How To Use Papaver In A Sentence
Heroin, morphine and opium are inspissate juices and narcotic poisons in the genus of poppies, called Papaver.
Greeley Tribune - Top Stories
Consequently, canonists call the clause the "mother of repose": "sicut papaver gignit somnum et quietem, ita et hæc clausula habenti eam.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
A 4-mg solution of papaverine is used to irrigate vessels in the event of vasospasms.
Papaver somniferum, and a mutant plant that makes the morphine precursors thebaine and oripavine but can't make morphine itself.
Classical Values
Another drug commonly given through injections is papaverine, which has the same effect of widening the blood vessels.

Sometimes it is morphine or the narcotic principle, that characterises the vegetable milk, as in some papaverous plants; sometimes it is caoutchouc, as in the hevea and the castilloa; sometimes albumen and caseum, as in the cow-tree.
Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
The results show that it is effective to apply discrete stationary wavelet transform on the basis of FTIR to identify the Papaver somniferum L. and Papaver rhoeas.
He contributed greatly towards the definition of the arrangement of atoms within molecules of morphine, papaverine, narcotine, etc.
Sir Robert Robinson - Biography
The dose of papaverine depended on individual sensitivity and the course of disease.
Cromer may be the garden of sleep, but you shall find sleepier gardens and more papaverous poppies - Somewhere Else.
NYT > Opinion
- Wild ginger rhizome (Zingiber zerumbet) Clove, roots and bark of Eugenia caryophyllus Fresh pomegranate leaves (Punica granatum) Opium (poppy) gum from fruit (Papaver somniferum)
Chapter 8
For, the nonsweet medallist to clopping a swede despondent or taleban to hotbox a hymnary can be gynecologic papaveraceae for voussoir.
Rational Review
A second approach has employed intracavernosal injection of papaverine, a vasoactive agent that induces erection and has been associated most with the treatment of erectile dysfunction.
In non-occlusive mesenteric ischaemia, infusion of an intra-arterial vasodilator such as papaverine into the superior mesenteric artery may be all that is needed to reverse vasoconstriction and prevent bowel infarction.
Smoothly of us meritorious internet provider speed our topological sommelier for what we tritanopia our fissile, bodacious and silverish papaver to get fictitiously with.
Rational Review
Their flowers become monopetalous, and the whole strain is designated by the name of _Papaver_ [662] _bracteatum monopetalum_.
Species and Varieties, Their Origin by Mutation
Opium poppy (Papaver somniferum) is the source for the natural and semisynthetic narcotics.
Notes and Definitions
Chemotaxonomy and resource utilization of the tribe Chelidonieae (Papaveraceae).
_papaverin_ also; while _meconin_, whose acrid properties in contact with animal tissue are similar to that of meconic acid, forms the last of the group.
The Opium Habit
Infrared spectra of Papaver somniferum L. and Papaver rhoeas were obtained directly, quickly and accurately by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) with OMNI sampler.
It is so common to observe on the same plant, flowers indifferently tetramerous, pentamerous, &c., that I need not give examples; but as numerical variations are comparatively rare when the parts are few, I may mention that, according to De Candolle, the flowers of Papaver bracteatum offer either two sepals with four petals (which is the common type with poppies), or three sepals with six petals.
VII. Miscellaneous Objections to the Theory of Natural Selection
White Poppy capsules, when dried, furnish papaverine and narcotine, with some mucilage, and a little waxy matter.
Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure
For Cromer may be the garden of sleep, but you shall find sleepier gardens and more papaverous poppies -- Somewhere Else.
Without Prejudice
Quaecunque regio producit simplicia, pro morbis regionis; crescit raro absynthium in Italia, quod ibi plerumque morbi calidi, sed cicuta, papaver, et herbae frigidae; apud nos Germanos et Polonos ubique provenit absynthium.
Anatomy of Melancholy
The plants most limited were Papaveracea, Aconitum folium aconitoideum,
Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the Neighbouring Countries
French, Central neurons are depressed by iontophoretic and micropressure application of ethanol and tetrahydropapaveroline, Drug and Alcohol Dependence 4 1979: 239-43.
Alcohol and The Addictive Brain
The alkaloid was first synthesized by Pictet and Gams in 1909, and as the amount of papaverine obtained from opium is small, the synthetic route remains the source of this compound up to the present day.
The flora, especially on the limestone which is one of the most active centers of floristic speciation in the Balkans, includes many rare species such as the Pirin poppy, Papaver pirinica, golden aquilegia Aquilegia aurea, yellow gentian Gentiana lutea and edelweiss Leontopodium alpinum.
Pirin National Park, Bulgaria
It is so common to observe on the same plant, flowers indifferently tetramerous, pentamerous, &c., that I need not give examples; but as numerical variations are comparatively rare when the parts are few, I may mention that, according to De Candolle, the flowers of Papaver bracteatum offer either two sepals with four petals (which is the common type with poppies), or three sepals with six petals.
VII. Miscellaneous Objections to the Theory of Natural Selection
Was it prudently considered that the dullest of critics can read only as long as his eyes are open? and that the function of judge must incessantly bring under his cognisance papaverous volumes, with which only a super-human endowment of vigilance could hope successfully to contend? so that the goddess is driven, by the necessity of the game, to admit within the circuit of her somnolent sway, a virtue to which she is naturally and peculiarly hostile?
Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 58, Number 358, August 1845
Corycium mihi surgit olus malvaeque supinae et non sollicitos missura papavera somnos. praeterea sive alitibus contexere fraudem seu magis inbelles libuit circumdare cervos aut tereti lino pavidum subducere piscem, hos tantum novere dolos mea sordida rura.
Post-Augustan Poetry From Seneca to Juvenal