How To Use Papilla In A Sentence
In addition to the tubules, the epithelial cells may also form nests, cords, single cells, micropapillae, and keratinous cysts.
The incidence of pancreatitis after endoscopic biopsy of the papilla is unknown.
The stroma of the papillary fronds consisted of loose fibrous tissue with abundant, thin-walled, congested blood vessels.
The microstructure of these long filaments of papillary horn is very similar in its dermal-epidermal interdigitation to that of baleen in whales.
In addition to the vallate and fungiform papillae of the tongue, taste buds are found in the soft palate, oropharynx, and epiglottis.
-- N.S. (Fig. 141.) Shell fusiform, contracted above the body-whirl, and forming thereby a sub-cylindrical spire; spire obtuse apex papillated and hooked; body-whirl plaited longitudinally at its top; columellar lip furnished with only two plaits.
Report of the North-Carolina Geological Survey. Agriculture of the Eastern Counties: Together with Descriptions of the Fossils of the Marl Beds
However, this patient unfortunately died shortly after transformation of this papillary thyroid carcinoma.
This paper reports the presence of bacteria on the surface of filiform and fungiform papillae of rats using scanning electron microscopy.
Finally, the morphology of ruminal papillae showed significant difference between captive and wild muntjac which could be related to the diets that stimulate the growth of papillae .
Gila monster in which the front of the tongue was a bifurcated chemosensor and the back of the tongue remained a thick, papillae-covered organ used to slide food back into the throat.
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There are bumps called papillae on the tongue's surface, with larger ones at the back.
The Sun
Other morphology that this tumor may exhibit would be a predominantly papillary, microcystic, or blastemal growth pattern.
Those of the second layer have a less extensive course in the wall of the right ventricle, and a correspondingly greater course in the left, where they join with the superficial fibers from the anterior half of the tendon of the conus arteriosus to form the papillary muscles of the septum.
V. Angiology. 4b. The Heart
As the style grows and the papillae develop, adherent pollen grains are observed with increasing frequency.
The shell is fusiform and thick, and has a conical spire and a papillated apex; whirls, convex and contracted near the sutures, and the two principal whirls are ornamented with short ribs; lines of growth distinct, and crossed by faint revolving lines; plaits, two and rather distant, and faint indications of an intermediate one.
Report of the North-Carolina Geological Survey. Agriculture of the Eastern Counties: Together with Descriptions of the Fossils of the Marl Beds
-- N.S. (Fig. 147.) Shell small, thick, sub-acute; whirls, seven or eight; apex sub-tuberculated, constricted above, and traversed spirally by rather coarse raised lines; apex papillated, and the first whirl is spirally lined, and without tubercles or short ribs.
Report of the North-Carolina Geological Survey. Agriculture of the Eastern Counties: Together with Descriptions of the Fossils of the Marl Beds
Methods The taste threshold, magnitude matching and the number of the fungiform papillae on tongue were evaluated and compared between the menopause females and younger females.
The cysts thus formed may be unilocular or multilocular, and intra-cystic papillary vegetations frequently grow from their walls.
Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
Hydra magnipapillata full genome and have not been identified until now in other hydrozoan or scyphozoan species, being only known from the anthozoan
PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
Hydra magnipapillata full genome and have not been identified until now in other hydrozoan or scyphozoan species, being only known from the anthozoan
PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
Pregnancy may cause a localised swelling of the gingival papillae, which may bleed or ulcerate.
A total of 75 taxa were examined for floral papillae and/or trichomes using light microscopy and/or low-vacuum scanning electron microscopy.
There are only two circumvallated papillae in the posterior third of the tongue, one on each side of the midline, keeping an oblique position.
Among the characteristics of the yellow or xanthodermic race are: deficient length of the limbs; total height 7 to 7.5 heads; mamma papillata; brownish-yellow to light yellow skin, coarse and black hair of the head, with a round cross - section; hair on the body scant; inclination to brachycephaly; broad, short jaw; slight frontal ridge; short, small, strong foot with moderate arch.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
The parapapillary choroidal vascular lumen appeared to be narrowed in most of these eyes.
After its formation, the hyaloplasm becomes granular, except a thin layer which remains intimately con - nected with the apex of the papilla (Fig. 7, a).
Transactions of the American Philosophical Society
This fold of epithelium is known as the epithelial sheath, and on its papillary surface odontoblasts appear, which in turn form dentin, so that the dentin formation is identical in the crown and root of the tooth.
XI. Splanchnology. 2a. The Mouth
But more than 35 papillae indicates that you are a supertaster - as are many professional tasters and chefs.
AIM: To observe the effects of cyclovirobuxine-D(CVB-D) on isolated guinea pig right atria and papillary muscle.
When the flower opens, styles are short and the stigma papillae are undeveloped; pollen grains do not adhere.
Several papillae are present along the posterior margin of the sheath, including a multifid papilla at the posterior apex.
People who have lots of papillae have been dubbed supertasters for their ability to really perceive, say, the bitterness in arugula or the subtle sweetness of a pea.
These yellowish points or crusts increase in size, become usually as large as small peas, are cup-shaped, with the convex side pressing down upon the papillary layer, and the concave side raised several lines above the level of the skin; they are umbilicated, friable, sulphur-colored, and usually each cup or disc is perforated by
Essentials of Diseases of the Skin Including the Syphilodermata Arranged in the Form of Questions and Answers Prepared Especially for Students of Medicine
Orth epidermoid cyst; or, according to Warren, a form of cyst made up of skin containing small and ill-defined papillae, but rich in hair follicles and sebaceous glands.
Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
Histologically, the tumor may display solid, papillary, hemorrhagic, and sclerotic areas.
Additionally, mucinous cystadenocarcinomas often have papillary projections and mural nodules that may correlate with areas of malignancy.
The detailed maps of the distributions of these bundle types over the sensory maculae and papillae of the five organs strongly suggested corresponding functional distributions, including acoustic function for the saccule.
Electropharmacological effects of resibufogenin(RBG)on guinea pig papillary muscle were studied by means of conventional glass microelectrode technique.
The internal row is variable in length, originating at the third, fourth, fifth, or sixth cusp of the middle row; the cusps are large and conspicuous posteriorly, but become smaller anteriorly, eventually grading into a papillate ridge.
Both cone types are of comparable size with helically arranged, imbricate microsporophylls, and have microsporophyll head abaxial cuticles with a thicker papillate central region and a thinner, nonpapillate marginal region.
Cervical papillae occur anteriorly in the oesophageal region, and caudal papillae posteriorly at the tail.
Those that contain the most taste buds are the fungiform papillae, so called because when magnified they look like little mushrooms.
Tastes and Pleasures
Three Random Words: la panosse (f) = floorcloth = passer la panosse = to mop the floor le monticule (m) = hillock, mound; heap la papille (f) = papilla = les papilles gustatives = taste buds
French Word-A-Day:
_ -- These are concretions in the sheath, though the term has been also applied to the nodule of sebaceous matter which accumulates in the blind pouches (bilocular cavity) by the sides of the papilla on the end of the penis.
Special Report on Diseases of the Horse
Histologic examination of the biopsy tissue revealed skin overlying a fistulous space with a papillary surface.
The size and shape of the foliate papillae on the posterolateral margins of the tongue are variable.
Obese and non-obese patients had similar rates for other kinds of malignant tumors, including papillary, chromophobe and collecting duct.
Medlogs - Recent stories
This is a new method to isolate dermal papillae of mass human hair follicles efficiently and rapidly.
Some diagnostic features can be easily mistaken for others: short hairs for prickles, small glands and druses for papillae, etc.
Define the following term: astigmatism, binocular vision, focal length, lens accommodation, optic disk, papillary constriction, retinal field, visual field.
They may form a continuous series with the oral papillae as in the genus Ophiopristis.
the papillary muscles contract during systole to prevent regurgitation of blood into the atria
The lesion measured approximately 4.5 cm in diameter and was composed predominantly of villous and branching papillary patterns.
There are two distal oral papillae on each side of the jaw forming a continuous series with the infradental papillae.
In some leaves the cuticle is very thick and even papillate as in the leaves of _Aristida setacea_ and _Panicum repens_ whilst in others it is very thin, as in the leaves of _Panicum colonum_ and _P. fluitans_.
A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
The tongue contacts the food item forcefully, pushing it down into the papillae, maximizing the area of contact.
They also learnt that filiform papillae were shaped not, as was previously thought, like solid cones.
Times, Sunday Times
the papillae of the tongue
Biopsy specimens of those cysts and the liver cyst revealed benign mesothelial cysts and focal papillary mesothelioma.
In particular the two distinct forms of papillae on the jaw, open tentacle pores and small tentacle scales.
The most common cause of redness is gingivitis, in which the erythema is usually restricted to the gingival margins and interdental papillae.
The dermal-epidermal junction, papillary dermis, and reticular dermis were assessed separately.
Three Random Words: la panosse (f) = floorcloth = passer la panosse = to mop the floor le monticule (m) = hillock, mound; heap la papille (f) = papilla = les papilles gustatives = taste buds
Dorloter - French Word-A-Day
Peels can go down to the papillary dermis, which is the top part of the dermis.
Simple Skin Beauty
In addition to the vallate and fungiform papillae of the tongue, taste buds are found in the soft palate, oropharynx, and epiglottis.
Opposite the second molar tooth of the maxilla is a papilla, on the summit of which is the aperture of the parotid duct.
XI. Splanchnology. 2a. The Mouth
Labellar papillae show greater diversity, and may be conical, obpyriform, villiform, fusiform or clavate.
The jaw is typical of the genus with multiple spine-like apical papillae and oral papillae along its edge.
In a few specimens this papillae may be partially divided giving the appearance of being two papillae.
Define the following term: astigmatism, binocular vision, focal length, lens accommodation, optic disk, papillary constriction, retinal field, visual field.
These openings are either papillated or crenulated along the external margin.
These tumors tend to have lymph node metastases as seen in papillary carcinoma rather than hematogenous spread.
There are two distal oral papillae on each side of the jaw forming a continuous series with the infradental papillae.
Young papillae are covered with a pellicle - cuticle layer and contain starch grains.
Papilla: a minute, soft projection: specifically the modified ligula in silk spinning caterpillars.
Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
The superficial layers consist of the following: (a) Fibers which spring from the tendon of the conus arteriosus and sweep downward and toward the left across the anterior longitudinal sulcus and around the apex of the heart, where they pass upward and inward to terminate in the papillary muscles of the left ventricle; those arising from the upper half of the tendon of the conus arteriosus pass to the anterior papillary muscle, those from the lower half to the posterior papillary muscle and the papillary muscles of the septum. (b) Fibers which arise from the right atrioventricular ring and run diagonally across the diaphragmatic surface of the right ventricle and around its right border on to its costosternal surface, where they dip beneath the fibers just described, and, crossing the anterior longitudinal sulcus, wind around the apex of the heart and end in the posterior papillary muscle of the left ventricle. (c) Fibers which spring from the left atrioventricular ring, and, crossing the posterior longitudinal sulcus, pass successively into the right ventricle and end in its papillary muscles.
V. Angiology. 4b. The Heart
In M. meleagris, a species thought to be closely related to members of the M. cucullata alliance, the labellum is papillose and the conical papillae which have pointed tips resemble those of M. densa.
The utility model relates a multifunctional vaginal syringe a bottle bodya bottlea papilla.
Higher expression of genes encoding the degradation complex of the canonical pathway and limited TCF expression in the papillary adenocarcinoma result in membranal accumulation of beta-catenin, in contrast to its nuclear translocation in the carcinoma.
BioMed Central - Latest articles
On section, it was unilocular and lined by a dark pink-gray, friable material with yellow papillary excrescences.
In these plants, some sepals showed homeotic transformations to carpels, becoming fused and presenting ovules and stigmatic papillae.
The retiform pattern consists of elongated, slitlike branching tubules containing intraluminal papillae lined by flattened to cuboidal cells.
The dermis or corium underlying the epidermis is 0.3 to 4.0 mm in thickness and may be divided into two layers, papillary and reticular.
Conclusion This is a new method to isolate dermal papillae of mass human hair follicles efficiently and rapidly.
Cone-shaped tongue papillae, seen here in a colored scanning electron micrograph, contain nerve endings that receive and transmit touch sensations to the brain.
This issue contains articles on the use of dog whelks (Nucella lapillus) to produce purple dye, neolithic ornaments made from shells of the spiny oyster Spondylus gaederopus, the clausiliid snail Papillifera papillaris (by yours truly), an obituary for Nicholas Shackleton (1937-2006) and other useful bits of information on mollusks and archaeology.
Archive 2006-04-01
The urine passes as droplets from tiny pores in the papillae into the renal pelvis and finally the ureter, which carries it to the urinary bladder.
These are so called because they consist of a fungiform papilla surrounded by a fold of mucous membrane, presenting the appearance of being walled around.
A Practical Physiology
It had aseptate hyphae and sporangia were papillate, both caducous and non-caducous, and their shape ranged from ovoid to elongate and distorted.
In this particular case, the tricuspid papillary fibroelastoma was thought to be the cause of this patient's transient ischemic attack, manifesting as right arm and facial paresthesia and weakness.
It may begin as a hard nodule, or as a papillary growth which breaks down on the surface, leaving a deep ulcer with a characteristically indurated base -- the _crateriform ulcer_.
Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
The harsh, dry skin, epidermic and papillary hypertrophy, the furfuraceous or plate-like scaliness, the greater development upon the extensor surfaces, a history of the affection dating from early childhood, and the absence of inflammatory symptoms.
Essentials of Diseases of the Skin Including the Syphilodermata Arranged in the Form of Questions and Answers Prepared Especially for Students of Medicine
Eight to 12 larger mushroom shaped (circumvallate) papillae, each surrounded by a circular trough, lie at the back of the tongue in a V-shaped formation; these have on average 250 taste buds each.
The pulmonary tumors displayed a mixture of sclerotic, solid, and papillary patterns.
Red hypertrophic papillae can be found under the upper eyelid.
The two oral papillae contiguous with the infradental papillae.
-- Fur fine woolly, long, bicoloured; above light shining brown, paler below; the free edge of the interfemoral membrane margined with small papillae.
Natural History of the Mammalia of India and Ceylon
Supertasters are endowed with far more fungiform papillae than nontasters, she reports, as one can discover by simple experiment: Paint your tongue with blue food coloring, shine a flashlight on it, and look in a mirror.
Tastes and Pleasures
These papillae form an almost continuous series with 4 or 5 similar papillae associated with the second oral tentacle pore.
The papilla shows initially sickle - shaped and later annular atrophy.
The appearance and consistency of the cyst lining ranged from smooth and glistening to soft, necrotic, red-gray papillary excrescences.
The oral papillae are reduced and resemble large flattened granules.
Few days ago I saw something on TV about circumvallate papillae and ever since then I am very interested in that.
-- Ears half length of head, narrow and rounded at tip; face abruptly narrowed in front of eyes; muzzle long, narrow, cylindrical; lower jaw slightly projecting; eyes large; tongue very long, last third attenuated, covered with brush-like papillae; interfemoral membrane very narrow, especially at root of tail; fur reddish brown, and very long.
Natural History of the Mammalia of India and Ceylon
The scarring types produce scars, which affect the hair root and destroy the papilla or matrix.
Gross and histologic examination of the excised specimen revealed a pancreatic serous cystadenoma with multifocal papillae.
Objective: To assess the safety and curative effect of endoscopic sphincterotomy (EST) and papillary balloon dilatation (EPBD) for choledocholithiasis.
The distal papillae appear to form a continuous series with the superficial tentacle scales of the second oral tentacle pore.
People who have lots of papillae have been dubbed supertasters for their ability to really perceive, say, the bitterness in arugula or the subtle sweetness of a pea.
Objective:To investigate the CVIB and CVIB% of ischemic myocardium in long axis(LAX)view and short axis(SAX)view in papillary muscle level(PM).
The filiform papillae are long and stained by accumulated debris.
Surface epithelial neoplasms consist of squamous cell papillomas, transitional cell papillomas, and papillary adenomas.
The oral papillae are reduced and resemble large flattened granules.
These octofid projections are no doubt homologous with the papillae on the leaves of Drosera rotundifolia.
Insectivorous Plants
Foliate papillae are situated on the edge of the tongue slightly anterior of the circumvallate line.
This common condition of unknown aetiology, which affects about 10% of children and adults, is characterised by map-like red areas of atrophy of filiform tongue papillae in patterns that change even within hours.
Objective The clinical value of endoscopic sphincterotomy(EST) and papillary balloon dilatation(EPBD) in treating choledocholithiasis was studied.
_ -- The symptoms are swelling, heat, and tenderness of the sheath and penis; difficulty, pain, and groaning in passing urine, which is liable to sudden temporary arrests in the course of micturition, and later a whitish, mucopurulent oozing from the papilla on the end of the penis.
Special Report on Diseases of the Horse
-- (Fig. 140.) "Shell fusiform, ventricose; whirls compressed above, spirally and transversely striated; striae wrinkled and coarse at base; spire short and sub-cancellated, papillated; aperture semi-lunar; outer lip acute, smooth within; columella lip very thin, decumbent, almost obsolete, semi-callous, not distinguishable from the body-whirl, but by outline and color.
Report of the North-Carolina Geological Survey. Agriculture of the Eastern Counties: Together with Descriptions of the Fossils of the Marl Beds
The octopod can develop a papillate skin that stiffens for a short period and mimics various structures as a camouflage within its surrounding.
The critical process depends upon whether the ectoderm can contact a condensate of specialized mesenchyme called the dermal papillae.
And many, sublime in the valour of their faith, tore off the hair of her head and the nails of her fingers ( "even the tips of her ears, et mamillarum papillas," says untranslatably
The Saint's Tragedy
Cyst walls showed epithelial tufts or papillary proliferations with delicate fibrovascular cores.
The cysts thus formed may be unilocular or multilocular, and intra-cystic papillary vegetations frequently grow from their walls.
Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
-- Fur fine woolly, long, bicoloured; above light shining brown, paler below; the free edge of the interfemoral membrane margined with small papillae.
Natural History of the Mammalia of India and Ceylon
As the pollen presenters aged, the stigmatic papillae separated further forming a definite slit or groove.
Papillary thyroid carcinoma has been associated with papillary renal neoplasia in a distinct hereditable tumor syndrome.
Within the dental papilla, the vessels are mostly orientated toward the cusp, but peripherally, fine-caliber vessels are observed.
Squash preparations demonstrated a papillary tumor composed of rosettelike structures surrounding a mucoid area with central vessels.
There is usually one pointed apical papilla sometimes two or three flanked on each side by 3-4 pointed oral papillae.
The oral papillae form a continuous series, there are no significant gaps between the papillae.
The clinical features were similar to those of classic papillary tumor.
You can see fungiform papillae by just taking ordinary supermarket blue food colouring, swabbing it on your tongue, and looking at your tongue in the mirror.
Reader request Week 2007 #2: Coffee, or Lack Thereof « Whatever
Collagenous - collagen fiber predominates Depending on the amount of collagen fiber - subdivided into: a. Loose - also called as "Areolar tissue" - with numerous potential spaces which can be distended by fluid, blood or pus; found in the papillary layer of dermis, hypodermis, serosal linings of the peritoneal and pleural cavities, pia mater of spinal cord, endomysium of muscles, endoneurium of nerves b.
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In the rat, very high single doses of intravenous mesalazine cause acute tubular and papillary necrosis.
The dorsum is entirely covered with long spiculate papillae, about 130 m in length which are characteristic of that genus.
The stigma consists of a long band of receptive tissue along the ventral side of the carpel, covered by long unicellular papillae.
Females develop an extrusion of the gonadal papilla and a distended abdomen when gravid.
The way the ridges develop, oddly, depends on the arrangement of the sweat glands, rising to pores which, in the volar regions, protrude in papillae (nipple-like structures) above the baseline of the skin surface.
Archive 2008-10-01
The second or dermal layer of skin is composed of what are called dermal papillae which have the appearance of minute blunt pegs or nipples.
The Science of Fingerprints Classification and Uses
Above stairs, more than one head _en papillate_ took a furtive peep between the curtains; and the butler of the family, in corduroys and a fur cap, was weeding turnips in the lawn before the door.
Charles O'Malley — Volume 2
In contrast, C. comptonensis microsporophyll heads have a cutinized hypodermis, and distinctly conical epidermal papillae with pointed apices.
In between the papillae are grooves where food and bacteria can collect, turning your tongue white and your breath icky (bleck).
Surface ulceration was also present focally in the tumor with the multifocal papillary excrescences.
They also function as nectar secretion and storage organs; the inside surfaces of these ‘cups’ are strikingly papillate, probably indicating the site of nectar secretion.
Internal septations, polypoid lesions extending into the lumen and irregular shapes seem to be associated with the malignant variety, although some papillary processes may be seen in mucinous cystadenomas.
The internal cusps are bulbous and remain distinct throughout the row, rather than grading into a papillate ridge; the terminal cusp is sometimes barely discernible, appearing instead as a crest.
Each papilla consists of very small and closely interlacing bundles of finely fibrillated tissue, with a few elastic fibers; within this tissue is a capillary loop, and in some papillæ, especially in the palms of the hands and the fingers, there are tactile corpuscles.
X. The Organs of the Senses and the Common Integument. 2. The Common Integument