How To Use Paintbrush In A Sentence
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Rational Review
Four hundred species of flowers, including Indian paintbrushes, prickly poppies, flowering herbs, and the most compelling blossom of all - the bluebonnet, the Texas state flower.
Among the common wildflowers are one-flowered cinquefoil, woolly lousewort, alpine willowherb, three saxifrages, and an Indian paintbrush.
All you need to do is gently agitate the water with a finger or paintbrush.
In Missouri, some glades do resemble prairies, with plants that include big and little bluestem, Indian grass, Indian paintbrush, prairie larkspur, purple coneflower, and blazing stars.

Using a paintbrush, apply a thick coating of the mixture; with a piece of spare canvas, rub the sealant deeply into the canvas.
The colours on her paintbrushes merged into her cancan dress, giving it a tie-dye appearance.
We use spray or rollers to get the paint on the wall, but we finish it with paintbrushes.
On one of those many delightful shelves is pads of paper, wedged in there with a paint-jar, paintbrushes, boxes of pencils, pens, crayons, etcetera.
I wouldn't just red-pencil stuff, I'd get a big paintbrush and paint whole chapters red.
The way he strokes the ball around a football pitch is akin to the way his compatriot van Gogh stoked a paintbrush over a canvass.
The figure of the blue-jeaned artist stands in the foreground at left, paintbrushes in hand.
If the color isn't acceptable, we'd suggest you seal just the joints using a foam paintbrush to apply the material.
An ordinary paintbrush can create exotic, even outlandish designs with acrylic paint.
On the ground are dry-prairie plants, which include wire grass, little bluestem, and Florida paintbrush.
Micrographs were printed at a final magnification of 994x for image analysis, and Digital Paintbrush (The Computer Colorworks, Sausalito, CA, USA) was used as a planimeter and digitizer.
Those who are a dab hand with the paintbrush can update a piece of wooden furniture, such as a chair or side table, with jet-black gloss.
Alpenglow on Mount Princeton complements vivid fields of lupine, aster, and Indian paintbrush near Route 321.
Miguel had glared at him, holding the wet paintbrush like he would sock him with it.
Hannah found some scissors, material and glue, while Ton found paints and paintbrushes.
Aby will not have to shame himself to come back to his old home," she rejoiced, clapping her hands – hands blistered from the paintbrush and calloused from rough toil.
Hungry Hearts
Often the chimps modified the fishing probe, pulling it through their teeth to fray the end like a paintbrush.
I frowned and shaded in an area quickly, then stirred a dry paintbrush inside an empty jar.
It was like someone had dipped a paintbrush into the potato, wiped off the excess and then artistically brushed it over the plate in a painterly style, perhaps like early Picasso, or Van Gogh.
Her innovative technique is part traditional painting and part sketching with a paintbrush dipped in color.
The magic paintbrush didn't help him.
The colours on her paintbrushes merged into her cancan dress, giving it a tie-dye appearance.
I recoiled from the sight and smell, almost slipping on a paintbrush as I stepped back.
I recoiled from the sight and smell, almost slipping on a paintbrush as I stepped back.
The technique-known as ‘relief etching’ - involved applying his design to a sheet of copper using a paintbrush dipped in a mixture of salad oil and candle grease.
Use an artist's paintbrush or any tiny brush to apply stain to the dried latex wood filler.
She had a flair for painting, and now spent her time in the basement turned studio with tubes of acrylic paint and paintbrushes.
It's easy to look at the work of great abstractionists of the 20th century and take the view that there is no skill, nothing special, no artistry in their paintings and that any idiot with a paintbrush could do the same.
On the way downhill they picked a giant bouquet of paintbrush and brodiaea and a few late blossoms of Nootka rose.
She jumped off the stool, dipping her paintbrush into the jar and stepping back, holding the brush out like a sword.
The portrait is dominated by her own image, holding a palette and a paintbrush in her hands.
Leaning on the wall were two more guitars, one of which was unstrung and appeared to be wet with paint, judging by the paintbrushes lying on the floor next to it and the brighter-than-normal shine.
Vascular plants found in Mt. Assiniboine park include American alpine smelowskia Smelowskia calycina, Raynold's sedge Carex raynoldsii, Cusick's Indian paintbrush Castilleja cusickii, stalked-pod locoweed Oxytropis podocarpa, sub-alpine grassland Saussurea nuda and apetalous campion Silene uralensis attenuata.
Canadian Rocky Mountain Parks, Canada
These tools of expression (such as a paintbrush or crayons) are presented to the child in such a way as to teach respect for the tools.
I began watching him paint, amazed by the way he made the paintbrush glide over the paper, leaving the once blank spot alive with color.
Use a paintbrush comb or small wire brush to clean the bristles.
Among the common wildflowers are one-flowered cinquefoil, woolly lousewort, alpine willowherb, three saxifrages, and an Indian paintbrush.
I also include a paintbrush and a lidded container plain water in it for magic painting.
The wetter areas support meadows containing Missouri goldenrod, false toadflax, golden-glow, Indian paintbrush, Mariposa lily, death camas, and prairie smoke.
Four hundred species of flowers, including Indian paintbrushes, prickly poppies, flowering herbs, and the most compelling blossom of all - the bluebonnet, the Texas state flower.
Then, using a paintbrush, fling tiny speckles of paint everywhere.
So he painted gold with the magic paintbrush.
Helnwein's paintings, however, are based on his photographs, which he transfers onto canvas using an airbrush, inkjet printing or, at times, traditional paintbrushes.
Bribe me with a sinecure to forget how Sandra sat with a paintbrush in a coalsack of a room, till she fainted from exhaustion, and how she gave us her last food ... how I myself worked my brain and my heart out, to pull us all back from that jailhouse country and win a war to boot — No, don’t interrupt.
The Earth Book of Stormgate
Hand the paintbrush up to Father on the ladder.
The portrait is dominated by her own image, holding a palette and a paintbrush in her hands.
Use a paintbrush to apply the Country Red paint to the apples, the Golden Pear paint to the pears and the Eucalyptus paint to the leaves.
Vascular plants found in Mt. Assiniboine park include American alpine smelowskia Smelowskia calycina, Raynold's sedge Carex raynoldsii, Cusick's Indian paintbrush Castilleja cusickii, stalked-pod locoweed Oxytropis podocarpa, sub-alpine grassland Saussurea nuda and apetalous campion Silene uralensis attenuata.
Canadian Rocky Mountain Parks, Canada
With her no-nonsense approach to life, Sandy is prolific and is equally adept with a pencil or a paintbrush in her hand.
If the mower is petrol driven, give the external moving parts of the carburettor a good clean with a tiny paintbrush dipped in petrol to ensure ease of movement.
Using thinned glue and old paintbrushes, students apply tissue to a piece of white oaktag and create the collage.
Among the common wildflowers are one-flowered cinquefoil, woolly lousewort, alpine willowherb, three saxifrages, and an Indian paintbrush.
On the right-hand panel, two shallow bowls hold a number of paint tubes and two paintbrushes; they stand, most likely, for the painter himself.
Growing among the tufa formations in the marshes are dock, giant red Indian paintbrush, groundsel, horsetail, Rocky Mountain iris, an aquatic speedwell, stinging nettle (which often surrounds each tower), and willow herb.
The painstaking, even ritualistic nature of making big things in a small-bore way is not new to Webster, who once shaped 6 cubic yards of compost into a perfect cone with a paintbrush.
Emma sat at the edge of the forest with a pad of paper on her lap, a cup of water in the sand, a paintbrush in one hand and a plastic tray filled with colors in the other.
Various species of paintbrush, beardtongues, lousewort, owl's clover, Chinese houses, and plantain (Plantago).
Mine was small, light, and I only had writer's bumps from holding paintbrushes.
Up close they were head-high in a riot of color: red paintbrush, lavender fleabane, hot-pink fireweed, white cow parsnip, lacy green false hellebore, the flashy red of chokecherries, white pearls of baneberry, rich purple huckleberries, fierce yellows of butterweed and arnica.
Blood Lure
The artist's easel, paint box, palettes, paintbrushes and dried tubes of paint occupied a corner.
His beard was white, hardened like an uncleaned paintbrush.
Now, gaudy flowers crowd the brooks - paintbrush, gentian, columbine.
After it cools, use a wide paintbrush to apply one layer of paste under the flier and one on top.
White and gold rocks, rimmed round with purple butterwort, Indian paintbrush and feathery yellow stonecrop, created magnificent tumbles of color in the desolate landscape.
Blood Lure
If only Mr. Frazetta were with us today to unsheath his ever-deft paintbrush and, wielding it like a New Master, depict his own family's recently resolved squabbles over his multimillion-dollar artwork.
A warrior's farewell: RIP, Frank Frazetta, master of fantasy illustration
Use an artist's paintbrush or any tiny brush and apply stain to the scratch using a similar color to that on the floor.
Jonathan's good at wall - papering but he's not so handy with a paintbrush.
Those found within Mt. Robson park include low sandwort Atenaria longipedinculata, slender Indian paintbrush Castilleja gracillima, western Indian paintbrush C. occidentalis, sulphur indian paintbrush C. sulphurea and arctic cinquefoil Potentilla hyparctica.
Canadian Rocky Mountain Parks, Canada
When completed, the smithy was a low building of einderblock, sheet-rock, corrugated metal, and so on, plunked down in the middle of sage, paintbrush, Apache plume, and so on.
Operation Luna
All you need to do is gently agitate the water with a finger or paintbrush.
As with all artists, it is really about an enduring, probing, and somewhat querulous relationship with the medium he has settled down with: the paintbrush, paint, and canvas.
The physical process of committing these ideas to some form of permanent record relies on the ability to capture that image, to write the words, to read music, to handle the paintbrush in the desired way.
Calling Chris a sound recordist is a bit like saying George Best could kick a ball about, or Michelangelo was handy with a paintbrush.
Birdsong: the cure for all ills?
Susannah put down the paintbrush and stood back to admire her handiwork.
Other wildflowers interspersed among the grasses are tidy tips, red maids, Indian paintbrush, owl's clover, shooting-star, larkspur, golden star, mariposa lily, and johnny-jump-up.
The muted purple-green color of the sage was interspersed with patches of wild-flowers, the brilliant crimsons and scarlets of Indian paintbrush, firecracker penstemon, and scarlet gilia.
Western Man
Pelosi gets caught bloviating about the same national securty issue that she had full knowledge of. its called the paintbrush of hypocrisy.
Propeller Most Popular Stories
In Missouri, some glades do resemble prairies, with plants that include big and little bluestem, Indian grass, Indian paintbrush, prairie larkspur, purple coneflower, and blazing stars.
He took Ma Liang's magic paintbrush.
The wetter areas support meadows containing Missouri goldenrod, false toadflax, golden-glow, Indian paintbrush, Mariposa lily, death camas, and prairie smoke.
Hand the paintbrush up to Father on the ladder.
I combined them in a quart jar with a screw-on lid and used a clean paintbrush to apply the liquid to the affected toes morning and night.
Vivian sighed and rinsed her paintbrush in the cup of water.
With a few strokes of my mental paintbrush, I altered Gus's features until the gargoyle was the mirror image of myself.
Myth Conceptions
She looked up again, putting her paintbrush down into the water jar and stretching her arms luxuriously.
I looked at her, musing, and she looked down and picked up her paintbrush.
She watched through the window as Reg bent down, rummaged through the box, and lifted out a thin paintbrush and a small pottle of paint.
None of the Above
The paintbrush was too stiff to use.
The wetter areas support meadows containing Missouri goldenrod, false toadflax, golden-glow, Indian paintbrush, Mariposa lily, death camas, and prairie smoke.
His drag of the paintbrush across the canvas inspires other human feelings, like an affectionate touch.
I recoiled from the sight and smell, almost slipping on a paintbrush as I stepped back.
Can this brush go for a paintbrush?
We spread out old sheets on folding tables set up in the backyard, put out craft paints in all colors, sponge brushes and paintbrushes, and watched our budding Picassos.
I like the physical connection of painting with a paintbrush.
I have seen Harrison called from his bunk to put properly away a misplaced paintbrush, and the two watches below haled from their tired sleep to accompany him and see him do it.
Chapter 16
The new paintbrushes and brush sets are made with safe, seamless ferrules in a variety of sizes, which helps younger children learn to control their brushstrokes.
Dipping her paintbrush in red and black she put the paintbrush to canvas and got lost in her thoughts once again.
The Peruvian painter uses his mouth and foot to hold paintbrush.
Just about every one of your favourite bands at one point was standing on a street corner with a bucket full of wallpaper paste and a paintbrush.
The artist's easel, paint box, palettes, paintbrushes and dried tubes of paint occupied a corner.
The artist's paintbrush is a twenty-two ton pelleteuse.
French Word-A-Day:
The artist's easel, paint box, palettes, paintbrushes and dried tubes of paint occupied a corner.
Take your plastic containers, blender and paintbrush to your target location.
On a bench lay stacks of photographs, and several jars, jam-packed with paintbrushes, each brush telling its unique story.