How To Use Panhandle In A Sentence
And we -- it does extent all the way up toward Jacksonville, all the way down into West Palm Beach, all the way over to Fort Myers, and northward, almost kind of budging into the pan -- the Big Bend area, almost into the Panhandle, but not quite just yet.
CNN Transcript Sep 5, 2004
Charles Duvall, a moderate bishop from Florida's panhandle, wrote in an August pastoral letter to his flock that if God had joined them together, he as bishop would work to keep them that way.
During that time he was savagely beaten, he built and renovated a small house for himself, panhandled, spent days on end drunk, took drugs, rode along on thieving runs and stood in soup kitchen lines.
Recently, a San Francisco hotel association asked its guests not to give money to panhandlers because this just kept them hanging around, creating problems.
After all, there are plenty of illegal aliens and panhandlers coming in to replace them.
Wheat streak mosaic is the major disease in the southern Panhandle this year.
`No. Scobie, Arnold is shifty and has his hand out for anything you'll put into it, he's the most up-market panhandler I've ever met.
Move over, aggressive panhandlers and dope dealers.
While he did so, a down-and-out panhandled him for money.
The Bullet Catchers
I used to walk down Broadway with my camera, and everyone who panhandled me, I'd ask them to pose for a picture first.
Every single election everyone seems to have the epiphany that the panhandle is still voting as they're trotting out the news that the polls are closed. gyges1
Obama’s Florida Bet - Swampland -
If the Florida panhandle is the Redneck Riviera, this is the Redneck Aspen.
Marlene, 59, who became homeless nine months ago after cancer surgery, panhandles as temperatures drop to the low 40's on Van Ness Street in San Francisco on January 31, 2001.
Agriculture and livestock producers are also hard hit: Several million acres of dryland crops in the Edwards Plateau, the Rolling Plains and the Panhandle have failed.
Peter H. Gleick: When Climate Changes Come and Water Policies Fail. Pray for Rain?
My main concern is that because the panhandle is so thin, there is very little in the way of a buffer zone separating Washington from Montana.
There are panhandlers here and there are panhandlers outside The Bay.
The FL panhandle is on central time (from what I understand) and, coicindentaly of course, also happens to be more conservative.
Sound Politics: What to Expect Today: Exit Polls
Based on the stories of abuse from last summer, and more recently, I would estimate that there are probably five officers who need to be disciplined for their conduct towards homeless panhandlers.
The new lane will be striped on Scott Street, between Oak and Fell streets, a one-block stretch that is part of what is called the wiggle bike route connecting Market Street to the Panhandle that takes cyclists on a less-than-direct path so they can avoid a grueling hill on Haight Street.
SFGate: Top News Stories
It's 90 miles east of Amarillo, up in the panhandle.
As I cruised the game room, two kids who had apparently run out of tokens panhandled me.
The idea was borrowed from Vancouver, where a help meter in front of a store proved so popular with customers that panhandlers stopped begging there.
I don't give the shit if the saleslady is a panhandler in Bumfuck, Egypt right now ...
Unclebob Diary Entry
By April 1 he was broke, so he panhandled for money to buy food.
Far from the Caribbean vibrancy of Miami or the Disney cheerfulness of Orlando, this sleepy town lies hard against the Georgia border in the northernmost region of the panhandle.
Natural vegetation in this semiarid to dry-subhumid area is mostly short grass prairie; there is also mesquite – buffalograss in the southwest, sand sagebrush – bluestem prairie on dunes, and juniper – pinyon woodland in the western Panhandle.
Ecoregions of Oklahoma (EPA)
Beggars, panhandlers and hustlers are more persistent and ingenious here than anywhere in India.
About an hour before the polls closed in panhandle Florida, the networks called the U.S.
Think Progress » Katrina Speech: State and Local Officials Blamed, Not Listened To
He looked like any number of panhandlers that frequent the area; his clothes were stained, his shoes had no laces.
Many panhandlers hang out around fast food places.
City officials and business people have come up with another scheme to end what they call the nuisance of ‘professional panhandlers.’
Long-lead outlooks indicated a cooler August for the entire state, with above normal precipitation over the southwest and southern panhandle.
Compare that to the northern part of the state from Orlando to Jacksonville and across to Pensacola, which tends to run to the far more conservative old style Deep South side of the aisle (the panhandle is sometimes referred to as Lower Alabama) with its large rural areas and middle-class retirees who are deeply suspicious of anything that smells slightly of progressivism beyond 1948.
December 2005
I became friends with Doug and his newspaperwoman wife Kathy, both of them helpful in every way in showing me panhandle history and mores.
Bird Cloud
He took the military ballots through the Panhandle county court system for the "postmark" escape clause.
"You wanna know what I think? You guys who think 9/11 was an inside job are crazy as hell."
Wyatt was a Panhandle State graduate and had coached at the NCAA Division II school since
The Full Feed from
In Yerevan, Armenia's capital, the number of BMWs seen rolling along city streets has mushroomed; and so have the ranks of panhandlers roaming those very same urban boulevards.
He gave the panhandler a few coins out of pity.
Much of his current research program focuses on strategies to reduce or eliminate the use of summer fallow in dryland crop rotations in the Nebraska Panhandle.
Panhandlers and street sleepers proliferate in New York, and soup kitchen lines have become noticeably longer.
Florida is one of only 16 states that still permit bestiality — a fact that animal-rights activist and Sunrise Sen. Nan Rich learned to her horror when a Panhandle man three years ago was suspected of accidentally asphyxiating a family goat with which he was copulating. Insert Alligator Joke Here
After completion of the grazing phase, the steers were shipped by truck to a commercial feedlot in the panhandle of Oklahoma.
May 16, 2008 at 9:31 am panhandler kitteh loitering in front of store holds kardbord sien sayin: “why lie, i needs moar nip…lik ur car windoz kleen for a kwarter?”
I lost everything - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
The only time I surfaced was to panhandle a few bucks and buy what I needed to live.
Later he became a country schoolteacher in the Oklahoma panhandle, and finally a businessman of many devices in Denver.
A fine bunch of friends I had made since entering the dear old Panhandle State — which nickname I had learned from my pal Gershom Odell, house dick of Kanawha Spa.
Too Many Cooks
It was a place for the many cowpunchers, panhandlers, and sodbusters to come in and enjoy themselves.
Wyatt was a Panhandle State graduate and had coached at the NCAA Division II school since 2007.
NCAA Division 2 Football Coach Dies
Nice job by the mayor in burying this bad news announcement in today's headline that the city council doesn't have the votes to override his veto of the panhandle ordinance.
Deputy Mayor Fujii Resigns « PubliCola
From the panhandle (redneck riviera) to just north of West Palm Beach, ignorance is the order of the day as far as politics is concerned.
'Party Loyalty Oath' would prevent Republicans from backing Crist
Many came from Florida's panhandle, and the changing colors in the rows nearer the top of the wall signify when Southern suppliers stopped furnishing them just prior to the Civil War.
Panhandle State will have the advantages of being at home and having played four games.
Search for "anxiety"
`No. Scobie, Arnold is shifty and has his hand out for anything you'll put into it, he's the most up-market panhandler I've ever met.
A cursory test of "duro" by itself reveals an extensive tour of a certain canyon in the panhandle of Texas.
I bet you thought I was over the Duro, huh? - A Dress A Day
Pockets of mild dryness continue across extreme southwest Nebraska, as well as the northwestern Panhandle.
Recognizing a problem in the making, the Minneapolis police chief proposed requiring begging licenses that would facilitate the arrest of panhandlers.
I'd rather not be panhandled by a drunk when I go downtown, and I walk away feeling rather indignant because I work for a living even though I don't always like it.
Take a trip to the panhandle of Nebraska to experience rugged buttes, badlands, and spires.
The Cardinals 'other home games during the 2010 season will be against Sam Houston State on Oct. 2, against Langston University on Oct. 9, against South Alabama on Oct. 16, against South Dakota on Nov. 13 and vs. Panhandle State on Nov. 20. Breaking News : News
Three workers were killed and three others injured in an explosion January 22 at a coal mine near Cameron, West Virginia, in the state's northern panhandle.
Bungalows would give way to mansions, mansions to burned-out lots, and at every gas station, panhandlers waited in search of change.
American Girl
On Christmas eve there's a panhandler who happens to be an ex-convict panhandling from door to door.
Southern Rocky Mountain fauna species intergrade with Great Plains species on Black Mesa in the western Panhandle.
Ecoregions of Oklahoma (EPA)
More recently, he's gotten a lot of ink over his plans to sell water from under his ranch in the Panhandle.
The meters were installed in response to complaints from local merchants that were losing business because some panhandlers were becoming aggressive and belligerent, refusing to move from doorways and harassing shoppers.
The only time I surfaced was to panhandle a few bucks and buy what I needed to live.
Here we find the street stemmer, the stall operator, and the panhandler, who accept the resentment of the community in order to buttonhole it into buying or giving something.
Behavior in Public Places
Even if the premature television calls affected all potential voters equally, the effect was to reduce Republican votes significantly, because the Florida panhandle is a Republican stronghold.
Think Progress » Katrina Speech: State and Local Officials Blamed, Not Listened To
An overture to a homeless guy ended when the homeless guy - in a reversal of the usual voter-politician interaction - panhandled the candidate.
When Tom gave him the money, the panhandler was surprised and seemed grateful.
He did not know that the short yellow-gray, sun-cured grass of the Panhandle was as good forage for beef cattle as the green grass of his Illinois farmland.
Out on the sugar-white Florida panhandle sand, freckle-faced Patrick Mulligan, 20, does a handstand while his friends from the University of Massachusetts funnel -- "bong" -- a quart of foaming Budweiser into his mouth.
To-Ga! To-Ga! To-Ga! To-Ga!
How many times can I be called racist or intolerant because I refuse to fight for their right for them to practice their religious rites or to give them money while they panhandle?
Pathologists strongly suspect that Hurricane Ivan that hit the panhandle of Florida in mid September is responsible for the spread of the disease from South America.
In Galveston the sunburned lady in the parking lot panhandles me for change with leather fingers.
The Panhandle was the butt end of the underbelly of the city, and was lucky to have plumbing.
But a long stretch of the Gulf Coast, from Louisiana to Florida's eastern panhandle, could take the brunt of this hurricane's next landfall.
Today, he panhandles on the streets of Montreal.
And-let me see-add something like this: In the event Ira Weatheral fails to qualify for inheritance, then all my worldly wealth of which I die possessed shall go to, uh, to-to found a home for indigent and superannuated pickpockets, prostitutes, panhandlers, piemen, priggers, and other unworthy poor starting with 'P'.
Time Enough For Love
The Panhandle has been the one bright spot during this ongoing drought.
Academic research, journalism articles and everyday conversation often use the word "homeless, " "beggar" and "panhandler" to describe the same group.
We're right at the northern most part of Israel, the tip of what they call the Galilee panhandle here.
CNN Transcript Jul 27, 2006
Oct. 9, South Alabama on Oct. 16, South Dakota on Nov. 13 and Panhandle State on Nov. Due to the fan interest, the Lamar ticket office has indicated it intended to sell season tickets for the remaining five home games starting on Monday morning at 9 a.m., Port Arthur, Texas Homepage
St. Joe, which owns 577,000 acres of land in Florida mostly within 15 miles of the Gulf and is the biggest landholder in the Florida Panhandle, said the April disaster resulted in huge losses for the company when hundreds of tourists cancelled vacation plans to stay at its resorts.
Property Firm That Lost Value Sues Halliburton
‘Without the aggressive panhandlers, drunk street people or drug use in our washrooms, our members are free to think about improving a menu, renovating a store or putting up new decorations,’ he says.
Puryear says that before Wyatt returned to Panhandle State, he had coached in high schools in Oklahoma, in arena football and in a professional league in Europe.
NCAA Division 2 Football Coach Dies
Panhandlers always demanding money so they can sustain their lifestyles.
It was a place for the many cowpunchers, panhandlers, and sodbusters to come in and enjoy themselves.
A long, pinewood bar took up most of the room where the cowboys could mingle with the panhandlers and enjoy a glass of whiskey.
Two-Dollar Bill and his gang had arrived in Goatswood, another boom town serving the hundreds of panhandlers and sodbusters coming into the territory to make their fortunes.
But walking along Interstate 40, somewhere in the panhandle of Texas a week later, Matilda and I exchanged old war stories.
From the Malaspina Glacier west of Yakutat Bay, the Tongass sweeps south 500 miles over most of Alaska's southeastern panhandle and the Alexander Archipelago.
Wheeling is located in the northern panhandle of West Virginia
In 1999 and 2000 we ran traps in the northern panhandle of West Virginia at Tomlinson Run State Park, near Weirton, a steel-producing city west of Pittsburgh.
He initiated a series of interdiction missions flown along the infiltration routes developing in the Laotian panhandle.
She flapped a hand, as if to wave off an approaching panhandler.
They're required to panhandle for their food money and sleep in cars in the school parking lot.
The human crush is a parade of the homeless, the crazies, crackheads, and punk teenagers with purple hair who panhandle the tourists.
Seven million people pass every day through the subway system with its moving population of commuters, the occasional homeless persons and the subway musicians and panhandlers.
I used to give loonies and toonies to panhandlers, especially on pay days.
The Eastern mole can be found from the Atlantic to the foothills of the Rockies and from Southern Canada to the panhandle of Florida.
Pathologists strongly suspect that Hurricane Ivan, which hit the panhandle of Florida in mid-September is responsible for the spread of the disease from South America.
Destin, located in the panhandle region, has become a prime landing strip for snowbirds who would rather gaze at blue water and white sand than gray buildings and freeways.
‘In north Florida and the panhandle, we had Tropical Storm Allison come through and drop nearly 12 inches of rain in the Tallahassee area,’ he said.
Many people have asked about panhandling - I think that people should not give money to panhandlers.
Destin, located in the panhandle region, has become a prime landing strip for snowbirds who would rather gaze at blue water and white sand than gray buildings and freeways.
Leo turned west on one of the gravel roads that marked almost every square mile of panhandle farm land and parked his car.
According to McCormick, ‘The potential for a great number of panhandlers to occupy our streets is certainly there.’
SYNOPSIS: During the 1950's a deteriorating political situation in Laos had allowed NVA troops and Pathet Lao guerrillas to seize the Laotian panhandle from the Royal Lao Army.
Boyles, Howard R. Jr.