established Greek Christian theological paradigm in Late Antiquity.
While normal scientific work is highly cumulative, acquiring a new paradigm is a noncumulative scientific change, a rupture, a break from the past.
Scientific Revolutions
But he does have a table of contents, so let's try that: 1. On the production of subjectivity 2. Machinic heterogenesis 3. Schizoanalytic metamodelisation 4. Schizo chaosmosis 5. Machinic orality and virtual ecology 6. The new aesthetic paradigm 7. The ecosophic object
Book Blogging: 'Chaosmosis'
Note that there is no paradigm shift here that involves people not listening to music on their car radios or with headsets or in their homes.
It also explicitly makes no attempt to give any pre-established explanation or paradigm.
The only course left to us, is to do the impossible - to abandon the paradigm of capitalism that has defined our cultural, political and economic life for the past 250 years, and whose supremacy has led inexorably to the despoilation of our planet and demeaning of human existence.
Jim Schumacher and Debbie Bookchin: Our Oil Reserves Are Depleted; It's Time for Utopia
The paradigm of the open space as a public place must be promoted better across the country.
Of course in Britain we've made the choice to live within the paradigm of consumerism.
Perhaps the most radical reverser of all the old paradigms is Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, who introduced her old friend at the ceremony.
This same paradigm of identical shapes in varying orientations made the syllabary easy to learn, resulting in a high rate of literacy among the Cree people.
The contradiction between the paleofauna and the uniformitarian paleoclimate is so great that one wonders why scientists do not question the uniformitarian paradigm.
The term paradigm, however, is useful, like a Swiss Army Knife. Top Stories
This means that if the listener logic changes any state in an external data source (database, mainframe, and so on) then these interactions must be treated with an "at least once" delivery paradigm.
paradigmatic inflection
The book is laced throughout with panegyrics and tributes to his friends and scientific colleagues that portray these innovators as heroes for the emerging new paradigm.
There was a lot of press ballyhoo last week about a new licensing paradigm for the music industry on the Internet.
Cladistics is currently the most popular paradigm of phylogenetic classification in biological taxonomy.
Vital, postindustrial paradigms are hidden in every jungly ant hill.
While remnant systems perdured, the game was up for all of them - they were no longer alternatives to the dominant and victorious paradigm.
This kind of skewered presentation reminds me of an objection that Rabbi Samuel Dresner raised to certain stories and novels by Isaac Bashevis Singer which suggested that East European Jewry was not the paradigm of morality that many of our grandparents remembered it as being.
Under O'Keefe and Steidle NASA was heading toward your suggested fly-off competition operating model (which DOES compare better to your cited examples), but Griffin squashed that and reshaped Constellation along the old NASA paradigm: govt dictates the precise design, industry builds that design under an exclusive contract.
Remembering Apollo 11 and the Legacy of Apollo - NASA Watch
For the record, since I'm starting this carry-over thread, keiths has just refuted the entire paradigm of evolutionary biology and indicted the whole 'culture war' being carried on by posers cloaking themselves in the mantle of science in order to pretend that their consensus theoretic is some kind of OBJECTIVE truth (a.k.a. per this argument 'absolute') about biological evolution.
Carry-Over Thread
He is describing a paradigm shift, and this fact is all the more obvious for his unwonted coyness in discussing it.
At the same time, in the context of post-Communist reforms these two paradigms became compatible and mutually complementing as two parts of a single transition design.
In fact, the whole paleosol methodology assumes the uniformitarian paradigm and is geared to interpret paleosols throughout the stratigraphic record.
In general, this book successfully refines several prevalent interpretative paradigms, most notably the purported decline of propertied women into indolence and luxury and the rise of separate spheres.
For instance, under the old paradigm, fire was considered a foe, a cataclysmic event not part of how nature works and therefore unnatural; consequently, forest managers responded with a policy of fire prevention.
The new products, it observes, are continuous innovations extending the old paradigm.
The mere existence of unsolved puzzles within a paradigm does not constitute a crisis.
And of course to do that, you do in fact need to learn all those paradigms of verbs and nouns, the amo, amas, amat stuff.
The Power PC theory was tested by using the concentrative presentation of graph representation of information and the paradigm of comparing causal power.
WWJSD A new paradigm for administrative law. [butterflyfish]
The Legal Underground:
The problem that covering this item that's absent from l'affaire coiffeur is that people would have to confront the utter bankruptcy of the whole "death tax" paradigm.
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There is currently a paradigm shift in the tourism industry from a labour-intensive sector to a knowledge-based industry.
What are the fundamental flaws in this theory or paradigm?
Bonny Hicks appeared to me to be the paradigmatic example of an autonomous, free-choosing individual who decided early on to construct a lifestyle congenial to her idiosyncratic sense of self-expression.
The part of morphology that covers the relationship between syntax and morphology is called morphosyntax, and it concerns itself with inflection and paradigms, but not with word-formation or compounding.
Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
The difficulty modern people have in grasping all this can be startling; I myself experienced a small paradigm shift in my thinking while reading Waldstein's overview.
2009 Lenten Read-A-Thon Day 11
It is by showing the extremely different roles the Council of Trent played in the different historical paradigms that the first point is going to depict the development of the historiography.
In the first three chapters, Aldrich introduces his evolutionary framework and describes how it relates to the major paradigms in organizational theory.
In this respect uroscopy became a paradigm for later diagnostic strategies and is considered an important milestone in the history of clinical diagnosis.
Archive 2007-01-01
With the exception of politically influenced modern Chinese works, acupuncture and East Asian traditional medicine are founded on a non-reductionist, non-dualist, acausal paradigm.
At the end of the exam, the doctor told me I was a paradigm of good health and that a venous angioma was nothing to worry about.
Chocolate & Vicodin
The word integral means for this paradigm recognizing the value of all of the stages... each emergence is absorbed in the next.
Archive 2009-08-01
Overall, these data reflect a protracted history of speciation throughout the Pleistocene and Pliocene’ (pp. 1666-1667), and they termed the LPO model ‘a failed paradigm’.
Archive 2006-03-01
The concept of hormones as potent substances regulating physical processes in organisms implied a drastic change in the paradigm of physiology.
The plausibility of the novum is crucial in this type of SF because the argument being made in these narratives is that the ruling paradigm, the accepted nomology in which the events of the narrative "could not have happened", is false, and that the hypothetical nomology, the alternative paradigm in which the events "could have happened", is in a very real sense, a truth of temporal possibilities.
Narrative Grammars
The demon too is an object of worship - a tribute to the principle of devotion manifest as enmity, and a characteristically Indian paradigm seeking to reconcile irreconcilables.