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[ US /ˈpæsɪˌfɪzəm/ ]
[ UK /pˈæsɪfˌɪzəm/ ]
  1. the doctrine that all violence is unjustifiable
  2. the belief that all international disputes can be settled by arbitration

How To Use pacifism In A Sentence

  • They argue pacifism as an ideology is often too naive regardless of the reality.
  • Schreiber's "absolute" commitment to what he calls pacifism will not help him argue with those who hold an equally "absolute" commitment to, say, the virtues of "struggle. Tolerating Terrorism
  • Your track record is one of pacifism and peacenik activism.
  • When I have allowed more flourishing and dreamful prose like this to flow about pacifism people have derided my lapse by suggesting that I need to get up on a cross. Archive 2009-03-01
  • An advocate of universal love and non-aggression, Mozi was a trailblazer for pacifism and socialism in China.
  • There is not a trace left of the ideals it once propagated: pacifism, civil rights and protection of the environment.
  • In contrast to contemporary feminist anti-militarist pronouncements that the logical outcome of women's innate pacifism is abstention and objection to all wars, Parren presented a hybrid archetype which carefully fused the anti-militarism embodied in the 'Moral Mother' (although she at no point articulated it as such or used the term herself) and the strength and independence of the 'Just Warrior' into a unified personality. Arms and the Woman: Just Warriors and Greek Feminist Identity
  • He didn't hide his pacifism.
  • He will steer a middle course between pacifism and revolution.
  • He urged quietism, pacifism, and submission to civil government, exhorting his followers to live peaceably and unobtrusively in harmony with the community and the government.
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