How To Use Packed cell volume In A Sentence
The packed cell volume is determined by centrifuging the specimen in capillary tubes and measuring the height of the red cell column.
Affected infants have suppression of erythropoiesis with extremely low reticulocytes despite a low packed cell volume and normal erythropoietin values.
The packed cell volume is determined by centrifuging the specimen in capillary tubes and measuring the height of the red cell column.
Associations have been shown between low packed cell volume or red cell volume, or both, and the respiratory distress syndrome.
For those not requiring red cell transfusion there was no difference in packed cell volume between the groups at 1 month.
Associations have been shown between low packed cell volume or red cell volume, or both, and the respiratory distress syndrome.
Study children were visited at home at 18 months of age to collect finger prick blood samples for assessing packed cell volume and the presence of malaria parasitaemia and again at 23 months of age to assess their health.