
How To Use Pageant In A Sentence

  • The pageant promises to be a curious mixture of the ancient and modern.
  • Thousands of visitors are set to descend on York when the five-day festival of horse racing and pageantry comes to the city in June next year.
  • The year is filled with important religious events, and all localities are identified with patron saints who are celebrated, somewhat competitively, with fireworks and festa pageantry, including processions.
  • Miss World organisers could not immediately explain the no-shows, saying only that they hoped the others would arrive before the pageant finale on December 7.
  • Boxing champion Mike Tyson was, of course, convicted in the 1992 rape of a beauty pageant contestant.
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  • You gummed the pieces with sheer delight, making mmmm, mmmm noises and waving your hands like some beauty pageant winner on a float being pulled down Main Street.
  • The fuss over coverage of the jubilee river pageant shows that we still care. Times, Sunday Times
  • The natives so embraced the pageantry and the promise of the new faith; and centuries later, testament to that Christian hegemony is the ubiquity of an iconolatry, none as dispersed into the bowels of urban and rural religious life as the icon of the Santo Nino.
  • I abhor beauty pageants; whoever thought of those stupid, mindless activities was out of his mind.
  • By the 19th century the play had been transformed into a spectacle of patriotic pageantry celebrating imperial Britain and the glory of its military.
  • Our nation has its problems but Sunday's pageant showed what we do best. The Sun
  • Then, as the curtain parted and an orchestra played, it was time for one of Aimee Semple McPherson's illustrious pageants .. Greg Mitchell: Dispatches From Incredible 1934 Campaign: Dirtiest Race Ever Reaches Its Peak
  • These worlds collide with a beauty pageant. Times, Sunday Times
  • It had been strictly wedded to its pageantries since the time of the great Anne of Austria. Court Memoirs of France Series — Complete
  • Atlantic City's longest lasting attraction, the annual Miss America pageant, has answered America's longing for royalty since 1921, long before the casinos tantalized visitors with the prospect of becoming rich overnight.
  • Stromboli Smith OVATION, n. n ancient Rome, a definite, formal pageant in honor of one who had been disserviceable to the enemies of the nation. INTERNET WIRETAP: The Devil's Dictionary, by Ambrose Bierce (1993 Edition)
  • One is not even made wet by the rain nor cold by the frost; while death, instead of stalking about grewsome and accidental, becomes a prearranged pageant, moving along a well-oiled groove to the family vault, where the hinges are kept from rusting and the dust from the air is swept continually away. THE UNEXPECTED
  • The beauty pageant is a ticket out of town for the hopeful girls who participate.
  • This is not because girls were not encouraged to trot to the sandlot along with their kid brothers, or because coaches think they will do better in a beauty pageant than the pro draft.
  • Wearing a dress made of pineapple would turn anyone's head - especially those belonging to judges of a beauty pageant.
  • Up to 200 men, women and children will be dressed in costume for this piece of street-theatre and pageantry.
  • The crowd roared approval before departing content after another spectacular display of British pomp and pageantry. Times, Sunday Times
  • Between 1594 and 1602 he produced plays for the Admiral's Men, after which he concentrated on writing pageants for the city of London and on revising the Survey of London by John Stow.
  • His daughters, he said, should know their own worth; they didn't need to prove themselves in a beauty pageant.
  • My daughter has won her fair share of pageants, but if you have any pageant experience, even in state prelims, all is not what you would want it to be. TLC's 'King of the Crown': Meet beauty pageant expert Cy Frakes |
  • Parts of it would have done much to improve BBC1's dire coverage of the river pageant. Times, Sunday Times
  • A variety of celebrations are under consideration, including a pageant of the town's history, a statue although the subject continues to be a matter of controversy and a street party for children.
  • But after a couple years of fielding calls from reporters at 3 a.m. about the latest suicide or inmate disturbance on Rikers Island, and reluctantly concluding that an assistant commissionership for public affairs wasn ' t in the cards, I cleaned out my desk, collected my back pay and wrote a piece " on spec " for the Village Voice about a subject I knew well — the Rikers Island Christmas Pageant. SoHo
  • The crowd roared approval before departing content after another spectacular display of British pomp and pageantry. Times, Sunday Times
  • She added that the franchise license from the Miss World Pageant was especially difficult to obtain.
  • In 1576 actor James Burbage built London's first public theater, known simply as The Theatre, which was an open-air structure that combined features of pageant wagons, fixed stages, and banquet halls.
  • A Miss Congeniality Beauty Pageant will be held on 30 September at the Waterford Crystal Social Centre, Cork Road, from 8 till late.
  • He revisited again, in thought, the blooming grove of Capreæ, the pageantries of Cesarea, the green lanes of Buckingham, the luxurious Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine - Volume 62, No. 384, October 1847
  • She loved the pageantry and tradition of the Royal Family.
  • We enjoy the pomp and the pageantry around our monarchy. The Sun
  • Along with their other accessories, the warriors' elaborate dress suggests that they brought both wealth and pageantry to combat, which Donnan likens to medieval jousts.
  • Crowded around tables the size of Frisbees, people pose in a pageant of pretension.
  • Then cruise along with the river pageant and enjoy a light picnic lunch and riverside sights. The Sun
  • The spatial projection is quirky, nearly orthographic; the palette is pastel-ish and the atmosphere pageant-like. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Actually, Palin competed in two pageants and ran for office six times before McCain picked her. Kansas politics bleeds two shades of red
  • The brawl sparks a domino effect and the pageant descends into chaos. The Sun
  • Candy: Guess what. Vanessa just told me that she's in a pageant.
  • She reprints a cartoon that shows three women in bathing suits and sashes as if in a Miss America pageant.
  • The human pageant has been filled with wrong turns, backsliding, and horrible crimes.
  • All you have to remember in towns such as Chamula is that they are sensitive human beings who are not putting on a pageant for your benefit. Any Chiapas backroad driving experts?
  • And it wasn't only the pageant that drew oohs and aahs from the spectators.
  • The crowds at this year's Puck Fair seemed bigger than usual as locals mingled with tourists and returned emigrants for one of the oldest and most colourful pageants in the country.
  • Alongside its class snobbery and scurrilous hilarity this poem also argues that truth cannot reside in a periodical publication: "Truth," Peter declaims, "Lifts her fair head, and looks with brow sublime/On all the fading pageantries of time" (Works 271) and especially on a magazine full of puffery, interest, and sham learning. 'Manlius to Peter Pindar':Satire, Patriotism, and Masculinity in the 1790s
  • In 1959, she won the city's "Miss Subways" pageant, and all of the family's restaurants have since been decorated with posters and memorabilia from the Miss Subways contests. Saluting a Maker of Local Landmarks
  • And since we're talking about promoting a beauty pageant, aren't you curious about how these women see themselves?
  • America loves the royal family, partly because of the pomp and pageantry of the whole thing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Massed pipes and drums from 14 regiments accompanied the gun carriage bearing the Queen Mother from Westminster Hall to the Abbey in a moving spectacle of pomp and pageantry.
  • In real life, the sousaphonist is always some scrawny schmuck who only wanted to play concert tuba for the Christmas pageant so his parents would have pictures.
  • On Saturday, May 9, 2009 (raindate: Sunday, May 10), Earth Celebrations, in partnership with Manhattan Youth Downtown Community Center, launches its new Hudson River Pageant: to restore the Hudson River and address climate change in New York City. 2009, is also the 400th Anniversary of Henry Hudson's and Samuel de Champlain's, exploratory voyage in 1609, which will be featured as part of the pageant's celebration of the Hudson River's history.'s Exclusive New York City Event Calendar : Art
  • Funeral pageantry is especially important in Hamlet ‘as a sign of human order rescued from the jaws of chap-fallen death itself’.
  • It is a kind of living death; sitting in the auditorium and trying to affix your attention to the funereal pageant of dully unrewarding scenes and images is like having a kilo of wet cement injected into your skull.
  • For all the pieties that the press and television are merely objective observers of the political pageant, this is the moment when coverage decisions can affect the outcome.
  • Handsome production design and pretty faces even after being ‘broken’ by the secret police, some of the drama students remain fresh-faced with a tiny bloody streak and a grimace are the chief assets here, this is pageantry of the Hollywood kind if you go for that sort of thing. Row Three » Welcome Year of the Rat - Where Cinema is more than just $100 Million productions
  • Then cruise along with the river pageant and enjoy a light picnic lunch and riverside sights. The Sun
  • But the spectacle can cloy and a sadness lingers after the pageant has moved on as householders emerge with shovels and brooms to sweep away all trace of their work.
  • The side Kenkenes approached sloped sharply from the dromos toward the river, and the rearmost spectators had small opportunity to behold the pageant. The Yoke A Romance of the Days when the Lord Redeemed the Children of Israel from the Bondage of Egypt
  • Being in a beauty pageant has always appeared to be about good looks and I used to be a detractor but I've learnt that you need to back up the beauty with brains.
  • Wanamaker's was known for its stained-glass windows, elaborate store displays, and spectacles including organ concerts, pageants, and storybook characters in show windows.
  • The pomps of the religion, the pageantries of the court, and the munificence of the nobility, were never before characterised by so much grandeur and profusion. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine - Volume 62, No. 384, October 1847
  • And everyone knows that a funny woman who plays down her intelligence is less threatening than a woman who asserts her intelligence, at least in America where "bimbos" are still reigning national prom queens and the likes of Sarah Palin (who, let's face it, might not have gotten where she is if she didn't look like the former beauty pageant contestant she once was) appeals to so many precisely because she is not intellectual. Debra Ollivier: Funny, Filthy, and Smart: Sandra Tsing Loh Meets Sarah Silverman
  • The royalists will argue that the royal palaces, grounds and pageantry bring in millions of pounds in tourism and I will not argue with that.
  • Meanwhile the Olympic Torch, in another ludicrous piece of faux pageantry, is to be paraded across London next month, held aloft by a series of 'celebrities'. Archive 2008-03-23
  • The U.S. Army occasionally used Civil War battlefields for war games, and in the early twentieth century - the era of great historical pageants - battle re-enactments were common.
  • The ‘show’ was more illuminating than the most extravagant fireworks display; a pageant of craftsmanship and beauty.
  • The centerpiece of the 1954 Tostal was a historical pageant at Tara.
  • Before he could extricate himself, the runners preceding the pageant returning the great god to his shrine, beat the multitude back from the dromos and once again Kenkenes was imprisoned by the hosts. The Yoke A Romance of the Days when the Lord Redeemed the Children of Israel from the Bondage of Egypt
  • This could be for a television documentary about the town or for a town pageant.
  • A Siberian jail is the last place you would expect to find a beauty pageant. The Sun
  • There would have been nothing abnormal in the moral atmosphere of mediaevalism in some feast or pageant celebrating the fellowship of men who had the same patron saint. G.K. Speaks - The Family and The Feud
  • It is a land of supremely Graceful and refreshingly aromatic gum trees; a land of kaleidoscopic wild flower pageantry; of beautiful birds rich in plumage and song. Australia Looks Ahead
  • Then Zhang Yingying, the minister of technology part, made a good summary She reviewed the past and prospected the club's braw foreground, drew a satisfactory full stop for this pageant.
  • I miss the days of putting on Christmas plays and pageants for the masses who would huddle in gymnasiums or church pews just to see frightened little kids put on a show.
  • This was indeed a glorious display of pageantry and dignity.
  • These worlds collide with a beauty pageant. Times, Sunday Times
  • The journalist, Gemma Soames, seems to be arguing that the recent Miss University London beauty pageant is a microcosmic example of a change in the focus of feminist activism by cis women away from a ‘retro’ (and, by implication, outmoded and irrelevant) feminism: Ohz noez! Not *another* 2008 roundup…
  • In well-nigh every town one or more of these "gilds" were established, delighting the people with their quaint pageantry and elaborate ritual, and forming centres of light and culture throughout the land. History of Holland
  • A total of 4,000 people watched a rousing display of pageantry. The Sun
  • I wound up deducing that Sherlock Holmes may be the world's most famous autistic. rounds up a number of critics 'obeservations on the gynophobia pageant. some interesting data that suggests, contrary to what I'd have guessed, that lots of women watch the superbowl. Original Signal - Transmitting Buzz
  • Come, join us in the magic of the Pacific and the pageantry of its people.
  • There, pageants and performances could be presented against the authentic background of Clifford's Tower and the Castle Museum buildings.
  • You do pomp and pageantry better than anyone. The Sun
  • The pomp and pageantry seemed to affect our lads quite a bit and they appeared sluggish and nervous at the beginning of the game.
  • For this former ballerina and beauty pageant winner, diversity has been the key to success. Times, Sunday Times
  • Readers have brought in their own mementoes of previous days of pomp and pageantry.
  • Camp and king's antechamber and embassage and battle made the arsis and thesis of his poetry, and his poems are a picture of Edward III's age, accurate as if a king's pageant passing flung shadow in a stream along whose bank it marched. A Hero and Some Other Folks
  • These will include a river pageant of 1,000 boats sailing down the Thames. Times, Sunday Times
  • Boxing champion Mike Tyson was, of course, convicted in the 1992 rape of a beauty pageant contestant.
  • Candy: Guess what. Vanessa just told me that she's in a pageant.
  • Orly, an Israeli beauty pageant winner who goes by her first name, countersued.
  • Our pageant represented scenes from history.
  • I travel on the tube every day and there's an endless pageant of human experience down there; it's full of potential films.
  • In 1854, however, the unexpected but long-desired occurred: a truly unclothed woman on a horse crashed the pageant, creating pandemonium, and suspending the pageant for a full eight years.
  • The entertainment value of the pageant from the celebrity panel to the colourful performances of the contestants will be able to interest and excite people not only in the show but in the package itself.
  • He wooed her with expensive gifts and sponsored her through Chica Med, a second-rate beauty pageant organizers concede was viewed as a cattle market by gangsters looking for new girls.
  • The pageant device itself was made up of the representation of two hills or mountains, the one on the north side being "cragged, barreyn, and stonye; in whiche was erected one tree, artificiallye made, all withered and deadde ...".
  • Sir Henry Lee, however, appears to have devoted his life to these chivalrous pageantries rather from a quixotical imagination than with any serious views of ambition or interest. Memoirs of the Court of Queen Elizabeth
  • The first would be that there is nothing special about such a story - it is merely an interesting set of facts, part of life's rich pageant of happenings, and people might be interested in reading the story.
  • Church leaders have said services and the TV show will continue, though the annual Christmas pageant is in doubt. Crystal Cathedral's Cracks Show in Bankruptcy Filing
  • The film centers around twelve year-old Maxi, a swishy boy whose preferences for girlish clothes, romantic movies and Miss Universe pageant reenactments makes him a target for teasing in his ghetto neighborhood. 2009 June :
  • The King and Queen went down to lay the corner stone of the new King College in Rosebery, and going out of my office door with one of the European Ambassadors from a very important country, we stopped to look at the little pageant. Some Impressions of My Stay in England
  • although her popular image was contrived it served to inspire music and pageantry
  • The Military Pageant then re-formed and escorted the Princess back to Manchester Road Station for departure soon after 5pm.
  • Far away from the extreme of pageantry is real life. No. Just wrong. « Dating Jesus
  • British pageants are boring and I really wanted to win a big crown and sash. The Sun
  • The thieves marched almost in step, pleased with their plunder, unhurried, as if in a pageant.
  • This pageant is staged with horses and carriages and dozens of actors. Times, Sunday Times
  • The women she chose to focus on are indeed interesting characters, and the pageant is a strange event in what is, as the father of one of the girls calls it, basically a third world country. GreenCine Daily: Berlinale Dispatch. Miss Gulag.
  • The FIA Thoroughbred Grand Prix Championship is the ultimate nostalgic motor racing pageant.
  • A related influence on liturgical ceremonial was imperial court practice, contributing still more to the transformation of the Eucharistic liturgy from common meal to hieratic pageant.
  • After a 54-year absence, beauty contests are making a comeback in China now that the government has finally lifted its ban on such pageants.
  • In the 1990's, the Miss Brazil pageant changed its rules to allow plastic surgery, hair extensions and colored contact lenses.
  • Visitors who come to learn about a culture different from their own and RESPECTULLY observe and appreciate all of the color and pageantry are welcome to spend time in cemeteries to enjoy the beauty of the decorations and the delicious food of the season. Day of the Dead or El Dia de los Muertos in Oaxaca
  • She taught me all about the art of the pageant walk - and the perfect pout. The Sun
  • He will make over to the ignominy of ignorant and barbaric ages, -- 'for we call a nettle but a nettle,' he will turn into a forgotten pageant of the rude, early, instinctive ages, the yet brutal ages of an undeveloped humanity, that triumphant reception at home, of the Conqueror of Foreign States. The Philosophy of the Plays of Shakspere Unfolded
  • Anyone who participates in a pageant is agreeing to be judged (have their value determined!) on appearance, that's a basis of the competition! Shaming Miss California: Stop fighting homophobia with misogyny - Feministing
  • The highlight of their year is a pageant scripted by a poetaster whose outdated politics sentimentalize the indigenous culture. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Her mother, Bo, was a beauty pageant winner in Korea, and as you watch her daughter on the course you have a sense that she has inherited some of the same elegance and grace.
  • After the carnival pageantry of the State of the Union, Rod's dismal complacencies come across like the mutterings of a crank trapped in an elevator. Is this the person you want to be listening to a year from now?
  • Given name Nadine, nicknamed Pythagora, this triangle petaled lovely is proud of her lower petal that sets her apart from the crowd, not opting for the popular use of plastic surgery used by some contestants in other pageants. Viola Beauty Pageant 2009 « Fairegarden
  • Last year, the pageant producers in Johnson City, Texas, decided to be more historically precise.
  • The mere fact that both men had a keener-than-average sense of the pageant of history, of their own place in it, was a powerful bond.
  • Instead of being in an Oriental amphitheatre, he was standing in a rural lane; instead of tumult he found tranquillity; instead of regal pageantries an almost primitive simplicity. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine - Volume 62, No. 384, October 1847
  • Each day is a pageant of colour and costume, light and pattern, sound and smell.
  • Ms Elliot roomed with Ms Ma during the pageant and says the title couldn't have gone to a better person. Undefined
  • The play tears a strip off beauty pageants, satirizing their supermodel-thin take on what qualifies as beauty.
  • It is a beauty pageant in which contestants strut their stuff in skimpy outfits but wear masks to hide their face. Times, Sunday Times
  • The pomp and pageantry of the Queen's Speech guarantees a wonderful sense of occasion.
  • It's a grand pageant set in elaborate 17th century costumes of wigs, breeches, tights and ruffs.
  • With millions of Indians tuning in for live broadcasts of international competitions featuring their countrywomen, the pageant scene is an advertiser's dream.
  • For this former ballerina and beauty pageant winner, diversity has been the key to success. Times, Sunday Times
  • A drop in ratings and interest seems to coincide with pageant attempts to a more natural presentation.
  • Then, for one night, the seamstresses turn into princesses for a unique beauty pageant.
  • As well as illuminating the subtle stylistic differences of these writers, Bergeron perceptively locates correspondences between the civic pageantry and other areas of the authors' canons, particularly the drama.
  • Prejean, whom Somerby unchivalrously describes as "an insignificant 21-year-old," competed as Miss California in the Miss USA beauty pageant. In Defense of Keith Olbermann
  • To tremendous cheers and the clangour of bells they rode in on one horse, with Margaret riding pillion behind the King, escorted by two hundred knights and pausing to witness numerous pageants.
  • But, unbelievably, there is a downside to all the harrumphing pomp and pageantry.
  • But above all, that of the triumph, amongst the Romans, was not pageants or gaudery, but one of the wisest and noblest institutions, that ever was. The Essays
  • The Miss World pageant is an international beauty pageant founded in the United Kingdom by Eric Morley in 1951.
  • A small crowd had gathered and applauded as each contestant arrived for the beginning of the week-long beauty pageant.
  • Americans are suckers for pageantry and the media was happy to show shots of him surveying a row of busbies or chatting with the Queen.
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  • The festivities climax tomorrow in a royal state procession and a colourful pageant of music, dance and theatre.
  • The pageantry was the point of attention, her developing musicality merely a small float in the middle of a wild parade. Buried Alive, The Biography of Janis Joplin
  • It's not just about the fact that if we clearly cannot agree on what feminism is, how can we even go about agreeing on what post-feminism is, but that the very term negates both the activism and identity of those who regard feminism as a work in progress, not just something to be studied in the history books with the requisite buzzphrase "bra burning," sans explanation about its origins in a single protest at the 1968 Miss America Pageant Freedom Trash Can bonfire. The Full Feed from
  • `It's only part time ," Shaerl said in the carefully modulated voice of a beauty pageant contestant. SORT OF RICH
  • He uses the money to enter Lisa in a beauty pageant sponsored by a tobacco company, where, through a technicality, she wins.
  • The 90 minute video features music, song, dance and pageantry as well as the opening ceremony itself.
  • You do pomp and pageantry better than anyone. The Sun
  • As winter quarters for the King's Men it was ideal, but as an intimate theatre for a more select and sophisticated audience it required a different style of play, closer to the masques and pageants in which the court delighted.
  • The ceremony and pageantry of the last week was not simply a way of saying goodbye to a much-loved person.
  • My mother was kind of artsy-fartsy—read poetry, put on all the Christmas pageants, was extremely well read. The Very Model of Their Kind
  • Unlike a traditional beauty pageant the contest is a talent showcase.
  • It was a pageant of colour, in the midst of which the woman on trial, in her careful toilette, consisting of a black stammel gown, a cypress chaperon or black crêpe hood in the French fashion, relieved by touches of white in the cuffs and ruff of cobweb lawn, struck a funereal note. She Stands Accused
  • An annual beauty pageant is also held, as well as various health and HIV/AIDS seminars. The Hijras « bollywoods most wanted photographerno1
  • And on that note, don't write about world peace or what you want to do about the AIDS virus; this isn't a Miss Teen USA or beauty pageant.
  • This pageant is staged with horses and carriages and dozens of actors. Times, Sunday Times
  • A pageant is held at the nearest weekend, together with a fête and associated events, and the wedding is re-enacted by children.
  • A length of shimmering silver lamé was delivered by the harried pageant coordinator himself.
  • When the co-ordinators at the Miss World Canada pageant called her to tell her she was their pick, she was ecstatic and surprised.
  • This year the British public were caught up in the pageantry of the royal wedding and the tragedy of celebrity deaths. Times, Sunday Times
  • On Monday, May 11, co-directors of the Miss California USA pageant, Miss USA 1995 Shanna Moakler and Keith Lewis, will announce whether she should keep her crown due to possible breach of contract violations, which forbids her from being “photographed in a state of partial or total nudity.” Miss California Carrie Prejean Tell-All Book “Still Standing” Nov. 2009
  • She is a life member of the local Veterans of Foreign Wars, Toastmaster, and even a judge for the Miss Texas / Miss Abilene Beauty Pageant.
  • In this case, Obama wisely chose not to let facts speak for themselves (as they clearly had not done two months earlier when McCain succeeded in spinning a stunningly successful Obama tour of Europe and the Middle East into a beauty pageant allegedly bespeaking Obama's narcissism, empty celebrity, and appeal to foreigners). Drew Westen: Lessons Learned from the Election of 2008: Looking Back and Looking Forward
  • The sense of occasion and history was also made more poignant by the pageantry that accompanied it.
  • We enjoy the pomp and the pageantry around our monarchy. The Sun
  • In Morningside, by comparison, there are a blithe number of 80-year-olds for whom the next decade promises a rich pageant of Saga tours and constant cruises.
  • After entering and winning a Florida beauty pageant, Constance was encouraged to try to pursue a career in acting.
  • More than 1,100 soldiers will take part in the colourful annual display of pomp and pageantry. Times, Sunday Times
  • Such automotive beauty pageants, known by the French name concours d'elegance, started during the years between World Wars. Wired Top Stories
  • Champagne and cassis is always welcome but all the more so when the Albert Memorial is a stone's throw away reminding one that life's rich pageant is fleeting and all the better to spend what there is in good company.
  • The function of poetry and the arts is to remind us that the greenroom is the greyest of illusions, and the reality is the drama presented before us, all its paint and tinsel, masks and pageantry, made one in art. Creative Unity
  • the bright pageantry of court
  • Another instance of fractal self-similarity: pomps are pageantries, but 'of mist' maps them onto themselves with a ratio of slightly more than one. _Queen Mab_ as Topological Repertoire
  • His own faith came from sunnier lands, and his romerías recall, rather, the splendid church pageants of Seville, Montserrat, and Loreto, or the autumn pilgrimage to Montevergine when Naples spills its vivid multitudes in murmuring thousands across the corn fields of Campania. Pilgrimage with La Virgen de Zapopan from "A House in the Sun" by Dane Chandos
  • Our youngest son is taking part in the school pageant.
  • The Eucharist in particular was transformed from a celebration whose origins in a shared meal were still recognizable into a hieratic pageant at which the laity were increasingly spectators rather than active participants.
  • The author 's attachment to a sweeping theme like the democracy-capitalism clash is understandable: It' s the sort of duel that Will and Ariel Durant and other producers of pageant-style history have featured to unify their multivolume works. An Age of Creative Destruction
  • They were expected to attend the urban celebrations of the great festivals and took part in the pageantry and the festivities.
  • She loved the pageantry and tradition of the Royal Family.
  • Blocking of major city roads during peak hours and uninhibited use of loud speakers and other accessories for the pageants have raised a hue and cry among the public.
  • GUESS who won't be rocking up to the jubilee pageant today? Times, Sunday Times
  • The first play they mounted was for Alan and his family - to celebrate the completion of the pageant.
  • It's like a beauty pageant where everyone has either a monobrow or two noses. Times, Sunday Times
  • There would be rhubarb pie and buttermilk, flags flying and youngsters scampering, a parade, a pageant, and fireworks to light up the night sky.
  • Colorful, showy display; pageantry or pomp.
  • Next we learned our runway walk with Mr. Vy, a professional pageant coach.
  • a gallant pageant
  • The term tattoo now refers to a military pageant, often held at night.
  • The human pageant is richer still. The Times Literary Supplement
  • AP Interview: New Miss Universe says title an unlikely achievement after early setback Miss Universe says crown fulfills improbable goalNASSAU, Bahamas - The 2009 Miss Universe says her title fulfills a lifelong dream - and an improbable one for a girl who finished last in one of her first beauty pageants. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • Hair unbound, women bedecked in shmattes of white tulle waft aimlessly around a stage hung with school-pageant clouds.
  • They struggled to stay composed amid the pomp and pageantry. The Sun
  • Added this year was the Miss Muscle Beach Beauty Pageant.
  • Success-even getting better-is made really important and a cause for celebration with noise and pageantry.
  • They struggled to stay composed amid the pomp and pageantry. The Sun

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