How To Use Paddlewheel In A Sentence
At one time, over 300 paddlewheel steamboats plied the Delta.
The river steamboats are designed in 19th century format with stylish furnishings - an impressive mirrored and brass staircase and a lounge with a two-storied glass rear wall for a glimpse of the giant paddlewheel.
Great Lakes started off with a floating awards banquet, as guests boarded a paddlewheel steamer for dinner and a cruise on the Illinois River.
The dropping weights, connected to the paddlewheel by the cord through pulleys, caused the paddles to churn the water - like an old-fashioned ice cream maker stirring its custard.
Now the steamboat is a paddlewheel-sporting boutique hotel permanently moored at Coolidge Park Landing in downtown Chattanooga, Tenn.
Anchored, Away

The 436-passenger paddlewheel steamboat returns to the river in a January 18 departure from its home port of New Orleans.
One type are called sunburst beads, but are also known as paddlewheel beads, snowflake beads, or starburst beads.
To provide oxygen, water is slowly moved through the sock with tractor-powered or electric paddlewheel aerators.
He broke into air 2 meters (6.5 feet) abaft of the sheltered interior of the starboard paddlewheel.
Every fixture, every detail of the paddlewheels appeared to have been caught in wood and tin by the modeller.