
[ US /ˈpæmpəz/ ]
[ UK /pˈæmpəz/ ]
  1. the vast grassy plains of northern Argentina
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How To Use pampas In A Sentence

  • The tabloid wave has swept from New Zealand and Australia to the pampas of Argentina, and, of course, the four corners of Europe.
  • I had hunted buffaloes with the Pawnees of the Platte, and ostriches upon the pampas of the Plata: to-day, shivering in the hut of an Esquimaux -- a month after, taking my _siesta_ in an aery couch under the gossamer frondage of the corozo palm. The Rifle Rangers
  • Among the fauna we find great herbivores such as the pampas deer (Ozotoceros bezoarticus celer) and the guanaco (Lama guanicoe), carnivores such as the puma (Felis concolor), Geoffroy's cat (Felis geoffroyi), pampa fox (Dusicyon gymnocercus), zorrino común (Conepatus chinga) and grison (Galictis cuja). Humid Pampas
  • Most Pampas grass plants are either male or female, though odd plants may be hermaphrodite.
  • Botanists confirmed that the plant which appears in the foreground of Banks 'campaign advertisements was pampas, and not native toitoi as Banks had assumed. New Zealand Herald - Top Stories
  • His slides showed examples of phormium, umbellifors, ferns and grasses, such as yuccas, angelica, tree ferns, bamboos and pampas grass.
  • One day, riding in the Pampas with a very respectable “estanciero, ” my horse, being tired, lagged behind. Chapter VIII
  • Species in danger of extinction include the pampas deer (Ozotoceros bezoarticus celer) a very important herbivore in this area, the loica pampeana (Sturnella defilippi), Limosa haemastica, Chloephaga rubidiceps, Laterallus spilopterus and Coturnicops notata. Humid Pampas
  • But then, all the fish of these pampas and jungle rivers demonstrate a desperately tenacious grip on life that attests to millions of years of evolution in a savagely unforgiving arena.
  • Slowly Perdita was trying to absorb the immensity of the pampas.
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