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Pandion haliaetus

  1. large harmless hawk found worldwide that feeds on fish and builds a bulky nest often occupied for years

How To Use Pandion haliaetus In A Sentence

  • Interesting marsh birds found in the reclaimed areas include egrets Egretta alba, E. garzetta and E. intermedia, purple heron Ardea purpurea (a rare vagrant from Africa) and green-backed heron Butorides striatus, while birds of prey include osprey Pandion haliaetus, Pallas's sea-eagle Haliaeetus leucoryphus (R), white-bellied sea-eagle H. leucogaster, grey-headed fishing eagle Ichthyophaga ichthyaetus, peregrine falcon Falco peregrinus, Oriential hobby F. severus, northern eagle owl Bubo bubo and brown fish owl Ketupa zeylonensis. Sundarbans National Park, India
  • The Kvarken Archipelago is on an important migratory route and offers excellent breeding habitats for birds: There are important Baltic populations of black guillemot Cepphus grille (6,000 pairs, a quarter of the Baltic population) and razorbill Alca torda (1,000 pairs); also Caspian and Arctic terns Sterna caspia and S. paradisea, whitetailed eagle Haliaetus albicilla (35 pairs), osprey Pandion haliaetus andgreat scaup Aythya marila. Kvarken Archipelago High Coast, Finland and Sweden
  • Birds such as osprey Pandion haliaetus and peregrine falcon Falco peregrinus occur within the designated areas. Whale Sanctuary of El Vizcaíno, Mexico
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