1. formally expressing praise
  1. a formal expression of praise
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How To Use panegyric In A Sentence

  • They were sitting now, listening to the funeral panegyric given by another of the Dominicans, Father Pasquale, pale, podgy, soft-voiced. THE GOLDEN LION
  • He was, says one, an especial lover of books, _librorum amator speciales_: and another in panegyric terms still further dubs him an _amator scripturarum_. Bibliomania in the Middle Ages
  • They have relapsed into the analphabetic state of their ancestors; they are great at eloquence; and, though without our poetical forms, they have a variety of songs upon all subjects and they improvise panegyrics in honour of chiefs and guests. Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo
  • _demi-caractère_, her talents, in the different parts in which she is placed, are above all panegyric. Paris as It Was and as It Is
  • It was too cold to stand there and listen to a panegyric on the loved one's charms. MISS MELVILLE REGRETS
  • They were sitting now, listening to the funeral panegyric given by another of the Dominicans, Father Pasquale, pale, podgy, soft-voiced. THE GOLDEN LION
  • In fact, the essay is so positive and loving as to be a panegyric, and it is difficult to understand the intensity of his displeasure.
  • Gone indeed was artists' panegyrical imagery of the Revolution and Empire.
  • Though full of similitudes and routine panegyrics, the book is valuable for its lack of originality and reflection of current views.
  • The exultant father, from his place in the Senate, expressed his thanks to Theodoric in an oration of panegyric, which is now no longer extant, but was considered by contemporaries a masterpiece of brilliant rhetoric. Theodoric the Goth Barbarian Champion of Civilisation
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