How To Use Papule In A Sentence

  • The most common presenting lesions are papules, vesicles, pustules, and nodules.
  • The cephalic end of the worm produces an indurated papule that vesiculates and eventually ulcerates.
  • Granuloma annulare is characterized by smooth, skin-colored papules coalescing into annular plaques, and is often found on the hands, feet, wrists, and ankles.
  • Later, patients develop lid edema, painful conjunctivitis with scleral injection, chemosis and small yellowish conjunctival ulcers or papules.
  • Comedones, pustules, and papules may be present.
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  • History of Present Illness: The patient got many large pieces of red maculae and itching sensation on the skin of whole body without any obvious causes, there were many groups of crowded papules in the affected region. Recent Updates
  • Lesions consist of erythematous papules, nodules, pustules, verrucous, or granulomatous lesions.
  • Effect Observation: After taking the decoction, the strong itching sensation was relieved greatly, most of red maculae and papules on the skin of head, neck, chest, back and both hands and arms all disappeared. Recent Updates
  • Sometimes it presents as a white scale over a pink macule or papule.
  • The lesion presents as a painless, pruritic papule on exposed skin areas.
  • Methods 2 cases of patients diagnosed as papule type cutaneous moniliasis were analyzed concerning clinical feature. microscopic examination of fungal and fungal culture.
  • Papules of sarcoidosis may be of various colors, including red, reddish-brown, violaceous, translucent, or hyperpigmented.
  • These papules or nodules develop in areas that the patient can reach.
  • In patients with the malar rash of systemic lupus erythematosus, papules may be present, but pustules are rare.
  • It is characterized by pruritic, of ten excoriated papules and nodules on the extensor surfaces of the legs and upper arms.
  • The erythematous follicular papules and pustules were scattered mainly on the back (87. 85%) and chest (58.41%), the number of the eruptions in males was more than in females significantly.
  • Fine, lacy, white scale (Wickham's striae) adhere to well-developed papules, resembling a reticulate network of lichen.
  • This neutrophilic accumulation causes a small papule, or pimple. Simple Skin Beauty
  • According to WIkipedia a "nodule" can be: "a small knobbly rock or mineral cluster, such as a manganese nodule; a small aggregation of cells; a lesion similar to a papule; or Root nodule, an outgrowth formed on the roots of legumes that house symbiotic bacteria that fix atmospheric nitrogen and provide it to the plant in exchange for carbon. NASA Watch: March 2009 Archives
  • Further detailed physical examination revealed a flesh-colored papule in the nail bed of the third toe of the left foot, consistent with an ungual fibroma.
  • Erythematous papules and pustules characterize inflammatory acne, but comedones may also be present.
  • Primary lesions are erythematous papules and plaques with gray/white, silvery scale.
  • Over 90 percentofpeople with Cowdensyndrome (CS) have macrocephaly and skin changes, such as trichilemmomas, papillomatous papules, and acral or plantar keratoses (thickened skin or callouses on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet), by the time they are in their late 20s. PTEN Hamartoma Tumor syndrome
  • Following a two - to eight-week incubation period, papules develop that may ulcerate or evolve into abscesses.
  • The louse bites at night and leaves pruritic vesicles or papules (especially in the axillae, groin, and truncal areas).
  • It tends to appear as a papule or nodule with an epithelialized, pearly appearance, but may ulcerate in some cases.
  • Metastases from cutaneous melanoma normally present as flesh coloured papules or nodules in the skin.
  • These become fused into crimson, slightly raised maculae, which in severe cases become further fused into red thickened patches, in which the papules can still be felt and sometimes seen. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • Blanching macules or papules on the extremities (especially palms and soles) appear two to three days later, which may then progress to palpable purpura or necrotic ecchymoses.
  • The plasma has a milky appearance, and xanthomata appear in the skin as bright yellow papules particularly at the elbows, knees, and buttocks.
  • Blocking up of the outlet of the sebaceous gland (comedo), which is usually the beginning of an acne lesion, may cause a moderate degree of hyperæmia and inflammation, and a slight elevation, with a central yellowish or blackish point results -- the lesion of _acne punctata_; if the inflammation is of a higher grade or progresses, the elevation is reddened and more prominent -- _acne papulosa_; if the inflammatory action continues, the interior or central portion of the papule suppurates and Essentials of Diseases of the Skin Including the Syphilodermata Arranged in the Form of Questions and Answers Prepared Especially for Students of Medicine
  • Blastomycetic dermatitis is a rare disease beginning usually as a small papule or nodule, enlarging slowly, breaking down and developing into a verrucous or papillomatous-looking area, similar in appearance to tuberculosis cutis verrucosa. Essentials of Diseases of the Skin Including the Syphilodermata Arranged in the Form of Questions and Answers Prepared Especially for Students of Medicine
  • The disease begins as an erythematous papule at the site of the sandfly bite on exposed parts of the body.
  • Papular eczema (_eczema papulosum_) is characterized by the appearance, usually in numbers, of discrete, aggregated or closely-crowded, reddish, pin-head-sized acuminated or rounded papules. Essentials of Diseases of the Skin Including the Syphilodermata Arranged in the Form of Questions and Answers Prepared Especially for Students of Medicine
  • An inflammatory dermatosis of unknown etiology, lichen planus classically presents as shiny, violaceous, flat-topped, polygonal papules, 2 mm to 10 mm in diameter.
  • Further detailed physical examination revealed a flesh-colored papule in the nail bed of the third toe of the left foot, consistent with an ungual fibroma.
  • The papule becomes pustular and ulcerates, producing an ulcer crater with colorless exudate.
  • The lesions first appear as macules or papules distributed in a dermatomal pattern, which progress into vesicles, then pustules, and, finally, crusts.
  • So that the blood stasis was formed under the skin and the blood stasis caused the red maculae and papules all over the body. Recent Updates
  • Waxing can cause postinflammatory hyperpigmentation, inflammatory papules, and folliculitis on some people. Simple Skin Beauty
  • The beginning of palm red lesions often is red envelope or dot or maculopapule, with dry squames...
  • Lichen planus is characterized by flat-topped, polygonal, violaceous papules, which are much smaller than the confluent papulonodular lesions seen in severe atopic dermatitis.
  • According to the committee, the primary features of rosacea are flushing, nontransient erythema, papules and pustules, and telangiectases, all in the central part of the face.
  • Mild acne is characterized by the presence of few to several papules and pustules, but no nodules.
  • In patients with the malar rash of systemic lupus erythematosus, papules may be present, but pustules are rare.
  • Specific manifestations include papules, plaques, lupus pernio, scar sarcoidosis, and rare morphologies such as alopecia, ulcers, hypopigmented patches, and ichthyosis.
  • Lesions consist of erythematous papules, nodules, pustules, verrucous, or granulomatous lesions.
  • Papular eczema (_eczema papulosum_) is characterized by the appearance, usually in numbers, of discrete, aggregated or closely-crowded, reddish, pin-head-sized acuminated or rounded papules. Essentials of Diseases of the Skin Including the Syphilodermata Arranged in the Form of Questions and Answers Prepared Especially for Students of Medicine
  • Gottron's papules, violaceous papules overlying the dorsal interphalangeal or metacarpophalangeal areas, elbow or knee joints, occur in approximately 70 percent of patients with dermatomyositis.
  • Primary syphilis is most often associated with a single, painless chancre, although it can manifest in other ways (i.e., multiple chancres, painful papules or ulcers, or no lesions).
  • Oral lichen planus is common, mainly occurs after middle age, and typically presents as bilateral white lesions (papules, plaques, or reticular areas) in the buccal and lingual mucosae.
  • The lesions develop into 1-5 mm yellow-grey papules or pustules, with surrounding erythema, confined to the follicular ostia.
  • Trauma during the early stages of evolution may induce the isomorphic phenomenon to produce a linear distribution of papules.
  • Like cholinergic urticaria, variant exercise-induced anaphylaxis produces small, punctate, erythematous papules and is associated with increased plasma histamine levels.
  • Annular lesions may mimic those of granuloma annulare or sarcoid; however, the lesions of these granulomatous disorders lack the fine scale of lichen planus papules.
  • The nodules and the papule on the affected finger began to ulcerate and produce a purulent discharge.
  • The cutaneous form of anthrax presents with a darkened eschar or papule that is not painful, but can be somewhat itchy and is generally striking in appearance.
  • The classic appearance of skin lesions includes violaceous polygonal flat-topped papules and plaques.
  • The most common presenting lesions are papules, vesicles, pustules, and nodules.
  • There were many large pieces of red maculae on the skin of whole body, in which there were many groups of crowded papules. Recent Updates
  • Formation of a local cutaneous papule ensues at the site of inoculation within three to five days after exposure; then, the papule ulcerates to form an eschar or a dark scab over the site.
  • A 4-year-old girl presented with generalized papules , erythema, desquamation, subcutaneous nodules around large joints, as well as a 3-year-history of progressive eye damage.
  • The bilateral nephrectomies were performed for angiomyolipomas and renal cell carcinomas, and the pink papules were angiofibromas.
  • Biopsy showed the papules to be eruptive xanthomas.
  • On physical examination, there were multiple flat-topped papules with white scale on her hands, wrists, and shins.
  • The injection itself releases some of the pressure, and the cortisone acts as an anti-inflammatory so it turns off the neutrophils and flattens the papule. Simple Skin Beauty
  • Steroid-induced acne often is of a distinctive variety, being predominantly formed of inflammatory papules and pustules, which are often small and uniformly sized, with few comedones.
  • The border of the lesion may contain pustules or follicular papules.
  • It presents as a slow growing, solitary , asymptomatic, purple-red papule or plaque in young to middle-aged adults, often on the trunk or limbs.
  • Biopsy showed the papules to be eruptive xanthomas.
  • Tinea capitis often presents with multiple hairs broken off at the scalp level (or a few millimeters above) and scale, papules, or pustules.

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