How To Use Paltering In A Sentence
What a paltering - what a childish paltering - unworthy of a schoolboy - is his solemn denial that the Pilgrims sailed for New England because they were persecuted.
So to hold is near to saying that we have been paltering with justice.
All the faltering, paltering and useless procrastinating by Hillary and her ilk have worked to delay any effective Democratic-backed change in the Iraq War, and, by extension, the reining-in of Cheney plans against Iran.
Hillary Joining Webb For Measure Opposing War With Iran
Too much paltering in journalism is fatal to a writer's development.
Loving you, he should, in the name of common sense, be doing something that would give him the right to marry, instead of paltering around with those stories of his and with childish dreams.
Chapter 19
But we have 'paltering' and 'palterly'.p. 232 _Hoggerds.
The Works of Aphra Behn Volume IV.
The time speedily arrived, however, when a persistence in this reticence would have involved me in an unworthy paltering with truth.
“And thou, old man, if thou art insensible to threats of personal danger in this matter, remember, that if thou art found paltering with us, thy punishment will perhaps be more severe than any we can inflict upon thy person.”
Castle Dangerous
Byron was not above "paltering" with his readers "in
The Works of Lord Byron. Vol. 5 Poetry
And yet (the fact is palpable) the Democrats are paltering.
David Bromwich: Iran, the Decider, and the Enablers
What I mean by "fostering day-to-day ignorance" is paltering with the truth for no reason at all, and in such a way as to make people stupider in their real lives.
Science goes to the movies
Paltering with "God's truth," then, is playing fast and loose with the metonyms that may be interpreted authoritatively only by the patriarchy.
He is the patron saint of fibbing (also known as paltering).
The word "paltering" I reject, as vague; as to "tentative," he must show that I was tentative in my sermons; and he has eight volumes to look through.
Apologia pro Vita Sua