How To Use Paddlefish In A Sentence

  • American paddlefish are predators of zooplankton and prey to other fishes, birds, and humans.
  • The paper, "An autopodial-like pattern of Hox expression in the fins of a basal actinopterygian fish," shows that the genetic and developmental toolkit that builds limbs with fingers and toes was around long before the acquisition of limbs, according to the scientists, and that this toolkit exists in some primitive form in a living primitive bony fish, the paddlefish. Ancestral Expression Patterns
  • The Chinese paddlefish (Psephurus gladius) is found in the Yangtze River and has a cone-shaped snout rather than the long, paddle-like snout (known as a rostrum) of the North American paddlefish. Archive 2007-01-01
  • Paddlefish are broadcast spawners whereby multiple males swim near and release milt onto the eggs liberated by a female.
  • Within the Chondrostei, only sturgeons, bichirs and paddlefishes survive today, and many are threatened.
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  • The tail fin of most ray-finned fish, with the exception of sturgeons and paddlefish, is homocercal, nearly symmetrical about the midline.
  • All palaeoniscoids were extinct by the end of the Mesozoic, leaving only a few distant, primitive relatives alive today - the sturgeons, paddlefish, and bichirs.
  • Wildlife experts like Henley and Habel are more concerned about harvests of wild fish like paddlefish than of trout, which is being grown in aquaculture facilities.
  • Caught primarily for their unfertilized eggs, which are processed to yield caviar, sturgeons and paddlefishes are particularly vulnerable to overfishing.
  • The tail fin of most ray-finned fish, with the exception of sturgeons and paddlefish, is homocercal, nearly symmetrical about the midline.
  • Since sturgeons and paddlefish have lost many traits of most bony fish - they lack scales and have a cartilaginous skeleton - their fossil records are very sparse.
  • Paddlefish are bony fish related to the Sturgeon.
  • But only Russian mafiosi can get hold of opulent, charcoal-grey, mild and civilized Beluga eggs nowadays. for the rest of us, paddlefish may look like a tarry smear, but in a blind tasting, they make many folks think they are eating sevruga, a prized Caspian sturgeon variety with small eggs and a buttery flavor. Like a Sturgeon
  • In 1998, beluga and all other previously unlisted sturgeons and paddlefish were included in CITES Appendix II.
  • That was before the Ghezouba Dam was built on the Yangtze River in the early 1980s, cutting off the sturgeon's migratory path, just as it did for the critically endangered Chinese paddlefish .
  • Also, being closely related to sturgeons (family Acipenseridae), American paddlefish produce highly coveted roe, or caviar.
  • Within bony fishes, non-neopterygians (bichirs, paddlefish, and sturgeons) have relatively smaller brains than those in the vast majority of teleosts.
  • Paddlefish are not closely related to sharks, but they do share some common characteristics including a skeleton primarily composed of cartilage, and a deeply forked, abbreviate heterocercal tail fin (the top fin lobe is slightly larger than the lower fin lobe). Archive 2007-01-01
  • American paddlefish are mainly freshwater fish but can survive in brackish water.
  • In 1998, beluga and all other previously unlisted sturgeons and paddlefish were included in CITES Appendix II.
  • The tail fin of most ray-finned fish, with the exception of sturgeons and paddlefish, is homocercal, nearly symmetrical about the midline.
  • A three-year quest to find the giant Chinese paddlefish in the Yangtze river failed to sight or catch a single individual.
  • Since sturgeons and paddlefish have lost many traits of most bony fish - they lack scales and have a cartilaginous skeleton - their fossil records are very sparse.
  • Since sturgeons and paddlefish have lost many traits of most bony fish - they lack scales and have a cartilaginous skeleton - their fossil records are very sparse.
  • Now another denizen, the Chinese paddlefish, Psephurus gladius — which measures up to 20 feet long and decades ago was commonly seen leaping above the waters — appears to be on the verge of extinction, if not already gone forever. A Paddlefish Warning, from China
  • Within the Chondrostei, only sturgeons, bichirs and paddlefishes survive today, and many are threatened.
  • Tasting Kentucky paddlefish roe that could pass for sevruga caviar. Like a Sturgeon

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