
How To Use Palpable In A Sentence

  • But the settlements prevailed, delusory shortcuts to a palpable proof that the Jewish people were truly blessed by God. The Chosen Peoples
  • The seething sense of unfairness is almost palpable. Times, Sunday Times
  • And though you could not mark the delicacies of faces, you could have the full effect of costumes, -- rich, majestic, floating, gossamery, impalpable. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 12, No. 70, August, 1863
  • This we would call a palpable lie were not so much of _The Bible in Spain_ sheer invention. George Borrow and His Circle Wherein May Be Found Many Hitherto Unpublished Letters Of Borrow And His Friends
  • That put the pressure firmly on Best Mate's shoulders with the tension in the crowd palpable as the horses cantered down to the start.
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  • Hypothermia may render the carotid pulse impalpable, but it is important not to start chest compression without evidence of cardiac arrest.
  • The urge for victory was almost palpable. Sir Alf: A Major Reappraisal of the Life and Times of England's Greatest Football Manager
  • She makes writing a book sound like busywork ... the strain is as palpable as the voice is cute, and the drama is virtually nonexistent. Committed by Elizabeth Gilbert: Book summary
  • as impalpable as a dream
  • Roy Round, whose dance photographs fill this handsome volume, is at his best when he is straightforward, when the subject seems to emerge from luminous, unpunctuated space, and when the challenge of pure movement is palpable.
  • When in a position allowing of direct examination, the contused portion of the nerve sometimes developed a palpable fusiform thickening, manipulation of which might give rise to formication in the area of distribution -- a favourable prognostic sign. Surgical Experiences in South Africa, 1899-1900 Being Mainly a Clinical Study of the Nature and Effects of Injuries Produced by Bullets of Small Calibre
  • Bold choices are attenuated by combination with impalpable chiffon.
  • Count Robert had taken a single, indeed, but a deep draught, was more potent than the delicate and high-flavoured juice of the Gascogne grape, to which he was accustomed; at any rate, it seemed to him that, from the time he felt that he had slept, daylight ought to have been broad in his chamber when he awaked, and yet it was still darkness almost palpable. Count Robert of Paris
  • The sense of public outrage is palpable, as is the desire for justice.
  • There's a palpable feeling of confidence in the future. The Sun
  • There is definitely a more palpable feeling of modernity. Times, Sunday Times
  • There's a palpable tingle of excitement. Times, Sunday Times
  • He didn't know I'd detoxed myself already and I wanted to make his disappointment at that discovery all the more palpable.
  • Findings on physical examination include decreased range of motion, crepitus, a mild joint effusion, and palpable osteophytic changes at the knee joint.
  • It was also the last of village France, with palpable limits, yet freedom from ephemeral diversions.
  • a palpable tumor
  • -- A NEW York physician has related a case in which inhalation of very dry persulphate of iron, reduced to a palpable powder, entirely arrested bleeding from the lungs, after all the usual remedies, lead, opium, etc., had failed. Burroughs' Encyclopaedia of Astounding Facts and Useful Information, 1889
  • We checked patients with lymphadenopathy (swollen glands), big livers and palpable spleens. Dr. Elaine Schattner: The Physical Exam Provides More Than Emotional Value
  • The desire for a reprieve from the frenetic, always-on existence that smartphones and the internet has enabled, is palpable. Tanya Schevitz: Missed Connection: Take a Digital Detox
  • The smell of aftershave is palpable. Times, Sunday Times
  • The artist's skill at rendering the atmosphere above the field makes the clouds nearly palpable.
  • Even Fortyne, who left a step behind him, had an iciness in his bearing that was almost palpable. THE SCAR
  • ‘Another Man's Woman, Another Woman's Man’ is one of my personal faves: the agony is actually palpable.
  • His neck was swollen, with no palpable subcutaneous emphysema.
  • Samuel Pepys recorded that on 6 January 1660 he was entertained to dinner ‘which was good, only the venison pasty was palpable beef, which was not handsome’.
  • The threat to life of this appalling violence is palpable and so is the serious economic threat to a fledgeling and vulnerable nation. Times, Sunday Times
  • If bony tissue is not palpable, the application of a ligature around the pedicle allows the digit to fall off.
  • They count our fury as evidence of a palpable hit. Times, Sunday Times
  • The success of the humanists fostered a palpable sense of the difference between fifteenth- and sixteenth-century attitudes toward cultural inheritance and earlier attitudes.
  • The city is home to one and a half million people, and there's a palpable energy in the air.
  • But how do you put a price on what we sell, which is more impalpable, insidious, sad and empty than the decay that you read here?
  • It's hard to imagine like-minded orchestral songsmiths Elliott Smith or Eric Matthews indulging themselves in the palpable sense of fun here without resorting to insufferable preciousness.
  • Yet the apparent paradox of associating touch with something that is intangible and impalpable is not as odd as it might seem.
  • The outrageous character of the law was too palpable to be unperceived and unresented. The Nation in a Nutshell
  • The F sharp Nocturne comes to life in a remarkable manner whilst the C sharp minor Etude also creates a palpable sense of mystery.
  • Based on her history and physical examination with a palpable mass, a computerized tomography was performed.
  • One pal said: 'The pain in the air was palpable. The Sun
  • However, they can be present with pain, proptosis, restricted ocular motility, visual impairment, globe displacement or palpable bony mass.
  • Technical progress can cease and the most palpable facts can be denied or disregarded.
  • The physician should palpate bony prominences and tendinous insertions near the heel and midfoot, noting any tenderness or palpable defects.
  • Signac's pastorals indicate that in the 1890s the Latin heritage so closely allied to the Midi could have associations other than with the political right, and Signac made these other correlations palpable in his art.
  • But he and his wife found something even more elusive: a palpable sense of the rakish adventurousness that prevailed between the world wars. The World on the Rocks
  • The emotion of the tour was palpable and everywhere they played, capacity crowds were there to welcome them.
  • This is not the first time relief at Amstel has been palpable, either; back in 2001, when Eric Dekker beat Lance Armstrong, you could "palp" his relief from quite a long distance: Breaking the Duck: Coming to Terms with Cycling
  • There's a palpable tingle of excitement. Times, Sunday Times
  • These days there is a palpable sense of pride in the country. Times, Sunday Times
  • Not that I would mind selling millions of books to people with impalpable senses of humor, but I've actually been reading his column to find out which clichés and bad jokes to avoid.
  • The inguinal orchiopexy is a well-established operation for the palpable undescended testicle.
  • No glands were palpable, so it might be that previously both patients and doctors have misinterpreted the tenderness of fibromyalgia as lymphadenopathy.
  • What roles does affliction, the suffering constrained by the sense of God's palpable absence, play in divine providence, according to Herbert's poetry?
  • Two day old full term male with bilious vomiting and a palpable right lower quadrant mass.
  • A palpable ‘clunk’ during either maneuver is considered a strongly positive sign for dislocation of the hip.
  • Her physical energy and humour are palpable, her voice a mellifluous tool with which she weaves tale upon tale, until one loses track of time in the hands of a master storyteller.
  • A palpable hit or a cultural binge that brings down a plague on both their houses? Times, Sunday Times
  • There is a palpable difference in their ages.
  • felt sudden anger in a palpable wave
  • But more than made up for their hilariously awkward bottom-of-the-line routines with a palpable, hollow desperation that permeated every artless move which pleased my black bitter soul greatly.
  • This week though, I can record a palpable hit. Times, Sunday Times
  • There is a palpable new confidence and sense of purpose in the squad.
  • Obviously, the death threat ratchets up the tension, but it's not really all that palpable.
  • Eric the Red, "the only doubtful part of which is the" uniped "episode, a touch of mediaeval superstition so palpable as not to be deceptive. The Northmen, Columbus and Cabot, 985-1503
  • There obviously seems to be a palpable discord between the manager and players and we feel it was time to act. The Sun
  • Her Scandinavian English is sharp, heavily accented, the grammar and syntax strange in some places, but the emotions are palpable, resonant, honest.
  • So palpable is this fact that we have commonly accepted it, and taken it for granted that this relation must be a continuous source of trouble to humanity. Women and Economics: A Study of the Economic Relation Between Men and Women as a Factor in Social Evolution
  • The sexual chemistry between Wilks and Gray is palpable as they bounce ripostes off each other with wry wit and superb timing.
  • A palpable hit or a cultural binge that brings down a plague on both their houses? Times, Sunday Times
  • The eponymous stigmatic of Hansen's book may ultimately be opaque, too, but she is rendered in three dimensions, with sexual, psychic, and spiritual longings ambiguous but palpable.
  • All that was palpable, tactile, realizable, was a distant mirage of dead spirit.
  • The air of expectation was almost palpable in the hall as mammies, daddies, grannies, grand dads, sisters, brothers, cousins and friends waited for the show to begin.
  • an impalpable pulse
  • The city is reborn today as the Big Apple of the East: the buzz is almost palpable.
  • The very construction of his native constituency that permeates "the human form divine" involve those agitative and sleepless precipitants that ever stir, stimulate, and woo him on to investigate, to weigh, and measure principles of the universe that draw his chariot from the individual center to the impalpable periphery. Autobiography, sermons, addresses, and essays of Bishop L. H. Holsey, D. D.,
  • The excitement was almost palpable in each of the locations as children enthusiastically waved flags and banners to welcome the President.
  • The tension between them is palpable, if the definition of "palpable" is: You can see it on TV. rss feed
  • Over the next eight hours our oral symptoms slowly began to subside, but our cervical lymph nodes became very tender and easily palpable.
  • Standing on the ramparts of the fort, there is a palpable sense of history: this is where civilisation once ended and the barbarians began. Times, Sunday Times
  • Especially important in these essays is the issue of cultural pluralism, which is palpable in each of the four sections dealing with identity, internality, women's views, and Algerians resident in France.
  • Tenderness and a palpable mass were found at the adductor muscle insertion area.
  • MPs got in a few palpable hits. Times, Sunday Times
  • These two don't strike sparks, but there is a palpable chemistry.
  • Hypothermia may render the carotid pulse impalpable, but it is important not to start chest compression without evidence of cardiac arrest.
  • The lesions were palpable, did not blanch on pressure, and had no overlying warmth or tenderness.
  • Strange, though, exerts a pull, it draws you in to a place you've never been and may not understand, but which takes on a palpable and seductive existence.
  • The tendresse and the fragility of the two is so palpable it hurts. French Word-A-Day:
  • There was a palpable air of defiance on the terraces, but many of the fans will have headed home consumed by the nauseating feeling that York might not even be involved when the FA Cup gets under way next season.
  • He finds talking about his fractured upbringing harrowing and there is a palpable air of sadness about him. Times, Sunday Times
  • The palpable anger and sadness at a village fair, usually an occasion for gaiety, was a poignant commentary on the hypocritical times we live in.
  • A mass may be palpable in patients with localised perforation, and computed tomography is the most useful investigation.
  • There's a growing and palpable dissatisfaction with what material things can provide.
  • Her frustration over the chaos that became the Cleveland controversy is palpable.
  • Their confidence and self-assurance is indeed palpable, as is their ability to express themselves uninhibitedly.
  • An arteriovenous fistula of the left arm had a palpable thrill.
  • The medic then checked his carotic (ph) pulse, which was barely palpable and quickly deteriorated; and which he determined, therefore, that Zarqawi's death was imminent. CNN Transcript Jun 12, 2006
  • This psychopathology is made all the more palpable because of the intense moral contradictions: while it has accomplished impressive things, including “Jewish democracy,” a place for some Jews to take refuge or to find pride, survival at all odds, and economic and technological development, Israel is a colonial settler society in origin as much as Zionism is also a variant of Jewish nationalism; it is both non-democratic in its exclusion of non-Jews and democratic for its Jewish majority. Think Progress » Lying About Ledeen: National Review Falsely Claims NeoCon ‘Has Opposed Military Action Against Iran’
  • A large mass was palpable in the epigastrium and right upper quadrant.
  • A 34-year-old woman reported with a hyperpigmented palpable lesion, approximately 5-10 mm in diameter, was found on the patient's left labium majus. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • There on the pavement these inexpert children of a pacific age, untrained in arms and uninured to violence, abandoned themselves to amateurish and absurd efforts to hurt and injure one another — of which the most palpable consequences were dusty backs, ruffled hair and torn and twisted collars. The History of Mr. Polly
  • a palpable lie
  • Seeing the fields rimmed by trees or the homey, rundown tavern really makes the earth and the rain palpable to the reader. The Color of Earth, The Color of Water, The Color of Heaven » Manga Worth Reading
  • Burdened by an elephantine rucksack, his pink skin charred to a luscious red by the sun, and trying to communicate with a guide whose accent is, well, undecipherable; his hopelessness and frustration is palpable.
  • A palpable fetidness that oozed from every pore made the herdsman glad he had not eaten since morning, and then very little. Carnivores of Light and Darkness
  • His attempts at getting on have been mere abortions, and his circumgyratory proceedings a palpable failure. The Works of Edgar Allan Poe — Volume 4
  • It is not just rumours and a palpable sense of impending danger that throw people off balance.
  • Rayed out from plaster-walls which have been soaking in it for five centuries, driven up in palpable waves of heat from the flags, lying like a lake of white metal in the Piazza, however recklessly this truly royal sun may beam, in Siena you will feel furtive and astare for sudden death. Earthwork out of Tuscany Being Impressions and Translations of Maurice Hewlett
  • There's a palpable feeling of confidence in the future. The Sun
  • The smell of aftershave is palpable. Times, Sunday Times
  • It also makes palpable the fear that can consume people in regard to those different from themselves.
  • On stage, he is truly dynamic, exuding a palpable charisma comparable to the likes of Elvis Presley and Frank Sinatra.
  • The flawless engineering creates a palpable feeling of performance space.
  • It's the only brand of suspense I know in fiction that is so palpable, you can feel it on your skin.
  • On physical examination, the patient was obese, with a protuberant abdomen but without palpable splenomegaly.
  • Their confidence and self-assurance is indeed palpable, as is their ability to express themselves uninhibitedly.
  • The aging, untended planks, however, crumbled under their surging weight and broke away with a palpable snap, precipitating the struggling pair like so many sacks of sand to the lower level.
  • Schoolboys cannot understand that this shrinking from danger (I speak of palpable danger), which they call cowardice, nearly always emanates from a superior intellect. The Channings
  • To determine if ejaculatory duct obstruction exists, transrectal ultrasonography is indicated in patients who are azoospermic with palpable vasa and low ejaculate volumes.
  • The impact of the paintings in their heavy gilt frames is palpable. Times, Sunday Times
  • Besides the sheer danger of war reporting, these books give a palpable sense of the dislocation and discomfort of the job, the stench of war and the deafening noise of it, the grunge and grime of it.
  • He'd expected a more palpable manifestation of the harm it brought. EVERVILLE
  • The release was only to be expected, the relief palpable. Times, Sunday Times
  • “tebbad” bears along the seeds of fever in the impalpable dust it raises in its passage. Robur the Conqueror
  • (trapezium) can be felt between the radial styloid and the ball of the thumb, a little below the radial styloid; and the pisiform and hook of the hamatum (unciform) are palpable, slightly below and in front of the ulnar styloid. Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
  • No one was prepared for what they saw, and the shock that ran through the small cluster of official greeters was almost palpable enough to set the seismographs located at the base of Mount Agung to stuttering. Dirge
  • The track was now hard and palpable, but there was no hyperæsthesia in any area; when the track was manipulated slight formication in the hand was experienced. Surgical Experiences in South Africa, 1899-1900 Being Mainly a Clinical Study of the Nature and Effects of Injuries Produced by Bullets of Small Calibre
  • The markets, as we know, function with that impalpable factor called confidence.
  • It stands to reason then that intangible means not tangible, unable to touch, or impalpable.
  • The feeling of their velvety, pulpous skin remains with me to this day as a palpable memory of childhood. Green Options
  • By His birth in the flesh, that Sonship, which was essential and uncreated, merely effloresced into palpable manifestation. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • impalpable distinctions
  • Another instance of so grossly unjust, so palpable, so general an evil that it has occasionally aroused some protest even from our dull conciousness is this: the enforced attitude of the woman toward marriage. Women and Economics: A Study of the Economic Relation Between Men and Women as a Factor in Social Evolution
  • There obviously seems to be a palpable discord between the manager and players and we feel it was time to act. The Sun
  • There was palpable relief in the room. Times, Sunday Times
  • The artery should be easily palpable or visible with transillumination.
  • A nodule secondary to the tenosynovitis is usually palpable in the region of the metacarpal head of the affected tendon.
  • The Ho Wong offers a stripped-down, credibly manageable menu: food with a palpable freshness to it, featuring a lot of lovely fresh fish and shellfish.
  • The artery should be easily palpable or visible with transillumination.
  • If we want endless, satisfying blue, we must look up to where it dwells in impalpable space, shining like solid enamel, or liquid and vague. The Spring of Joy: A Little Book of Healing
  • A familiar aura of sweetness and loss reminiscent of Salinger is palpable from the first pages of the book, when we meet Jane's older brother Henry, who, by introducing his "mature" girlfriend to the family has indelibly altered the paradigm of familial relationships with which young Jane is accustomed. The Girl's Guide To Hunting & Fishing by Melissa Bank: Questions
  • The darkness and cold are almost palpable. Times, Sunday Times
  • The sense of purpose and pride displayed is palpable. Times, Sunday Times
  • As we trooped out of St. Peter's basilica that day, spreading our amaranthine stain over the great parvis, a palpable euphoria thrilled through the entire body. 11/01/2003 - 12/01/2003
  • A palpable sense of itchy excitement is mounting at the prospect of a bear encounter. Times, Sunday Times
  • She makes writing a book sound like busywork ... the strain is as palpable as the voice is cute, and the drama is virtually nonexistent. Committed by Elizabeth Gilbert: Book summary
  • So now all those earlier findings are shown to be palpable nonsense - and by a factor of three or four.
  • The expressive power of these works is dramatically amplified when considered in the context of their natural setting, and gives a face to the palpable, yet otherwise abstract animism that pervades the woods near his home.
  • Inside the arena tonight, midway through the tour, the excitement is palpable. Times, Sunday Times
  • Asbell's drawings reinforce the tactility of the catalogue itself, its wealth of palpable evidence in the form of different, datable typewriter fonts, handwritten notations and alterations.
  • The anterior apical and tumor was palpable within the hilum and appeared to be centered in the hilum of the left lung.
  • But the palpable excitement of managing the undisputed champion of heavyweight boxing has gone.
  • When flow returns, the sense of relief is palpable.
  • Not wishing the return in your favor, unless it is clear that it ought to be so, and not willing to be cheated out of it, or to be 'bulldozed' or intimidated, the truth is palpable that you ought to have the vote of Louisiana, and we believe that you will have ti, by an honest and fair return, according to the letter and spirit of the law of Louisiana. Recollections of Forty Years in the House, Senate and Cabinet An Autobiography.
  • I recognized the stench, the aura that hung in the air; thick and palpable… a portent of imminent death.
  • And when that mountain is kicked into a dusty ant hill by the heel of Iago the pain is palpable. Times, Sunday Times
  • The power of the Western media in lending impetus to a popular cause is palpable.
  • An awesome academic and bibliographer in the social sciences, he was also a palpable influence in my becoming a librarian.
  • The impalpable harmonics produced were not easily distinguishable from those of the modulated instruments - but you had to listen! Times, Sunday Times
  • Morgan's version of Charlie's vulnerability is palpable and touching.
  • The stylistic and aesthetic differences and antitheses are palpable. Cranach's Femme Fatales Highlight 'The Other Renaissance'
  • The finesse of his shaping of its bittersweet nostalgia collided with constant extreme changes of tempo and direction, making its emotional fragility palpable. Times, Sunday Times
  • And then news of the sharp decline and then the death of Elizabeth Edwards swept through the media and the world, including my little Facebook subcommunity, and there was an almost palpable sense from the news sources cited and the friends noting their own emotions that the universe did in fact owe this woman an apology for all of the hardships her life had brought. Rev. Meg Riley: The Gratitude And Grace Of Elizabeth Edwards
  • The city is home to one and a half million people, and there's a palpable energy in the air.
  • It was well wrapped in reddish-brown cloths, and as she revealed the contents of the package, the tension in the room became palpable. 365 tomorrows » 2007 » July : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • Their confidence and self-assurance is indeed palpable, as is their ability to express themselves uninhibitedly.
  • James is all grown up; the mass of him, the physical solidity, possesses a palpable gravitational pull.
  • There was palpable relief in the room. Times, Sunday Times
  • The rumbling was a soothing, subliminal presence coursing like a heatbeat through a great ship's deck, palpable everywhere you stood. The Kobayashi Maru
  • Their confidence and self-assurance is indeed palpable, as is their ability to express themselves uninhibitedly.
  • She teases, criticizes and satirizes American democracy, but she cares so much it's positively palpable.
  • The achievement is palpable: the quicksilver movements of fish, the movement of water and the play of light through it, the interior of a whale's mouth.
  • The palpable swelling at the site of injection is measured and reported as mm of induration.
  • For all the book's rigour it is its poetry - the play of charged imagery, the sense of something impalpable that outlasts analysis - that one most remembers.
  • Bailey captured them seated practically back to back on spindly gilt chairs at a fashion show, in an invisible yet palpable fog of unpleasantness.
  • The resentment is palpable and vociferous and unlimited. Cleanest citiies in Mexico news item
  • Physical examination revealed no palpable nodules, and FNA of the left lobe was performed.
  • His relief was palpable when the red flag was shown. Times, Sunday Times
  • Cysts are a common cause of palpable breast masses in premenopausal women older than 40 years.
  • The first part of his letter was a palpable impeachment of the ministry.
  • The smell of cathartic release was palpable. Times, Sunday Times
  • All of them sensed the palpable miasma of evil which clung to its tunnels, though some were more sensitive to it than others.
  • The hallways are deathly silent and the misery is a palpable living thing in the air.
  • Clad in a dark silk robe-de-chambre, with her cheek pressed against the blue velvet lining of the chair, Cornelia's face wore a sickly, sallow hue, which was rendered more palpable by her black, glittering eyes and jetty hair. Beulah
  • A palpable hush descended on the hundreds of spectators as they waited for the Bentley to stop and for the Queen to emerge to begin her walkabout.
  • The effortless and natural acting of the children add a unique flavour to the film making it realistic and palpable.
  • What I meant by that, I think, was that something in the atmosphere of these places - indefinable, impalpable - clustered life into articulate and significant relationships.
  • For the pagan, the alienation from divinity is so palpable and painful that it must be overcome at all costs, even if ethics are the price.
  • His importance to the side explains the palpable sense of relief. Times, Sunday Times
  • In a magic mirror which reflects one's innermost desires, the young orphan glimpses his dead parents - and his loneliness and longing is palpable.
  • Just before the harvest season, it became palpable that this field, then waving with wheat, was depredated upon to a wasteful extent by some unknown subjects of the animal kingdom. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 04, No. 21, July, 1859
  • In Pinter, this threat does not come in abstract terms; it is concrete and palpable.
  • These palpable errors and absurdities are absolutely irreconcileable with their genuineness. The Dialogues of Plato
  • And when that mountain is kicked into a dusty ant hill by the heel of Iago the pain is palpable. Times, Sunday Times
  • Poverty and oppression are palpable here, as is the social anger of the working class at these conditions.
  • A palpable hit or a cultural binge that brings down a plague on both their houses? Times, Sunday Times
  • But compared with sickness that is always real and palpable, defilement not resulting from disease (e.g., ritually impure food), is fictional.
  • The physician should palpate bony prominences and tendinous insertions near the heel and midfoot, noting any tenderness or palpable defects.
  • It was unbelievable and the sense of shock and sadness was palpable all around the region.

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