How To Use Pallium In A Sentence
The pallium is a white woolen vestment worn by the Pope and sent by him to patriarchs, primates and archbishops.
Baltimore Catechism No. 3 (of 4)
In 1333 he made a rare journey abroad to deliver the new archbishop, John Stratford, his pallium.
The encouragement of pilgrimage and papal investiture of bishops with the pallium (the symbol of office), as recorded enthusiastically by Bede, were among the means used to secure the ‘Romanizing’ of Christianity.
The double cloak here is the diplois, the pallium, doubled in length, worn without the underlying tunic or any other undergarment by ascetics and Cynic philosophers.
Some mammals, as they increased in size, enlarged the area of the neopallium more than in proportion, so they increased in intelligence as well.
The Human Brain
The word pallium, or palla, was originally used of all kinds of coverings, notably of what we now call the altar-cloths, and also of the corporal.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 3: Brownson-Clairvaux
Bruno confines his use of the word pontiff to three of the final sections on priestly vestments: Quid pallium significet, De vittis, and De summo pontifice.
Hamilton: "A Liturgy of Reform"
In England the pallium has been the principal charge in the official archiepiscopal coats.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 7: Gregory XII-Infallability
Visual formation needs to have complete visual analyzer, include eyeball and pallium pillow part of a historical period, and both the system looking a way between.
In the sixth century the pallium was the symbol of the papal office and the papal power, and for this reason Pope Felix transmitted his pallium to his archdeacon, when, contrary to custom, he nominated him his successor.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip
There is the one on whom Gregory bestowed the pallium, the symbol of Catholic unity and oversight.
However, there is a large expansion in the size of the neopallium, which spreads out to cover the top half of the cerebral cortex.
The Human Brain
In contrary to those two shell layers produced in the apertural area of the shell, there is another which is made all over the pallium (mantle) on the inside of the shell.
As part of the unending dispute between Canterbury and York he refused consecration in 1114 by the archbishop of Canterbury and was eventually consecrated at Rheims, receiving the pallium from Pope Calixtus II.
The ornament which the bishop is wearing above the chasuble is the rationale, an episcopal humeral, a counterpart of the pallium, and like it worn over the chasuble.
The Mater Ter Admirabilis
Various other objects from the tomb, including the stole (note the narrowness characteristic for the time) and the cingulum, the cuffs of the gauntlets, crosses from the pallium, and the lappets of the mitre:
Catholic Bamberg: The Vestments of Pope Clement II and Other Treasures from the Diocesan Museum
The penis erects is activity of sex of a reflex, must issue the Later Zhou Dynasty of centre, spinal cord to surround nerval action ability to come true through pallium , cortex.
The correct view may well be that the pallium was introduced as a liturgical badge of the pope, and it does not seem improbable that it was adopted in imitation of its counterpart, the pontifical omophorion, already in vogue in the Eastern Church.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip
Various other objects from the tomb, including the stole (note the narrowness characteristic for the time) and the cingulum, the cuffs of the gauntlets, crosses from the pallium, and the lappets of the mitre:
Catholic Bamberg: The Vestments of Pope Clement II and Other Treasures from the Diocesan Museum
It is even possible, though not demonstrated, that, as early as the close of the pre-Constantinian period, liturgical insignia came into use among the bishops and deacons, as the orarion, or stole, and the omophorion or pallium.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 15: Tournely-Zwirner
This usually implies an increase in the size of the brain and, as a result, in the cerebrum and neopallium.
The Human Brain
Attempts have been made to prove that the omophorion was simply an evolution of the ordinary mantle or pallium, but it was most probably derived from the civil omophorion, a shoulder garment or shawl in general use.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip
Within a short time of his election, a formal inauguration ceremony takes place, at which the woollen pallium is bestowed upon him.
If the degradandus be an archbishop, the degrading prelate removes his pallium.
Ubi ego capiam pro machaera turturem, [5] (68) pro galea scaphium, pro insigni sit corolla plectilis, 70 pro hasta talos, pro lorica malacum capiam pallium, ubi mihi pro equo lectus detur, scortum pro scuto accubet? apage a me, apage.
Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi Amphitryon, The Comedy of Asses, The Pot of Gold, The Two Bacchises, The Captives
The necessary Bulls and the pallium were obtained from Rome under threat that the law for the abolition of annates and first-fruits would be made permanent.
To enlarge the neopallium at that rate, however, meant that it would outgrow the skull.
The Human Brain
The pallium is a circular band of white wool with two pendants symbolizing the twin responsibilities of shepherding the flock entrusted to archbishops and fostering communion with the pope.
The neopallium is the dorsal cap of the brain, with frontal, parietal, and occipital areas, comprehending all that part of the brain which is the seat of the higher associative activities, reaching its fullest development in man.
Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 4 Sexual Selection In Man
Ubi ego capiam pro machaera turturem, [5] (68) pro galea scaphium, pro insigni sit corolla plectilis, 70 pro hasta talos, pro lorica malacum capiam pallium, ubi mihi pro equo lectus detur, scortum pro scuto accubet? apage a me, apage.
Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi Amphitryon, The Comedy of Asses, The Pot of Gold, The Two Bacchises, The Captives
Popes also began wearing a white woolen cloak, call a pallium, to symbolize their ecclesiastical rank.
CNN Transcript Apr 24, 2005
The penis erects is activity of sex of a reflex, must issue the Later Zhou Dynasty of centre, spinal cord to surround nerval action ability to come true through pallium , cortex.
In 1333 he made a rare journey abroad to deliver the new archbishop, John Stratford, his pallium.
The ornament which the bishop is wearing above the chasuble is the rationale, an episcopal humeral, a counterpart of the pallium, and like it worn over the chasuble.
The Mater Ter Admirabilis
MorpheusBreath suspends causing anoxic, bring about composition of material of pallium inside part to produce change, injure cerebral tissue, bring about easily gawkish.
The larger the neopallium, which is the center of a great variety of coordinations among stimuli and responses, the more complex the potentialities of behavior.
The Human Brain
In 1061 he travelled to Rome again in order to obtain his pallium as archbishop of York.
This new portion of the OUR NEBVOUS SYSTEM 147 cortex is the neopallium (nee'oh-pal'ee-um; "new cloak" L).
The Human Brain
It is even possible, though not demonstrated, that, as early as the close of the pre-Constantinian period, liturgical insignia came into use among the bishops and deacons, as the orarion, or stole, and the omophorion or pallium.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 15: Tournely-Zwirner
The man in the picture is wearing the pallium, which is the strip of cloth with black crosses that encircles his neck and hands down in front.
Who is this guy?
In the neopallium a greater variety of information is received and more complicated coordinations can be set up.
The Human Brain
With the larger and more recently developed mammals, therefore, the cerebral cortex, which by then had become all neopallium, must wrinkle.
The Human Brain
Europe are: the under-tunic (alb), the cincture, stole, chasuble, and omophorion (pallium).
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 15: Tournely-Zwirner
This is a longer pallium, which is an attempt to go back to the original model in the early centuries of the church.
CNN Transcript Apr 24, 2005
Papal policy might also be conveyed via bishops who visited Rome to attend synods or, in the case of metropolitans, to collect their pallium, the stole that signified their authority.
The premise is a cynical, even nihilistic one: people are the sum of their biological impulses, slaves to genes, pheromones, and the archipallium.
"Unidentified Objects" by James P. Blaylock
New pontifical vestments were the gloves, the succinctorium, and the mitre, to which were added among the German bishops the rational, an imitation of the pallium.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 15: Tournely-Zwirner
The distinctive insignia of the patriarch are the masnaftô (a form of head-dress), the phainô (a kind of cape or cope), the orarion (a kind of pallium), the tiara, or mitre (other bishops wear only the orarion and the mitre), the pastoral staff surmounted with a cross, and, in the Latin fashion, the pastoral ring and the pectoral cross.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
It is the enlarged neopallium, then, which makes mammals in general more intelligent than any other group of vertebrates and, indeed, more intelligent than any group of invertebrates.
The Human Brain
On the bronze statue now in Milan, the very work Carpaccio used as his model, the pedestal carries a dense motif of foliage, and the hem of Christ's pallium drops down sharply below the level of his feet.
What I've done," Esme said, "is to enliven its archipallium or reptilian brain.
Asimov's Science Fiction
Pentateuch, but to be a priest, -- for in his ministry he wears the linen ephod, the _ephod bad_, and even the pallium (1Samuel ii.
Among the most important parts of the mass to bless Benedict XVI will be when he receives his Fisherman's Ring and the pallium, a narrow stole of white wool embroidered with five red silk crosses, pinned with three jewelled gold pins.
Popes also began wearing a white woolen cloak called a pallium, to symbolize their ecclesiastical rank.
CNN Transcript Apr 24, 2005
It is a freestanding bronze figure in a pallium; it reverberated, overwhelmingly, with antique associations.
The one figure that remains to be reconsidered within this arrangement of matter in Rubens's painting is the Pan flanked by a pinelike tree and draped with a cloak resembling a Greek pallium.
The functional area of pallium director digestion also is met by excitement, often produce nightmare after fall asleep.
The soft parts of bivalves are divided into five groups: mantle or pallium, gills, foot and byssus, muscles, and visceral mass.
In ray-finned fishes, however, the pallium thickens and everts, so that the initial most dorsal pallial segment comes to lie lateral to the remaining pallium.