How To Use Pain sensation In A Sentence
They have important effects on blood pressure, blood clotting, pain sensation, and reproduction mechanisms, but one prostaglandin may have different and even opposite effects in different tissues.
Vibratory and pain sensation thresholds for 433 healthy workers without history of vibration exposure in one factory were studied.
In experiments in mice they have been implicated in pain sensation and fear-conditioned learning.
TRPV1 can detect noxious stimulus and convert it into action potentials traveling to the central and forming pain sensation.
An appendix sitting behind the obturator muscle causes a pain sensation in the pelvis, sometimes only detected with a rectal exam.
Archive 2003-05-01
TRPV1 can detect noxious stimulus and convert it into action potentials traveling to the central and forming pain sensation.
Loss of pain sensation together with possible rarefaction of the bones of the neuropathic foot can have serious consequences.
These physiological changes decrease patients' pain thresholds and thereby increase pain sensation, anxiety, fear, and the release of pain transmitters, such as histamines, serotonins, kinins, and prostaglandins.
With muscular pain, the pain sensation may be due to distension or stretch of the muscular walls or to transient ischemia of the muscle.
The results suggested that VPL may be involved in the modulation of pain sensation by simultaneous electric activities of PEN and PIN in VPL.