How To Use Palomino In A Sentence
Lucas watched Dairkenneth gently lift her by the waist onto a palomino that was standing by a brown horse.
Like any event where you get a mixture of breeds, there were paints, sorrels, bays and palominos… almost anything you could want!
Charlie left town on his roan with the palomino and a donkey laden down with supplies.
Charlie left town on his roan with the palomino and a donkey laden down with supplies.
Cyprus has imported the Palomino vine because of its dependence on producing inexpensive copies of sherry.

He started breeding his own horses and combined his penchant for the palomino coloring with his choice of horse breeds.
He let out a piercing whistle, and a marvelously colored palomino stepped out from the trees.
The program was successful at Paint of a Different Color the first year and Al ended up with a beautiful homozygous filly and a palomino paint colt.
Like any event where you get a mixture of breeds, there were paints, sorrels, bays and palominos… almost anything you could want!
He got slabbering drank at Palomino and they gave him thirty days in San Ber'dino.
Atop a prancing palomino gelding sat a woman, neither old nor young, her face set in a vengeful expression.
Gualtero rounded the corner leading the horses - his palomino stallion, Sullivan's buckskin mare, and a third horse, a roan mare with a creamy blond mane and tail.
Palomino says the attackers used at least 88 pounds 40 kilograms of the explosive Pentonite on what officials describe as a "tricycle bomb.
The Seattle Times
In hismemoirs, former Mexican President Vicente Fox recalls offeringBush a ride on his beloved horse Dos de Julio and being surprised whenBush "demurred, backing away from the big palomino.
They were grooming a palomino, quiffing up his mane and tying it with a red ribbon.
Trigger, the palomino, was obedient to the slightest pressure.
Arabs were the most beautiful, especially palominos, with golden bodies and silver hair,
He was a palomino with a golden coat, a white blaze, four white stockings, and a cream mane and tail.
The palomino horse was breathing heavily with all the running, and he deserved rest.
Like any event where you get a mixture of breeds, there were paints, sorrels, bays and palominos… almost anything you could want!
Today Palomino grapes are frequently dried to raisins under plastic tunnels, pressed, and fortified before fermentation to make a mistela.
She yelled, descending down the steps of the caravan, grabbing the reins of Yew, the palomino horse, who was snorting and stamping nervously.
The attractive Palomino color provides the elegance of a sculptured casting.
They were grooming a palomino, quiffing up his mane and tying it with a red ribbon.
Carys, the other mare, was a palomino, so light in color she was almost white.
One of the Shetlands called Pinkerton is a palomino with large bulging black eyes, a long forelock, mane and tail and a sandy coloured mark down his spine.
A man sat atop of a magnificent palomino stallion, the stallion's mane blowing in the new morning's wind.
The palomino horse was breathing heavily with all the running, and he deserved rest.
They perfectly resembled a horse's, and they were of palomino coloring.
Linda was fond of all the horses on the ranch, but the little palomino was the apple of her eye.
The horse was a beautiful palomino, part Arab, golden body, silver mane and tail and eye catching white markings on the legs and face.
But McCarron took his time, enjoying the water before the palomino could slobber all over inside the spring.
That the palomino was a mare was blatant enough, though she couldn't have pointed to one specific thing.
She jumped onto the palomino horse's back, clicking softly to it.
Some were white, like Mystic, then there were ones that were black, chestnut, some were like palominos, and others were gray.
A 14-year-old palomino gelding died after it was charged by a stallion while the horses were being unloaded from a train.
He gave the reins in his hand a light flick and the palomino horse beneath him trotted down the road toward the community that supported the castle.
But McCarron took his time, enjoying the water before the palomino could slobber all over inside the spring.
And no one noticed a dainty palomino and a fierce black stallion riding away into the darkness…
This can be made in any natural cowhide colors including, two tone, black & white, zebra, palomino or any dyed colors.
A palomino mare stood beside her, her creamy mane and tail braided with a pale blue that matched her companion's eyes.
He was a palomino with a golden coat, a white blaze, four white stockings, and a cream mane and tail.
There were all kinds; Appaloosas, Palominos, Arabs, Thoroughbreds, all with true bloodlines and all fine animals worth plenty of money.
So when it came time to teach Penny, my palomino Quarter horse filly, how to neck rein, I turned to Patty for some advice.