How To Use Paid vacation In A Sentence
Employees commonly receive four weeks of paid vacation and retire between the ages of fifty-three and sixty.
We have good salaries, complete health insurance benefits and two weeks of paid vacation every year.
Paid vacation A yearly allowance of getting paid for time off.
Unemployment insurance is a pre- paid vacation for freeloaders. Ronald Reagan
The State institutes the system of annual paid vacation.
We provide fringe benefits such as annual bonus, three - week paid vacation a year, and health insurance.
We provide fringe benefits such as annual bonus, three - week paid vacation a year, health Insurance.
The draft regulations stipulate that legal holidays and weekends will not be included as paid vacation.
Does it include bonuses ? No , there are annual bonuses , one week paid vacation a year , and health insurance.
I wonder if got a "paid vacation" (what they called administrative leave) and a promotion?
Reinke Faces Life
Another proposal aims to give Chinese workers at least five paid vacation days year.
The job includes two weeks' paid vacation.
We offer a competitive benefits package including medical insurance, paid vacation and holidays.
He has been working hard and is entitled to a paid vacation of a fortnight.
Employees are entitled to four-weeks' paid vacation annually.
And you will receive two weeks'paid vacation a age, as well.
Times described "furcation" as "going someplace while on furlough or combining paid vacation days with unpaid days," while it said "staycation" means "staying at home because you can't afford to travel during your days off.
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Insurance, 2 weeks paid vacation, and 10 days of sick leave.
You'll have a fortnight's paid vacation. You're entitled.
Most Germans have as many as six weeks of paid vacation during the year.
The questions cover hourly pay and straight salary, and benefits ranging from overtime, health insurance, and paid vacations to Social Security taxes and workers' comp.
German convicts work at real jobs while incarcerated - and even receive four weeks of paid vacation each year!
We provide fringe benefits such as annual bonus, three - week paid vacation a year, health insurance.
Employees are entitled to four-weeks' paid vacation annually.