How To Use Papery In A Sentence
Petiole 2-6 mm, puberulent and ± setose; leaf blade papery, oblong to oblong - lanceolate, 5-11 × 1. 5-3.5 cm; base cuneate; margin ciliate; apex obtuse and mucronate; abaxial surface densely gray-white-pubescent, yellow-brown setose along midrib; adaxial surface sparsely to densely puberulent when young.
Find Me A Cure
Mornings The shades are drawn, and the computer screen bathes Chas's bleary eyes and papery skin in its pallid light.
Some, such as tulips, have a brown papery coating called a tunic (just like onions).
It is a beautiful tree, with gracious branches and a brilliant white papery peeling bark.
They have thin lips and papery eyelids, box jawbones, prominent Adam's apples and withered hearts.
In one short-season variety, some farmers are selecting for tough outer glumes (the papery coat or bract around the seed) and long awns (the hair-like bristle growing out from the glume) which help protect the grains from birds, a major pest of early rice.
14. Saving seeds for planting
There are the perfumes too: scent of eucalypt leaves, fragrance of a boronia; and textures to feel: papery bark of melaleucas, furrows in ironbark trunks.
Make sure you remove the papery membrane that you'll find between the two halves.
The word wasp almost immediately conjures up an image of hornets swarming from papery football-shaped nests, or the fierce stings of the common paper wasp.
Its leafy, elongated stems are 8-12 mm in diameter, initially green and covered by the amplexicaul, striated leaf bases which become dry, papery and grey with age.
Wrapped in fleecelike mantles of bacteria, the worms live in papery tubes, which they burrow into the sides of deep-sea geysers.
They seem almost supernaturally attuned to each other on this piece, contrasting hollow-sounding beats with sandpapery scrapes.
Garlic is ready to harvest when the leaves turn papery and fade.
When buying garlic, look for firm heads with papery skins, and avoid any with green sprouts.
It's got pointy leaves, a papery texture, and tastes like mint infused with a good bite of white pepper, along with lemon and cilantro.
They seem almost supernaturally attuned to each other on this piece, contrasting hollow-sounding beats with sandpapery scrapes.
The leading edge of the ice freezes to the stem's papery bark, and as the ice grows it is lifted upward by the attached bark, forming delicately curved, lacy ribbons.
No, you can't just grind the entire pod, but an initial pounding in a mortar will loosen the seeds from the papery husk.
Petiole 2-6 mm, puberulent and ± setose; leaf blade papery, oblong to oblong - lanceolate, 5-11 × 1. 5-3.5 cm; base cuneate; margin ciliate; apex obtuse and mucronate; abaxial surface densely gray-white-pubescent, yellow-brown setose along midrib; adaxial surface sparsely to densely puberulent when young.
Find Me A Cure
Covered in sandpapery skin smeared with copious amounts of mucus, the Mola mola, or giant ocean sunfish, grows up to 10 feet long and can weigh over 5,000 pounds.
Limes nearly always yield more juice than lemons because although they are smaller, they have thinner skins and finer papery segments within.
I peel a chunk of weathered paint off, and hold the thin papery flake in my palm.
The page uses serifed and swashed Web fonts; copious vertical and horizontal rules; vintage engravings; and a background image of a pulpy, papery texture to re-create the thrill that awaited one who clapped a copper into a newsboy's palm and flapped open a newly purchased copy of the Latest Edition.
Yes, Virginia, you can win a copy of this papery, spacy wonderfulness – simply scroll down to the competition posting, complete with question and gratuitous HINT!
Beach clotbur has rough, sandpapery, triangular leaves and sharp burry fruits.
The fruit, as usual with physalis fruits, is enclosed in a papery thin calyx or husk, which is cream in colour.
Fortunately, a group called Act Right Initiative Campaign has been formed to change the attitude of students for the better and lessen the sandpapery relationship between students and authorities.
Leave each garlic clove in its papery skin.
why should maturation button me into a cacophonous cocoon to shed my skin for a straight jacket of perfectly pressed blacks and papery-starched whites?
Cormac let his gaze wander across the man in the bed: the ropelike veins in the backs of the hands, the broken blood vessels visible through the papery skin at the temples, the unruly shock of white hair.
Scrape the leftover pumpkin flesh from the skins, and remove the burnt, papery skins from the onions.
Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall's climate-friendly recipes
Ingredients 2 heads garlic, papery outer skin removed and cloves separated 2 sprigs thyme or marjoram 6-7 tablespoons olive oil, plus extra for drizzling Salt 4 chicken breasts, boneless with skin attached (about 2 pounds) 4 tablespoons mixed herbs (thyme, marjoram, sage) chopped medium-fine 4 small, firm zucchini, wiped clean 1 large sprig basil 1 sprig mint 1 lemon What To Do: 1.
Grilled Chicken With Garlic Purée and Shaved Zucchini Salad
Leave each garlic clove in its papery skin.
Her main objection was our liberal use of garlic, that pungent bulb with its pretty, papery sheath, encasing ivory-coloured segments, shaped like half-moons.
Callistemons and melaleucas are often tricky to tell apart as they are both evergreen trees or shrubs with papery trunks.
Though he was now touched by the first papery brittleness of old age, his shoulders were still broad, his biceps showed bulges, his posture was mostly erect, and he seemed relaxed.
In one short-season variety, some farmers are selecting for tough outer glumes (the papery coat or bract around the seed) and long awns (the hair-like bristle growing out from the glume) which help protect the grains from birds, a major pest of early rice.
14. Saving seeds for planting
Petiole 2-6 mm, puberulent and ± setose; leaf blade papery, oblong to oblong - lanceolate, 5-11 × 1. 5-3.5 cm; base cuneate; margin ciliate; apex obtuse and mucronate; abaxial surface densely gray-white-pubescent, yellow-brown setose along midrib; adaxial surface sparsely to densely puberulent when young.
Find Me A Cure
She opened her mouth to receive the papery - thin wafer.
The firm also used coatings to add a papery touch to poplin and canvas.
Clary could see his face nowit was dead-white and papery, latticed with a black network of horrible scars that almost obliterated his features.
Cassandra Clare: The Mortal Instrument Series
She opened her mouth to receive the papery - thin wafer.
Mornings The shades are drawn, and the computer screen bathes Chas's bleary eyes and papery skin in its pallid light.
Silver-colored, the molas have a rounded hind end and gritty sandpapery skin that is covered with copious amounts of mucus.
wasps that make nests of papery material
Petiole 2-6 mm, puberulent and ± setose; leaf blade papery, oblong to oblong - lanceolate, 5-11 × 1. 5-3.5 cm; base cuneate; margin ciliate; apex obtuse and mucronate; abaxial surface densely gray-white-pubescent, yellow-brown setose along midrib; adaxial surface sparsely to densely puberulent when young.
Find Me A Cure
Lemon verbena is a large, open plant with sandpapery, bright green, lemon-scented leaves used in teas and potpourri and clusters of tiny white flowers.
What makes these native arums so attractive are the thick spikes of fruits that follow the large white papery inflorescences.
It's got pointy leaves, a papery texture, and tastes like mint infused with a good bite of white pepper, along with lemon and cilantro.
Mickey had short bleached-blonde hair and a sandpapery growth of stubble on his chin.
papery leaves
In the mouth the wine has a soft, slightly coarse mousse, with a papery quality, and flavors of quince paste, baked apples, and a yeastiness that surfaces in the finish.
And for a touch of the sunbaked south, Chef Eysteinsson drops an orange Colombian physalis berry (Cape gooseberry) complete with papery ecru leaves, on top of the whipped cream.
Icelandic Dining After the Collapse
The little bird pulled up a pod and peeled back the papery covering.
Covered in sandpapery skin smeared with copious amounts of mucus, the Mola mola, or giant ocean sunfish, grows up to 10 feet long and can weigh over 5,000 pounds.
Root-hardy almond verbena has sandpapery foliage and produces fingerlike clusters of small white almond-scented flowers that attract butterflies and hummingbirds.
These are placed, six together, in the interior of long-stalked, ovate, mucronate, smooth, deep brown follicles, of a tough papery texture, and lined with a thin fur of stellate hairs.
Journal of an Expedition into the Interior of Tropical Australia
My energy levels appear to be rising and my skin is losing its papery pallor and feels softer.
With their papery bark, aromatic leaves, red sap, and rapidly tapering trunks, elephant-trees are as absurd, beautiful, and intriguing as their namesakes.
Tulips have a brown papery coating called a tunic.
Their counterparts are the more poetically named lacecaps, whose papery bracts (flower-like modified leaves) circle a mauve to pink head of minuscule flowers.
Try to buy shelled hazelnuts (also called filberts) with the brown, papery skins removed as well. - Recipe Raves