How To Use Parabolic In A Sentence
One step required knowing the location of the centre of gravity of any segment of a parabolic conoid.
Top-spin, deflects air upward forcing the ball downward; while backspin will cause the ball to rise above its normal gravity determined parabolic arc.
Although similar parabolic relationships were observed in two other tropical avifaunas, it may be premature to assess the generality of that relationship.
Again, besides these four interpretations, there is the parabolical, which has been omitted.
Nature and Grace: Selections from the Summa Theologica of Thomas Aquinas
Flown on a parabolic trajectory, this airplane can produce periods of microgravity for some twenty seconds.

By solving flexibility and stiffness factor, this paper presents element stiffness matrix of parabolic wedge-shaped beam of rectangular section in plane frame structure.
While others in the profession worked with straight edges, Gaudi invented his own methods for modeling parabolic arches from the catenary curve created by suspending a length of chain between two points.
The commonest shapes are triangular or a long, low rhomboid shape although ‘parabolic’ and ‘hog's back’ are also quite common.
[166] "Although some Muhammadans, whose understandings are too refined to admit such gross conceptions, look on their Prophet's description as parabolical, and are willing to receive them in an allegorical or spiritual acceptation, yet the general and orthodox doctrine is, that the whole is to be strictly believed in the obvious and literal acceptance.
The Faith of Islam
The parabolic reflector measures about 1.3 m in diameter and is made of glass-reinforced plastic (GRP, fiberglass) over a masoned mold.
Chapter 8
Other curvature geometries such as elliptical, logarithmic parabolic, and log spiral can be used to accommodate different source or image geometries, though we'll restrict this discussion to the symmetrical toroidal geometry.
Allusive, or parabolical, is a narration applied only to express some special purpose or conceit; which latter kind of parabolical wisdom was much more in use in the ancient times, as by the fables of AEsop, and the brief sentences of the seven, and the use of hieroglyphics may appear.
The Advancement of Learning
The quantative test of lightweight 630 quartz parabolic mirror has firstly been implemented with this method.
All humps are made of asphaltic material and have parabolic shapes with variable heights and widths.
The two main parabolic arches of the bridge create two continuous, tilted, tied arches as the support spans for this unique steel structure.
The hemispherical, conoidal, parabolic and blunt trifaced all give more or less of the wedging effect.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 803, May 23, 1891
The top of the cylinder was capped with a parabolic radio dish, which appeared to be made of cloth supported by a series of metal ribs.
He also studied spherical and parabolic mirrors, and understood how refraction by a lens will allow images to be focused and magnification to take place.
The third kind of solar oven is parabolic cooker.
Then shall the King -- Magnificent title, here for the first and only time, save in parabolical language, given to Himself by the Lord Jesus, and that on the eve of His deepest humiliation!
Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
Parabolic dunes are formed when the wind causes a blowout, that is, begins to gouge sand out from around a patch of vegetation that has weakened its grip.
She uses a parabolic mirror to focus light rays from the sun.
++ nearly perfect parabolic dish fully thirty meters in diameter.
Zhuangzi is an ancient book that illustrated philosophical principles through parabolical images.
Such curves are not characterized by parabolic functions, indicating that hydrogen-bonding interactions are strongly anharmonic.
When using a line feed, telescope operators produce a unified signal by adding up the different parts of the signal, but the results are never as strong and clear as they are with a parabolic dish.
With a cylindrical parabolic mirror collection sunlight lit the torch.
In this paper the linear triangular finite element approximation to the Parabolic Problem in the domain with curved boundaries is studied.
The third kind of solar ovens is a parabolic cooker.
He then plotted them along x and y axes that he changed periodically for the sake of methodological soundness and fit the graphs to standard parabolic and trigonometric curves.
Even with the collimation provided by a parabolic sending station, my gut feeling is that the physics (scattering, signal-to-noise, etc) is very much against it working.
Listening Ears
Sunlight comes into the fibre - optic cables through holes in the parabolic mirror.
The most elementary kind of reflector cooker is one that consists of (more or less) parabolic reflectors and a holder for the cooking pot situated at the cooker's focal spot.
2. Solar Cookers and Solar Cooker Projects
The parabolic reflectors focus their respective wavelengths onto mechanical devices that act like shutters to optically modulate the beams.
In this research a heat pipe type solar collector with compound parabolic concentrator (CPC) was studied, in which CPC was applied to heat pipe flat-plate solar collector with a flat absorbing plate.
A primary concave parabolic mirror converges the light to one focus of a concave ellipsoidal mirror.
The third kind of solar oven is a parro parabolic cooker.
They walked out past a large parabolic dune and it was so draggingly hot out here that the air seemed a form of physical hindrance.
Fantasy, by contrast, enables writers to confront the terrors of our time by way of parabolic indirection.
High-temperature oxidation tested that oxidation kinetics of alloy followed the parabolic law, but there be some negative bias.
With a hardened aluminium cantilever and parabolic diamond stylus profile it retails for £1,350.
Earth station: A parabolic antenna and associated electronics for receiving and transmitting satellite signals.
Palmated antlers of moose may serve as a parabolic reflector of sounds.
Its two-hinged parabolic laminated arches bear on tapered concrete columns through stainless-steel pins; they carry a secondary purlin structure which bears the double glass skin.
Sunlight comes into the fibre - optic cables through holes in the parabolic mirror.
Ordinarily, comets are conspicuous at their perihelia, as being their shortest distances from the sun, which is the focus of their orbit, and inasmuch as a parabola is but an ellipse with its axis indefinitely produced, for some short portion of its pathway the orbit may be indifferently considered either one or the other; but in this particular case the professor was right in adopting the supposition of its being parabolic.
Off on a Comet
Mercedes To line this car up on an empty highway and roll on the throttle is to experience a unique, Newtonian effervescence, a momentary microgravity when the 4,800-pound dreadnaught around you disappears and you float in a kind of parabolic apogee of pleasure.
Olympian Acceleration
In John, although there are a few parabolic sayings, there are no parables comparable with the synoptic tradition.
With increasing quantiles, the quadratic coefficient became more negative, implying increased concavity of the inverted parabolic function.
Fine white grains of gypsum are blown by the winds to form a variety of dune types: dome-shaped, barchan, transverse, and parabolic.
Ecoregions of New Mexico (EPA)
Newton favoured comets having parabolic orbits, but Halley believed that elliptical orbits might exist.
For two bodies, the solution is easy: the two bodies move around each other in elliptical orbits - or follow parabolic or hyperbolic paths in some special cases.
Years ago, the proprietor developed a novel method to cast backyard satellite television dishes in a one-shot process that results in exceptionally smooth parabolic antennas.
Among lawful sequences of events are Galileo's laws of free fall and the parabolic trajectory of projectiles.
- The mirror is a one-dimensional parabolic reflector which is easy to manufacture.
Chapter 8
And that they move in orbits very nearly parabolical, I infer from their velocity; for the velocity with which a parabola is described is everywhere to the velocity with which a comet or planet may be revolved about the sun in a circle at the same distance in the subduplicate ratio of 2 to 1; and, by my computation, the velocity of comets is found to be much about the same.
The World's Greatest Books — Volume 15 — Science
‘Philips has used parabolic flights once before to examine how halogen lamps function in microgravity,’ said Marco.
If the scene of this parabolical history must be supposed to have been amongst the Jews, then there would some questions arise upon it: 1.
From the Talmud and Hebraica
It was proved by Oppolzer [1286] that if the comet of 1843 had entered our system from stellar space with parabolic velocity it would, by the action of a medium such as Encke postulated (varying in density inversely as the square of the distance from the sun), have been brought down, by its first perihelion passage, to elliptic movement in a period of twenty-four years, with such rapid diminution that its next return would be in about ten.
A Popular History of Astronomy During the Nineteenth Century Fourth Edition
The top of the cylinder was capped with a parabolic radio dish, which appeared to be made of cloth supported by a series of metal ribs.
The extracts quoted by Eutocius from Diocles’ On burning mirrors showed that he was the first to prove the focal property of a parabolic mirror.
The third kind of solar oven is a parabolic cooker.
Any object with a parabolic or hyperbolic trajectory moves so fast that it will never return.
By 1604 he concluded that projectiles travel along parabolic trajectories.
As we shall see, narrative parables are generally considered to be the most distinctive form of parabolic teaching used by Jesus.
Unless your reflector is a large parabolic dish and the device just happens to be at its point of focus, reflections aren't going to provide much gain at all compared to the several orders of magnitude you'd need to make this work.
Planet Atheism
But it is a wonder indeed, that they who were so given to and delighted in parables, and so dextrous in unfolding them, should stick in the outward shell of ceremonies, and should not have fetched out the parabolical and spiritual sense of them; neither should he be able to fetch them out.
From the Talmud and Hebraica
He also studied spherical and parabolic mirrors, and understood how refraction by a lens will allow images to be focused and magnification to take place.
Using parabolic teaching again, Jesus personifies the religious leaders as a son who says he'll work in his father's vineyard but is a no-show.
The ejecta blanket hits at a parabolic shape, similar in appearance to the dark parabolas seen around impact craters on Venus.
Of course, in nature, the fish swimming parabolic curve is only dolphins.
A primary concave parabolic mirror converges the light to one focus of a concave ellipsoidal mirror.
On the third point: the parabolical meaning is contained in the literal, since the words indicate something directly, and also something figuratively.
Nature and Grace: Selections from the Summa Theologica of Thomas Aquinas
Even with the collimation provided by a parabolic sending station, my gut feeling is that the physics (scattering, signal-to-noise, etc) is very much against it working.
In a first for a TV series, the actors were filmed on parabolic flights to simulate zero gravity conditions so that they really are floating weightless in some of the scenes.
The first series is incorporating plain rectangular elements which participate in the creation of parabolic volumes.
Wall Mounted Desk Office
It's grinding, parabolic,[sentence dictionary] research disk diameter than the domestic similar products.
++ nearly perfect parabolic dish fully thirty meters in diameter.
The houses, built of brick, were of two different types; some were covered with hemispherical or parabolical calottes, others had flat roofs with a tower in the fashion of a belvedere.
The American Architect and Building News, Vol. 27, No. 733, January 11, 1890
Like the tardigrade, this earthquake-resistant house is all curves, from the oval floor plan to the dual parabolic and catenary arches of its profile.
The parabolic gear is characterized by a new-type tooth profile, which may ensure very great load rating and fairly good unyielding, anti-sticking and wear- resisting properties.
Further, his ball flight has gotten lower and more parabolic, things he says the Nike ball helps with.
The sort of person given to staging extravagant parabolical dramas or writing out involute private imaginings is usually at a bit of a loss among artisans of more practical fantasies; or, often enough, their victim.
Genet's Last Stand
With a cylindrical parabolic mirror collection sunlight lit the torch.
Each office was equipped with a ceiling-mounted infrared motion sensor, a dimmer switch at the door and a portable desktop dimmer switch to control two 3-lamp 18-cell parabolic luminaires.