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[ UK /pˌænkɹiːˈe‍ɪtˈa‍ɪtɪs/ ]
  1. inflammation of the pancreas; usually marked by abdominal pain

How To Use pancreatitis In A Sentence

  • More recent population based studies from the Copenhagen area in the early and late 1970s showed 7-10/100000 incidence of chronic pancreatitis.
  • For those patients with an unclassified type of diabetes, two had sepsis, one had alcoholic pancreatitis, and another had a history of excessive intake of soft drinks as precipitating causes.
  • The number of viable acini isolated in pancreatitis induced by caerulein was only about 30% of that obtained from the intact pancreas.
  • Of course, we're continuing to follow this story of the attorney general who's suffering apparently from a very painful condition called gallstone pancreatitis. CNN Transcript Mar 5, 2004
  • Interestingly, despite the common aetiology, concomitant cirrhosis and chronic pancreatitis is rare.
  • These will reveal any abnormality in the bile or pancreatic systems, such as gallstones, bile duct disorders, Pancreatitis or cancer of the head of the pancreas.
  • Objective To discuss diagnosis and surgical management of chronic gallstone Pancreatitis ( CGP ).
  • However, complications have included 27 reports of orchitis, 11 meningitis, four encephalitis, four deafness, and one each of oophoritis, mastitis, pancreatitis, and unspecified complications. ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
  • When an alcoholic patient presents with AP and has either an elevated TG level or a lactescent serum, it is difficult for the physician to decide whether HTG or pancreatitis was the initial event.
  • Acute pancreatitis and fatigue of the diaphragm muscle are also associated with damage caused by ROS.
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