including everything visible in one view
a panoptic aerial photograph of the missile base
a panoptic stain used in microscopy
How To Use panoptical In A Sentence
- Cameron cleared up the mess and set the new rules after Microsoft's monolithic, centralised and panoptical Hailstorm ID management policy collapsed under its own weight. Microsoft on the Side of the Angels
- Any causal or panoptical hypothesis put forth by some worthy, therefore, needs to be scanned for its level of inspiration. Archive 2007-03-01
- And even when we're not literally getting taped on an I-phone or video, we've by now internalized the wary, jittery, self-censoring instincts that the panoptical of our age promotes, and that cripple our bullshit capacities. Pamela Haag, Ph.D.: The Bullshit Paradox
- But bullshit's natural habitat is also under stress with the panoptical of YouTube and I-phones and their techno-kin reality TV is bullshit's "artistic" cognate. Pamela Haag, Ph.D.: The Bullshit Paradox
- Unanimous, resistible and oh so deftly clustered, nonsyllabic is creaseless for the sapir or for panoptical into your mothproof hygrodeik. Rational Review
- Encyclopedic and panoptical in his enumerations, Bhaskar deserves a closer look, paradigmatically as well as personally. Archive 2006-12-01
- Critics could say this is like one modern form of “panoptical” monitoring. Smart Mobs » Blog Archive » “talking” system to bark orders at those involved in criminal behavior
- Theres a sort of panoptical effect to this sort of domination, that wears women down into behaving in ways that benefit not themselves, but men. I Still Want My Period
- A panoptical model was used, and its premise tested through extension into these communal spaces. Surveillance: whose territory is a virtual world anyway?