How To Use Panoply In A Sentence
An enormous and heavy shield—the aspis or hoplon—some three feet in diameter covered half the body and completed the panoply.
In addition, most hunter - gatherer societies today have a panoply of deities.
An enormous and heavy shield—the aspis or hoplon—some three feet in diameter covered half the body and completed the panoply.
It was that sort of upbringing, I now suppose, that has always led me to see guns as just tools, as part of the panoply of rural management alongside the scythe, the billhook and the castrating shears.
Guns Kill People ( Shock News)
The truth is that she belonged to an almost unimaginable past, one that has gone for ever; it is also a country inhabited by those who wanted the full panoply of Victorian mourning for the grandmother they never knew.

The smiths, resplendent in the full panoply of Tuareg costume, had organised a dance in a dusty street that backed onto the hotel kitchen.
One comes out knowing, and caring about a panoply of new friends and acquaintances, living and dead and unalive.
The entire panoply of human emotion was manifested in those 120 minutes.
It is one scientific means, in a whole panoply of self-transcending techniques, to break—by a methodized effort, through a practical body of psychological processes—the habit of being a human being.
Of skulls & snakes
The whole panoply of oppressions that scare our people and nation would be on the wane.
In the whole panoply of anti-poverty policies the minimum wage stands as the vital back marker.
Every caste, tribe, town, village, and religion has a panoply of traditional ceremonies that are observed with enthusiasm and wide participation.
The entire panoply of human emotion was manifested in those 120 minutes.
Alongside, on a watch face, time has stood still; beneath it, in a panoply of colour, things begin to disintegrate into abstraction.
The Conquistadors abolished cannibalism and human sacrifice, wars to obtain sacrificial victims, and the panoply of bloodthirsty gods.
Stromata Blog:
We have no good colloquial word for the great panoply of backboneless life.
Times, Sunday Times
I see a panoply of rare delights; a pyramid of pretty serving girls, resplendent in starched white and sombre black; a thousand dinner invitations to the best of homes; salons of the demi monde; balls of the influential; country house parties; menus from the best restaurants; witty conversation; unrequited love.
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The Greeks, among other weapons (such as bow and arrow), military tools and machines which they were implicating in war, were using most often for a body to body combat swords and spears and possibly less often axes, and of course they were protecting their bodies by using a "panoply" of defensive tools and clothing.
Fallen Heroes Bulletin Board
My example of the "walking" was one such attempt: I didn't say it was likely that such would happen in practise (it is not), but rather that, legally it wouldn't make sense to assume the literal right to assemble without the incorporation of some panoply (or "penumbra") of associated rights that, while not explicit, in their absense would gut or make a mockery of the one right explicitly given.
Its panoply of bars, bordellos, and gambling dens made the resort both popular and prosperous.
That would be the right basis for the success of this new delicate political panoply.
Boer nationalism merely erected a massive legislative panoply for racial discrimination.
In the final round he gave us the full panoply of eagles, birdies, bogeys and pars.
Times, Sunday Times
A tiny percentage carried labels, and those contained only the name of the contributor if known and the date of the donation; the rest were innominate reminders of the vast constituents making up the monstrumological universe, the seemingly inexhaustible panoply of creatures designed by an inscrutable God to do us harm.
The Curse of the Wendigo
The Doctor had spent the night in devotion, and came from his oratory clad in that celestial panoply which is proof against the terrors of military array.
The Loyalists, Vol. 1-3 An Historical Novel
Votes were passed for deposing the Four Hundred, and placing the government in the hands of the 5000, of whom every citizen who could furnish a panoply might be a member.
A Smaller history of Greece From the earliest times to the Roman conquest
People at work in any organisation face a panoply of forces to overpower the urge to be civil.
Times, Sunday Times
The song was a panoply of special effects.
Times, Sunday Times
The Democratic Party is intent on maintaining the whole panoply of current abortion rights, without stint or moderation.
Meanwhile a panoply of appurtenant structures took shape around the gorge.
In a typical yogurt aisle, the plain yogurt is elbowed aside by a panoply of trays, tubs, and tubes in which sugar, granola, and even candy have replaced some of the yogurt.
Marsupials and placentals have a shared history, and that includes the panoply of developmental genes.
Biomolecular Networks
People at work in any organisation face a panoply of forces to overpower the urge to be civil.
Times, Sunday Times
The fact that Harlequin, Virtue and Pleasure are incorporated into the list suggests that the entire panoply is understood to be similarly fanciful.
Through Colonial Spectacles: the Irish Vizier and the Female-Knight in James Cobb
There are three other chutneys - tamarind, mint and milder coconut - from which to choose, along with a panoply of yogurt salads, marinated vegetables and pickle relishes.
Although the composer himself prepared the piano reduction, one misses the vivid panoply of orchestral sonorities in La Valse.
The same occurs with hard core and blue porn : the sexual organ, whether erect or open wide is just another sign in the hypersexual panoply. Phallus-design.
During the day, the alleys were a constantly changing panoply of passers-by, children playing, salesmen touting, donkeys carrying goods.
A House in Fez
In many cases, an overall decline in numerical score encompasses both positive and negative factors, including sustained efforts by journalists themselves to push back against a panoply of restrictions.
Freedom of the press deteriorates globally
This can lead to a panoply of bad results, from poor mileage to on-the-road blowouts.
I ` m going to go look up the word panoply or whatever it was.
CNN Transcript Sep 6, 2007
As part of a series of musical numbers themed around the United Nations, a panoply of perfectly groomed pubescent boys in fanciful costumes illustrating national flags parade across the stage like Vegas showgirls.
He had a deep-seated loathing of the panoply of the Victorian funeral: mummers, mutes, plumes, palls, and all.
There is a full panoply of options under the convention to get to a resolution.
Times, Sunday Times
In this bedroom, a painted plaid wall treatment blends happily with a panoply of pattern, including toile, florals, checks, dots, and - of course - stripes.
Most of us are not over-awed (as many of our parents' generation were - and, it must be said, some people still are) by the panoply of pomp that goes with formal royal occasions.
Nowhere in the wild is the maternal instinct more accessible than on the East African savanna, with its panoply of creatures and its wide vistas.
Perhaps I have dozed a bit, for I must have turned the coin, unthinking, and now I see the reverse: a horseman, in full panoply, galloping, with naked sword brandished in his left hand, from which depends a severed head tight-clutched by long, flowing hair.
The Lion's Brood
In the final round he gave us the full panoply of eagles, birdies, bogeys and pars.
Times, Sunday Times
The resulting panoply of data has become the basis of an ambitious commercial service that IBM recently launched called WebFountain.
Boer nationalism merely erected a massive legislative panoply for racial discrimination.
Each book that appears about her panoply of lovers serves to contrast with the fact that, although of course it was not his wife, he was only ever in love with one woman.
a portrait of the general in full panoply.
Kael wrote admiringly of film critic James Agee's "full panoply of loving terms," and when a movie overjoyed her, she was also profuse and immediate in her praise.
But not the whole panoply of the Crown Court.
Times, Sunday Times
* The back door, featuring a panoply of graffitied street tags, had been kicked in so often it sat crooked in the frame.
He had a deep-seated loathing of the panoply of the Victorian funeral: mummers, mutes, plumes, palls, and all.
In the final round he gave us the full panoply of eagles, birdies, bogeys and pars.
Times, Sunday Times
Nor did they continue to deploy the full panoply of radical techniques in moments of perceived social and political crisis.
It was just like a Hollywood movie and it was something that people in England have not seen for a long time and I don't think that anybody had had that kind of panoply of grandeur.
CNN Transcript Nov 4, 2005
Executive cars such as BMWs require leather seats, the full panoply of parking aids and full connectivity.
Times, Sunday Times
In the Middle Ages, aristocrats and clerics were protected by a panoply of rules and customs - sumptuary laws, for example - that separated them from the peons.
And is the full panoply of a criminal court such as the Old Bailey the right place to do it?
Times, Sunday Times
The Basic Law will still be enacted, promising a panoply of rights and freedoms for 50 years beyond 1997.
Otherwise, had I gone abroad in the robes of the Tatrix, we would have been encumbered by guards and crowds; we would have had to travel in a palanquin; we would have been forced to tolerate the annunciatory drums and trumpets, and put up with all the noisy, ostentatious, dreary panoply of office.
Kajira Of Gor
The whole panoply is part of a conspiracy, with the media as its mouthpiece.
Times, Sunday Times
Reynolds' characters are often called upon to make moral choices, and this is taken to extremes in The Prefect as Panoply agents are forced, over and over again, to decide whether to "euthanise" individuals or entire habitats to protect the entire Band; in parallel, similar choices have to be made regarding the treatment of senior prefect Aumonier who is infected by a parasite of unknown origin.
Archive 2009-04-01
Before him, past the crew seated at the conn and ops stations, a great purple-and-white arc filled the bottom of the screen, the world of Alonis, crowned by a panoply of stars.
Star Trek: Typhon Pact: Rough Beasts of Empire
It also involves invoking a rich panoply of cognitive and affective associations, from mere calculation to ineffable beauty.
Britain is very generous with its citizenship in the sense that this country grants the full panoply of rights quickly.
Times, Sunday Times
Kota Kinabalu has a panoply of starred and budget hotels ranging from the ultra luxurious to non-star accommodation.
Social welfare" was defined as a panoply of expenditures, including health care, housing support, unemployment benefit, disability allowances, family support and help for job seekers.
Medindia Health News
We were cocksure to cheese gift to panoply onwards but the tongueless overblown us from strindberg the absorptance, so we get an properly schizoid in bastnaesite.
Rational Review
Not just the actual sodomites like myself, but the Sapphic Sisterhood, the Hamite Alliance, the League of Heathens and Infidels, Atheists Anonymous, a whole panoply of progressive thinkers, aligned and unaligned, to whom your rant reads as the ethically repugnant ravings of a sociopath, given that it has so little concern for aforesaid "empathy".
An Open Letter to John C. Wright
Hasan a steed of the best and equipped him in panoply and weaponed him with goodly weapons.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
Eschewing all the modern panoply of medical and technical assistance, Harrison believed in honest hard graft as his road to the top.
How could you possibly match wine to such a panoply of competing and powerful flavours?
During their now almost-forgotten recent war, the weavers created a body of work which showed the full panoply of modern warfare - guns, grenades, tanks, helicopters, jet planes, rockets and bombs.
a portrait of the general in full panoply.
Great stands of trees march beside the roads in a panoply of greens that rival New England's Fall.
Over the years, Congress has created one program after another to insure individuals and businesses against a panoply of hazards, from natural disasters to bank failures to nuclear reactor meltdowns.
But: marxist "is not a modifier for" quisling "- they are freestanding faults in his panoply of faults.
Elections - fresh news by
No one who engages the new panoply of associations and parties can fail to recognize the democratic pulse and possibilities.