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How To Use Painless In A Sentence

  • When a person has any kind of injury - a broken shin, for example, or a sunburn - the pain system becomes hypersensitized, firing up in response to normally painless sensations induced by, for instance, walking or a gentle massage. Undefined
  • If you have it in a narrow bed between wall and paving, life will be so much simpler and pruning will be a quick, painless job. Times, Sunday Times
  • She painlessly moves back and forth from fiddle to guitar, singing to whistling, without so much as a flinch.
  • It is spread through sexual contact with sores, which Mercer called chancre ulcers, that typically are painless. The Intelligencer / Wheeling News-Register
  • Abortion is not a painless procedure, it kills a living unborn baby and can scar a woman both emotionally and physically.
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  • Usually they are painless and only cause lameness under certain conditions, as when they begin to develop themselves under the stimulus of inflammatory action, or when large enough to interfere with the functions of the tendons, or again when they have undergone certain pathological changes, such as calcification, which is among their tendencies. Special Report on Diseases of the Horse
  • Death by starvation and dehydration is neither painless nor euphoric.
  • Crude surgery without anesthesia or asepsis has been replaced by modern painless surgery with its exquisite technical refinement. The Emperor of All Maladies
  • The sores are usually relatively painless, and this procedure, like the urethral investigation, need give no cause for alarm.
  • They had a go at trying to lift her up as painlessly as possible and failed miserably.
  • We have all soaked up enough of music's answer to general anaesthetic to have lobotomies performed quite painlessly.
  • If an animal is badly injured, often the kindest thing to do is to destroy it painlessly.
  • Ahern has been in government for almost five years and convincing the electorate to re-elect him will not be painless.
  • Circinate balanitis, a painless erythematous lesion of the glans penis, is present in about 20 percent of male patients with reactive arthritis.
  • The first symptom to appear is a painless chancre at the point of the microbe's entry - it is in contact with these chancres that transmission occurs.
  • A Dutch inventor proposes replacing the traditional dental drill with a ‘plasma needle’, a device that despite being cold and painless to the touch will kill dead cells and cauterise the surroundings. Plasma Dentistry | Blog | Futurismic
  • The whole process was relatively painless and straightforward. Times, Sunday Times
  • The idea that there's some set of soft options where we can make the fiscal corrections in a painless way is not a runner. Times, Sunday Times
  • There is no painless way to avoid our reckless and inevitable rendezvous with plaque. Living with Angina
  • House-hunting is in fact relatively painless in this region.
  • The researchers concluded that direct current electrotherapy is an effective, painless, and safe outpatient treatment approach to all grades of internal and mixed hemorrhoid disease.
  • Prof. POTTER: Yeah, when a bedbug bites a person, they inject both an anti-coagulant, which allows the bug to extract blood from the human, and also sort of anesthetizing agent, which causes the bite to be painless, unlike say a flea bite, for example. Good Night, Sleep Tight, Don't Let The Bedbugs ...
  • Abortion is not a painless procedure, it kills a living unborn baby and can scar a woman both emotionally and physically.
  • In fact, there is only one fatal illness, The Mildew, and if you catch that, there is nothing but The Green Room, a chamber of soothing shades that lead you comfortably, painlessly and euphorically to a place where you are no longer a burden. Jasper Fforde discusses Shades of Grey, the first in a trilogy set in a future world recognizable as our own - but only just
  • Pulse oximetry is a painless way to monitor the oxygen level of the blood. Tricuspid Atresia
  • Physicians in India praise this oil highly; not only is it a sure and painless purgative, but it is free from the viscidity and disgusting taste of castor-oil; besides it has the advantage of operating in small doses, 2-4 grams. The Medicinal Plants of the Philippines
  • The laser procedure is painless and takes four minutes on each eye. Times, Sunday Times
  • Herewith, a few thoughts on how to render the experience as painless as possible.
  • The most convenient and cost-effective way to measure the 3 body compartments is through bioelectrical impedance analysis, a quick, painless procedure that sends a low electrical current through the body.
  • Within about an hour you die a painless death. The Sun
  • It has been a fairly painless process. Times, Sunday Times
  • With my left ear painlessly buzzing in its temporary deafness and the roof of my mouth lightly seared and tasting like steak, I retired for the evening.
  • And unlike DVDs, where sometime, a change in the DVD resulted in being out of luck, firmware upgrades for blu-ray is easy and painless. Avatar Blu-Ray DVD Sets Record, Annoys Users » DVDs Worth Watching
  • The Minister replied that this was a fairly painless way to level the disparities between the haves and have-nots.
  • The whole process was relatively painless and straightforward. Times, Sunday Times
  • For a wide-spread disease (such as the non-lethal parasite ascaris) where treatment is cheap and relatively painless for the patient, a cheap and simple diagnostic test is suitable.
  • To ensure that death by this means would be painless as well as quick, the patient requests that she be adequately sedated.
  • Whatever your personal preferences, it is fair to say that neither method is easy, painless or complication free.
  • Next, a nucleus with a complete set of DNA is meticulously extracted from a single cell, itself removed painlessly from the skin or body of the living organism that's to be cloned.
  • The transition from horses to machines was relatively painless. Times, Sunday Times
  • If an animal is badly injured, often the kindest thing to do is to destroy it painlessly.
  • The treatment is totally painless. The A-Z of Beauty Treatment
  • So many of the little poxy jobs can now be dealt with quickly and painlessly that its a pleasure to go to work again. Cheap Trick, Well Done. « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • Primary syphilis is most often associated with a single, painless chancre, although it can manifest in other ways (i.e., multiple chancres, painful papules or ulcers, or no lesions).
  • Hairy leukoplakia typically presents as bilateral corrugated, painless white thickening found on the lateral borders of the tongue, sometimes with hairy projections.
  • Auditions are quick and painless and an ability to read music is not essential.
  • What eases the pain of his lingering departure was that it was smooth and painless.
  • Perky, painless and politically correct, this frothy little farce benefits from a remarkably trim running time.
  • After trying most methods without success, I finally found one that is painless -- switching to "vaping" with an electronic cigarette. Propeller Most Popular Stories
  • The procedure was easy, painless and over in seconds. The Sun
  • Its prayer is to hold fast the pious mind, the smooth painless life at peace with heaven and earth, instead of fighting with the invincible, aweless outcast from all law. Story of Orestes A Condensation of the Trilogy
  • I now look forward to each issue since even a quick glance keeps me painlessly informed of new discoveries and ideas.
  • I am all set to swear like the mother of all mothers in childbirth, but the procedure is amazingly painless. Times, Sunday Times
  • This kind of change doesn't happen quickly or painlessly.
  • Now this of course assumes there's an easy painless way to make use of these techniques.
  • Untreated, the swelling may resolve on its own or an internal hordeola may progress to form a painless mass known as a chalazion.
  • Skin infection begins as a raised itchy bump that resembles an insect bite but within one-two days develops into a vesicle and then a painless ulcer.
  • Yet, at the same time, once our pets become seriously ill, we are ready to ease their suffering and provide a painless end to their misery.
  • Many acupuncturists will use needles so fine they are like very thin wire, and are usually completely painless when inserted.
  • An easy and painless security patching process will also reduce the vulnerability window.
  • The organisation would work hard to make it as painless as possible. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some of the apparent creakiness of the plot turns out to be a bit of a double bluff, and the book rattles along quite painlessly for some 500 pages.
  • Thank you Norton, for making it easy and painless to get that info.
  • It will take political will and judgment to make it as painless for Britain as possible. The Sun
  • An 81 year old woman who had had a total knee replacement 26 years ago noticed painless, knobbly swellings on either side of the knee.
  • The treatment is painless and does not require anaesthesia. Times, Sunday Times
  • The graduation ceremony was quick and painless, administrators making quick speeches in attempts to let them go, which they were all too eager to do.
  • The train is a quick and painless way to travel.
  • It has been a fairly painless process. Times, Sunday Times
  • What we do need to find is a way to make their transition into the modern, competitive world as smooth and painless as possible.
  • The current law says they cannot be assisted to have a painless death. The Sun
  • The whole process was easy and painless. Times, Sunday Times
  • The treatment is totally painless. The A-Z of Beauty Treatment
  • The whole process was easy and painless. Times, Sunday Times
  • Abortion is not a painless procedure, it kills a living unborn baby and can scar a woman both emotionally and physically.
  • Imagine this lead sentence in a news story on Nov. 7, 2012: "Barack Obama enters his second term disliked by the majority of voters, distrusted by his Democratic colleagues in Congress and facing a budget catastrophe with few painless solutions. A California Strategy for Obama's Re-Election
  • Acupuncture treatment is gentle, painless, and, invariably, most relaxing.
  • He or she also views the inside of your eye using an instrument called an ophthalmoscope and, using a painless procedure called tonometry, measures the pressure inside your eyeball.
  • Regretfully, I know no soporific agent to make it all painless so that later on there is only a tiny scar on the skin that would remind one of the process.
  • The laser procedure is painless and takes four minutes on each eye. Times, Sunday Times
  • a painless solution to the problem
  • Mr O'Sullivan filled an enormous cavity completely painlessly, while a video screen showed a blow-up of the tooth being worked on.
  • There is no painless way to avoid our reckless and inevitable rendezvous with plaque. Living with Angina
  • We went for a weekend, which on the face of it sounds like an extravagant waste of time, but was actually painlessly good fun.
  • But at least changing through them is relatively painless. The Sun
  • Going for "the snip" is a surprisingly painless and simple procedure.
  • Treatment in children should be simple, cheap, effective, safe, and relatively painless.
  • The rising stock market, they claimed, was painlessly doing the retirement saving for free-spending baby boomers.
  • The persecuted bears do not die a quick and painless death. The Sun
  • There is no altogether painless way of escaping from a pay-as-you-go scheme, particularly if you want people to make substitute provision.
  • It's usually a quick and painless process, though. Times, Sunday Times
  • Legislation seems to me the only painless - maybe the only way - to get there from here.
  • The laser beam heals the eye painlessly.
  • With today's advances in modern dentistry, dental surgery has also advanced considerably to make the procedure nearly painless.
  • I started house-hunting in Kilkenny with Pat Gannon and it was a painless, efficient process.
  • The operation was relatively painless.
  • When the doctor came he said that death had been instantaneous and probably painless, caused in all likelihood by some sudden shock. Anne of Green Gables
  • painless dentistry
  • The blithe assumption that higher charges can be painlessly met from profit margins was always suspect but is now exposed as a serious threat to recovery prospects.
  • It is gentle, painless and invariably very relaxing. Banish Headaches -how to obtain fast, drug-free relief from headache
  • We can hardly expect to prevent all development of adenoids by these prompt and painless stitches in time, for some children seem to be born peculiarly subject to them, either from the inheritance of a particular shape of nose and throat, -- "the family nose," as it has been called, -- or from some peculiar sponginess and liability to inflammation and enlargement of all these tonsilar or lymphoid "glands" and "kernels" of the body generally -- the old Preventable Diseases
  • It is a painless but sudden process. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's a painless way to learn what's involved in cloning, and the main ethical, religious and legal issues. An Interview with J.R. Lankford
  • The train is a quick and painless way to travel.
  • But at least changing through them is relatively painless. The Sun
  • At the end of this pregnancy period, the egg is laid fairly painlessly, thanks to the spongy and slightly compressible shell.
  • Author: Ryan EnglishReplacement of hair is one of the procedures followed by hair expert to cure the hair loss problem Baldness of, men and women can be cured by replacement of hair The replacement of hair is done through two methods surgical and non surgical hair replacement A surgical replacement involves the transplantation of hair from one area of the scalp to the bald area The strip from donor area is operated out carefully and that strip is a follicle unit which is grafted further according to the hair of the affected person The follicle units are implanted in the hair line where the re growth of hair is not possible This surgical replacement takes five to six hours to complete Based on the type of the hair problem this time limit may vary to less than this or more During this surgical treatment doctors use to give anesthesia to the affected person to over come the discomfort while transplanting the hair After five or six months duration from the date of hair transplantation the affected person can comb and style his hair like the other Hair replacement is the technique which proved to attain the redistribution of hair, here by let aware about the non surgical hair replacement treatment The polyurethane layer is attached on the scalp which tends to be an outer layer of skin because it is very thin transparent layer The human hair is implanted in the layer before the attachment The perfect match of hair is identified by checking the hair density, hair color, and hair waves The injecting of these matched hairs in to the base membrane would take eight weeks Polyurethane membrane is very thin layer as the scalp skin is visible through the layer; it's like a cover of the epidermis So it's known as liquid skin Many celebrities and sports man highly prefer this non surgical hair replacement because no restriction to get involve in water activities and other sports activities which is an major advantage of non surgical hair replacement treatment The first step in non surgical hair replacement is to create the mould of the patient scalp which is used to structure the polyurethane membrane of thin layer So it accurately fit on the scalp of the person The membrane can be customized to fit only to the area of hair loss It's a porous membrane attached with the use of medical adhesive namely hypoallergenic, sweat and water activities will not affect this adhesive This procedure is completely painless A usual hair wash can be taken; hence it is porous layer the scalp will also get cleaned during the hair bath The monofilament and lace are the other two membranes available to use as a thin layer It all allows the skin to get clean and breathe Hence non surgical hair replacement is very beneficial than other treatments Related Articles: Hair Loss Treatment Products Hair Loss in WomenSyndication Source: We Blog A Lot
  • Diagnosis may require some or all of these tests: echocardiogram (also called "echo" or ultrasound) - sound waves create an image of the heart electrocardiogram (ECG) - a record of the electrical activity of the heart chest X-ray cardiac catheterization - a thin tube (catheter) is inserted into the heart through the large veins in the leg pulse oximetry - a painless way to monitor the oxygen content of the blood Pulmonary Atresia
  • The disease's symptoms are fever, headache and painless diarrhoea, which can lead to death if not treated.
  • In our example, putting custom configuration into the/etc/apache2/conf. d directory results in painless upgrade and fully operational apache after upgrade. Archive 2008-06-01
  • The process is quick and painless and lasts three to four weeks. The Sun
  • As part of this exercise we are looking at a range of options for making switching as painless as possible. Times, Sunday Times
  • The current law says they cannot be assisted to have a painless death. The Sun
  • The bite is painless so you won't notice it unless you find the tick still attached to you. Times, Sunday Times
  • No one said that growing up would be easy or painless.
  • This technique utilizes a bite plate, which is a painless dental impression that fixes to the upper teeth.
  • It will take political will and judgment to make it as painless for Britain as possible. The Sun
  • We are fated to live together and we must do the work of making that coexistence as painless as possible.
  • But there is a growing consensus that there is no quick, painless or cheap way out of the morass.
  • What do you do to make switching painless? Times, Sunday Times
  • The racist view was that African women, being nearer to the animal world than white women, gave birth painlessly and could be returned to hard labor soon after.
  • The labour aristocracy made the transition to the factory floor more painlessly, taking on the task of foremen.
  • It is a painless but sudden process. Times, Sunday Times
  • Physicians are believed to know how to ensure a painless death, and they are in a position to offer palliative care knowledgeably.
  • Most people find that a relatively painless experience, I should hasten to add. How to Face Interviews
  • The laser beam heals the eye painlessly.
  • With all their knowledge and wisdom, they can see no possible way of painless extrication from the debt predicament.
  • But it was becoming clear that we were going from an easy, painless, uncomplicated birth to some kind of obstetrical emergency. Full of Surprises Sam «
  • These books are written by experts who teach you the fundamentals as quickly and as painlessly as possible.
  • Another uses a laser to painlessly create micropores in the dead layer of skin, through which ISF is collected.
  • Every effort to make the transition smooth and painless will be appreciated.
  • pain-luller" vivisection and the most difficult surgical operations can be performed safely and painlessly, without any part of the system being affected by the action of the "pain-luller," with the exception of the nerves of sensation. Another World Fragments from the Star City of Montalluyah
  • We made arrangements to pay a local veterinarian to euthanize those animals by painless injection.
  • She bit her lip and prayed for her boy's end to come painlessly, without suffering.
  • The chancre is a painless round nodule of thickened tissue, usually with a smooth appearance. Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • In its early stages it is symptomless and painless.
  • It should be easy to add new watches and painless to receive notification of events.
  • The joint also produces a thick viscous fluid called synovial fluid, which helps in smooth and painless movement.
  • The process of re-recording the two tracks that charted was fairly painless because the songs were almost complete. The Sun
  • Acupuncture treatment is gentle, painless, and, invariably, most relaxing.
  • The processes of economic imperialism, proletarian enslavement and continuous war are explained painlessly through Winston and Julia's private resistance.
  • This involves a fairly painless procedure that uses a sphygmomanometer, a blood pressure cuff, a measuring dial, and a stethoscope, to measure your numbers. Blood pressure control improving, but millions still at risk
  • As often bedevils the translator's task there appears to be at least one lacuna in the extant text, but it was relatively painless to decipher.
  • With pain so prevalent, can one blame yearnings for a painless hereafter?
  • It shows an inability to recognise that the real world consists of trade-offs of competing priorities rather than painless solutions derived from one all-embracing value.
  • Reflecting on these options, Rachel wonders whether painless death harms a sentient creature.
  • ‘We make better use of our archives, and we're better and faster at reorders now that we can find the swatches quickly and painlessly,’ he says.
  • Mention the word to your average neighborhood bartender and the odds are probably 50-50 you'll wind up with a slushy, fruit-flavored morass of syrups and chemicals, designed to mask any hint of alcohol and get the drinker blotto as quickly and painlessly as possible. Tony Sachs: How To Make A Real Daiquiri - And The Best White Rums To Make It With
  • The bite is painless so you won't notice it unless you find the tick still attached to you. Times, Sunday Times
  • The flower is generally used as a poison and can kill slow and painfully or quick and painlessly.
  • Ending a patient's life by injection, with the added solace that it will be quick and painless, is much easier than this constant physical and emotional care. Whose Right to Die?
  • The train is a quick and painless way to travel.
  • She slew each of them, quickly, their deaths painless, and in a way a relief.
  • They are often painless when in the kidney but can cause severe pain as they travel from the kidneys to the bladder.
  • Installation is simple and painless, though you initially need to connect to the net to activate the program.
  • Warts are usually painless with the exception of the warts on the soles of the feet.
  • When their man arrived, he told us there was nothing for it but to give the deer a quick and painless death.
  • The procedure was easy, painless and over in seconds. The Sun
  • Sadly, it was not painless for Lucy who loves nothing more than to run and play tig with other dogs.
  • When the doctor came he said that death had been instantaneous and probably painless, caused in all likelihood by some sudden shock. Anne of Green Gables
  • The whole process makes buying a car privately as painless as buying from a garage.
  • I know, the old moral codes weren't painless either.
  • If an animal is badly injured, often the kindest thing to do is to destroy it painlessly.
  • Investors have an opportunity to buy bullion bars cheaply and painlessly.
  • In a painless and natural process the lighter disengages itself from the heavier, and slowly draws itself off until it stands with the same mind, the same emotions, and an exactly similar body, beside the couch of death, aware of those around and yet unable to make them aware of it, save where that finer spiritual eyesight called clairvoyance exists. The Vital Message
  • Euthanasia is defined as the painless killing of a patient suffering from an incurable, painful disease.
  • The treatment is painless and does not require anaesthesia. Times, Sunday Times
  • The persecuted bears do not die a quick and painless death. The Sun
  • It provides a painless, enjoyable and comprehensive review for the primary physician.
  • after the surgery, she could move her arms painlessly
  • The tasks can be integrated fairly painlessly into the normal workflow of Web authoring.
  • This was a thinly disguised device designed to give Harleston the opportunity to ease Jeffries out painlessly and to find a replacement.
  • The laser beam heals the eye painlessly.
  • I just wanted us to be able to point out that that hypodermic did not have a needle attached and it was a painless application.
  • Painless swelling of the posterior elbow at the outer tip of the olecranon in a patient complaining of repetitive friction to the elbow indicates olecranon bursitis.
  • His friend had died quickly and hopefully painlessly.
  • Flights tend to be overnight; transfers are usually short, fairly painless car drives. Times, Sunday Times
  • The process is quick and painless and lasts three to four weeks. The Sun
  • The article quotes David Dow, a professor at the University of Houston Law Center, an opponent of the death penalty as sating that "[l] ethal injection became the preferred method, because of the notion that it is easy and painless. FindLaw News - Top Stories
  • As part of this exercise we are looking at a range of options for making switching as painless as possible. Times, Sunday Times
  • The author put some effort into making the installation as painless as possible for this type of package.
  • We report a case of scrotal leiomyoma in a 32 year old white male with a painless scrotal mass.
  • This painless device shines a reddish glowing light from a sensor attached to a finger or toe and determines how much oxygen is in the blood.
  • The whole process makes buying a car privately as painless as buying from a garage.
  • That this inference is correct is shown by the fact that the application of a thermocautery to the intestines when completing a colostomy in a conscious patient is absolutely painless. The Origin and Nature of the Emotions: Miscellaneous Papers
  • After all death is not a comfortable venture, it is not painless as a rule which is why animals avoid it so much.
  • If the conditions enumerated are observed, the social revolution will painlessly melt into democracy.
  • My hair's knots were combed out painlessly and I was redressed in fresh linen.
  • The install is painless and you rarely need to mess with text files any longer, so pretty much anybody could set it up in a matter of minutes. The LiteStep At Night Desktop | Lifehacker Australia
  • Waiting an extra year to replace the car is a pretty painless way to cut back. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was painless - similar to having a cervical smear test. The Sun
  • Somehow, such a rationale seems to me like an anodyne offered to those who seek an existence of painless acceptance rather than an endless quest to reconcile seeming irreconcilables.
  • Local anesthetics, such as the Novocain dentists use to painlessly extract a tooth, numb axon tips around the injection site, preventing the cells from firing electrical impulses.
  • The punishment for this person consists of a quick painless death.
  • Death by starvation and dehydration is neither painless nor euphoric.
  • The procedure is virtually painless, with just a slight stinging sensation. The Sun
  • Waiting an extra year to replace the car is a pretty painless way to cut back. Times, Sunday Times
  • His hand tipped back my neck and his fangs slid in painlessly.
  • Brad only groaned once as Kurt and Vincent lifted him between them, and then the dark and painless unconscious oblivion claimed him again.
  • House-hunting is in fact relatively painless in this region.

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