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How To Use Packed In A Sentence

  • The clergyman and his son pricked up their ears at this, photography being with them only a degree less absorbing a pastime than that of walking; Ron awoke suddenly to the remembrance that his half-plate camera had never been unpacked since his arrival; and the three vied with each other in asking questions about the proposed excursion, and in urging that a date should be fixed. Big Game A Story for Girls
  • Three hours packed with a quick-fire century, a couple of bouncers, two-thirds of a hat-trick, a dropped catch, several bowled wickets and innumerable fours and sixers.
  • Packed with the same computing power as some laptops, wearables are still too expensive for average consumers.
  • But her own life was often stranger than any action-packed fiction plot.
  • It came packed not in peanuts, but covered in spray foam insulation. My Night Stand Came Packed In Spray Foam Insulation - The Consumerist
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  • Mary has packed her boyfriend in.
  • The closely-packed _mitraille_ tore the icy crust into powder, fifty yards beyond the doomed bird, which settled, throbbing with a mortal tremor, upon the ice, shot through the head. Adrift in the Ice-Fields
  • As with all Dizzy games, Crystal Kingdom is jam-packed with perplexing puzzles to solve.
  • I waved as I put-putted past each packed bus stop.
  • Instead of buying pre-packed munchies, involve the kids in making their snacks from scratch. The Sun
  • Some game bird breeders even debeak the birds or attach "peepers" or googles to their eyes to keep them attacking each other in the packed pens. (see: caged hen egg operations.) Is your state breeding birds for Dick Cheney style hunting like Illinois?
  • When standing on the dancefloor, I could have been in any typical club around Leicester Square or Piccadilly Circus… plenty of drunks, try-hards, sleazes, idiots, and easy girls all packed in.
  • To broaden mass appeal, the shelf-stable milk, packed in 32-oz. cartons, will be merchandised in refrigerated sections.
  • I packed and did laundry and stewed and fussed and worried until 1 a.m. but I think we're back on track.
  • The station is so sprawling and packed with vehicles that it took longer than usual for Discovery to be tightly cinched down. Discovery arrives at space station
  • The crowd filled, the floor became packed, as a new group of yellow-clad musicians came out---high in an alcove---bearing enormous drums. The Full Feed from
  • All combined to create a feast of entertainment for the packed audiences who attended over both nights.
  • The motor packed up.
  • The packed cell volume is determined by centrifuging the specimen in capillary tubes and measuring the height of the red cell column.
  • It can't: it is crammed with lovers packed in tight, the details smashed flat, extraneous facts shorn away to save space, mangled and compressed to the point of incomprehensibility and all beyond counting or collating.
  • A day out there is jam-packed with awesome things to see and do. The Sun
  • We saw long tailed ducks - thousands of them, packed together in rafts hundreds of metres long.
  • Kids will love this action-packed adventure movie.
  • There is no floral chintz, no shelves packed with knick-knacks; there's no ornate wrought iron, no statuary, no bookshelves.
  • At sharp five o'clock th 'rivolution begun. Th' sthreets was dinsely packed with busy journalists, polis, sojers, an 'fash'nably dhressed ladies who come down fr'm th' Chang's All Easy in motocycles. Mr. Dooley: In the Hearts of His Countrymen
  • We've packed the kids off for the weekend.
  • The front garden slopes away from the house, with the incline packed with an interesting array of shrubbery and tall flowers - white flowering eucryphia and myrtle blend with statuesque hoheriay and elegant miscanthus grasses.
  • Here you can also subscribe to Musings - a free bimonthly marketing newsletter packed with articles, tips and resources.
  • Fronted by Alan Donohoe, they specialise in creating angular working class anthems that are packed with sharp, edgy guitars and socially relevant lyrics.
  • A terrorist bomb ripped through the town's packed shopping centre.
  • But this was no town centre pub packed with lager louts. The Sun
  • For the past six weeks tens of thousands of people have packed into stadiums and arenas to be in the presence of Madonna. Times, Sunday Times
  • Power Computing was packed with show-goers curious to see the new, low-cost, high-performance Mac clones.
  • We were still trying to figure out what the densely packed stream of trinary data meant. 365 tomorrows » Codename Winter : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • First the candy: Known as Mozart Kugeln, packed in a delightful red tin with tiny portraitures of the composer, these are deluxe confections exquisitely filled with marzipan, made from "fresh green pistachios, almonds and rich hazelnut-nougat, enrobed with delicious milk and bitter chocolates. Rozanne Gold: Tastes of the Week
  • Values of packed cell count, haemoglobin, urea, glucose, creatinine, and electrolytes were obtained at admission.
  • Crunchy goodies such as peanuts, almonds and sunflower seeds are packed with amino acids.
  • It was a bit of a comedown in that we had to pack up everything and then spend 48 hours homeless - living in other people's spare rooms, our car packed to the gunnels with all our worldly possessions.
  • He had packed for camping trips and other short excursions before, but he didn't know how long he would have to stay out of town.
  • Though the small room was jam-packed that evening, it proved to be a very intimate setting for a jazz trio concert.
  • The building is packed with people busily engaged in conversation.
  • Man-Made is a lazy, hazy exercise in unadorned songcraft, packed with melodies that insinuate themselves with sweet simplicity.
  • It was sub-Post Office, supermarket, hardware store, clothes shop, newsagent's and chemist's packed into one room.
  • Your love life may be unusually action-packed, from surprise reunions to secret plans for a first or second honeymoon. The Sun
  • Bleachers surround the court, and the park is packed for every game.
  • Beard is shown restored mosaics and frescoes, and taken inside store rooms packed with artefacts. Times, Sunday Times
  • They have made six shimmering albums packed with arch observations, yet their world remains small, their vision unique.
  • More than 100 people packed a lecture theatre at the Steam Museum to hear the MPs underline their commitment to the war and listen to the views of their constituents.
  • But we maun a 'live the day, and have our dinner; and there's Vich lan Vohr has packed his dorlach, and Mr. Waverley's wearied wi' majoring yonder afore the muckle pier-glass; and that grey auld stoor carle, the Baron o 'Bradwardine that shot young Waverley
  • We packed a lot of sightseeing into our weekend in New York.
  • She's packed the anniversary show with comedic bloopers, behind-the-scenes secrets and a gab session with Saturday Night Live cutup Seth Meyers. Martha Stewart Celebrates a Marvelous Milestone
  • In the packed public gallery, Mrs Humes's family, who had glared with unrelenting hatred at him during the hearing, were in tears.
  • Mosaic warts occur as collections of small, discrete and densely packed individual warts.
  • I think we've packed everything but the kitchen sink!
  • They paused a while to let a fleet of barges, packed with city dignitaries, sweep by as stately as swans.
  • Thanks to gritty, believable and packed graphics, the game is totally immersive. Times, Sunday Times
  • Later wool was packed in small bales of 45 kg and the plane was able to carry four or five per flight.
  • Affected infants have suppression of erythropoiesis with extremely low reticulocytes despite a low packed cell volume and normal erythropoietin values.
  • A trend that is evident in the table is that viruses that infect bacteria are more tightly packed than the viruses that infect eukaryotic cells.
  • More than 5000 people enjoyed the warm spring sunshine during the festival's most action-packed day.
  • The mill was packed with football shirts, fabrics and yarns ready to be sent across the world.
  • The computer this is being typed on will presently be packed into its shipping box, stuck in a truck for several days, and then a garage for a month.
  • Having performed a healing miracle, she is packed off to a remote convent.
  • You've barely unpacked your holiday suitcase. Times, Sunday Times
  • Electron micrographs revealed that the sheets and filaments were composed of densely packed colloidal rods of twinned witherite crystals interspersed and coated with silica.
  • There are five information-packed little sections on roulette.
  • From what you can see, the interior is densely packed with a bewildering array of molecules in all shapes and sizes.
  • His speech packed quite a punch.
  • The thermopile used a stack of tightly packed metal plates to amplify the photoelectric signal.
  • Fans had packed the stadium car park on Monday morning for one last version of that pre-game ritual of "tailgating" - barbecuing and picnicing from their cars. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • It is true that had I packed all my belongings in one huge box the same company would have conveyed them to the steamer for one and eightpence, which is the regular charge per package. America To-day, Observations and Reflections
  • Packed with feelgood pop, this is another sure-fire hit. The Sun
  • It is food in pre-packed containers from supermarkets. Times, Sunday Times
  • The show is packed with texts, documents, photos and archives. Times, Sunday Times
  • Myth and Manpower" at the jewel-box sized Craft and Folk Art Museum packed in a show that takes artwork from California fruit label boxes and marketing and juxtaposes them with artwork cultivated for use as protest posters for United Farm Workers. Wyatt Closs: Worker Worthy Standouts: Part 5 - Art & Books
  • Blooms appeared in long clusters of densely packed white flowers.
  • Are the starch grains tightly packed, or open and fluffy? Times, Sunday Times
  • American music filled the room and the dance floor was packed with merrymakers.
  • Open incisions are packed with sterile, saline-soaked laparotomy sponges and then covered with sterile drapes.
  • To bring about the first of these reactions rapidly, a catalyzer is employed, and the process is carried out in the following way: Large iron tubes are packed with some porous material, such as calcium and magnesium sulphates, which contains a suitable catalytic substance scattered through it. An Elementary Study of Chemistry
  • She'd packed beef sandwiches for lunch, tomato sandwiches for tea and she put them in a haversack which I carried.
  • You have plenty to do tonight. You have to get packed and such. Please, let me.
  • The project naturally developed into collecting not only videos, but also original recordings and remixes into two double albums packed to the hilt with gems.
  • One group unpacked a sumptuous meal of steaming lasagna and other gourmet delights, along with the requisite bottle of vintage wine.
  • Many commuters are forced to stand, tightly packed in, like sardines.
  • The monochrome weekly magazine of my youth was mouthy, pretentious, political and packed with occult knowledge. Times, Sunday Times
  • The gun that came out of Devel as a Basic Combat Conversion, shortened and electroless nickeled, looked like it grew that size, but still packed a punch.
  • Managed by Seamus Cox from Aghamore, the band travelled the length and breath of the country playing to packed halls and marquees.
  • Since my first outing with a group called the Tahoe Trekkers, I've hiked in Patagonia, snowshoed in British Columbia, trekked in Nepal and backpacked my way up Mount Whitney.
  • They were due to board boats made available by the Circle Line, whose vessels normally circumnavigate Manhattan island packed with tourists.
  • He summoned the police, the van turned out to be packed full of a terrorist's explosives, and the bombs were defused.
  • (b) From packing and crating facility to quarters, when a portion of the property, after being packed and crated, is to be joined with the remainder of the property. EXECUTIVE ORDER 10053
  • The packed lunches were found to be high in fat because of crisps, chocolate bars, biscuits and the amount of butter and margarine used.
  • Our range of interlinings are not only super-soft, they're also packed with other properties to make the wearer feel more comfortable.
  • Every bus arrives and leaves packed as fully as a sardine tin.
  • The biggest rescue was from a packed wooden fishing boat. Times, Sunday Times
  • Kyou with short hair at the end looks the same ... chiaki: Kyou with short hair is fine too. but yeah i still prefer her long hair~ XD i wish they didnt packed this ... Anime Nano!
  • If your Xbox 360 avatar appears unfulfilled despite a virtual closet packed with game-related paraph ... *Shacknews* Games
  • The accident took place just after noon as the beach was packed with families enjoying the heatwave. The Sun
  • Willie Gibson's shot deflected and bobbled through the packed penalty box, leaving Hinds with a simple finish at the far post.
  • They "rustled" and "cached" and "packed" things without even stopping to think, and _r's_ were unmistakably creeping into Priscilla's strictly Bostonian speech. Virginia of Elk Creek Valley
  • At the camp at Kokinia, outside Athens, 'lorries were being hurriedly packed, stores and equipment were flung about anyhow, officers' valises and suitcases were lying open with their contents scattered around as if the owners had made a hasty choice of their more valuable belongings at the last moment.
  • Children will need to bring their football kit and a packed lunch.
  • Yet hundreds have to stand outside the packed hall for big speeches, while we journalists slide straight in to special reserved seats. Times, Sunday Times
  • We unpacked them very carefully and pulled them to pieces and scattered the straw about. The Treasure Seekers
  • Anne Packer packed a punch with Baked Beans.
  • It is the first systematic account of the history of English public law and is no dry dusty musing but packed with forensic and creative writing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Most kids feel their lunch box isn't quite packed unless there are chips aboard - not the healthiest food around.
  • Then they pumped a handle on the press that squeezed the water out of the cylinder and formed tightly-packed disks.
  • The book is packed with stimulating philosophical (and depressingly prophetic) allusion within the author's own field, but ends up as a bit of a rigmarole.
  • I packed a small suitcase, throwing my clothes inside it without any manner of care.
  • But so did much of what had been packed into that massive trunk.
  • It is also likely to be packed, probably with former dissident exiles.
  • A very annoying match - up, packed with plenty of harassment and deception.
  • Plus, before I packed them, I gave them a good dousing of Emeraude cologne so they'd smell extra flowery.
  • With 650 pages packed with dense text, this is obviously designed for the Christmas market.
  • There was a warm breeze and she found all her luggage packed and ready to go.
  • In front of a packed courtroom he announced that he had decided against execution and sentenced the defendants instead to life imprisonment.
  • To establish the hazard analysis critical control point ( HACCP ) system for the production of packed meal.
  • The outfits for each show arrive packed in plastic and are usually arranged in chronological order on the rails.
  • Below, a tightly-packed steel chamber, dark but for a few naked bulbs, was filled with squat metal ten-gallon drums.
  • The top half of the "most fuel-efficient cars" list is packed with hybrids.
  • This wicker hamper is packed with delicious goodies and costs £64.92, inclusive of nationwide delivery.
  • But unbeknown to his family, he had packed extra items in his work bag including socks, a pair of trainers and some hair gel.
  • My primer also absorbs excess oil and is packed with calming ingredients like chamomile, which is a rock star ingredient in the winter since it reduced redness that can be a result of harsh winds. Napoleon Perdis: Ace Your Base: Tips to Winter-Proof Your Skin
  • In places it is punctured by bollards and peeled back to form benches, revealing glazed voids packed with multi-coloured fluorescent tubes that scintillate seductively with kaleidoscopic light.
  • The organic, botanical range is packed with vital vitamins and powerful antioxidants. The Sun
  • Halfway up the hill , the engine packed up.
  • He entertained a packed audience at Ilkley Playhouse this week with his routine of hilarious, if not entirely printable, series of anecdotes and stories of English football in the 1950s and 60s.
  • I understand all the hospitals and clinics were jam-packed for a day or 2 when the frightening news came out, but that was very temporary. Have the economy and swine flu affected you?
  • But when the gas central heating packed in, insurers dropped a bombshell.
  • She packed all kinds of clothes to cope with the vagaries of the English weather.
  • i also still feel the fins on my feet. they were also too tight. the freakin 'wetsuit's also giving me a slight rash. but nothing serious. have not packed of course. will do tomorrow. getting wei leong's windbreaker for the trip. he has very generously took my HINT and lend me the windbreaker. Overthefence Diary Entry
  • It is a weekday afternoon, but the pub near the Oval cricket ground is packed. Times, Sunday Times
  • Calamity Jane is an action-packed, rip-roaring roller coaster of a show with one of the most witty and memorable musical scores.
  • You've registered, unpacked, and turned off your cell phone.
  • If visitors wish to get cheap packed lunches, they should shop at a local minimarket. Times, Sunday Times
  • Then I recall that I forgot to bring it with me when I packed my bags in Boston.
  • The lives of fictional private detectives tend to be action-packed, dangerous and full of incident.
  • Some reports estimate that more than 850 compounds are packed inside the humble bean.
  • It is essentially a small cyclopedia Of ready rules and references packed full from coyer to cover of condensed, meaty information and precepts on almost every leading subject connected with country life. Crops and Methods for Soil Improvement
  • Although the grains of rice were just this side of undercooked, the sauce was packed with a rich, pungent flavour.
  • Our tents are filled with clothes, down jackets, sleeping bags, woollen gloves and socks, snow boots, and tonnes of packed cream - sun-block, moisturiser, lip balm and cleanser - as well as the routine climbing paraphernalia of ropes, crampons, harnesses, descendeurs and carabiners.
  • This action-packed tale shows it can be a right royal pain! The Sun
  • Shipman stared straight ahead as the foreman of the jury read out the verdict tothe packed courtroom.
  • They were packed in over 50 boxes that normally contained computer hard-drive cases.
  • It is a depopulated metropolis, with cheap rents and disused factories making for ample gallery space and throbbing, packed-to-thegills clubs. Times, Sunday Times
  • He used to have a seventh thrall, an ex-stripper named Ebony, but Eric packed her and her two kids up and sent them to live out at Orchard Lake with the werewolves, then released her from thralldom. Crossed
  • He then went at once and borrowed a waggon and twelve oxen, and during the night we packed the waggon three times, and took three loads across the Buffalo River to Degaza's kraal, which is on Natal ground, forty sacks of grain, 200 pounds in a box, with clothes and other things, also mats and skins, and four head of cattle and a horse. Cetywayo and his White Neighbours Remarks on Recent Events in Zululand, Natal, and the Transvaal
  • It came with a side dish packed with new potatoes, green beans and cauliflower cheese.
  • When I started to crawl along the packed gear with which the wagon was laden my mother said in a tired and querulous voice, "Can't you ever be still a minute, Jesse? Chapter 12
  • Arc lights and packed ballroom meant profuse sweating, not only for the four contenders for the grand silver bowl but everyone present there.
  • Both bands have the ability to write heart melting ballads and also manage to write gritty anthems packed full of aggression.
  • A large proportion of the crowd took shelter in the few tents provided on site, which then became impossible to use for their intended purpose due to the huge numbers packed inside.
  • The 40 page catalog is densely packed with images spanning the artist's career while texts by Mark Alice Durant and Spaid poetically interpret and analyze the work.
  • Yesterday's closing activities capped the end of a week-long, jammed-packed schedule of events.
  • Rumours a car ferry anchored at sea was about to leave saw a flotilla of packed boats surround it. The Sun
  • Buy none whose sell-by dates have expired, and try to select packages with the most distant selling dates but remember that in many states the retailer can redate “wholesome” meats that it has packed itself. HOME COMFORTS
  • In blazing sunshine, punters packed the Berkshire racecourse sipping champagne and treating themselves to portions of strawberries and cream.
  • We packed up and moved across the country, excited and nervous. Christianity Today
  • City were never expected to beat the highly-fancied Newcastle in 1911, which had a team packed with internationals.
  • She made a formal declaration that her Majesty, with the assistance of Madame Campan, had packed up all her jewelry some time before the departure; that she was certain of it, as she had found the diamonds, and the cotton which served to wrap them, scattered upon the sofa in the Queen's closet in the 'entresol'; and most assuredly she could only have seen these preparations in the interval between seven in the evening and seven in the morning. Court Memoirs of France Series — Complete
  • I have just purchased pre-packed beef silverside. Times, Sunday Times
  • The lunate microsporophylls and densely packed sporangia are consistent with the morphology of other noeggerathialean cones, such as Discinites Feistmanlel.
  • His wound had been depurated, packed, stitched, and dressed. The Body Ricardo
  • He expects me to sort out his son's school uniform and packed lunches too. The Sun
  • There were maybe 60 or 70 people there. At any rate, the room was packed.
  • They played to a packed crowd. The Sun
  • They can be grown in small pots, or be almost packed together in boxes or seed-pans; and when near perfection they may be shaken out and have the roots washed for glasses, ferneries, and small aquaria; or they can be replanted close together in sand, and covered with green moss. The Culture of Vegetables and Flowers From Seeds and Roots 16th Edition
  • Densely packed bookshelves can also act as backstops.
  • But both of those crowds could be dwarfed by an anticipated 9,000 gate at the Kassam Stadium, which would be United's best attendance since the play-off semi-final second leg against Exeter when 10,691 packed in - including a good-sized following from Devon. saddletramp, wantage says ... Undefined
  • Turtles are common, and the reef is packed with octopuses.
  • Both performances were sold out as parents packed the hall to see their children take centre stage.
  • The packed cell volume is determined by centrifuging the specimen in capillary tubes and measuring the height of the red cell column.
  • Add 1/8 teaspoon loosely packed saffron threads and 1 tablespoon slivered orange peel to vodka.
  • A packed audience listened to pleas from iO Theater owner and director Charna Halpern and others as they described how a strip of Clark Street, a mainstay for Cubs fans to barhop after ballgames, will dramatically change if the complex is built at Clark and Addison streets. -
  • A portion was packed in parfleche bags, to be taken to the winter lodge, or to be used for food on journeys. Buffalo Bird Woman's Garden
  • Casino Lisboa is small , tightly packed, loud and smoky.
  • She immediately sat down, unpacked her sleeping pallet and blankets and fell asleep.
  • The car park was absolutely packed solid with people.
  • Not surprisingly, the music is simply beautiful, filled with emotion-packed vocals, lush backing harmonies, and rich sonic textures.
  • The charity is even planning a portable gym that can be packed in a van and taken to village halls in the area.
  • Promotion would be a perfect end-of-season bonus for Lawrence after an action-packed season.
  • Delivery vans packed with bouquets also arrived to add to the floral carpet outside the church, on which adults and children alike also laid cuddly toys.
  • Its newly revamped UK street maps are packed with useful detail, and the driving directions are clear and easy to print. Times, Sunday Times
  • We'd barely unpacked the tree when a call came through and before I could blink, they were all armouring themselves up and heading out the door.
  • The wind has packed the snow against the garage door.
  • The nashi grow in tight clusters of 8-10 fruits, and each cluster needs to be carefully dismantled and the fruits clipped off one at a time, then carefully packed.
  • Have you packed/unpacked your suitcase yet?
  • An inky black liquid with a strong nose, the wine is packed with dense, concentrated fruit and silky smooth tannins.
  • Pupils of Wanborough Primary School packed their village church yesterday to carry on an age-old tradition.
  • So I packed my duffel bag. Christianity Today
  • Refined white flour is what's left after the nutrient-packed germ and bran are milled out of the wheat kernel.
  • This type of farriery brings the break-over point from which the horse pushes off to begin his stride farther back under the toe and helps provide load sharing through the back of the foot, as nature does, because the hoof is continually packed with dirt. The Last Chance Dog
  • Dark green leafy choices such as spinach and dark green and red lettuce are packed with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Times, Sunday Times
  • The town's cemetery is packed to overflowing, and unless families can pay the requisite sum for eternal entombment, bodies are evicted after five years.
  • Smaller items are packed into shipping containers for the trip back to Australia.
  • Would my partner and I be freed from the tyranny of having to rise early to provide a nutritious packed lunch for our daughter?
  • There are two dining rooms, both tightly packed, both with mottled greyish-green walls and bizarrely disposed lumps of varnished pine.
  • Beard is shown restored mosaics and frescoes, and taken inside store rooms packed with artefacts. Times, Sunday Times

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