
  1. (plate tectonics) a hypothetical continent including all the landmass of the earth prior to the Triassic period when it split into Laurasia and Gondwanaland
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How To Use Pangaea In A Sentence

  • All the great continents of the world, he suggested, had once been joined up in a gigantic super-continent, which he called Pangaea. THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH
  • The old tropical coal swamps (with their giant lycopods, calamites, and cordaitales) declined and disappeared with the drier and cooler climate, surviving only in China and in high latitudes of Pangaea.
  • Last time all the landmass clumped up, it formed a supercontinent called Pangaea. News
  • Some 250 million years ago, the Earth contained a single landmass known as Pangaea. The Real Story of Globalization
  • Jan. 6, 1912: Alfred Wegner, a German scientist and explorer, stuns a meeting of the German Geological Association when he presents a theory that all of the Earth’s continents were once part of a supercontinent he called Pangaea, but that tidal forces caused them to drift apart. Breaking Up Was Hard to Do
  • The goal of Pangaea is to remain independent forever and not sell the company," he says. Pangea Organic's line of natural skin-care products is growing
  • Pangaea itself may have been formed by the aggregation of separate continents that drifted back together after the break-up of an older supercontinent that existed about 550 million years ago.
  • Columbus's signal accomplishment was, in the phrase of the historian Alfred W. Crosby, to reknit the seams of Pangaea.
  • The old tropical coal swamps (with their giant lycopods, calamites, and cordaitales) declined and disappeared with the drier and cooler climate, surviving only in China and in high latitudes of Pangaea.
  • Together with the Appalachian, Caledonian and Variscan orogens, the Uralian orogeny contributed to the assembly of the late Palaeozoic supercontinent of Pangaea.
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