How To Use Painfulness In A Sentence
The day will come when all the painfulness of this life will be resolved and healed and those who make it to heaven will enjoy the subsequent peace eternally.
Feminist outrage & the banality of abortion (UPDATED)
But one name haunts Mahound, leaps around him, young, sharp, pointing a long painted finger, singing verses whose cruel brilliance ensures their painfulness.
The Satanic Verses
Little has been reported on the painfulness of the removal of (non-chest tube) wound drains.
Having lived alone for periods at one time, I can vouch for its painfulness; and also the opportunity for self-examination.
There is a sense that what we are watching, for all its painfulness, has less to do with self-examination than self-advertisement.
He conveys the painfulness of life without condemning life.
Having previously described the painfulness of chest tube removal, my colleagues and I decided to intervene.
Dr. Duncan further explains that the regular insertion of a feeding tube damages the birds 'esophagi, which exacerbates the painfulness of each force feeding, and that "[t] he birds' obesity will lead to myriad other problems from skeletal disorders to difficulties in coping with heat stress, and all of which are accompanied by feelings of malaise.
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Last summer, when I was asked to join a "Kalachakra" -- a circle-of-life pilgrimage, this one actually where Prince Siddhartha discovered the realities of the world under the Bodhi Tree and abdicated his throne to try to show people a way to deal with life's painfulness, disease and death among them -- I jumped at the chance.
Jim Luce: Following The Footsteps Of The Buddha Across North East India
Section Two analyzes the theme choice of his poetry from three directions of emotional sigh, the painfulness of losing family and homeland as well as the feeling of reclusion.
Lately I've been thinking - and dreaming - about people I've loved who have died, about the painfulness of losing them and how it never really goes away, just becomes different with the passage of time.
From "I would not be able to get through life had I not been able to view its painfulness in a comedic way," he once told a reporter.
Blake Edwards dead at 88
This kind of headache is generally only suffered by men, is typically suffered intensely over a period of weeks with a long period of remission in between, is extremely rare, and is off the Richter scale of painfulness.
Happy? New Year
Yes, the first half of the week I was pretty terrified, and gripped the wheel almost to the point of painfulness; and I still get terribly lost, and frustrated when I do though increasingly less so; and I stress about people behind me, and irritating them, and getting honked at.
Archive 2009-05-01
she feared the painfulness of childbirth
The plot is straightforward and predictable to the point of painfulness.
The question is: in what does the painfulness, the hurting quality, of pains consist?
The President deeply regrets the painfulness of the decisions he has had to take.