How To Use Package store In A Sentence
The package store he hit was in Jackson Corner, not ten klicks from where we sit.
Our earliest evidence for the phrase package store, I am informed by Joanne Despres at Merriam-Webster, “is an entry in the 1918 Addenda to the New International Dictionary originally published in 1909, where it is labeled ‘cant, U.S.’”
The Right Word in the Right Place at the Right Time
The package store owners like them because they get a day off with people more or less still buying the same boose.
Three felonies a day?!
After all, when in college, I could study for an exam for an hour, breeze in and ace it, and still have enough time to stop by Ernie's package store and grab a half-gallon of Riunite Lambrusco before the next party got going.
May You Live in Interesting Times
There's a chipper old boozehound in knee-high tubesocks, chatting up the package store clerk.