How To Use Paging In A Sentence
Would you be "boggled" if I suggest that the characterisation of blacks here as a mob of rampaging gang-rapists is a product of prejudice and, in its emotional manipulation, serves to reinforce prejudice?
Wisdom, Justice And Mercy
I was paging through my diary wondering where to start.
Dennis M. Sabangan/European Pressphoto Agency Filipino children offered candles for flood victims on Tuesday during a mass burial in a village that was devastated by rampaging flood waters in Iligan City, southern Mindanao, the Philippines.
Asia in Pictures
She is paging through a magazine aimlessly.
IT sounded like the roar of 50,000 rampaging bull elephants and didn't let up all afternoon.
The Sun

paging" -- writing memory blocks to the hard drive temporarily to free up space.
Answerbag: Latest Questions in Question Categories
Paging a memory management function, while multiprogramming a processor management function, are the two interdependent?
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Indeed, PageMart and PageNet last week offered incentives for EconoPage customers to switch to their paging networks.
Finally, a man sits down, bringing more books from his reader's shelf, and begins paging through all of the volumes he's amassed.
This paging algorithm determines which virtual memory pages currently in RAM ultimately have their page frames brought back to the free list.
During filming the pair did some crazy stunts including riding through narrow streets on a motorbike ahead of rampaging bulls.
The Sun
And how can you trust your teenage opinion of people, when those opinions were being formed via rampaging hormones and juvenile mood swings?
I checked out the free portion of the site and found that comic books are being provided for in adobe formats, supplying rich and colorful views of comics, that can be zoomed in and out of, and paging that allows flipping quickly.
Archive 2008-04-01
In 1999, a software bug knocked out a nationwide paging system for a day.
He is paging in Congress this summer
Give each of your Linux machines a bunch of virtual memory, and let the VM hypervisor worry about paging it in and out.
Search engines can give us a sense of the vast destructive power of a rampaging snowclone.
Rambles at » Blog Archive » X is the new Y, the network diagram
A gunman is rampaging through the tiny hamlet, indiscriminately shooting people.
Sunday Salon: Skin and Bones by Tom Bale
Lavatory, to turn a Roman and leave the chayr and gout in his bare balbriggans, the sweep, and buy the usual jar of porter at the Morgue and Cruses and set it down before the wife with her fireman’s halmet on her, bidding her mine the hoose, the strum-pet, while him and his lagenloves were rampaging the roads in all their paroply under the noses of the Heliopolitan constabu-lary?
Finnegans Wake
It turns out that they have been placed there by the Jigsaw Killer, a serial murderer rampaging through the unnamed city.
NEW MEANINGS analyst gate mu-meson bob immune, adj. muonon, butter pat laggard suffix delocalize, v. lagger paging derrick, v. meson plasma digger microelectrode poach, v. fat receptor reduplicate, gravisphere ductibility v. moonfall electrohydraulic spinner parakite standoff resistojet fluidonics station BLENDS (2) fluoridizer zone gayola incapacitator VARIANT FORM plench Mosleyite tabbouli BOUND-MORPHEME mysterium FUNCTIONAL ITEMS (7) oceanologic,
VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XV No 1
A man was killed and five people were fighting for their lives today after a rampaging knifeman carried out a series of stabbings.
Sabretooth is a horrible, one-dimensional,rampaging pain in thebuttcharacter, but I think that this big role, in what is sure to be a ginormously popular film, is good news for Liev.
Liev Schreiber
The machine started paging out virtual memory, requests took too long, users got fed up with waiting and clicked on Stop, pressed Esc and tried logging in again until the operator pressed the big red button.
No state is better acquainted with the porcine menace than Texas, where more than 2 million rampaging hogs cost landowners some $52 million in damages annually, and where lawmakers recently debated a bill that would have allowed private hunters to gun down pigs from the air.
The Boar War
It wouldn’t surprise me if 25 years from now server-based alphanumeric e-mail and text messaging/paging are viewed as little more than historical curiosities, and the holding in Quon will have to be interpreted by analogy — probably bad analogy — like that old “HDD is just like a file cabinet” paradigm judges used to be so fondof.
The Volokh Conspiracy » The Fourth Amendment, New Technologies, and the Case for Caution
Gardeners are near the end of their tether because of youngsters rampaging through their allotment, leaving a trail of devastation behind them.
Table data editor with handy functions such as paging, filtering, searching, generating SQL for data row (UPDATE, INSERT, etc.).
Diplomats serving in embassies in hostile regions have long been able to retreat to a reinforced inner sanctum, designed to shield them from rampaging mobs.
Times, Sunday Times
Faced with the choice of spending money to see a rampaging bull charge through the streets or pay for local services, councils have opted for the latter.
Times, Sunday Times
Across America, thousands of runners are doing just that on their summer weekends to evade rampaging hordes of undead chasers drooling blood and slime.
Times, Sunday Times
He hustled R.V. Smethurst off stage rather like a chucker-out in a pub regretfully ejecting an old and respected customer, and starting paging G.G. Simmons.
The victorious but spent fanners and craftsfolk retreated through the shattered gate to the fringe of the forest, leaving the terminal cleansing of the monastery to the rampaging pit bull-bull.
The Lives of Felix Gunderson
While the ‘liberal’ media were front-paging the allegations against the Clinton team, they were virtually ignoring serious campaign violations in the Dole camp.
In fact, teacher research is essential if students are to avoid wasting valuable time randomly paging through books on art.
Some would say a little japanese paging is a small price to pay for a pet of this caliber.
Archive 2007-08-01
The uncomfortably familiar grind and click of a rampaging computer sounded again, the numbers beginning anew.
He reached the lobby in time to hear a callboy paging him.
The Winning Clue
I prefer "less" rather than "more" because less allows backword paging as well as forward. when you say the tmp@ is green is it green text on a black background
The alert can be communicated via e-mail, for example, or via a paging system, she explains.
They had tapped into Pete's negative emotions and used them to create a rampaging supervillain.
There were men dressed in dark armor rampaging around the city with torches and weapons.
During filming the pair did some crazy stunts including riding through narrow streets on a motorbike ahead of rampaging bulls.
The Sun
The Turks are rampaging across Asia, the first Crusaders are at the Empire's gates, and warfare is about to break out.
Football hooligans have already been captured on television rampaging through the streets of Portugal.
The result of simulation indicate that using network RAM as a remote memory paging system can significantly improvement the performance of Cluster system.
Not only does the Times puff up stories on social changes that it likes by front-paging them, it downplays changes likely to arouse conservative opposition.
It's one of those projects that requires paging through endless scripts, man pages and books.
More recently, largely due to the sharp rise in cellular mobile telephone subscribers and paging users, a number of new telecommunication retailer branches have opened.
Several days afterward, when the world press had ceased front-paging the Soviet election, Moscow officials unobtrusively announced that 1,334,124 votes were ‘scratched ‘- that is, the name of the Stalinist candidate was struck out by voters.’
Selection of appropriate communication media, including the use of notice boards, paging devices and public address systems.
What are you paging everyone stat for?
That would involve, say, a rampaging mob destroying facilities owned by a foreign company while the police stand by looking on.
Times, Sunday Times
He's with a patient at the moment, but she's paging him.
He reached into a pocket and pulled out what looked like his own paging device, but when he handed it over, Evan could see it wasn't his.
The phone calls, the forms, the follow-up with consultants, the incessant paging… All for patients that I rarely even see.
The result of simulation indicate that using network RAM as a remote memory paging system can significantly improvement the performance of Cluster system.
The rape and murder of a young woman and her mother by rampaging ronin precedes a spectral reign of terror, as samurai are lured to their gruesome deaths in a haunted bamboo forest.
A Cinematic Diet Loaded With Preservatives
We are not all rampaging capitalists bent on the destruction of the working class.
'paging' - the process whereby pages of memory are written out to the hard drive for temporary storage for subsequent reading back in.
Discussions: Message List - root
Solutions must be found in order for the paging market to survive.
Faced with the choice of spending money to see a rampaging bull charge through the streets or pay for local services, councils have opted for the latter.
Times, Sunday Times
At midnight she heard one of four shots fired as a police marksman killed the rampaging stag.
During filming the pair did some crazy stunts including riding through narrow streets on a motorbike ahead of rampaging bulls.
The Sun
His urbanity and sophistication are understandably far removed from the rangy youth rampaging around Edinburgh punk rock clubs with a Jean Paul Sartre novel tucked into the back pocket of his ripped trousers.
And Rudy, shocked down to his adulterous Underoos, went off on a rampaging fit of Comstockery that made even ardent supporters think he was an overreaching jerkbag.
December 2006
It seemed like whoever was calling her a few minutes ago was now paging for her.
I prefer "less" rather than "more" because less allows backword paging as well as forward. when you say the tmp@ is green is it green text on a black background
I had very little art in school, but taught myself by experimenting, paging through books and magazines, and latching onto any adult who would talk to me about techniques at small local art shows.
Selection of appropriate communication media, including the use of notice boards, paging devices and public address systems.
He didn't have time to bring them directly to your room this time, because his work was paging him.
It seems that many pensioners down the country get outside the 60 foot range of their paging devices when they slip on the frozen ground while hauling turf into the house.
Besides , rapid progress was made in the divestiture of radio paging assets from the P & T sectors and the restructuring on a nationwide basis.
These protective garments are generally also festooned with wands of office: besmeared stethoscopes draped around the neck, clunky paging devices clipped to the belt, and an array of well chewed ballpoint pens poking forlornly from the breast and hip pockets.
Cri de coeur
After wrecking machinery and burning down mills across Lancashire, the rampaging mobs were only finally brought to heel after fighting pitched battles with the army.
Times, Sunday Times
The users, however, are amazed at how fast the machines run after the paging file matches the memory.
The book is so terrible that just paging through it was making me laugh out loud and I knew there was no way I could top the inherent comedy contained in its pages.
And how can you trust your teenage opinion of people, when those opinions were being formed via rampaging hormones and juvenile mood swings?
In 1983 rampaging mobs forced us to shelter in a refugee camp.
When he got there, the paging system was busy calling for passengers for Seoul.
Instead of a time-consuming paging system, a central controller alerts the nearest member of staff to a crisis, by activating a light on the badge.
Provides paging support for the clients of a custom data service provider.
IT sounded like the roar of 50,000 rampaging bull elephants and didn't let up all afternoon.
The Sun
The intention is also to sell mobile and paging services, offer feeds for sport and finance, provide sites for online gaming and music downloads and even offer conferencing services.
The way matters are shaping up, next year's poll could be sunk by what may be termed rampaging indifference.
Mr. Lee: Hi. I'm here for flight 513 to New York but I thought I heard the paging system announce that it is canceled. Is that true?
In the personal application field, it can provide handy SDS (short data service), which can remedy the defection of traditional paging system and offer a chance to unite the paper industry.
He used a sword to try to defend his shop from a rampaging mob.
Behind the spectacles and the twin set of the demure secretary runs the hot blood of a rampaging minx.
Cellular providers are eyeing unified messaging for e-mail, and increased usage and paging sales.
Paging transmitter having broadband exciter using an intermediate frequency above the transmit frequency
Besides , rapid progress was made in the divestiture of radio paging assets from the P & T sectors and the restructuring on a nationwide basis.
The result of simulation indicate that using network RAM as a remote memory paging system can significantly improvement the performance of Cluster system.
She frightened the hell out of the entire male staff with her rampaging sexual prowess and bandy legs.
Paging mechanisms were created to activate sleeping mobile telephones to receive incoming calls.
I spent yesterday decoupaging, painting, gluing, and scavengering throughout the basement in this house.
And-the-way Diary Entry
Rampaging prisoners ran riot through Strangeways jail.
The 1990s have been characterized by record-breaking growth in most wireless segments, including cellular, paging, and specialized mobile radio.
IT sounded like the roar of 50,000 rampaging bull elephants and didn't let up all afternoon.
The Sun
Other services such as paging, personal radio communications and trunk radio services and customer premises equipment are already open to competition.
ANC Daily News Briefing
Room-to-room paging is also a must in a house of this size, and Simmons dialed in a Panasonic digital phone system for the job.
The Globe was front-paging this before they caught Patrick in what looks like a downplaying of his involvement.
All basic PDF functions are possible, including scrolling, paging, text searches, bookmarks and page rotation.
He used a sword to try to defend his shop from a rampaging mob.
Its paging business was booming, and annual operating profits broke the $ 1 billion mark.
SCHNEIDER: The folks in the building were initially notified through an enunciator, which is an indoor paging system used throughout the Capitol campus.
CNN Transcript Feb 8, 2006
Paging mechanisms were created to activate sleeping mobile telephones to receive incoming calls.
I've hired a receptionist and I have a paging device in case something does happen.
the public address system in the hospital was used for paging
Each of the Testaments has its own separate paging; the reference here is to the New Testament paging.
Do staff members try to make up for the lack of rampaging aliens by occasionally running amok themselves?
But even as ambassadors in Washington and State Department officials hammer out the details of the meetings, news media in the region are still front-paging the arrest of the four.
Less common, though, are sex-starved, rampaging pigs like Pugsley, the 400-pounder that tore through Steve and Gina Gantt's electric fence with a mean sparkle in his eye and a burning in his loins.
This will allow broadcasters to attract, for instance, business audiences to whom they can sell information services such as closed-circuit transmission, on-line data, paging and radio-based security systems.
The "Shit Blows Up" fun of Jack's rampaging could even be quite validly deemed escapist; it's just that I try to subvert the consolation subtly within the episodes or through their relationships with the rest of the text, to seduce the reader into engaging with reality even when the fantasy is at its most sensationalist.
Essay Rant Thingy
The 11-result view that I see with Cuil just requires more paging, which is wasting my time.
Cuil’s New Search Engine: Cheaper Than Google, but Not Better - Bits Blog -
I was paging through some Arthur Schopenhauer, a brilliant, cantankerous, whoring son of this city.
Provides paging support for the clients of a custom data service provider.
Friends don't come back from the dead, Leila thought, rampaging through the corridor from the canteen.
We'll meet a baby ankylosaurus incubated from an abandoned egg; rampaging, short-armed carnotauruses; and a pack of nicoraptors, which are like mangy, feral dogs.
Terra Nova Exclusive: On the Set of TV's Hottest New Show
Cowl Past Batmen have had a hard time turning their heads (paging Michael Keaton), because the cowl was a solid piece of rubber attached to the suit itself.
The Dark Knight: 'Where Does He Get Those Wonderful Toys?'
More recently, largely due to the sharp rise in cellular mobile telephone subscribers and paging users, a number of new telecommunication retailer branches have opened.
Ha! that rampaging devil again! there will never be an end of his loping till" killdeer "has said a friendly word to him".
The Last of the Mohicans
Diplomats serving in embassies in hostile regions have long been able to retreat to a reinforced inner sanctum, designed to shield them from rampaging mobs.
Times, Sunday Times
In a post-match press conference, the Norwich manager used a phrase so wildly outside the lexicon of professional football that when I heard it I could only conclude the Premier League pressure was beginning to tell, and that – if measures were not taken – the Scot would soon be rampaging butt-naked across East Anglia until tree'd by pursuing bloodhounds and brought down by a police marksman with a tranquilliser dart.
Paul Lambert needs lessons in the lexicon of the football club | Harry Pearson
Also, nVidia announced that with the driver release on May 21st, there would be a significant boost in performance during audio operations, as less bandwidth would be taken up due to memory paging optimizations in the drivers.
Selection of appropriate communication media, including the use of notice boards, paging devices and public address systems.
Besides , rapid progress was made in the divestiture of radio paging assets from the P & T sectors and the restructuring on a nationwide basis.
Besides , rapid progress was made in the divestiture of radio paging assets from the P & T sectors and the restructuring on a nationwide basis.
That would involve, say, a rampaging mob destroying facilities owned by a foreign company while the police stand by looking on.
Times, Sunday Times
Stuart stunned readers by employing "poetic" moods and styles in magazines mostly devoted to the pulpiest of space adventures; Asimov's robot stories were deliberately set up to subvert the idea of the Frankenstein-type rampaging monster created by mad scientists; Ray Bradbury eschewed science altogether and wrote weird, imagistic parables using the props of science and science fiction.
Archive 2005-06-01
This would leave the game paging from the hard disk resulting in noticeable slower performance.
Intel Mac Mini memory upgrade — Meandering Passage
In the film, Douglas suddenly cracks one day while waiting in one too many traffic jams before rampaging across the city with a gun.
He also spent a lot of time in the college library, occasionally paging through the numerous chemistry books at his disposal.
But even that trio of conquests didn't satisfy his rampaging appetite. He also embarked on a much-publicised affair with an actress.
Faced with the choice of spending money to see a rampaging bull charge through the streets or pay for local services, councils have opted for the latter.
Times, Sunday Times
I was calling Trevor on the mobile and paging him.
By the early 1990s, he had diversified into the paging and mobile-radio industries.
- on, suffix jetavator cryochemis - paging youthcult try plasma SHORTENING + cytoecology poach, v. BOUND FORM (7) receptor acrasin dehydrotes - reduplicate, antiscientism tosterone v. apholate geoprobe spinner astrionics heliborne standoff emulsible, adj. station adj. helilift, v. zone Ovonic helispost VARIANT FORM xenate hexa - tabbouli SHORTENING + methylene -
VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XVI No 1
It is starting now, with cellular networks, portable radiophones, and paging devices ....
June 24th, 2006
However with polar bears crossbreeding with Grizzlies, rampaging Bigfoots, expanding populations of catamounts and giant anaconda soon some sort of "natural equilibrium" can surely be restored.
On Hunting Pythons in Florida
He said other services such as paging, personal radio communications and trunk radio services and customer premises equipment were already open to competition.
ANC Daily News Briefing
Tokyo, it turns out, is exactly as one imagines it if one learned about it from Japanese pop culture (i.e. there are actual giant monsters rampaging from time to time, ninjas, cops in mech suits, etc ...)
November 25th, 2007
But I wasn't about to stand up to a rampaging bunch of hobgoblins anyway.
He hustled R.V. Smethurst off stage rather like a chucker-out in a pub regretfully ejecting an old and respected customer, and starting paging G.G. Simmons.
We'd barely sat down before a gang of teenagers, all masked, came rampaging in.
These protective garments are generally also festooned with wands of office: besmeared stethoscopes draped around the neck, clunky paging devices clipped to the belt, and an array of well chewed ballpoint pens poking forlornly from the breast and hip pockets.
Cri de coeur
All basic PDF functions are possible, including scrolling, paging, text searches, bookmarks and page rotation.
Contrary to popular belief, dragons were guardians and protectors, not rampaging monsters.
In the interactive rendering, viewers can control the resolution distribution of points on the whole surfaces by defining current view parameters and using a paging algorithm.
‘Well, take a look at this,’ he said, holding aloft the magazine he'd been paging through.
Both PCMs allow for any MPIO device to be used as a paging device and a dump device.
He was instructed that he would have to call her and tell her to stop paging him.
There's no boisterous paging system, and the parts and service area is as clean as the showroom itself - not one drip of oil on the terra cotta tiles.
Besides , rapid progress was made in the divestiture of radio paging assets from the P & T sectors and the restructuring on a nationwide basis.
Rampaging Christian knights and soldiers remove the bones of St John Chrysostom and St Gregory Nazianzen.
Sensing that the two needed some time to work out their current differences, the nurse, who had wheeled Josh in, politely excused herself, telling the two to press the paging button near the bed if they needed anything.
It's more ... labial than the Monet painting (unless Monet's cathedral was supposed to really be a vagina, in which case, paging Dr. Freud) but what can you do?
Una LaMarche: Project Runway Episode 12 Recap: Let's Getty It Over With
Selection of appropriate communication media, including the use of notice boards, paging devices and public address systems.
NEW MEANINGS analyst gate mu-meson bob immune, adj. muonon, butter pat laggard suffix delocalize, v. lagger paging derrick, v. meson plasma digger microelectrode poach, v. fat receptor reduplicate, gravisphere ductibility v. moonfall electrohydraulic spinner parakite standoff resistojet fluidonics station BLENDS (2) fluoridizer zone gayola incapacitator VARIANT FORM plench Mosleyite tabbouli BOUND-MORPHEME mysterium FUNCTIONAL ITEMS (7) oceanologic,
VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XV No 1
For weeks, Canadian newspapers had been front-paging angry reports about how Britain's Lord Alverstone, sitting on a judicial tribunal with two Canadians and three Americans, had sided with the Americans.
A double feature of sorts, the feature chronicles the first violent meeting between the Hulk and Wolverine, as well as the tale of the rampaging Hulk loose in Asgard and facing off against the mighty Thor.! » New Release Tuesday!Bobert Takes A Look At The DVD/Blu-rays Of The Week!
- on, suffix jetavator cryochemis - paging youthcult try plasma SHORTENING + cytoecology poach, v. BOUND FORM (7) receptor acrasin dehydrotes - reduplicate, antiscientism tosterone v. apholate geoprobe spinner astrionics heliborne standoff emulsible, adj. station adj. helilift, v. zone Ovonic helispost VARIANT FORM xenate hexa - tabbouli SHORTENING + methylene -
VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XVI No 1
Camacho joined a compatriot, Tomas Vallejos, the lock of the season to date, and Joe Marler, a rampaging young loosehead, in putting us right about the depth of Quins 'squad.
Nick Evans helps Harlequins hand Exeter Chiefs a sobering defeat
After wrecking machinery and burning down mills across Lancashire, the rampaging mobs were only finally brought to heel after fighting pitched battles with the army.
Times, Sunday Times
I'm finding it more helpful as I go along, easier to locate articles than paging through old magazines, and takes up less space.
Paging is actually a very normal part of what AIX 7 does, due to the tight integration of its kernel with the VMM and its implementation of demand paging.
Diplomats serving in embassies in hostile regions have long been able to retreat to a reinforced inner sanctum, designed to shield them from rampaging mobs.
Times, Sunday Times
Now at last their brilliant yellow stars are rampaging on roadside verges and in ditches.
Times, Sunday Times
Rampaging prisoners ran riot through Strangeways jail.
That would involve, say, a rampaging mob destroying facilities owned by a foreign company while the police stand by looking on.
Times, Sunday Times
Diplomats serving in embassies in hostile regions have long been able to retreat to a reinforced inner sanctum, designed to shield them from rampaging mobs.
Times, Sunday Times
The sensationalist press is quite content in front-paging the frenzied screams of the anti-offshoring activists - all gleefully flaunting their PhDs in `I told you so'.
Besides , rapid progress was made in the divestiture of radio paging assets from the P & T sectors and the restructuring on a nationwide basis.
These protective garments are generally also festooned with wands of office: besmeared stethoscopes draped around the neck, clunky paging devices clipped to the belt, and an array of well chewed ballpoint pens poking forlornly from the breast and hip pockets.
Cri de coeur
At midnight she heard one of four shots fired as a police marksman killed the rampaging stag.
Mr. Lee: Hi. I'm here for flight 513 to New York but I thought I heard the paging system announce that it is canceled. Is that true?
He used a sword to try to defend his shop from a rampaging mob.
After wrecking machinery and burning down mills across Lancashire, the rampaging mobs were only finally brought to heel after fighting pitched battles with the army.
Times, Sunday Times
I basically have my own paging system, keeping a small number of blocks from a large grid resident at any one time.
I'm here for flight 513 to New York but I thought I heard the paging system announce that it is canceled.
It shows how much virtual memory there is, how much is free and paging activity.