How To Use Palm Sunday In A Sentence
- But while I was at the Lutheran church this morning during the Palm Sunday servcie, I SOOOOO,,, missed the Domingo de Ramos in Xalapa, with so many people selling "cruces" and other objects made of "palma" to be blessed by the priest (or even better the Bishop) so that we can put them in our homes and business to feel the Lords presence during a year. Domingo de Ramos in Spokane
- Listening to the hymnody for the Vigil of Palm Sunday, the hymnographer, without apology for the discrepancy, races to it and declares: Glory to God for All Things
- Our Lady of Sorrows: known as "sorrowful" or "painful" Friday, the day is movable in that it occurs on the Friday before Palm Sunday.
- It was palm Sunday and the small courtyard in front of the church was packed.
- The ashes are made by burning palm fronds from the previous year's Palm Sunday and getting 'em blessed by someone with the proper credentials.
- Verse 27 invites us to bind the festal procession with branches, gathering up Palm Sunday as well as Good Friday.
- The congregation suggests organizing Eucharistic adoration for young people around Palm Sunday.
- Palm Sunday 2 is the Sunday before Easter and the day Jesus arrived in Jerusalem.
- McGillion was masterful in hiding Ward's peccadilloes, including his three-day disappearance during the Palm Sunday Massacre. Len Levitt: The Feds' Leak Investigation: Probe or Payback?
- Semana Santa (April ~April 3 - 12, Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday), which is Mexico's second largest holiday. Latest Articles