How To Use Papuan In A Sentence
Tuesday's protests coincided with a conference in London where parliamentarians and non-governmental organizations discussed Papuan independence.
Violence, Protests Underscore Papuan Independence Movement
The peoples with the oval-axe culture are the so-called Papuan peoples in Melanesia; they, too, migrated from southern China, probably before the others.
A History of China
Studies generally agree that there are three major agamid clades: the Australo-papuan clade (Amphibolurinae), the southern Asian clade (Draconinae), and the African-west Asian clade (Agaminae).
Harduns and toad-heads; a tale of arenicoly and over-looked convergence
In the islands west of Timor, as far as Flores and Sandalwood Island, a very similar race is found, which also extends eastward to Timor-laut, where the true Papuan race begins to appear.
The Malay Archipelago, the land of the orang-utan and the bird of paradise; a narrative of travel, with studies of man and nature — Volume 2
While the Koita belong to the Papuan stock and speak a Papuan language, most of the men understand the Motu tongue, which is one of the Melanesian family.
The Belief in Immortality and the Worship of the Dead, Volume I (of 3) The Belief Among the Aborigines of Australia, the Torres Straits Islands, New Guinea and Melanesia
Three of these species, the Papuan planigale (Planigale novaeguineae), the bronze quoll (Dasyurus spartacus), and the dusky pademelon (Thylogale brunii) are considered vulnerable.
Trans Fly savanna and grasslands
Papua solidarity groups typically rely on voluntary support to promote the cause of Papuan self-determination and are often unfettered by institutional affiliations.
Papuan native crafts
Consistency and faithfulness in upholding the law, then, is the main thing that Papuans want from the government.
Malayan and all the Asiatic races, from the Papuans and all that inhabit the Pacific; and though along the line of junction intermigration and commixture have taken place, yet the division is on the whole almost as well defined and strongly contrasted, as is the corresponding zoological division of the Archipelago, into an Indo-Malayan and Austro-Malayan region.
The Malay Archipelago, the land of the orang-utan and the bird of paradise; a narrative of travel, with studies of man and nature — Volume 2
Kwaque, a leprous Black Papuan who was slave to one, Dag Daughtry, himself a servant of other men to whom he humbly admitted "Yes, sir," and "No, sir," and "Thank you, sir.
Papuan tribes used to have a legend.
They are found in the Australo-Papuan subregion of the world: in New Guinea, nearby islands, and the northeastern part of Australia.
This amounted to theft on an unprecedented scale, the Papuans said, since they would see barely a cent of the money raised.
They speak a Papuan language, but their physical characteristics are believed to indicate a strain of Negrito blood. [
The Belief in Immortality and the Worship of the Dead, Volume I (of 3) The Belief Among the Aborigines of Australia, the Torres Straits Islands, New Guinea and Melanesia
For example in Golin, a Chimbu language of the Papuan highlands, the same overall strategy that produces multi-verb representations for benefactives or motion events does the same for reciprocal situations, by reporting them as complex symmetrical pairings of subevents.
Reuters Police arrested attendees of the Third Papuan People Congress in Abepura, on the outskirts of Jayapura in Indonesia's Papua province, on Wednesday.
Photos: Southeast Asia in Pictures
Udvardy (1975) placed these ecoregions in the Papuan biogeographic province of the Oceanian Realm.
Central Range montane rain forests
These are probably remnants of the "pigmy" pre-Dravidian or Negrito-Papuan element, which constituted the most ancient inhabitants of the island and who long ago were driven inland from the coveted coast.
Popular Science Monthly Oct, Nov, Dec, 1915 — Volume 86
The university rector is asked to form a team of Papuan intellectuals to start the process.
One of their major discoveries concerned Australian passerines: birds like fairy-wrens, Austra-Papuan robins and woodswallows had all been placed in different groups of Old World birds, as suggested by their names.
Timor-LesteAustronesian (Malayo-Polynesian), Papuan, small Chinese minority
Ethnic groups
I noticed they were experiencing the same things as many Papuans - they were in debt to rapacious moneylenders and held to ransom by unaccountable officials.
The natives of Aru, on the other hand, are, Papuans, with black or sooty brown skims, woolly or frizzly hair, thick-ridged prominent noses, and rather slender limbs.
The Malay Archipelago
When they hear the sacred texts of the church, Papuans see a better future
Papuan vowels
Ethnic groups: Austronesian (Malayo-Polynesian), Papuan, small Chinese minority
The company was under no obligation to the traditional Papuan owners of the land, who were excluded from the consultations.
Udvardy placed these ecoregions in the Papuan biogeographic province of the Oceanian Realm.
Admiralty Islands lowland rain forests
Udvardy placed all the ecoregions in the New Guinea and Melanesia bioregion, with the exception of New Caledonia, into the Papuan biogeographic province of the Oceanian Realm.
Vanuatu rain forests
Clinton in turn said the United States supports “open dialogue” between the Indonesian government and Papuan representatives to address regional grievances.
US, Indonesia, Urge Further Action on South China Sea
Like it or not, they have intermarried with Papuans the last three decades.
A couple of years ago I met a Papuan family from Jayapura, the provincial capital, who were pro-Indonesia.
Elaine Pearson: Supporting Accountability, Not Separatism In Indonesia
The crowd followed us to the boat, and shouted and waved in exuberant Papuan style as we sailed away; while the Arabs, incongruous amid their surroundings – gay for the day in long white flowing robes, broidered vests, and bright-coloured turbans – stood on the very edge, watching us as far as they could see us, with evident sadness that their short intercourse with the outer world had already ended.
Insulinde: Experiences of a Naturalist's Wife in the Eastern Archipelago
Papuan activist Dorus Wakum says that for many native Papuans, the government and Freeport have become synonymous with human rights abuses and growing inequality.