How To Use Palinurus In A Sentence
- Professor R.J. Tarrant points out, the only meaning that can be attached to _quasque alias gentes barbarus Hister habet_ is 'the other people that live in the Danube'; he compares _Her_ VI 135-36 'prodidit illa patrem; rapui de clade Thoanta./deseruit Colchos; me mea Lemnos habet' and _Aen_ VI 362 (Palinurus speaking) 'nunc me fluctus habet'. The Last Poems of Ovid
- The best were the langoustes (Palinurus vulgaris), the clawless lobsters called crawfish (crayfish) in the United States, and the agosta or avagosta of the Adriatic: it was confounded by the The Land of Midian