How To Use Palestine In A Sentence
A more specific look is then taken at the Ottoman 'sanjaks' or district provinces, with the Jerusalem sanjak "as a separate entity from the other regions of Syria [being] of tremendous importance for the emergence of Palestine about fifty years later.
The Israel/Palestine Question - Book Reveviw
While contemplating the possibility that the Baraita is a Karaite forgery intended to attack rabbinic Judaism, Horowitz finally opted for a rabbinic origin, and concluded that it was composed around the fourth century, in Palestine.
Baraita de-Niddah.
Love Israel/Palestine or leave it, like Simone Bitton's politics or not, the film RACHEL deserves to be seen and Cindy Corrie deserves to be heard because, if nothing else, Rachel was an exceptional "girl-next-door.
She was idealized as a martyr's daughter and a symbol of Palestine.
Initially a driver and radio operator, he became a paratrooper and later served in Palestine.

Qassam himself was "martyred" by British troops in 1935, at the start of the Palestine Revolt, and then largely forgotten until his memory was revived by Hamas.
Which Way for Hamas?
Other Palestinian groups such as the Islamic Jihad and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine mediate between the two sides to stop the clashes.
The respect in which the synedrial president was held rapidly increased; like Christian patriarchs under Mahometan rule, he was also recognised by the imperial government as the municipal head of the Jews of Palestine, and bore the secular title of the old high priests (nasi, ethnarch, patriarch).
The Portuguese monarch praises in round terms the edifying zeal of the primate, but wisely confined himself to his own crusades in India, which were likely to make better returns, at least in this world, than those to Palestine.
The History of the Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella the Catholic — Volume 3
Now if you wish to annex, and make the Palestinians citizens, this would cease to be a Jewish nation-state and you’d be offering Israel’s enemies the hallowed “one-state-of-Palestine-secular-and-democratic” that is: another Arab state like many others; if you wish to annex but to withhold citizenship from the Palestinians, you’d be making true the antisemitic lie of “zionist apartheid”; either way annexion is *not-gonna-happen*.
Jewish Voice for Peace calls on Michael Moore to make his next film about US/Israel relationship | Jewschool
At a later phase, the British Empire decided, with the approval of the League of Nations, to postpone or freeze (but not to annul!) the mandate decision (that is, the trusteeship) in eastern Palestine (current-day Jordan) and work to implement the decision in western Palestine only – that is, to settle Jews there urgently and densely.
On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
I must say that my main reaction, having read this en route from Switzerland to Belgium after giving a conference presentation on the Balkans and the Caucasus, is that actually the Israel/Palestine conflict is a lot less special than its protagonists like to think it is.
September Books 21) In the Land of Israel
In other words the Greek seems to encompass a profound complexity of meaning as regards the placement (if that is the right word) of the head cloth, napkin, or, in fact, the σουδαριον/sudarium (in essence the same word, evidently a technical term in the repertoire of near eastern undertakers in Roman-occupied Palestine).
Archive 2009-04-01
Palestine -- one sort is particularized as _white_ with a dark blue spot and streak -- the water lily, lotos, which I think I meant, is _blue_ altogether.
The Letters of Robert Browning and Elizabeth Barrett Barrett, Vol. 1 (of 2) 1845-1846
After an hour of singing, sloganeering and speeches on everything from Palestine to Cuba, the protest has made its symbolic statement and it's time to go home.
Like Sholom Aleichem, who made his way from Russia to Switzerland and then emigrated to America during World War I, Theodore Bikel amassed his own share of frequent flyer Diaspora miles -- starting out in Vienna, escaping the Holocaust by traveling to Israel (then Palestine), then on to London and finally settling in the United States.
Thane Rosenbaum: Tevye From Fiddler Back With Bikel
I can now report from Palestine without having to worry about being hit by missiles from indisciplined IDF soldiers piggy kosher
This suggests that the lack of evidence of Iron Age scribal schools in Palestine is not sufficient …
Literacy News – 887th Edition « News « Literacy News
the first intifada ended when Israel granted limited autonomy to the Palestine National Authority in 1993
In the end, the only way to achieve peace in Palestine is to force Israel to withdraw from the occupied areas, release prisoners and help to settle the refugees.
Matthew Yglesias » The Strategic Logic of Nonviolence
Arabs lived in Palestine and they had stets created in Jordan, The Lebanon and Syria.
On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
One cannot ignore the fact that this chessboard is populated by people who have to endure [this crisis] every day," Kurtzer says, point out how Israel considers it absolutely unacceptable to come under constant rocket bombardment from Palestinian areas and how Palestine considers it absolutely unacceptable for Israeli reprisals to carry such "civilian cost.
We Want Two States | ATTACKERMAN
Along with the HLF, whose function was to raise funds on behalf of Hamas, the Palestine Committee oversaw the Islamic Association for Palestine ( 'IAP'), the United Association for Studies & Research ( 'UASR') and, later on, the Council on American Islamic Relations ( 'CAIR').
Little Green Footballs
The Rambam (1138 – 1204), who was considered the leading decisor (the mara de-atra, or supreme halakhic authority) in Palestine and Egypt, explicitly ruled: “If [the woman] said: ‘I cannot abide him or be intimate with him willingly,’ we compel him to divorce her immediately, for she is not as a captive that she must be intimate with one who is hateful to her” (Hilkhot Ishut 14: 8).
Levant: Women in the Jewish Communities after the Ottoman Conquest of 1517.
Palestine : le cauchemar des prisonniers d'Israël
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
For when he calls Joppa, "Joppa of the Phoenicians," -- he does not conclude Joppa within Phoenicia; but because the sea, washing upon that shore of Palestine, was divided in common speech into the Phoenician and the Egyptian sea (so Strabo before, "Afterward
From the Talmud and Hebraica
In other words, I am a lower-class black lesbian feminist whose nation is Palestine.
That is how Mohamad and I ended up in the back of a four-by-four with Alan and a Philadelphia judge named Daniel L. Rubini, roaring down the middle of Palestine Street in a two-car convoy that was painfully, conspicuously, deafeningly American.
Day of Honey
To the Irishman, Flaherty, who served in the Palestine Police, East is Palestine, and not Malaya, which, naturally, for us Europeans is further east than India but which to Nabby Adams, the deuteragonist we meet on the very first page of the book, is no east at all.
Ever since his coeval Jeff Goldberg moved a bit away from the ZOA-Peretz line on Israel\Palestine.
Matthew Yglesias » Wieseltier vs Sullivan
JDL members hurled overt racist slurs, while Palestine House men threw pennies on the ground, calling the JDL "thieves.
He said that the United Nations should not be afraid to use the term apartheid to describe what is happening in occupied Palestine.
(_Rhus coriaria_), native of the South of Europe, but which is also grown in Syria and Palestine, for its powerful astringent properties, which renders it valuable for tanning light-colored leather, and it imparts a beautiful bright yellow dye to cottons, which is rendered permanent by proper mordants.
The Commercial Products of the Vegetable Kingdom Considered in Their Various Uses to Man and in Their Relation to the Arts and Manufactures; Forming a Practical Treatise & Handbook of Reference for the Colonist, Manufacturer, Merchant, and Consumer, o
Now it is filled with spring flowers in Japanese ikebana vases made by Omlor; hand beaded bracelets and hair decorations, made by Guatemalans; tote bags painted by a Mexican woman, Sylvia Hernandez, to support her family; and candle holders made of the wood of olive trees from Palestine, for the Sisters mission to help the people of Palestine.
The Advertiser-Tribune
According to data provided by the Histadrut, the minimum wage for a man working in industry in the mid-1930s was twenty Erez-Israel grush (grush = 10 mils; 1,000 mils = one Palestine pound) per day, as distinct from twelve grush or less per day for a woman.
As for a multi-community secular state in Palestine, can you give me any examples of such countries in the Arab world where the minorities have been well-treated?
The Volokh Conspiracy » Let Turkey Have Gaza
The Capital, known historically as Rabbath Ammon, is one of the world's oldest inhabited cities, and was an important crossroads connecting the Arabian Peninsula in the south to Damascus in the north, and the "Syrian desert" in the east to Palestine and the Mediterranean in the west.
PALESTINE al tamimi, his eminence justice sheikh dr tayseer rajab Al Tamimi is a leading scholar and chief Islamic justice of Palestine.
Recently Uploaded Slideshows
He presents Trager not only as a writer but also as a documenter of the lives of children in pre-State Palestine who conveys, in an authentic and credible manner, the truth of the period and its atmosphere.
Hannah Barnett-Trager.
Early leaders during this period included lillian wald, amelia greenwald, naomi deutsch, Blanche Pfefferkorn, and regina kaplan. rae landy and rose kaplan were the first American nurses in Palestine as hadassah was being established.
Nursing in the United States.
They also trace their history back to the Australian Flying Corp in Palestine, WW1, dropping ammo in sandbags.
Nebo, a secondary deity in Assyria to Palestine and Phœnicia,
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
Speaking in staccato tones and gesticulating sharply, he calls for support of jihad to liberate the children of Iraq, Palestine, and Afghanistan.
Radical Islam finds unlikely haven in liberal Britain
The intervention of the American consul in Turkey led to their place of exile being changed from Sivas to Bursa, where they remained until they were permitted to return to Palestine.
Olga Belkind-Hankin.
Needless to say, Palestine wasn't mentioned or even alluded to at all.
It did so because it was directed against Muslims not only in Palestine, but also in Portugal and Spain, and against the pagan Wends in what was to be Prussia and is now north-eastern Germany and Poland.
Review of two books on the Second Crusade
She positioned herself hawkishly on Iran and Palestine, telling an audience in Princeton two years ago that, “We cannot and should not – must not – permit Iran to build or acquire nuclear weapons.”
Clinton Losing Precisely Because She Dismissed "Activist Base," Progressive Leaders Say
Practically I lived the second half of the middle school and the high school I spent in Palestine, in the Mola City.
He Lived at a place called Lydda in Palestine / Iserael which is in the plain of Sharon about 12 miles from the port of Jaffa also known as Joppa in the olden times which is about 20 miles from Jerusalem.
Telegraph Blogs
Syria and Palestine, another ancient focus of abominations, borrowed from Egypt and exaggerated the worship of androgynic and hermaphroditic deities.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
Besides, the IAEA is treated as a joke by the US and Occupied Palestine.
‘jump the gun’
The simple paraphrases of Scripture, the fact-filled descriptions of life in first-century Palestine, and the gentle words of Jesus stirred my heart.
At the invitation of President Hu Jintao, President Abbas of the State of Palestine and the Palestinian National Authority will pay a state visit to China from April 30 to May 1.
But, though the term Canaan would doubtless be more correct than Palestine, the latter has become so purely geographical in meaning that we can employ it without reference to history or date.
Patriarchal Palestine
He was born a Jew in first century Palestine.
David Bernstein says: en Palestine became an Ottoman province the Sultan invited Jews feeing from the Reconqista in Spain to settle in Palestine and by 1914 the total Jewish population had rise to something under 100,00
The Volokh Conspiracy » Israeli Version of Ship Incident
(Laughter and applause) Now, the situation in Palestine is roughly this: On the north we are safe; the French have a mandate north of Damascus, about Syria and along the Baghdad Railway, and they keep us from any bother from the north.
Empire Problems of Today
The Obama administration is turning its alchemic powers toward Palestine.
Michael Brenner: Palestine and Washington's Alchemy
Palestine to the Euphrates; or rather [Bochart], the reference here is not to the site, but to the route of the Babylonians; not being able to cross the desert, they must enter the Holy Land by the northern frontier, through Riblah in Hamath (Jer 39: 5; 52: 9).
Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
One lot colonizes, fences and oppresses Palestine with a whoop of nuclear-armed triumph.
When A Map Is Worth a Thousand Words « Blog
Camp David Accords andCarter inin Clinton’s proposalfragmentation ofGeneva Initiative andimprisonment of Hamas members inintifada’s effect onIsrael’s “belligerent occupation” ofJordan’s control ofin Mandate of Palestine1996 Palestinian election andOslo Agreement andPalestinian population ofPalestinians guaranteed ownership ofrefugee camps insettlements inin Six-Day WarTaba peace talks andU.N. Security Council resolutions andvillage leagues inwall in see wallWestern Europe
Palestine Peace Not Apartheid
He was born a Jew in first century Palestine.
JDL (Jewish Defence League) members hurled overt racist slurs, while Palestine House men threw pennies on the ground, calling the JDL thieves.
Toronto Sun
Hailing from Canada to Israel and Palestine, all of the artists have dealt with issues surrounding displacement, exile and identity in varying ways.
The only kind of consociationalism that might work in Israel and Palestine is confessionalism, which is "a system of government that distributes political and institutional power proportionally among religious communities" - such as in Lebanon.
Ami Kaufman: Israel: The One-State Solution Should be Taken Off the Table
In the 4th century, Alexander the Great conquered nearly all of the Near East and Palestine was annexed to Egypt and fell under Greek control.
Crossposted on the PALESTINE NOTE which is the best blog (updated around the clock) devoted exclusively to Israel and Palestine.
MJ Rosenberg: Obama's Mideast Failure: It's The Lobby, Stupid
The bishop of Jerusalem, who had been given the title of patriarch in 451 by the Council of Chalcedon, had jurisdiction over Palestine.
So suddenly, Arab freedom has taken precedence over Israel and Palestine—or so says the much-maligned Arab Street, as it topples one tyrant and challenges the next.
The Great Myth of Palestinian Statehood
Aram" represents the later Aramaeans who dwelt northeast of Palestine.
Exposition of Genesis: Volume 1
The 773-page compilation resurrects St. George, the dragon-slayer who was slain himself at Lydda in Palestine around 303 A.D. and is the patron of soldiers, knights, archers and armorers.
Buddhism from India, Christianity from Palestine, Islam from Arabia.
He mentioned that he was particularly glad that I had used the term "embracing" in the title, and enthusiastically agreed that we need not just a political settlement but open-hearted reconciliation based on acknowledgment that both Israel and Palestine have legitimate narratives and both communities have co-created the current mess.
Rabbi Michael Lerner: Being With the Dalai Lama
All foreigners that came to settle in Palestine were baptized; they were called domiciliary proselytes.
A Philosophical Dictionary
Palestine and Syria, but Arabic writers hold that the various kinds of Lycium or boxthorn are meant.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
Thus the decline in employment share of agriculture caused by the collapse of citriculture in Palestine in 1939 had a greater impact on female employment.
Women in the Yishuv Workforce.
Seven of them graduated from gymnasia in CIS countries, and three from agricultural schools in Palestine.
Hadassah School of Nursing: First Graduating Class.
Hitler was a "persecutor" of Jews, but the "enemy" of Jews was the power that occupied Palestine, the British.
Signs of the Times
As long as the “Jews of Palestine” continue to attempt to destabilize the democratic results of the the elections the Arbas of Palestine held there will continue to be these kind of fratricidal struggles.
Matthew Yglesias » “More Atlantic for me”
In 1947, the United Nations partitioned Palestine into two states - one Jewish, one Arab.
At this point in Abel's meditations, his wife, Ruth, came in with a dish of figs preserved in grape treacle from a famous recipe that she claimed came from Palestine.
Spice and the Devil's Cave
Richer young people wining and dining at the Sheraton or the Palestine Hotel.
When the members of the Commission arrive in Palestine, they are shocked to find leaflets circulating among the Arabs showing Ernst Röhm in an Arab robe and burnoose, trampling Jews underfoot.
DBTL 55: Palestine 1932 - 1945
At this time there were already 24,000 Jews in Palestine, mainly elderly indigents seeking expiry in the holy land.
The two exist in the same space, both geographically and intellectually, Palestine and Israel, homelands of the dispossessed, holy lands of mosque and synagogue, inimically opposed it seems because each claims dominion in the name of their God.
Bin Laden's Speech - Part One
What I do know as a fact that the UK was so bankrupt and war weary at the end of WW2, that it really was unable to cope with the US demand to admit 100,000 DP Jews into Palestine at once and that Ernest Bevin just gave up.
The Volokh Conspiracy » What’s Going on With Turkey
Yet, if you have just come from Egypt and three months on a dahabeah, you will not hesitate to call this luxurious mode of passing from Dan to Beersheba "roughing it in Palestine.
Lippincott's Magazine, October 1885
Carmelites world wide, men and women, see themselves in the tradition of the early medieval hermits who withdrew to the caves of Mt Carmel in Palestine in imitation of the Prophet Elijah's life of contemplation.
Zangwill - who knew well that, unless the Arabs were driven from Palestine, creating a Jewish state in this country implied domination of an Arab majority by a Jewish minority - militated in favour of 'territorialism', the project of regrouping Jews on a territory better suited to the purpose than Palestine, wherever it might be - preferably in the United States.
“Those sons of monkeys, enemies of God and killers of prophets,” he declared, his voice rising in denunciation of Jews, “are killing our brothers and sisters in Palestine.”
Matthew Yglesias » The Success of the Surge
And beautifully agreeing with the forethought is the fact that when the Tribes had their lots assigned them in Palestine, the city of Jerusalem fell in the portion of
The Lost Ten Tribes, and 1882
The Likudniks, Yisrael Beiteinu, Kach and Kahane Chai, and the Christo-Kharijites whose support for Israel is based on the belief that the Jews must own all of the Mandate of Palestine so that Jesus can come back to earth and all Jews, Muslims, and non-fundamentalist Christians will burn in hellfire for not accepting Christianity.
Think Progress » ThinkFast: March 25, 2010
I do want to point out that the situation in Palestine is a completely different story.
Global Voices in English » Morocco: Activists Break Fast in Public, Receive Punishment
But since we are tallying “extermination/expulsion of subhuman populations”, one group that somehow that always ignored by so many ‘loving, compassionate’Zoinest Christians and Zionists alike is the Christians of Palestine whose luck was not much better than the Muslim of Palestine either.
It’s Hard to Be an Anti-Zionist Jew « Blog
She left Palestine in 1913 to study agriculture at Toulouse University, but on her way there she stopped for some months in Italy to study aquarelle.
They're mostly Egyptian tribesmen with connections to the Arabs living in Palestine.
Lavish donations outside Palestine established Herod as a benefactor on an empire-wide scale, as well as a flamboyant philhellene; the Olympian games and the city of Athens were among the beneficiaries.
Paul, an early convert to Christianity, preached mainly to Gentiles outside Palestine.
The Palestine papers help Abbas in the diplomatic jiujitsu
Letters: Palestine leak and the peace process
-- The botany of Syria and Palestine differs but little from that of Asia Minor, which is one of the most rich and varied on the globe.
Smith's Bible Dictionary
During the diaspora, as Jews left Palestine to settle in various parts of Europe, two distinctly Jewish languages emerged.
Palestine itself did exist; it is the name granted to Israel by the Roman Empire after it quelled the Bar Kochba revolt in 135 CE; it was originally an insult to ancient jews living there as Palestine was from the greek/latin for of the term philistine to describe a mortal enemy of the jews; one who was constantly invading Israel in its early history, before its eventual eradication as a people.
On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
The first four books of the "Institutes" treat of the rules governing the monastic life, illustrated by examples from the author's personal observation in Egypt and Palestine; the eight remaining books are devoted to the eight principal obstacles to perfection encountered by monks: gluttony, impurity, covetousness, anger, dejection, accidia
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 3: Brownson-Clairvaux
He said Einfeld displayed symptoms of "hypomania", demonstrating grandiose ideas about his altruistic pursuits including the plight of Aborigines and the Jewish/Palestine conflict. | Top Stories
NFTS resolutions reveal other political issues Reform Jewish women did agree upon, including funds for the relief of Jewish women in Palestine (1915) and support for the rescue of Ethiopian (Falasha) Jewry (1923).
National Federation of Temple Sisterhoods.
When the cuneiform syllabary was superseded in Palestine by the so-called Phoenician alphabet we do not know.
Patriarchal Palestine
It did so because it was directed against the Muslims not only in Palestine, but also in Portugal and Spain, and against the pagan Wends in what was to be Prussia and is now north-eastern Germany and Poland.
Review of two books on the Second Crusade
In the 1980s, when the secular, left-leaning Palestine Liberation Organization predominated as the Palestinian political force, Israeli intelligence funneled some aid to Hamas (descended from the Gaza branch of the Muslim Brotherhood), a fundamentalist group, in hopes of dividing and ruling the Palestinians.
Matthew Yglesias » The Risk of Catastrophic Success In Gaza
He mentioned that he was particularly glad that I had used the term "embracing" in the title, and enthusiastically agreed that we need not just a political settlement but open-hearted reconciliation based on acknowledgment that both Israel and Palestine have legitimate narratives and both communities have co-created the current mess.
Rabbi Michael Lerner: Being With the Dalai Lama
In 2005–2006, infant mortality among Palestine refugees ranged from 28 deaths per 100 000 live births in the Syrian Arab Republic to 19 in Lebanon.
In Morocco, on a pinchpenny budget of $6 million, Scorsese recreated a Palestine of sere deserts and balding meadows.
It was started by a number of us who were involved in the Palestine solidarity movement in South Africa and who have been anti-apartheid activists in the past.
Considering Ms Phillips 'outrage at some of the president-elect's contacts, she might care to comment on the contacts of his new chief-of-staff, Rahm Israel Emanuel, and in particular on his father having acted as a gun-runner for the terrorist Zionist organization, the Irgun, responsible for multiple attacks on British civilians and troops under the Palestine mandate.
On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
In Syria and Palestine she is known as Astarte, whereas in Cyprus she acquires all the attributes of the goddess of love, Aphrodite. ...
Aphrodite in New York
Judt therefore suggested taking the one-state solution seriously, and considering a federative structure could unite Israel and Palestine into one state.
Carlo Strenger: Tony Judt's Testimony on his Jewishness
Their longterm unstinting dedicated humanitarian work for Palestine deserves our imaginative support.
Indymedia Ireland
Her mother, Dina (née Elsass, 1896 – 1972), born in Ludwigsburg, an infant school teacher in Germany, worked as a farmer in Palestine, while Ludwig became the manager of an agricultural cooperative in Kefar Shemaryahu.
Chaya Arbel.
In Morocco, on a pinchpenny budget of $6 million, the film director recreated a Palestine of sere deserts and balding meadows.
The Christian community in Palestine is disappearing at very alarming pace.
It’s Hard to Be an Anti-Zionist Jew « Blog
Palestinian moderates fear that the statehood move, if mishandled or misapprehended, could set into motion a chain of violent events ultimately spelling the demise of the Palestinian Authority, and dealing a telling blow to any timetable for an independent Palestine.
Bradley Burston: Ten Reasons Palestine Is Right to Bring its Case to the UN
It was probably the oleaster (Eleagnus angustifolius), which grows abundantly in almost all parts of Palestine, especially about Hebron and
Easton's Bible Dictionary
This suggests that the lack of evidence of Iron Age scribal schools in Palestine is not sufficient …
Literacy News – 887th Edition « News « Literacy News
And each further complicates the situation on the ground, making it even more difficult to "unscramble" the egg and come to a mutually-agreeable solution to establish a viable state of Palestine that can live side-by-side with Israel. '
It is the mimosa nilotica of Linnæus, the shittah of the Hebrew writers, and grows abundantly in Palestine.
The Symbolism of Freemasonry
Other Palestinian groups such as the Islamic Jihad and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine mediate between the two sides to stop the clashes.
Later authorities incline to think it the bulbous root of the Star of Bethlehem (ornithogalum, i.e. bird-milk), a common root in Palestine, and sometimes eaten.
Smith's Bible Dictionary
As this latest battle tears through yet another week, old fears are brought back to life, resurrecting the historical arguments about who has what elemental rights in historic Palestine.
zone_info": "huffpost. politics/blog; politics = 1; nickname = sandy-tolan; entry_id = 105757; @ypolitics = 1; @yus-news = 1; @yworld = 1; abbas = 1; aipac = 1; israel = 1; israeli = 1; israelis = 1; middle-east = 1; obama = 1; obama-aipac = 1; palestine = 1; palestinian = 1; peace = 1; security = 1",
Sandy Tolan: "Undivided" Allegiance: The Meaning of Obama's AIPAC Moment
These martial strains seemed as far away as Palestine, and reminded me of a march of crusaders in the horizon, with a slight tantivy and tremulous motion of the elm tree tops which overhang the village.
And then, he thought, it would be simply delightful to sit in a room in a quiet farmhouse and hear the gentle moaning of calves and the cheerful cackle of exultant hens, as he wrote items in a book about eggs and things, and drink buttermilk, instead of toiling in the ill-smelling trade-room on board the _Palestine_, bottling off Queensland rum and opening tierces of negrohead tobacco, while the brig was either standing on her head or rolling her soul out, and Packenham the skipper was using shocking language to everyone on deck.
Rídan The Devil And Other Stories 1899
So skillful is this manipulation that, despite the deliberate poverty of means in the novel's construction, Our Horses in Egypt still tells an affecting story, both in the half concerning Griselda's finally hopeless effort to bring Philomena back alive and in that focusing on the Palestine campaign.
Narrative Strategies
He pointed out that the discovery also showed how ancient artists drew accurate topographical maps of the Horus Road, which stretched from Egypt to Palestine.
In Palestine, women traditionally wore an outfit comprising of pants, a dress, an overgarment, a jacket or vest, and a shoulder mantle.
May 28th, 2008 2: 07pm of course she is right she is always right, she right that palestinians do not exist, that palestine has never existed, Palestine as a country has never existed.
On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
Based on Rowe's extensive work in the refugee camps of Palestine, the workshop explores the use of dance, drama, music and drawing to activate community social growth.
Thoughts on a Jewish variation of pan-Germanic / pan-Slavic "tribal" nationism - 11 March Jeff Halper at the University of Melbourne: Countdown to Apartheid in Israel / Palestine:
Sydney Indymedia - Comments
He saw action in Greece and Palestine, before injuries sustained in a plane crash, caused him to be invalided out of active service.
Donald Sturrock: Roald Dahl Said A 'Monumental Bash On The Head' Led Him To Write: 8 Intimate Details Of The Writer's Life From 'Storyteller' (PHOTOS)
Abdallah Abu Rahma has been in detention, torn away from his wife, three children and the young students he could be teaching, because Israel has apparently decided that civic activism, nonviolent protest or any kind of dissidence in Palestine is illegal. headlines RSS
On November 29, 1947, the recently-created United Nations adopted General Assembly Resolution 181, which proposed to divide mandatory Palestine between a Jewish and an Arab state, and establish Jerusalem as a "corpus separatum" under UN administration.
Ziad J. Asali, M.D.: ATFP Backgrounder on the Question of Palestinian UN Initiatives
The second Kingdom of Kush conquered most of Egypt, and eventually ruled an empire stretching from the borders of Palestine to the Blue and White Niles.
When World War I broke out Hankin, like many businessmen in Palestine, was charged with treason, arrested, imprisoned in Jerusalem and deported to Sivas in Anatolia.
Olga Belkind-Hankin.
Palestine, from its hilly character, abounds in fissures and caves, affording shelter to the persecuted, as the fifty hid by Obadiah (1Ki 18: 4, 13) and Elijah (1Ki 19: 8, 13); and
Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
The name "Palestine" is the 'anglicised' term for "Syria Palaestina", the name given by the Romans when they defeated the kingdoms of Israel & Judah in AD135.
On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
Français · Palestine: Création d'une campagne comme « jamais encore »
Global Voices in English » Palestine: A Campaign Like Never Before
A number of the aliyah kibbutzim relocated to farmland expropriated from the Germans by the Allied occupying forces and prepared themselves for communal life and working the land in pre-State Palestine.
She'erit ha-Peletah: Women in DP Camps in Germany.
In 2005–2006, infant mortality among Palestine refugees ranged from 28 deaths per 100 000 live births in the Syrian Arab Republic to 19 in Lebanon.
husbandry," is not so probable. men of the east -- denoting in Scripture those living east of Palestine; as the people of North Arabia-Deserta (Jud 6: 3; Eze 25: 4).
Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
Paul, an early convert to Christianity, preached mainly to Gentiles outside Palestine.
Palestine National Authority The interim government of the Palestinian territories, headed by Yasser Arafat.
Wingate was sent in by Wavell, who remembered his earlier effectiveness with irregular forces in Palestine, in November, 1940.
Robert Eisenman: Who Killed Orde Wingate?
So the 'fortuitous outcome of battle', the 'discrimination' against inhabitants of Palestine was never, as has been stated here by Arab apologists, some kind of agressive action by Zionist founders of Israel, but purely the result of hardened Arab attitudes by different Arab factions, who even allied themselves to fascism and Nazi Germany, in their obsessive anti-Semitism and militant rejection of Israel, because it conflicted with their own nationalism and antagonism to Jews.
On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
After Palestine, the Zionists aspire to expand from the Nile to the Euphrates.
Archive 2008-07-01
The notion of “occupied Palestinian territories” is a monumental sham, all the more so when one compares the original version of the PLO Charter of 1964 – where there is no mention of a “Palestinian people” and where the “West Bank” is excluded from the lands to be “librated” – to its second version of 1968, in which the “Palestinian people” suddenly appears to “liberate Palestine ... in all the territory of the British Mandate” (Note 7).
Jeff Halper's "An Israeli in Palestine" - Part II
After all, a young Jewish man and woman trained in the skill of flying at the Egyptian Flight Station and then returned to Tel Aviv to found the flying club there, in the framework of which a group of Egyptian pilots flew to Palestine (cited in Davar, Issue 57, 14 Tevet 5694 [January 1, 1934]).
Shulamit Goldstein.
The 773-page compilation resurrects St. George, the dragon-slayer who was slain himself at Lydda in Palestine around 303 A.D. and is the patron of soldiers, knights, archers and armorers.
During the Roman occupation of Palestine, Christianity was founded by Paul of Tarsus as a less ruthlessly monotheistic sect of Judaism and a less exclusive one, which looked outwards from the Jews to the rest of the world.
Archie and the New Atheists
Prior to that, the President had done his utmost to disengage from the Israel-Palestine arena, in part so as not to become as heavily involved in the region as his predecessor had been.
From Aleppo, Brand was forced to travel to Cairo where he was kept under arrest and interrogated repeatedly for information on Hungary, the German intelligence system, and even Zionist armed activities (which Britain feared might threaten their role in Palestine).
Lives in Balance-Jim Gillett
Every conversation outside her house, from the classroom to the cafeteria, became about correcting Every misconception or mistruth from Iraq to palestine, from liberation to occupation.
A Country Called AMREEKA
The ingathering under the apostles in Palestine was the reaping of that which had been sown by their Lord.
This outfit, better known as the avowedly terrorist Palestine Liberation Organization, suppressed state TV coverage of West Bank Arabs on 9/11.
Ken Blackwell: Hillary: Counting Jews in Jerusalem
Obama in talking about the Middle East-the Palestine question and beyond-suffers from an acute case of "economism" or economic reductionism.
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“Al-Nakba”, a pictorial exhibition about Palestine and Israel, should have opened at Leichhardt municipal library last Friday, but after the police visit on Thursday night, it was suddenly cancelled the next morning.
Thought control news
He returned to Palestine empty-handed and politically weakened after the tripartite summit this week with President Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
Mideast peace talks going nowhere
A few weeks later, Churchill, now Colonial Secretary, summoned a group of Orientalists to Egypt to determine the future of Mesopotamia, Transjordan and Palestine.
Dr. Weizman, in magnanimous terms, said, "I want nothing for myself, but the Jews are interested in re-establishing in Palestine a cultural home, a religious home, and we would be glad to have the support of the Allies, particularly the British, in our ambition.
Palestine in Retrospect and Prospect
Three species are found in Palestine, (1) the turtle-dove (Turtur auritus), (2) the collared turtle (T. risorius), and (3) the palm turtle (T. Senegalensis).
Easton's Bible Dictionary
Camp David Accords andCarter inin Clinton’s proposalfragmentation ofGeneva Initiative andimprisonment of Hamas members inintifada’s effect onIsrael’s “belligerent occupation” ofJordan’s control ofin Mandate of Palestine1996 Palestinian election andOslo Agreement andPalestinian population ofPalestinians guaranteed ownership ofrefugee camps insettlements inin Six-Day WarTaba peace talks andU.N. Security Council resolutions andvillage leagues inwall in see wall
Palestine Peace Not Apartheid
Yet every mention of the word Palestine induced a kind of Pavlovian excitability among the attendees.
Notable & Quotable
There is much misunderstanding about present-day Palestine, some of it amounting to sheer ignorance.
It was to be the first British victory in the Second World War and he did it all with irregulars, including kibbutz volunteers he had trained in Palestine and had specially brought down at his request; and it was done, once again, through his old protector Archibald Wavell, whom at this point had become a full General and Commander-in-Chief of all British Forces in the Middle East.
Robert Eisenman: Who Killed Orde Wingate?
Sarah ColborneDirector, Palestine Solidarity Campaign• Carmel Gould, editor of Just Journalism, described in your article as "an independent research organisation", castigated critics of Israel for imbalance in Middle Eastern reporting.
Letters: Shocking account of Mavi Marmara assault
Mr. Browning answered, "Lilies are of all colors in Palestine -- one sort is particularized as _white_ with a dark blue spot and streak -- the water lily, lotus, which I think I meant, is _blue_ altogether.
Selections from the Poems and Plays of Robert Browning
Founder of anchoritic life in Palestine; born at Tabatha, south of
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 7: Gregory XII-Infallability
He was born a Jew in first century Palestine.
These two principles were developed by the exilic community in Babylon, and carried by the returnees to the homeland in Palestine.
We will follow Cormac Fitzgeoffrey, a half-Irish, half-Norman man of war who follows Richard the Lion-Hearted to 12th century Palestine – Outremer – under the banners of the Third Crusade.
Archive 2010-03-01
His grandson, William Rivers, was one of the four Earls who carried the silken canopy at the second coronation of King Richard I, after his return from Palestine.
Devon, Its Moorlands, Streams and Coasts
Hamas, for example, opened an office in Baghdad in 1999, and Iraq has hosted conferences attended by Palestine Islamic Jihad.
Yet today, the same set of leaders in Israel, Palestine, Egypt, Jordan, the US Congress, State Department, Arab League and European Union are still trying to resuscitate these dead talks by suggesting itty-bitty, incremental steps that they hope will breathe some life into this cadaver.
Sharmine Narwani: Kill the "Peace Game"
The flood has reached its climax and after the destruction, terror, murder, and sacrilege practiced by the aggressive, terrorist, and criminal Zionist entity, together with its tyrannical ally, the U.S., have come to a head against our brothers and our faithful struggling people in plundered Palestine.
Tales of the Tyrant
Tensions between the two close allies escalated this month after Vice President Joe Biden claimed in a speech at Tel Aviv University that Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's plans would "inflame" peace talks with Palestine.
Raw Story
The Bedouin chieftain Zahir al-'Umar, who eventually carved out the equivalent of a fiefdom in northern Palestine, had gone to Damascus briefly as a youth and received some instruction there.
On August 24, President Jiang Zemin met with Yasser Arafat, President of the State of Palestine and Chairman of the Palestinian National Authority, at Zhongnanhai.
The hope from the simple fact that after decades of haphazardness, the Palestinians have a strategy for statehood in Palestine.
Daoud Kuttab: Palestinian Strategic Path Towards Independence Will Continue Despite Obstacles
But while the _nest_ corresponds exactly with Canon Tristram's description [A] of those taken by him in Palestine, there are differences, oologically speaking, which induce me to hope that our
The Nests and Eggs of Indian Birds, Volume 1
Linking the "aliyah" to what the Jewish literature has been describing as Eretz Israel or Yisrael HaShleima (Greater Israel) to the Israeli colonial settlement of the Palestinian land, which the Hebrew state occupied in 1967, while at the same time negating the Palestinian Right of Return, is torpedoing whatever prospect is left for a peaceful solution for the Arab – Israeli conflict, undermining the latest U. S.-sponsored launch of the Palestinian - Israeli talks in Annapolis and further splintering, so far politically, the only viable Palestinian partner to Israel in any viable peace process, namely the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO).
A Peace-killing Linkage, De-linkage
Their plans sent the first wave of bright-eyed immigrants back to Palestine in 1881.
He was born and raised in Jaffa, but his family were forced to leave Palestine in 1948, and went to Lebanon.
Global Voices in English » Palestine: Remembering Shafiq Al Hout
In the same year that Britain partitioned India and Pakistan, the UN put forth a partition plan for Palestine as a solution to dueling claims over the land by Jews and Palestinians.
Iraq: Is Partition the Answer?
When Palestine became an Ottoman province the Sultan invited Jews feeing from the Reconqista in Spain to settle in Palestine and by 1914 the total Jewish population had rise to something under 100,00.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Israeli Version of Ship Incident
Au reste il connoissoit très-bien ces contrées; et indépendamment de ses vingt-quatre ans de séjour dans la Palestine, il avoit parcouru encore l'Arménie, la Perse, l'empire Grec, etc. Selon lui, ce qui, dans les croisades précédentes, avoit fait échouer les rois de France et d'Angleterre, c'est que mal adroitement on attaquoit à la fois et les Turcs et le soudan d'Egypte.
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation — Volume 10 Asia, Part III
Sakir Yildirim, from Fishponds, and Cliff Hanley, from Southville, both Bristol, who were part of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign, are also said to be uncontactable.
Israel holding 40 Britons in desert prison after Gaza flotilla raid
I know it's a great tradition of the British left to support Palestine, but when you come up against this question, you can feel the intelligence and balance leaving the hall with a shriek, and people getting into this endocrinal state about Israel.
Johann Hari: The Two Faces of Amis: An Exclusive Interview With Martin Amis
He read Jewish newspapers to learn the business of emigration to Palestine and other countries.
It is a point still unsettled, whether the food of him who was sent to prepare the way consisted of fruit or of insects; the name locust being indiscriminately applied to either, and both being used by the inhabitants of Palestine.
Palestine or the Holy Land From the Earliest Period to the Present Time
Medvedev is the first Russian visit to Palestine President, his day in Jericho and the Palestinian National Authority President Mahmoud Abbas held talks.
But Strabo only speaks of the neighborhood of Jerusalem, which he calls barren and arid to the extent of sixty stadia round the city: in other parts he gives a favorable testimony to the fertility of many parts of Palestine: thus he says, "Near Jericho there is a grove of palms, and a country of a hundred stadia, full of springs, and well peopled.
History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire — Volume 1
El-arish, which forms the southern boundary of Palestine. unto the entering of Hemath -- the defile between the mountain ranges of
Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
Third, therefore, the study has purposely omitted the violence, including femicide, which is routinely perpetrated against daughters and sisters in "occupied Palestine" and has, instead, chosen to focus only on husband-wife violence and only on couples who are currently married.
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