How To Use Pacific yew In A Sentence
In this century these compounds have provided the basis of many common drugs including aspirin which comes from willow bark, and taxol, an ovarian cancer treatment, derived from the pacific yew.
Examples include taxol from the Pacific yew, curare from a group of South American shrubs, and aspirin, from the bark of willow trees.
The widely used anticancer drug was derived from the Pacific yew, a tree found in temperate rain forests.
Heralded as a breakthrough treatment for breast and ovarian cancer, taxol is found in the bark of the Pacific yew tree.
An extract of the bark of the Pacific yew known as taxol has been found to have cancer-fighting properties, particularly with ovarian cancer.
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After all, aspirin was originally derived from willow bark, and the anticancer chemotherapeutic agent Taxol was derived from the bark of the Pacific yew tree.
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