[ US /ˈpɑˌpə/ ]
[ UK /pɐpˈɑː/ ]
  1. an informal term for a father; probably derived from baby talk

How To Use papa In A Sentence

  • Rohitha bought several bunches of bananas and all the papaya fruits on display, while Pala bought a packet each of the green gram, sesame and ranawara.
  • But Mawuli glowers at Papa, apparently thinking about how to outwit Papa, not thinking about Mary Catherine. Amaryllis in Blueberry
  • Dominus Papa non mittebat aliqua munera; quia non erat certus, qu騞 ad illos peruenire possemus, et insuper veneramus per loca vald� periculosa. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • The bejewelled visitor to the Metropolitan Opera, facing a bank of paparazzi at the entrance.
  • He was a strong supporter of the doctrine of papal infallibility and he drew up a postulatum in which he favoured a definition by implication in preference to an explicit affirmation of the dogma. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
  • While Charu bathed Pranav, my nephew, I went to make a quick biryani that I served with plain curd and papad. Cauliflower Biryani
  • Improvising hastily, the papal legate Guala is said to have crowned the new king with a chaplet of flowers.
  • I don't drink any alcohol but I love papaya juice and drink tons of mineral water.
  • Finally, although I didn't hear that Weiner was facing any charges, I'm also taken by this day-after-the-confession "we're going to follow you around the neighborhood" shot in the NYT in which the press not only frames Weiner as someone officials would call "a person of interest," but, like a guy out on bail, we see the visual media starting to own not just the title of paparazzi, but also the "lurker" role. Michael Shaw: Reading the Pictures: Media's Weiner Pictures: Who's Getting Dirty Now?
  • Here, Monostatos is a guy clad in a green spandex bodysuit (that is, he’s green-skinned), and when the same scene occurs, Papageno’s musing as translated in the supertitles is about green birds and green men. Zauberflöte 2005
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