How To Use papermaking In A Sentence
- Marbling, like papermaking and hand-made books, has recently experienced a revival of interest among artists and craftspersons.
- In regular papermaking, the mold is a frame over which the screen that catches the pulp is stretched.
- Pulping and papermaking are highly water-intensive processes.
- The environmental effects of papermaking weigh heavily on our air and water quality, and on our forests.
- The effect of ethoxyl _ sesbania gum in papermaking straw was discussed in this paper.
- He saw an article on the benefits of industrial hemp for papermaking.
- It is also the world's second-largest producer of chemicals used to bleach pulp for papermaking.
- The wood pulp and clays used in papermaking are both colloidal, as are the inks used in writing and printing.
- ARS proclaimed kenaf to be its top alternative fiber candidate for pulp and papermaking.
- The present sources extracted from a byproduct in the refining of vegetable oils or from the oil obtained from pinewood pulp in papermaking can supply only about 10% of the people in the West.