How To Use Panofsky In A Sentence
- “intrinsic” meaning — in Panofsky's terminology — of a work of art cannot be described in terms used by the history of art, but only in terms borrowed from the history of philosophy, of religion, of social structures, of science, and so on, the “iconological method” took for granted and provoked such a collaboration. ICONOGRAPHY
- But Panofsky does not actually spell out what Raphael did to escape the logic of historicism.
- Panofsky argued that to understand any piece of Renaissance art it was necessary to understand its subject matter: images, stories, and allegories.
- Although Panofsky did not dwell further on the idea of pseudomorphosis, his practical iconological readings can be understood as demonstrations of the ‘unwilling’ and incomplete character of the early modern artwork.
- Panofsky's contention that Van Eyck literally painted a marriage certificate was rooted in two early accounts of the picture.
- In antiq - uity altogether, only later antiquity had some adum - brations (Panofsky, “Die Perspective” ...). INFINITY
- His learned coinage of the phrase fides levata - a convincing but altogether fictional Latin term - would contribute to the overwhelming success of Panofsky's account.
- The role of Italy in Panofsky's account of Durer's work both ruptures the alleged continuity of the German national spirit and symbolizes the enlightened tradition of humanist rationality.
- It enabled me to do the first experiments on the photoproduction of pions (with A.S. Bishop) to establish the existence of neutral pions (with W.K.H. Panofsky and J. Stellar) as well as to measure the pion mean life (with O. Chamberlain, Jack Steinberger - Autobiography