How To Use Papal infallibility In A Sentence
He was a strong supporter of the doctrine of papal infallibility and he drew up a postulatum in which he favoured a definition by implication in preference to an explicit affirmation of the dogma.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
I don't consider the Pope a cult leader (though Papal infallibility is not an idea that particularly appeals to me), but there are Cultish aspects to Catholicism.
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In 1870 the First Vatican Council announced the dogma of papal infallibility on matters of faith and morals.
When the Papal Rescript was published in 1888, he publicly maintained that papal infallibility did not cover politics.
These include belief in the Creed of the Apostles and adherence to the doctrine of papal infallibility.
I mean what response could I expect if I went to the local baptist men's prayer breakfast arguing for papal infallibility?
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Antiliberal, antiscientific, a foreign absolutist authority dictating to its half-educated adherents, Rome was given to such grotesqueries as the 1864 Syllabus of Errors and the 1870 declaration of papal infallibility.
You don't,for example,have papal infallibility declared as a doctrine until the early twentieth century.
But the solution would represent such a dramatic reversal of age-old Catholic doctrine as to undermine any pretense of papal infallibility.
Papal infallibility is one of the main Protestant objections to Catholicism — yet, oddly enough, it was one of the things that gave Catholicism an unlikely avant-garde cachet from around the time of Pius IX's proclamation to, say, World War II.
Archive 2007-12-01
You don't,for example,have papal infallibility declared as a doctrine until the early twentieth century.
Especially when O'Reilly is on, they're responding to brilliant TV, and if you ever rolled your eyes at Walter Cronkite's plummy version of papal infallibility, you can appreciate why O'Reilly's barroom contempt for traditional newscasts 'smugness has its appeal, even if you know his pretense that their bias is flamingly liberal, rather than blandly institutional, is a crock.
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