How To Use Paleness In A Sentence
Symptoms include tiredness, paleness, and lethargy.
She is strong and beautiful, but her eroticism is restrained, her nipples toned down, their paleness an attenuated sign of disease.
He drew back a little, as he spoke; it might be simple disgust; it might be fear; it might be what we call antipathy, which is different from either, and which will sometimes show itself in paleness, and even faintness, produced by objects perfectly harmless and not in themselves offensive to any sense.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 06, No. 34, August, 1860
a thin face with a waxy paleness
Then there was a paleness of white trunks and bare delicate branches as they passed through aspens along a slope.
I imagined the paleness of a gartered thigh against velvet upholstery, a breast exposed over by the wooden bar, an arm seductively draped over the back of a leather recliner.
Miracles, Inc.
Her paleness took from her beauty.
Its paleness escapes looking bland thanks to contrasting inlays of ebony, walnut and amboyna, a wood distinguished by bird's eye curls.
They were alert, well-muscled; their faces were streaked with paleness and a black smutch like dancers made up for a masquerade.
Tramping on Life
Anyway, my attention had been drawn to the paleness of our normally lush green carpet the other day and I realized, the fading was actually a layer of white cat hair and possibly dust.
A second stoutly maintained our earthly origin, and attributed our paleness to the influence of some strange sickness; while a third, being of a sceptical and suspicious turn of mind, suddenly seized Barton by the wrist and spitting upon the skirt of her pareu, commenced scrubbing his hand with great vigour, to see whether the colours were fast.
The Island Home
Paleness sits on every face; confused tremor and fremescence; waxing into thunder-peals, of Fury stirred on by Fear.
The French Revolution
The woman's face had a deadly paleness.
Then there was a paleness of white trunks and bare delicate branches as they passed through aspens along a slope.
Then there was a paleness of white trunks and bare delicate branches as they passed through aspens along a slope.
Its paleness escapes looking bland thanks to contrasting inlays of ebony, walnut and amboyna, a wood distinguished by bird's eye curls.
She caught a glimpse of his paleness at the window of the bathroom on the first floor.
Mr. Bowman informs me that in the excessive photophobia, accompanying what is called scrofulous ophthalmia in children, when the light is so very painful that during weeks or months it is constantly excluded by the most forcible closure of the lids, he has often been struck on opening the lids by the paleness of the eye, -- not an unnatural paleness, but an absence of the redness that might have been expected when the surface is somewhat inflamed, as is then usually the case; and this paleness he is inclined to attribute to the forcible closure of the eyelids.
The expression of the emotions in man and animals
Red lips are comely, and a sign of health, as the paleness of the lips is a sign of faintness and weakness; her lips were the colour of scarlet, but thin lips, like a thread of scarlet.
Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume III (Job to Song of Solomon)
We sat before the window watching the paleness of light of dawn.
High above the trees McCready could see the white rock, a patch of paleness against the darkness of the pine forest.
For the circle around the insertion is seen to increase, and to inflame; and I believe, undergoes a kind of diurnal paroxysm of torpor and paleness with a succeeding increase of action and colour, like a topical fever-fit.
Zoonomia, Vol. I Or, the Laws of Organic Life
His face had a deadly paleness.
The conical roofs of the heptagonal temples, the staircases, terraces, and ramparts were being carved by degrees upon the paleness of the dawn; and a girdle of white foam rocked around the Carthaginian peninsula, while the emerald sea appeared as if it were curdled in the freshness of the morning.
The faint rose again blushed on his cheek; his brow and lips lost the ashy paleness of threatened dissolution; such was the dear reward of my unremitting attention -- and bounteous heaven added overflowing recompence, when it gave me also the thanks and smiles of Idris.
He discovered the liquid light of her dark eyes in the rippling darkness of the streams; the lilies recalled the faintly tinted paleness of her cheeks; the silene roses, scattered throughout the hedges, called forth the remembrance of the young maiden's rosy lips, and the vernal odor of the leaves appeared to him like an emanation of her graceful and wholesome nature.
The French Immortals Series — Complete
Despite the fact he was a guy, he worse black lipstick, black eyeshadow, and I'm pretty sure he powdered his face to get that perfect just-died paleness in his face.
Her fingers suddenly look anemically bloodless, their paleness complemented by her white long sleeves.
Symptoms are unusual paleness and tiredness.
Potential complications include: bleeding infection allergic reaction to X-ray dye (contrast reaction) dimpling or paleness at the injection site nerve injury injury to the eardrum (with TMJ only)
Therapeutic Joint Injections
He was not so bewildered in his own hurried reflections but that he remarked, that the deadly paleness which had occupied her neck and temples, and such of her features as the riding-mask left exposed, gave place to a deep and rosy suffusion; and he felt with embarrassment that a flush was by tacit sympathy excited in his own cheeks.
The Bride of Lammermoor
He noticed the drag in Michael's step, the paleness of his usually dark face, and the dullness in his eyes.